I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 55: Chapter 55

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When Dany was about to open the next wooden door, Big Black stretched his snake-like neck, opened his mouth to scream, and smoke rose from his teeth, urging her not to enter the Dreki state.

"What's the matter?" she asked him sideways.

But as soon as she turned around, Dany was shocked to find that the torches behind her were going out one by one, and the long corridor was like a noodle, being sucked into the mouth by a beast in the dark.


cursing, Dany ran wildly.

It seemed that she had run for more than an hour, before she finally came to the end of the corridor. In front of her was not a wall, but a dark bottomless Abyss.

There is no door on the right wall, Dany can only enter the last door on the left wall.

Just as she was about to step in, she suddenly froze.

My physical strength is not so good that I can run at high speed with a dragon on my back for hours?


Not to mention that she carries dozens of pounds, even a marathon runner can't run at full strength for half an hour.

The power of Magic? Or, has she  been trapped in an illusion?

But the Big Black behind her was real, and Dreki's perspective didn't find anything unusual…

Dany was confused.

"dong dong dong…"

Suddenly, there was a heavy footstep in the depths of the dark corridor where the torch was extinguished, as if something was dragging itself in a heavy pace, it walked slowly along the faded carpet.

"Sigh—" Big Black urged her to act again.

sighed, she entered the last door.

It was followed by a series of square stone chambers, four doors, to the right…

This time Dany finally felt exhausted, physically and mentally, and dizzy.

Square stone chamber, quartet stone chambers, quartet stone chambers…

Right, right, right…

No matter who it is, repeating the same scene and the same action over and over again, he will be dazzled and exhausted.

Just when Dany decided that at the next stone chamber she must sit down and recover, she came to a damp stone chamber…there was an oval door on the opposite side, like an open mouth, Grand Warlock Pyat stands on the grass outside the door in the shade of a tree.

"You finished talking to Undying Ones so soon?" he asked in disbelief when he saw her.

"I haven't seen anyone." Dany gasped.

"You must have gone the wrong way. Forget it, I'll lead the way for you." With that, he stepped into the stone chamber and extended his right hand to Dany.

Dany took a step back and said strangely: "What are you? It's almost the same."

"I'm Pyat Pree, are you confused?" His lips parted, puzzled.

"It's probably getting dark outside, I don't have the heart to talk to you, Demon." Dany entered the Dragon Dream state and rested for a few minutes, then walked towards the door on the right.

"No!" Pyat screamed, "No come here, come to me, come to me inside-"

His face collapsed inward, cracked. Large pale maggots crawled through the open flesh.

This time the room changed again, and Dany arrived at a stairwell so high that it's impossible to see the top.

She began to wonder if she had fallen into an illusion again.

The House of the Undying has no towers at all, and the house is very low. Where did the stairwell come from?

But now that she has entered the House of the Undying, she can only move forward, and there is no way to ask Pyat Pree, let alone retreat.

So she crawled and crawled, and when her back was sore and her legs hurt, she entered Dreki to rest for a while.

She didn't know how long it took, Dany finally came to a corridor with a row of wide wooden doors half open on the right.

The wooden door is made of ebony and Weirwood, and the black and white texture twists and turns to form a peculiar vortex pattern, which has a strange beauty.

"This..." Dany woke up suddenly.

Several scenes from the TV series flashed in her mind. Isn't this anti-spiral pattern the Magic symbol that White Walkers put up?

"Could it be the common glyph of a Sorcerer?" She gently stroked the nicks of the lines, her mind wandering.

Behind the door is a hall with a group of gorgeously dressed Sorcerers.

Some of them wore sumptuous robes of white mink, ruby-colored velvet, and gold cloth; some wore elaborate jewel-encrusted armor; some wore high-pointed hats studded with stars.

There are also female Sorcerers among them, and the clothes luxurious and gorgeous in design.

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Bounds of sunlight slanted into the stained glass windows, the most beautiful music in the world was playing in the hall, and even the air seemed to be lively because of it.

A man in Oriental robes who looked like a King stood up and smiled slightly at Dany, "Daenerys of House Targaryen, welcome, please come to the Eternal Feast, we are the Undying Ones of Qarth."

"We've been waiting for you for a long time," said the woman beside him.

She wore a rosé and silver dress, with a Qarth-bare side of her immaculately.

The king Sorcerer said: "We knew you would come, we knew it a thousand years ago, and we have waited until now. Comets are our guides."

A man wearing flashy bright emerald armor said: "We shall share our knowledge with you and teach you how to use Magic weapons. Come, come, you've passed all the tests, just rejoice with us and your questions will be answered."

A handsome youngster said with a smile, "Do you wish for me to teach you the mysterious Old Valyria incantation? Come, come."

Dany ignored them and entered the ebony and Weirwood wooden door, she looked left and right, and finally found another small door behind the wooden door.

Just to her right.

The tall wooden door completely blocks it, and the average person is most unlikely to find it, and will inevitably be tricked in the end.

Finding that narrow door, Dany remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, turned around, looked towards that room, Sorcerer, "Okay, you teach me incantation."

"Come here, I'll teach you when you come here." The handsome Warlock teacher from earlier beckoned.

"Ai, please paint your lips blue to make your skin paler, and then come back to disguise as the Undying Ones!" Without looking back, she walked in.

It was a narrow room, dimly lit and cramped, but with no doors on all four walls.

Although surprised, Dany guessed that she might have come to the final destination.

She turned her attention to the long stone table in the room, which almost filled the space here, with illusory blue silhouettes surrounding the table.

And above the middle of the table, there is a human heart suspended, rotten and swollen, bruised in color, but still beating, every beat emitting a deep vibrato, scattering a wave of dark blue light.

"I'm Daenerys of House Targaryen, are you the Undying Ones?" Dany asked the phantoms.

In her heart, she complained that these guys were so rotten that only the souls were left, and they even had the face to call themselves Undying Ones.

Perhaps the previous section of the road made her daring, and Dany had no fear at all at a haunted house party with a group of ghosts.

Originally the silhouettes were motionless, neither speaking nor turning to look at the intruder, but Dany tone barely fell, and a voice sounded intermittently in the room.

"…Mother of Dragons…Daughter of Death…Mother of Dragons…Slayer of Lies… Mother of Dragons…Bride of Fire…" It was like a whisper, like a groan, and there was a series of echoes in the darkness, "… Mother… Of… Dragons…"

Male voices, female voices, elderly voices, children's voices, as if a group of people greeted Dany through Hell.

The levitating heart continued to beat, sometimes shimmering, sometimes dark, and the rhythm increased slightly.

"It's me, I'm the Mother of Dragons."

The scene in the room changed, and the original light blue silhouette had other colors.

Well, it's like 3D printing the previous group of people in an instant.

By the dim blue light scattered from the decaying heart, Dany could see the two people on the outermost side of the long stone table. On the right was an extremely old man, and the oldest.

His face is full of folds and contiguous age spots, no hair, the blue flesh is tightly attached to the skull, the eyes are blue even the whites of the eyes, and the lips and nails are an even darker blueish black.

On the left is a Crone, as old as the old man, her pale silk robe rotted away from her body like a corpse dug out of a grave. Her shrunken breast can be seen on one side, still bare according to the custom of Qarth, showing a spiky dark blue outcrop, hard as raw cowhide.

Dany has clear comprehension, she is facing a bunch of dead people at this time, their physical bodies have been dead for several decades, hundreds of years, and that weird heart keeps their mutilated souls around.

Her thoughts seemed to be detected by the Undying Ones, and a thin gossamer voice said: "We…are...not dead…we have been…Alive…alive…alive…we are…waiting…we know everything…"

"What are you waiting for?" Dany asked cautiously.

"Waiting for you...we have everything...you don't know...Mother of Dragons...what do you want from the Undying Ones? ' said a low voice.

"What can you give me?" Dany asked rhetorically.

"We…know everything…the past, the future, all in front of us, and we have the wisdom to conquer death…"

Dany has a clear thought inexplicably, and Quaithe wants her to get a prophecy for the future from the Undying Ones.

But after watching the "Game of Thrones" Grand Finale, what's the value of prophecy?

Unless the ending has changed, because of her appearance.

But instead of a big watermelon, Dany wants more watermelon growing technology.

She prefers Magic techniques.

"I want to learn a Magic that suits myself, I want to learn Dragon Seeking in Old Valyria," she said.

"She wants to…learn…Old Valyria witchcraft…" the low voice mocked"…tell her…tell…she…she…"

Dany's alertness increased, but the others tone barely fell, and in the dark suddenly a cloud of indigo rose, and then countless images flashed before her…

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