I Became the Older Brother of the Heroine in an Abusive Novel

Chapter 5: 5

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With Xue Yan there, Jun Huailang was reluctant to go over. But Jun Linghuan’s sharp eyes spotted Xue Yunhuan. Before Jun Huailang could speak, she tugged at him and said, “Gege, look! Sixth Prince-gege[1] is over there!”

The little eunuchs by Xue Yunhuan held many sky lanterns in all sorts of styles. Jun Linghuan could not take her eyes off of them. Xue Yunhuan was looking around impatiently and saw them at the same time.

“Huailang!” He shouted. Xue Yunhuan cast an impatient glance at the second prince and said, “Servants, bring all the lanterns over for Miss Jun to choose.” 

After that order, he also ran out from the group of people towards Jun Huailang. A few sons of officials wanted to follow him, but were ruthlessly shouted back. “Don’t follow me, this prince wants peace and quiet!”

Xue Yunhuan also didn’t like that evil star, but he had no interest in picking a fight. Seeing the second prince jumping about, it seemed the fool was not intending to light lanterns.

A cluster of little eunuchs followed behind Xue Yunhuan, bringing the assortment of lanterns to Jun Linghuan. Another eunuch offered cinnabar and brushes, to write inscriptions on the lanterns.

They were neither close nor far from the crowd. They could vaguely hear people speaking but were not bothered by their presence. Jun Linghuan’s eyes shone as she looked at the lanterns. She went back and forth over the pile, and in the end selected quite a few. 

At the side, Xue Yunhuan laughed. “Huan-er meimei,[2] don’t be greedy. You can only release one lantern on Mid-Autumn night, otherwise it won’t work.”

Jun Linghuan let out a regretful “Oh,” and wavered indecisively between two lanterns. 

Jun Huailang smiled as he watched her choose, gaze warm and tender. Xue Yunhuan stood by him in a rare moment of calmness. After a moment, he propped his elbow on Jun Huailang’s shoulder and sighed, “How is your little sister real? She’s too lovable.”

Jun Huailang’s expression immediately changed. He raised his eyebrows and glared at Xue Yunhuan. “What do you mean?” he asked.

Xue Yunhuan was stunned for a moment before he understood. He almost jumped up and said loudly, “What kind of person do you think I am! I’m praising your little sister for being cute, where are your thoughts going?!”

Even if they were teens who understood a few things, Jun Linghuan was only six years old. She was only a little dumpling. Xue Yunhuan never thought his brother would think so despicably of him.

Jun Huailang knew he was being paranoid[3] but he still warned, “You better not get any ideas.”

Xue Yunhuan almost jumped up and beat him in anger.

“I’m done picking!” Jun Linghuan finally decided on a lantern and showed it to the two older boys.

At that moment, Jun Huailang heard the second prince’s raised voice in the distance. The words came clearly to his ears. 

“You only lived in the wild for a few years, do you think you’re amazing? The Prince Yan who raised you betrayed the country and let the enemy take Yan Prefecture. All you know is what he taught you – acting tough and brawling.” This was followed by a few echoing jeers.

The laughter was unpleasant and made Jun Huailang frown. He glanced over uncomfortably and then said to Xue Yunhuan, “Let’s go a bit further.”

Immediately afterwards, the second prince’s voice came again. “Never defected? What a joke! Let me tell you, that Prince Yan is a traitor to the nation!”

The second prince loudly said to the people around him, “Do you know why Prince Yan cooperated with the enemy? Wasn’t it because he had an affair with that demon concubine from Tujue! Maybe there is a bastard in the royal bloodline that should’ve been born in the Yan Prefecture…”

His voice stopped abruptly and was replaced by a group of aristocratic sons exclaiming in surprise. 

Jun Huailang was already frowning. He was about to cover Jun Linghuan’s ears when the loud noise startled him. He looked up and saw a group of aristocratic sons fleeing in all directions, and in the center of the commotion there were only two people left. 

Xue Yan and the second prince, Xue Yunsu.

Xue Yunsu was two years older than Xue Yan, but they were about the same height. Xue Yan held his neck with one hand and lifted up, and Xue Yunsu dangled like a chicken. His feet hung in the air for a moment before they braced against a nearby tree trunk.

Xue Yan squeezed his chin, and seemed to say something to him. The second prince only shook his head while struggling, and from time to time a hoarse whine escaped his throat.

He was going to die!

The group of aristocratic sons were frightened out of their wits, not a single person dared step forward. Jun Enze was so frightened that he sat on the ground and scuttled backwards, and the second prince’s eunuch rolled and crawled frantically towards Yongle Palace.

Jun Huailang quickly raised his hand and covered Jun Linghuan’s eyes.

“… A fight?” Xue Yunhuan was stunned speechless.

In the darkness of the night, the side of Xue Yan’s expressionless face looked familiar to Jun Huailang. It was a look he had come to know well in his previous life.

Frozen, gloomy amber eyes stained with blood.

But the second prince’s reckless insults still echoed in his ears, as well as everyone’s contempt and fear just now. What if Jun Huailang were in his position? In all likelihood he would also be itching to snap that person’s neck and silence him.

There was suddenly another cry. Jun Huailang saw Xue Yan dragging the second prince by the neck to the edge of Taiye Lake. He squatted down and plunged the prince’s head into the icy lake water. Xue Yan rested his elbow on his knee and leaned over slightly, a casual and relaxed movement. But his other hand was like a heavy yoke. Even struggling with all his might, the second prince could not break free. 

Under the palace lanterns swaying by the lake, Jun Huailang could see his mouth clearly. 

“I’ll give you another chance to speak,” Xue Yan said.

Perhaps he was only trying to scare the second prince. But this intimidation tactic was too brutal and savage. His murderous aura terrified the bunch of high and mighty aristocratic sons into silence, and their expressions were quite comical.

Jun Huailang saw Xue Yan’s hand loosen. He was releasing the second prince.

At that moment, a large brigade with swords at their waists rushed towards the lake. There were twenty or thirty of them, led by the head of Emperor Qingping’s imperial guards. Halfway he yelled, “The Emperor has decreed! Stay your hand!”

Xue Yunhuan sighed again. “Imperial Father used this many troops?”

The troop of imperial guards acted like there was an invasion in the palace, and not like they were dealing with a brawl between princes. They charged in ready to slaughter the assassin killing their prince.

Jun Huailang understood with a single glance.

Emperor Qingping feared Xue Yan completely. He never regarded Xue Yan as his son, and he even believed without any doubt that Xue Yan would murder Xue Yunsu here.

Xue Yan raised his head, his expression cold and detached. He glanced at the imperial guards serenely. Xue Yan smirked coldly, and the hand that had loosened abruptly pushed Xue Yunsu into Taiye Lake. 

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The nearer aristocratic sons were so terrified they began to cry.

Only then did Xue Yan rise. He arranged his clothes unhurriedly and stood alongside the lake, watching coolly as the guards jumped into the water to rescue the second prince. The men caught and trussed up Xue Yan firmly, afraid he would resist. 

From beginning to end, Xue Yan did not hide at all.

Jun Huailang’s eyes stung a little. He hugged Jun Linghuan and said to Xue Yunhuan, “Let’s go quickly.”

Xue Yunhuan nodded repeatedly. Along the way, he helped Jun Huailang soothe Jun Linghuan, saying that it was nothing much, just a quarrel between two little eunuchs.

When they arrived at the entrance of Yongle Hall, they saw that Xue Yan had been escorted in. Emperor Qingping was thunderous with fury, and the princes and aristocratic sons all stood outside and did not dare enter.

In the hall, the hurting and terrified second prince had lost consciousness due to the freezing lake water. He was taken to the rear hall for treatment by the imperial physician. His biological mother, Concubine Zhang, was crying so hard in her seat that she almost fainted.

“I didn’t expect that you would try to kill your own brother!” Emperor Qingping said angrily. “Xue Yan, even birds and beasts do not act like this. Do you have any humanity?!”

Those words were especially harsh against Jun Huailang’s ears. He lowered his eyes and silently covered his frightened sister’s ears. 

Then, Emperor Qingping gave an order.

“Drag this unfilial son away immediately and give him thirty blows! Beat him outside the hall, I will personally count!”

The empress whispered from the side, “Your Majesty…”

“Beat him! If he is beaten to death, I will just treat it like I never had him as a son!”

Of all the ministers, generals, and concubines present, none of them dared make a sound. Jun Huailang couldn’t stand the deathly silence. He wanted to tell Emperor Qingping that it was the second prince who humiliated Xue Yan first, and Xue Yan didn’t attempt murder at all.

But he was caught off guard by someone calling his name. Emperor Qingping looked around and among the unfamiliar faces of the aristocratic sons, his eyes landed on Jun Huailang.

“Huailang, go with them! Recite ‘Chang Di’[4] to him, so he can remember what human values are!”

Jun Huailang was stunned and looked up at Emperor Qingping.

The emperor intended to give these aristocratic children a slap in the face. This flock of noble sons were perfectly fine while two princes fought, and one prince was even seriously hurt! Emperor Qingping was naturally angry. He absolutely had to call out someone, to serve as a warning for the crowd of aristocrats and officials. A son from a noble family with high prestige but low official position was the most suitable choice.

“… This subject obeys.” Jun Huailang struggled to maintain his composure, and silently pushed Jun Linghuan towards Xue Yunhuan when he saluted.

Xue Yunhuan understood and guarded Jun Linghuan at his side.

Jun Huailang followed the two imperial guards escorting Xue Yan, through the parting crowd. They walked all the way to the front of the palace, which was illuminated bright as day by palace lanterns. The instruments of punishment were already laid out. Xue Yan was pushed to his knees, and the imperial guards raised a massive stick.

Xue Yan did not lift his head, but Jun Huailang could faintly see his tall and straight nose and the fan of his lowered eyelashes.

“Lord Heir, His Majesty said you can start,” Ling Fu followed them out and said kindly.

He lifted his chin and nodded at the guards.

“The flowers of the cherry tree – are they not gorgeously displayed…”[5] Jun Huailang recited reluctantly. His clear voice dissipated into the night.


The heavy stick hitting flesh abruptly sounded in the air. It made Jun Huailang’s shoulders shake, and his voice also trembled. “Of all the men in the world, there are none equal to brothers…” 

On the contrary, Xue Yan barely swayed. He knelt there firmly and did not move. Jun Huailang had never been so close to someone being beaten, let alone for a punishment this unreasonable. He looked plaintively at Ling Fu, but Ling Fu’s expression did not change. He said smiling, “Lord Heir, please continue.”

“On the dreaded occasions of death and burial, it is brothers who greatly sympathize…” 

The sound of the beating reached Jun Huailang’s ears again and again. He was very close; he could hear the sound of flesh splitting open and see the raised stick gradually coloring with blood.

The youth under the heavy stick stayed silent the entire time. Jun Huailang only occasionally heard a groan escape gritted teeth. He tried his utmost to suppress them but gasped for breath. Xue Yan withstood the beating like a weed ravaged by a storm, tenaciously clinging to the earth with its fragile roots.

The stench of blood reached Jun Huailang’s nose. It mingled with the smell of fragrant mooncakes from the Mid-Autumn Festival.

“When fugitives are collected on the heights and low grounds, they are brothers who will seek one another out…”

Jun Huailang could not control the trembling of his voice, it gradually weakened. That verse used in the imperial home was too ironic. What did that so-called blood brother ever give Xue Yan?

Contempt, humiliation, injustice, and heavy criticism for no reason at all.

By his side, Ling Fu laughed lightly. “Lord Heir, there’s no need to fear. His Majesty is just. Even if the beating is ruthless, he only has himself to blame…”

But Jun Huailang could not see what Xue Yan was to blame for. He only saw an extraordinary young man in the midst of a radiant palace, treated like a monster locked in a cage. Everyone wanted him to die, but he stubbornly would not die. Instead, in this torment, he painstakingly grew sharp claws and fangs to defend himself. Yet the people around him said look, we were right, he has always been a monster.

These people didn’t know that this youth trampled by everyone would one day break out of his cage and become a real monster, capable of destroying them. Even many innocent people would be harmed.

But even if they did not know the facts, these ‘innocent people’ had all watched without lifting a finger.





[1] 哥哥 older brother, can also be used to address older men of the same generation not related by blood. [2] 妹妹 younger sister, can also be used to address younger girls who are not related by blood [3]草木皆兵 lit. every tree or bush an enemy soldier, to panic and treat everyone as an enemy. [4] 棠棣 poem from the Classic of Poetry, the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry said to have been compiled by Confucius. [5] Jun Huailang is reciting “Chang Di,” a poem about the strength of brotherhood. Full poem with translation here: https://chinesenotes.com/shijing/shijing165.html

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