I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 74: Chapter 74

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"Damn, there's no need for us to rob them, yet they are pirates and want to rob us!" Captain Groleo cursed loudly.

"How do you know it's a pirate ship?" Dany was puzzled, "Isn't there a skull flag for pirates?"

Yes, the pirates in this fantasy world also use the very popular skull and crossbones flag.

"The skull and crossbones are for wild pirates," Blackbeard shook his head gloomily. "If the Corsair King has a clan emblem, naturally there is no need for the popular skull and crossbones."

T.N(A Corsair King is a pirate leader.)

After he finished speaking, he no longer paid attention to Dany, and began to hurriedly yell for the sailors to line up.

Dany observed the ship carefully again for a while, except for an unusually conspicuous black sail, when it turned sideways, she saw "Silence" painted with black paint on the dark red hull.

"My God, Westeros!" Dany exclaimed, "How did someone from Westeros get to the Summer Sea and become pirates?"

It turns out that "Silence" is written in Common, and is the most popular language in non-Essos lands.

"Ser, do you know of "Silence"?" Dany turned her head and asked Jorah Mormont, who was looking out on tiptoe.

Well, except for the captain, first mate, and lookout, no one else had glasses.

"Silence?" Jorah looked puzzled, "It seems a bit familiar, but I don't know where I've heard of it."

"The ship is from Westeros, with a huge golden emblem painted on the sail, speaking of which is kind of like House Greyjoy's Kraken!" Dany explained.

"Seven Hells!" The Big Bear slapped his forehead sharply, yelled like he had seen a ghost: "Is the hull red?"

"Yes," Dany strangely said: "You're acquaintance?"

"Euron Greyjoy, the villain known as 'Crow's Eye'!" Jorah, gnashing his teeth, seeming to hate the person the name represented.

"But that .... well, even if it's a Kraken, it's the other way around. The Greyjoy Kraken is upside down, but the other is head up, and the tentacles are different." Dany wondered.

Don't think it's a trivial matter, a family emblem can't be sloppy, and a reverse direction is almost equal to two different family emblems.

Referring to the national flags of Earth's modern society, such as the flags of Russia, France, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Ordinary people not from there will be confused when they see them, but they are indeed different national flags with differences.

"It instead explains why Euron Greyjoy is here." Whitebeard Arstan looked surprised.

Ser Jorah also nodded and said: "He must have done something…to be banished from House Greyjoy by Lord Balon. The banished, often in shame, do not want to bring shame to the family, or jealousy, hence the family crest will be slightly modified, such as reversing the direction."

Dany glanced at the black bear on his chest, opened and closed her mouth several times, and wanted to ask: Are you correct? No shame, no jealousy at all? Why not let Big Bear think for a moment.

Big Bear Mormont wears a black wool sweater coat and brown leather armor. There is a big black bear on the chest of the leather armor. It stands up and roars with its mouth open, which is in perfect harmony with House Mormont's motto "here we stand".

According to the Westeros "it is known" tradition, if he is ashamed, he should learn from Euron and change his family emblem.

Dany's sight was also caught by Ser Jorah. He blushed and claimed, "I don't hate my family."

Whitebeard said coolly: "You aren't ashamed?"

Jorah was annoyed, "I serve the Queen, and I am honored! Besides, no matter what I do, I'm better than you, a man who does not even dare to show his family crest."

"You…" Whitebeard was angry, he wanted to refute, but he glanced at Dany and forcibly held back his words.

Only lords have a family crest.

Westeros lords are differentiate nobility Lords and landed knights

T.N(Landed knights are the lowest rank of the nobility: Knights who have been given a keep and grant of land to administer. They have their own peasants and men-at-arms, and may even take sworn swords.

Landed knights are sworn to fight for the lord who holds dominion over their land. While the wealthiest knights manage more land than the poorest lords, landed knights do not have the authority to deliver law and justice in their land. Rather, they must appeal to their liege lord.)

Ser Jorah Mormont has two identities, the ancestral Lord of Bear Island, and another as a Knight given to him by King Robert for quelling the Greyjoy rebellion 10 years ago.

Big Bear was going to be tried by Eddard Stark for selling slaves—Lord Eddard was to take Ice and behead him—he was afraid of death, gave up his Lord status, and exiled himself.

But the status given to him by King Robert was not stripped, because he escaped the trial, and Lord Eddard had no chance to strip him of the title given to him by the King.

So Dany and the others called him "Ser Jorah" or "Ser Mormont".

Dany and Jorah both know Whitebeard is hiding his identity.

His knowledge, experience and conversation are as good, if not better, as those of Ser Mormont. It is difficult for those who have not received the education of the orthodox nobles to possess the excellent characteristics he shows.

But Whitebeard was dressed in plain linen robes and carried a cane, never revealing his family crest or any other identification.

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Whitebeard also guessed that his identity was suspected, so he was speechless.

Well, when it comes to this, I have to sigh with emotion. As the descendant of the most orthodox Royal Family, Dany didn't get her family emblem out.

Moreover, she is theoretically "illiterate" and has not received formal aristocratic education.

"That Kraken ship is so fast, it's really chasing us!" The lookout exclaimed, breaking the silence among the few people on the bridge.

With a few coughs, Dany asked, "Why is Euron Greyjoy chasing us? Did we guess wrong, he also failed to explore the ruins of Valyria, and has suffered heavy losses and needs to rob us for supplies?"

"It's possible." Jorah glanced at Whitebeard and said thoughtfully, "We only saw "Silence" struggling in the Wall of Storms, maybe he's been lost in the storm and didn't enter the ruins, after all, even the dragon got lost."

"If we reveal our identities, will he let us leave?" Dany said strangely with a quirky smile.

Whitebeard was stunned before he reacted and asked, "Are you sure of winning? Greyjoy is not easy to deal with. The last time Lord Balon Greyjoy rebelled, Euron showed advanced cunning and was very ruthless, with Lannisport was almost beaten by him. If he is not sure of defeating our fleet, he will not rush to chase after."

"I have a dragon, we are no ordinary fleet." Dany said.

The old man looked up at the White Dragon and Green Dragon hovering in the sky, and said seriously: "He saw your dragon."

"Hahaha, you don't think I want to let the dragons burn his boat?" Dany laughed.

"I am their mother, and I cherish their lives more than anyone else. Young dragons can't resist even bows and arrows. If I really let the dragons fly over to the enemy ship and breathe fire, I would murder my child. "

Speaking of this, she ordered the Bloodrider next to her: "Call up all the Warriors in the cabin, bring bows and arrows and iron shields."

The Dothraki are afraid of the sea, if not necessary, they prefer to stay in the cabin, with horses for company.

"How do you think the opponent will plan their tactics?" she asked Blackbeard Groleo.

The old seaman frowned, as if he had encountered something incomprehensible, "Usually, pirates without a large fleet would not shoot at us. The three-to-one sea ships means that when he is boarding us, The other two ships can attack his mothership from the side and the rear.

We have more than 600 sailors in total, and the other side has only one narrow ship. Three hundred pirates is the limit, twice as much with a disadvantage in numbers, how could that Euron win?"

"Unless he has a killing move!" Whitebeard said solemnly.

Dany thought about it and asked, "What kind of person is Euron? Could he suddenly go crazy? By the way, why was he exiled?"

"The Islands of The Ironmen is more closed, Euron is not Lord Balon, very little attention is paid to him. I didn't even know he was banished, but I'm sure, he hadn't gone crazy, the man is cunning."

Whitebeard shaking his head, looking towards Jorah, "Perhaps Ser Mormont knows him better."

The Ironmen often raid the west coast of Westeros, especially the North, which is not protected by sea ships, and the people of Bear Island often fight with them disguised as pirates.

Mormont sighed, "I hope he's suddenly stupid, but… let's get ready for a fight."

As he spoke, he walked towards the cabin, he's going to change into full-body armor.

This fantasy world is not without gunpowder, but unfortunately the power is not large, it is just a prop for Pyromancer juggling, so, without cannons, naval battles are still dominated by boarding, supplemented by mutual shooting of bows and arrows, and armor will be safer.

Of course, the premise is not to fall into the watery depths.

In addition to Mormont, Dany's Dothraki and sailors also began to re-equip in a frenzy.

Dothraki all with dark red leather mirror armor, shiny red copper helmet, a small cooked copper round shield tied to the left wrist, an arakh at the waist, and a longbow in hand, looks of a regular army.

Unlike the uniformly dressed Dothraki, the sailors' armor were a mess, with rusted plate armor, ill-sized chainmail, worn leather armor, and some people held pot lids as shields…

Big Black broke into the storm at about 9am, came back at 11am, then the "Silence" started chasing the fleet around 12am, no more than 30km away, and only until 3:30 pm when the two sides began to enter fighting distance.

1 km.

Although this world has no artillery (the battleship artillery in the Armada period actually only had an effective range of three-four hundred meters), trebuchets and ballista were installed on the bow and stern decks.

What was thrown was not a stone, but a bag of oil-soaked cotton. The oil-soaked linen and cotton were wrapped into a "solid bullet" the size of a school bag, which was ignited and thrown out.

That thing is very difficult to hit the target with, it is mainly used to hit fixed targets, such as during a ship siege, or sneak attacks against the fleet in other people's ports…

"Saduleon" is a pure sea ship, with no weapons installed, but the rowing Summer Sun and Joso's Prank themselves have the purpose of serving as "frigates" for merchant ships, not only with many sailors (more sailors are needed for rowing), but also a total of six Trebuchets, and eighteen ballista.

Blackbeard's original idea was to delay as long as possible, and if it got dark, "Silence" wouldn't be able to catch up with them.

But he really underestimated the speed of the narrow boat. Not only was the ratio of sail to hull huge (the bigger the sail, the faster the boat), but after approaching "Saduleon", "Silence" put down 200 straight oars on both sides of the boat, The dull drum beat came from afar, as if hitting everyone's heart.

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