I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 77: Chapter 77

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"Big Black, what's wrong with you?"

The next moment, she groaned, her nose, eyes, and mouth felt like they were stabbed by a sharp blade, and blood was gurgling out.

The coercion of a superior seized her mind, and kept crushing her self-esteem and personal consciousness – this is not her, but the state of Big Black at this time.

"I am the Dragonbinder! Acknowledge Allegiance! Acknowledge Allegiance! Acknowledge Allegiance! Acknowledge Allegiance! Acknowledge Allegiance!…"

The ancient Valyria incantation seemed to materialize, as if the legendary Heavens emitting golden light, with the coercion and weight of the sky, smashing the Black Dragon's Soul and bones one after another.

Perhaps Lady Bai, who was subdued by Fahai with a golden bowl, felt this way.

The inexplicable pressure made Dany feel the same, she wanted to shout, but she really shouted: "I am the Mother of Dragons, I am the only Dragonlord in the world, I control the Black Dragon, my Black Dragon controls the whole world—!!"

Just half a minute ago, at the top of Silence's bridge, the black man holding the huge black horn saw Euron snap his fingers with an imposing manner and blew into the horn.

The shiny obsidian horn is inlaid with a gold red glyph, and when the horn blows, the glyph first turns fiery red, and then emits scorching white rays of light, as if a star fell on the Silence.

When Dany and Big Black Souls merged into one, the cry from one person and one dragon merged, the horn-sounder's bear-like sturdy body shook violently, and then he was like Dany before, from his orifices, blood flowed from his mouth, nose, and eyes.

He seemed worse off than Dany, his lips seemed to have been scorched by fire, and had a dense blister the size of a bean.

The blisters are sparkling, and bright red blood bursts out when he moves his lips a little.

"Hahaha, did you see it?" Euron noticed Dany's abnormality but didn't care. He thought that Dany was too delicate and weak to withstand the pressure of the Dragon Horn.

"Mother of Dragons? haha….." He laughed proudly, "The Mother of Dragons also must show allegiance to the Dragoncontroller, the Old Valyria Dragonlords are numerous, but no one rebeled, my little Queen, do you know why?

Because the Valyrian's built a Dragon Horn that can control dragons, as long as the Dragoncontroller holds the Dragon Horn, all dragons obey his call. For example, now, your three The dragons are mine!"

With his smug laughter, the White Dragon and Green Dragon seemed to have received an order to stop their rampage, and fluttered their wings to fly towards Euron.

Meanwhile, Dany heard a voice from Big Black: Come here and eat this woman.

Big Black's anger increased tenfold when he heard that he was going to eat Dany, and he had to spray Dragonflame.

"Calm down, I still have a knife around my neck!" Dany reassured him immediately, "Go ahead and find a chance to give that bastard a hard time."

"Hahaha, when I met you, didn't the Gods help me? I've just completed the feat of successfully exploring Valyria for the first time in 400 years, and immediately the newly acquired Dragon Horn can shine brightly, and hold three dragons, according to the legends the Gods have destined me to be king!"

Seeing the Three Dragons obediently crawling towards himself, Euron laughed wildly, "I'm sorry, only without their mother will they be single-minded. Follow the orders of the Father of Dragons."

He retracted his sword, pushed Dany to the ground with force, and ordered the dragon: "Tear her to pieces and prove your loyalty to me!"

"Roar!–" The Green Dragon and White Dragon rolled on the ground like crazy, spewing small flames from their mouths and noses from time to time.

Big Black roars, remaining unmoved.

"Tear her apart, I am the Dragoncontroller, so all dragons must listen to me!" Euron's blue eyes were filled with a scarlet light.

As real rays of light, not hallucinations.

Seeing the more painful cry of the White Dragon and the Green Dragon, Dany couldn't bear it any longer, "Drogo, kill him!"

"bang!" Without any warning, Big Black's head flexed like lightning, and a thick cone of Dragonflame shot out, spraying Euron's face and chest at once.

"AHH! ——" Euron let out a howl that didn't sound like a human voice, covered his face with his hands, and rushed to the side of the ship frantically with his head down, "bang" and fell into the sea.

Dany looked towards the springboard, where dozens of bald-headed pirates snatched weapons from the Dothraki and sailors and were slashing.

But they are not without the power to fight back. Most of the Dothraki and all the sailors have become lambs to be slaughtered. Quaro and the other nine Dothraki warriors have a Arakh "haha", struggling to support them. The situation did not completely collapse.

Well, it's mainly because the bald pirates are still affected by the sound of horns even if they are deaf. It made her greatly sigh in relief, "Big Black, go-"

She was about to say go and kill the man who was blowing the horn, but the horn stopped immediately.

Looking up, the big black man on the deck of Silence was miserable, with a mouth like a chimney billowing out black smoke, seizing on the ground, the horn falling to the ground, and he himself fell straight to the deck.

The whole process was a long story, but it took no more than two minutes from the sound of the horn until the Euron fell into the water, and the sound of the horn stopping.

"Uh…" Jorah and Whitebeard stood up tremblingly, seemingly recovering soon after.

But the next moment, Dany was horrified to see a bald white man with a bird tattoo on his chest pick up the huge horn, as if planning to blow it.

Dany, almost subconsciously, bent over to pick up a wound-up two handed crossbow from the deck, held it in both hands, aimed the small cross star on the guy's chest, and pulled the trigger .

The whole process is completed quickly in two blinks of an eye.


Maybe the few months of archery practice helped, the white man screamed in pain and the horn fell out of his hand – aiming It is the chest, but the part where the arrow hits is at the root of the thigh.

The two handed crossbow is full of strength, spanning a distance of thirty or forty meters, the arrow shoots through the man's thigh, the tattooed man is unstable, and falls to the ground sideways.

You are reading story I Became the Mother of Dragons at novel35.com

"Big Black, destroy the springboard."

Dany sees the effect of her "magic shot", and her confidence increases, then she instructs Big Black to burn the plank between the two ships , while picking up a short bow, she shot at the pirates who had already boarded the ship.

"Whoops!" A Dothraki clutched their ass and looked back towards the his Khaleesi with accusing eyes.

"Aha, sorry, you step back first, I'll be more careful next time." Dany somewhat embarrassedly said.

She fired a total of 8 arrows, hitting five pirates, two missed, and the last one hit a friendly.

…well, the efficiency is not bad.

she thought.

The main reason is that Dany is weak and uses bows and arrows instead of crossbow arrows.

It doesn't matter even if you miss every second shot, there are a lot of people on the boat, as long as the pirates on the deck are dealt with as soon as possible, they will have time to recover.

Waiting for them to recover from the horn, Silence was leaderless and caught between three boats, unable to run at all.

"bang!" The springboard broke in two in the flames, and Big Black flew towards Silence, hissing.

"whiz whiz whiz!"

A shower of arrows hit the opposite side, and Big Black rolled and fell towards the sea.

He wasn't shot, but was driven away by a startled Dany.

Black Dragon fell into the sea and swam to the position of the rudder at the bottom of the sea-going ship. "Rumble–" The sea was like boiling water, the billowing of white and the thick smoke on both sides of the ship's side.

"Her Highness, watch out, your dragons, Emerald and White Jade!" Jorah pointed behind Dany to cry out in surprise.

When she turned around, she realized that although the two idiots were no longer rolling frantically, they didn't seem to have recovered from the horn, their eyes were red, staring at her back, opening and closing their mouths, struggling, Seems like they wanted to "kill their mother"?

Black Dragon's eyes are lava red, White Dragon's golden eyeballs, and Green Dragon's Emerald's green eyes. At this time, White Dragon and Green Dragon's eyes become scarlet, which is weird.

"Evil Dragons!" Dany shouted loudly, and found a silver whip from the ground, and it was a sharp slap in the face.

"I curse you two unscrupulous bastards, did you forget your own mother?!"

"ao wu ——si si swoosh ——" The two dragons ate pain, shrank their heads under their wings, and screamed in anger.

"Wake up soon!" Dany didn't care, seeing that their faces were still fierce and eyes haven't recovered, she couldn't help but increase her strength and continue to "crackle" them.

Finally, Dany, who believed in dutiful children with a stick, was out of luck. The two little dragons seemed to endure her to the limit, and stuck their head out, "bang!"

Dragonflame washed her face.

"Whoops!" Dany threw away the whip and sat on the ground with a butt mound, covering his face and screaming.

Jorah hurriedly took a bucket of seawater from the side of the boat, and when he was taking the water, he inadvertently saw a person in the sea, so he ran over to Dany, and shouted to Whitebeard: "It's Euron, Euron also still wants to control the dragons!"

Whitebeard hearing this, immediately ran to the side of the boat, looked around and saw Euron floating by the side of the boat, although his face was black and dirty with blood, but  he was not burned to death, and his mouth was opening and closing as if chanting a spell?

The old man was quick and precise, using the crutch in his hand as a long spear, and threw it towards the Euron below.

"dong!" hitting the top of Crow's Eye's head, his eyes rolled white and he fainted in the sea.

"Her Highness, are you alright–" After dealing with Euron, Whitebeard immediately turned back and ran towards Dany, but was annoyed to find that Jorah had thrown a bucket of water and left her alone. Taking up his sword and running to kill the pirates.

Dany sat on the ground, the leather vest on the outside and the long-sleeved shirt on the inside were all burnt, especially above the neck, it was dark and wet, and her forehead was also burning. It was black, and there was a red blister on the cheek.

Whitebeard crouched down and looked at it carefully. The more he looked, the more frightened he became. It wasn't because he was worried about the burn on her face, but because the dragon burned with dragonflame and yet from her face, she actually only suffered a little flesh wound!

"Are you really of The Unburnt? Even Dragonflame can't really hurt you?" he couldn't help asking.

Dany didn't grill herself during the time she was a guest at Trasho's house, so Whitebeard only heard that she had a nickname called "The Unburnt", but didn't know the truth.

Originally, he thought the rumor was  an exaggerated tale, but he was startled when he saw it today.

"Euron isn't dead?" Dany asked instead.

Maybe because of magic, Dragonflame has a higher temperature, since ordinary flames can hardly hurt her, yet Dragonflame will burn her skin. If it continues to spray for a long time, it is estimated that it can burn her to death.

As The Unburnt she still has a limit. When the three dragons grow up, the temperature of the Dragonflame will increase, and she will be scorched in an instant.

"I knocked him out, maybe drowned." The old man helped her up, and took off his robe and put it over her shoulders.

Dany looked at Little Green and Little White, whose eyes were still red and hissing, and said, "Deal with the pirates first."

Silence had more than 200 pirates, all of whom had there tongues cut off, but only 40 people's ears were clogged with golden juice, and the remaining 100 people lost their souls in the horn.

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