I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 82: Chapter 82

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When Dany regained consciousness again, she found that the once rocky boat under her was as peaceful as land, without a single jostle.

She blinked at the low wooden ceiling above her head. She was still in the boat, then had the sea ship stopped?

Thinking of this, Dany couldn't help but want to get out of bed and go out to take a look, but when she moved, she found that she felt soft all over, like a patient recovering from a long illness.

Am I sick?

This thought just popped up in her mind, and the last scene she remembered when she was awake was blowing the Dragonbinder, but she didn't twist the young dragon's souls according to Valyrian's method, and then her eyes went dark and nose started to bleed, and she....fainted?


As she was thinking, three hideous scaly faces moved over with hot breaths that felt comfortable.

It's Big Black, Little White, and Little Green. It turns out that the three of them are standing beside the bed.

Dany felt very happy, Little White and Little Green are really back to normal, with golden and emerald vivid eyes looked towards her eyes with loving emotions.

As soon as Dany touched their warm heads, it was like an illusion that she suddenly felt her strength return. Then she struggled to sit up, and shouted to the door: "Jhiqui, Irri, Doreah!"

The three maids had been guarding the door, and when they heard Dany's voice, they immediately rushed in.

"Khaleesi, you're awake!" Irri burst into watery tears.

"Khaleesi, do you want to drink or eat? It's been four days!" Jhiqui asked, rubbing her slightly red eyes.

"Khaleesi, we're at Slaver's Bay, docked at the Astapor pier!" Doreah said gently, holding a wood basin and gently wiped Dany's face.

"Four days, that long?" Dany was startled, then hurriedly asked: "I've been in a coma these days, have the Dothraki and sailors rioted?"

Doreah understood what she meant, and immediately comforted: "Your dragons have been by your side, it is known that you were just in a coma, and it was not a big deal. They are just anxiously awaiting for you to wake up, as such there was no conflict."

"Khaleesi, at that time, your nose and eyes were bleeding, it was too scary to look at, we all thought…ahhh…" The Dothraki maid Jhiqui said and began to cry terribly.

"Hey, don't cry, I'm fine, I'm fine..."

Dany changed into a cheongsam and walked out with the help of the maids. Jorah and the others were reassured again.

"That Dragon Horn really is a devils tool, Her Highness, don't try it again in the future." having not seen him for a few days, not only was Jorah unshaven and decadent, even the once handsome old man Arstan Whitebeard looked tired, and his snow-white beard was smeared with stains.

"Where's the Dragonbinder?" Dany was noncommittal.

"Put it in the bottom storage, you—" Jorah was eager to exhort.

She waved her hand and said with a smile: "I'm not stupid, I just want to ask if the horn is damaged."

"Damaged?" He was puzzled, "Why? Should it be damaged? It was forged from dragon horn, and there is a Valyrian steel hoop on it. It can't be broken, even with a hammer, right?"

That's not necessarily true, she didn't use the correct method to relinquish the bound Dragons. The series of glyphs that appeared are most definitely a sign of the destruction of the internal integrity.

And when Dany woke up and tried to enter the Dreki state to help in healing her body, she accidentally found that there was a string of glyphs like gold and red lightning in her Soul.

Even when she saw it after using Dragonbinder, she knew that it was probably some magical glyphs from the Dragon Horn.

Dany would like to try to see if she has the ability to use witchcraft now, but she can rationally tell herself that it is best to recover from her physical condition first.

"Ser Jorah when did we reach Astapor?" Dany looked at the tall red pyramids bulging like mountains in the distance, and she was filled with complicated emotions, that a nation with such a great civilization has fallen to the point of slavery as its main economic source of income.

How great is their technology and knowledge too create these pyramids?

Even in the Early-Stage of the 21st century, scientists are still not entirely sure how the ancient Egyptians made them, and many even suspect that aliens did it.

It involves too much knowledge of architecture, geometry, dynamics, astrology and more.

Although the Old Empire of Ghis was destroyed by the Valyrian Freehold, the Ghis people can still build a 200-meter-high pyramid, and the Great Pyramid in Meereen is 210 meters high.

"We arrived at noon yesterday, and the Astapor customs officer came to ask us what slaves we wished to buy." Jorah replied.

Dany asked him to inform the Astapor slave-master first: she wants to buy Unsullied.

She herself rested on the boat for two days before she set foot on the docks for the first time.

Astapor is located at the mouth of the Worm River, starting from the old and broken pier, the broken streets, the severely weathered city wall, and the pyramids in the city, it was all red.

Dany looked around slowly, because the Ghis people in Astapor use fired red bricks. There is brickworks nearly everywhere. Every household in the city uses red bricks, it's even to build the walls.

In Astapor, the pier is built with red bricks, the streets are paved with red bricks, and the pyramids are also covered with a thick layer of red bricks.

However, all the buildings are old, the red bricks have begun to weather on a large scale, and when gusts of wind blows, it brings out a storm of red dust.

The fine red dust can easily sting eyes and make breathing difficult, and women in Astapor cover their faces with cloth when they go out.

Their entire group set off at around seven in the morning. To be safer, Dany didn't ride her small silver horse, but got Jorah to bring a large bullock cart for her in advance.

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Quaro, Aggo, and Belwas stayed on the boat to guard the dragons. They have come to Slaver's Bay, but Dany didn't dare to let the dragon out to the 'jungle'.

She's afraid that some people will try to get the nickname "Dragonslayer", and even Big Black is wearing chains.

Dany didn't let the maids follow her either, sitting across from Whitebeard.

Jorah has been wearing that dazzling set of Valyrian steel armor every day since he got his hands on it.

In armor, he can only ride around the bullock cart with Jhogo and Rakharo.

In the early morning, the wharf was deserted. The wooden wheels of the ox cart made a "clicking" sound on the uneven red brick road, mixed with the sound of horses' hooves, it brought out a burst of echoes.

"Are Ghis people lazy? The Sun has been up for more than an hour and still none have come out to work." Dany looked towards the window, wondering.

"Many people come here to buy Unsullied, and merchant ships seldom come here. Without commercial trade, dock workers and traders are not needed. Who can the Ghis work for?" Jorah replied.

"Ah, so that's how it is."

"Your Highness, your face..." Whitebeard kept staring at Dany's tender face in surprise. He hesitated several times, and now finally found the opportunity to ask: "I remember there was a dark red blooded scab yesterday."

"He he he, I want to see a guest today!" Dany cupped her smooth and delicate cheek, and laughingly said: "In order to quickly recover from my injuries, I bathed in fire in the middle of the night last night, but luckily we landed on the shore, otherwise there would be little firewood."

"Fire? "The old man became more and more at a loss.

"Seared over the fire." says Dany.

"But wasn't your face burned by the fire?" Whitebeard was horrified.

"I was burnt by Dragonflame, normal fire doesn't do me any harm." Dany corrects.

"Ai, Ser Arstan you'll understand if I have a chance to show you," she touched her face, and said something the older man who didn't understand at all, "High temperature can speed up blood circulation and promote the metabolism, speeding it up. It can also disinfect, remove mites, remove dead skin and oil, thin the face, and tighten the skin... There are many benefits!"

"Pawoo——!" A loud, trumpeting, cry came from nearby the cart window. Dany opened the curtain and saw an elephant with a lattice seat on its back walking slowly by the side. In front of it, there was a Ghis man with black and red hair standing upright, holding the reins.

Getting out of the pier and coming to the streets along the coast, the breath of life finally began to appear.

"Is that the Targaryen Queen of Sunset Sea ahead?" A blunted common language dialect came from the crossroads ahead.

Then there was a burst of hurried "boom blah blah", and a dozen or so galloping horses came, and the red dust they coughed up made Dany quickly put down the curtains.

"This is Khaleesi of the Prairie, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, Great Mother of Dragons, Queen of the First Men, the Andals, and the Rhoynar, Daenerys Your Majesty." Jorah stepped forward, shouting to the coming Knight.

The incoming cavalry had amber skin and was adorning embroidered linen shirts, a pleated sarong, and leather sandals.

He wears a yellow silk cape on his shoulders. There are many shiny copper discs sewn on the cape, and countless small rays are reflected under the scorching sun.

These Astapor Knights don't wear helmets, or can't wear them, they follow the tradition of the Ghis, their red and black hair is oiled up and twisted into various strange shapes, with horns, wings, blades, and even grasping hands…

It's weird, it doesn't have the slightest sense of beauty, but it looks like the horns of a goblin crawling out of Hell.

"The Good Masters have asked us to pick you up at the pier, we didn't expect you to come so early." The leader said carefully.

As he spoke, he was sticking his head around searching, trying to see Dany's face clearly through the gaps in the curtains.

Dany was a little angry when she saw him being so rude, but she didn't break out. She just wrote down a small thought in her heart, before opening the curtain, and let him see enough.

Who would have thought that this guy would whispered in Valyria: "There are no dragons!"

Motherfucker! If you are so amazing, and said a few words of praise, I'd forgive you right away, but now…

"Which Good Masters asked you to pick me up?" Dany face doesn't change, and asked with a smile.

"Aren't you going to buy Unsullied? Of course Good Master Kraznys mo Nakloz," the Knight said.

There are three main slave city-states on the east bank of Slaver's Bay, Astapor who sells the Unsullied, Yunkai who trains bed slaves, and Meereen who sells knowledgeable slaves in mass and elite Pit Fighters.

Obviously, doing the most heinous acts in the world, those slave-masters also took a shameful name for themselves: Astapor's largest slave-masters are called "Good Masters", Yunkai prostitutes Called "Wise Masters", and the owners of Meereen slave Pit Fighters is called "Great Masters".

Ghis people think that it is good to cut other people's dicks off, and it is great to be forced to be good in the bed, and it is great to let human beings fight like wild beasts.

"Here we are, this is the Plaza of Pride."

The Ghis knight brought Dany's entire group to a wide square as the carriage stopped, got down and looked around, It was found that the square was 100 meters long and wide, with a huge fountain in the middle.

The fountain is also made of red bricks, a circular pool of nearly 40 square meters, and a 6-meter-high bronze statue of a Harpy stands in the center – a beautiful woman's face, gilded long curly hair, ivory eyes and teeth, no arms, but a pair of wings, eagle legs, and a heavy chain hanging from its claws, and a tail section dragging a curly and vicious scorpion tail.

Yellow spring water with a faint smell of sulfur gurgles from the Harpy's bulging chest and brings a cool breeze to the scorching square.

The Harpy is the God of the Ghis and the last symbol of their nation.

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