I Became the Vicious Senior Brother of “White Cut Black” Junior Brother

Chapter 10: 9

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Ch9 - Are You Moved?

Facts have proved that beating people can indeed vent emotions.

The Qi training stage disciples weren’t good at maneuvering many moves and hadn’t participated much in actual combat. In the end, the two cultivators were just punching and kicking. 

When the patrol disciples noticed the abnormality, they notified the steward to rush over. Shen Xingcong was pushing down the person under him and punching him down on the floor. And the one’s face underneath was covered with blood.

Steward Hu was shocked: “Shen Xingcong, what are you doing!”



He hurriedly ordered people to separate the two of them.

At first, the disciples who echoed each other with Yu Mi to support him were still doing it, but when it was really hit out, they were all afraid of causing trouble. Especially afterward, when it had been noticed and attracted the patrol disciples to come, they immediately left Yu Mi to escape without a trace.


So finally, only two people were left in the room, and they were still turned upside down.

When Yu Mi was propped up, his mind was still muddled. It was said that he who strikes first gains the advantage, but he never expected Shen Xingcong would even dare to strike when his power alone was weak.


After being hit all at once, he only felt powerless to fight back. Those immortal’s movement methods that he usually learned were useless by this time.

Seeing Steward Hu at this moment, he immediately had a backbone: “Steward Hu, this person suddenly rushed into the house and beat me up. You have to give me justice!”


Steward Hu couldn’t bear to look at him: “Wipe your face first.” 

Although Yu Mi was bleeding a lot, it was practically nosebleeds. After cleaning it up, Steward Hu began to ask about the ins and outs.

“It’s all him who is making trouble!” Yu Mi pointed his finger over, “I was tired from cultivating today and wanted to rest early. Who would have thought that this person would rush in suddenly. I had heard that Shen Xingcong often beat people up indiscriminately to vent before, I still don’t believe it, but I didn’t expect to meet with misfortune this time. How can such a person who doesn’t abide by the etiquette continue to stay in Xiaoyao Sect!”

After listening to Yu Mi’s complaint, Steward Hu asked Shen Xingcong: “Is that so?”

Shen Xingcong’s clothes were equally disheveled. At this moment, he looked straight ahead and said: “Junior Brother Yu Mi is naturally tired. After all, he beat up people twice in a row, so his physical strength must have been consumed a lot.” 

Yu Mi was getting red in the face from anger: “Stop talking nonsense!”

“What twice?” Steward Hu didn’t understand.

Before Shen Xingcong opened his mouth, Yu Mi said first: “It was this person who had beaten Junior Brother Xiao Lin, and he wanted to shift the blame on me! All of Fourth Group’s fellow brothers can testify!”

Shen Xingcong: “How can they testify? Did they watch me beat someone?” 

Yu Mi: “You—!”

“Stop arguing!” Steward Hu propped up his forehead, “I will investigate this matter myself. But the two of you disregarded the brotherhood of fellow disciples and fought violently before the inner sect selection. Regardless of the reason, you must be punished.”


“But Steward Hu, I really don’t know why Shen Xingcong beat me up.” Yu Mi was anxious, “Asking the steward to make fair judgment!”

This place was close to the outer sect disciples’ residences, and the commotion just now attracted many onlookers. The disciples of the Fourth Group, who had slipped away before, also sneaked to the surrounding to chime in. 

“Yeah, he was obviously beaten up indiscriminately. Must he be punished too?”

“Earlier, I happened to find that Junior Brother Xiao Lin was injured…and I asked him, but he said it was a fall. However, why would he fall and hurt himself so much? Is it possible that Senior Brother Shen really…”

Shen Xingcong raised his eyes and looked over, and those people immediately fell silent.

These people were still excusing despite everything. They really didn’t give up until the end. 

Steward Hu had a good impression of Yu Mi, and hearing these remarks at this moment, he couldn’t help hesitating. Suddenly, he heard Shen Xingcong say: “Steward Hu, let those people come out too. I had a dispute with Yu Mi just now, and of course, they were also there.”

They didn’t expect to be pointed out in public, and several disciples immediately felt tingling on their scalps.

“Really?” Steward Hu creased his brows and called someone out, “You can also explain the whole story.”

The disciples shrank out from the crowd and looked at Yu Mi’s expression. Seeing him nodding, he was just going to speak but was interrupted by Shen Xingcong. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“In addition, Teacher Lan Jin needs to be called for this matter.”

“Kfjmtfg Ojc Alc?” Vafkjgv Le vlvc’a kjca ab ybatfg Ojc Alc jybea atlr wjaafg ja jii, “Qtja vbfr atlr wjaafg tjnf ab vb klat atf Kfjmtfg?”

“Ktja’r gluta.” Te Zl abbx atf bqqbgaeclas ab rjs, “Kfjmtfg Ojc Alc tjr yffc bmmeqlfv klat cewfgber joojlgr fnfgs vjs. Pa’r ralii cba fcbeut ab ibrf ojmf tfgf. Gb sbe jirb kjca ab ibrf la lc atf lccfg rfma?”

“Steward Hu.” Shen Xingcong turned a deaf ear to Yu Mi, “I indeed beat up Yu Mi. But the real reason for that was because he beat up Xiao Lin first.” 

Yu Mi: “That’s obviously you—”

Shen Xingcong increased the volume to overshadow him: “If the steward thinks that neither I nor Xiao Lin’s statements are trustworthy, you can go to Teacher Lan Jin for verification. I was called away by Teacher Lan Jin before, so I didn’t have time to do it at all.”

“Oh, oh.” Steward Hu’s eyes changed a little when he looked at him, “Teacher Lan Jin was looking for you in person?”

Shen Xingcong knew that these stewards were very respectful to Teacher Lan Jin. If he brings the person up, they will definitely value his words more. 

…although they shouldn’t be clear that Lan Jin looked for him in person to cancel the quota.

In any case, the purpose was achieved.


“No matter the reason, I did make a move toward Yu Mi and was willing to be punished.” Shen Xingcong cupped his hands in obeisance, “Regardless of whether I am selected for this inner sect selection, I will voluntarily give up.”

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding disciples appeared noisy one after another, and they all seemed a little unbelievable. 

“Oh my God, did he voluntarily give up the selection?”

“Based on Senior Brother Shen’s qualifications and cultivation base, it is more than enough to be selected on the list. Could it be he really didn’t lie?”

Steward Hu was equally surprised. He glanced at Shen Xingcong and then at Yu Mi. Since both of them had made a move, it seemed inappropriate only to punish one person.

He asked: “Yu Mi, what do you think?” 

“Eh?” Yu Mi was startled.

Steward Hu: “Shen Xingcong is willing to give up this inner sect selection. Since you have also made a move, how do you think you should have dealt with this matter?”

“I, I…”

Yu Mi’s complexion turned pale. 

He never wanted to lose his selection quota because of a dispute. But since the steward took the initiative to ask him a question, he certainly wanted to hear the same degree of answers instead of being placed in confinement for several days to deal with it.

It was all Shen Xingcong’s fault. Doesn’t this person really care about the selection?

Yu Mi glared aside hatefully and saw Shen Xingcong still bowing with his hands clasped in front. As if aware of his gaze, he raised his head and blinked at him.
When Yu Mi returned to his senses, the other person had already lowered his head again. The action just now seemed to be only an illusion.

Yu Mi was stunned. 

Could it be that this guy did it on purpose?!

Steward Hu didn’t hear a response for a long time, and he felt somewhat displeased in his heart, thinking that Yu Mi wasn’t as responsible as Shen Xingcong in this matter.

He made a resolution.
“You two stay here for the time being and don’t make trouble. Wait for me to investigate the reason thoroughly to deal with it afterward.”

Steward Hu ordered patrol disciples to stay and keep an eye on them and then dismissed everyone around them. First, he went to Xiao Lin to find out all the details. 

When he arrived outside the house, he saw that the door had been closed abruptly. After pushing it open, he saw the young man inside was shirtless and was wiping his body with a towel. Hearing the sound, he turned around and looked back.

Steward Hu saw the injuries on his body and couldn’t help being shocked: “How could it be so serious? Have you used the medicine?”


Xiao Lin didn’t answer at all, but he looked behind him.

You are reading story I Became the Vicious Senior Brother of “White Cut Black” Junior Brother at novel35.com

Steward Hu noticed: “Your senior brother made trouble, so he has been detained for the time being. I came to you to ask about the situation.” 

Made trouble?

Xiao Lin’s face was still emotionless: “What does the steward want to ask?”

After a stick of incense, Steward Hu left the house. He already has a general understanding of the ins and outs, and he has also made a decision in his mind.

However, it didn’t rule out the possibility that Xiao Lin was covering up because of fear. Seeing that it was late, he planned to look for Teacher Lan Jin the next day. 

The next day, when Lan Jin heard that Steward Hu came to see him for this matter, he couldn’t help but be somewhat surprised.

“That’s right.” Lan Jin said, “I did look for Shen Xingcong around the evening.”

If that’s the case, then it’s all fit each other.

Steward Hu shook his head: “I always value Yu Mi. I didn’t expect this person to be quite good at pretending. He does one thing in front of the others and one thing in the back. It really chills my heart.” 

Lan Jin smiled and said: “You said that Shen Xingcong beat someone to help his junior brother take revenge?”

Steward Hu nodded: “Although that is the case, this is also a violation of the sect’s rules. However, there is a good reason for it. I originally wanted to place him in confinement for a few days to deal with it, but I didn’t expect him willingly offer to give up the selection.”
He couldn’t help sighing with emotion: “I used to think this person was fond of eating but averse to work and hold up work all the time. I didn’t expect he is so responsible. It seems that I really was short-sighted.”

Lan Jin wondered and said: “You said he gave up the selection on his own initiative?” 

Steward Hu: “Yes, I also didn’t expect him to give up so simply. It made me admire him highly.”

Lan Jin had thought so at the beginning.

…but he didn’t expect this person to use the same trick twice. Having known earlier that he wasn’t on the list, he specifically mentioned this matter again.
Was it to drag another person into the water?

He was amused and shook his head. 

“So, Teacher Lan Jin, what do you think to deal with it better?”

Lan Jin: “Since he asked for it on his own initiative, how about we fulfill his wish?”


Steward Hu: “Then Yu Mi…”

Lan Jin said: “As disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect, they naturally should be treated equally without discrimination. Isn’t that so?” 


Shen Xingcong was in the house all night and fell asleep leaning against the wall in a daze. When he woke up, he was awakened by the patrol disciples.
The others came to inform him of the punishment result.

He was disqualified from the inner sect selection and was placed in confinement for three days.

“Although there is a good reason for it, after all, you had made a move to a fellow disciple. Teacher Lan Jin said you need to reflect upon yourself.” 

Sure enough, Lan Jin was aware of his little tricks. But he didn’t expose him at all. He only placed him in confinement for three days, just in time for the final selection.

“Then what about Yu Mi?” Shen Xing looked across.

Disciple: “He was disqualified from the inner sect selection with you. In addition, he was placed in confinement for one month to reflect.”

In short, he probably wouldn’t be able to get out until the inner sect selection is over. 

“What!?” Yu Mi hadn’t rested well all night, and his complexion became even bluer when he heard the words, “I don’t believe it. I beg to see Steward Hu and Teacher Lan Jin!”

Disciple: “There is still the announcement of the selection list today, and the two of them have already gone.”

Yu Mi turned a deaf ear and wanted to rush out, but he was captured by the patrol disciples.

“If you cause any more trouble, we will extend the confinement period according to the regulations.” A disciple shouted, “Follow us obediently!” 

Hearing this, Yu Mi finally went to follow like a frozen eggplant. He glared sideways at Shen Xingcong, and his eyes were full of resentment.

Shen Xingcong noticed and made a fist in encouragement: “Come on! One month will be very fast.”

Yu Mi: “!”
In the end, he couldn’t say a word and was escorted away by the patrol disciples.

There was more than one place for confinement. Shen Xingcong was also taken away afterward. 

A cave was located on the side peak. There was neither bed nor couch inside, and natural stone pillars were hung on the top. At night, there would be the sound of water dripping.

Meals would only be delivered once a day during the confinement period. Shen Xingcong looked at the new environment and found a place to sit down. Anyway, he had nothing else to do, so he just started meditating and cultivating.


To be honest, the original owner was actually not bad at talent. Just because he was too jealous, especially envious of his younger brother Shen Hanling, causing him to use his energy in the wrong place.
If he was down-to-earth, he might have already entered the inner sect by now and cultivated together with his younger female cousin Shen Ke’er.

Once the spiritual energy circulated, he wouldn’t be aware of day and night. The original owner had already been at the ninth stage of Qi training, only a step away from Foundation Building. When Shen Xingcong opened his eyes, he faintly felt the potential for a breakthrough. 

He used to think it was uninteresting. But after being locked up now, he felt a bit interested.

Shen Xingcong thought to himself. After passing this last stage, perhaps he can really cultivate stealthily and become a majestic cultivator who rides a sword to fly in the future!

After several breathing cycles, Shen Xingcong heard footsteps behind him. He should be here to deliver the meal.

Counting this time, it was his third meal. He could go out tomorrow. 

He didn’t turn his head back and was still deeply immersed in cultivation. But for some reason, the person this time didn’t leave immediately after delivering the meal. Rather, he stopped behind and didn’t know what he was looking at.

Shen Xingcong finally opened his eyes. He turned his head around and found that it was Xiao Lin.

The other person’s injuries were much better, especially the corners of his eyes were only slightly bluish-green. He became the delicate and adorable little junior brother in the past again.

“Are you helping to deliver the meal today?” Shen Xingcong went to get the bamboo basket, “Thank you.” 

“The selection list has been announced, and I am on the list.” Xiao Lin said suddenly.

Shen Xingcong had known about this earlier, so he didn’t seem too surprised: “Ah yes, the primary election started the day before yesterday, right? How was your performance?”

Xiao Lin: “It was very successful.”

Shen Xingcong tutted secretly.
Although, according to the original book, the preliminary written examination indeed didn’t mean much for Xiao Lin. 

“Then, congratulations to you.” He said insincerely.

“Senior brother originally also had the opportunity to participate in the selection,” Xiao Lin said, “Why did you do such a rash thing?”

Shen Xingcong: “Because you were beaten.”

Xiao Lin paused. 

Shen Xingcong asked: “Are you moved?”

Water droplets could still be heard falling from the stone pillars. There may have been an echo that made the crisp sound.



The corners of Xiao Lin’s mouth parted, and his original delicate appearance became even more gorgeous. The peach blossom eyes were slightly curved, and he could already get a glimpse of the matchless beauty in the future. 

“No one has ever done this kind of thing for me. Senior brother is the first one.”

Translator’s Notes:

Hello, everyone~ 

A bit of information! Especially for readers who have followed this novel’s updates regularly every week (I’ve edited the translator’s notes in the previous chapter, so new readers should have read this info there). 

From this chapter, I noticed that the author wanted to quantify the martial power progress made in cultivation into nine stages, specifically for Qi training (练气 liànqì). The number ‘9’ symbolizes the Nine Heavens, as well as rebirth. The first stage was the start of cultivation, and the ninth stage was the peak of cultivation in the Qi training stage. Perhaps for some readers, it was easier to understand it by ‘Early-stage’, ‘Middle-stage’, ‘Late-stage’, and ‘Peak-stage’ terms that have been used in some other cultivation setting novels. After the ninth or peak stage, someone could break through into the Foundation Building stage.

For additional information, the stages generally should be applied to each stage of cultivation. But because the nine stages weren’t used for the other cultivation stages, I specifically explained it for Qi training. Oh, and every author in cultivation stories has their own preferences in terms of cultivation stages. They are mostly the same and just have slight differences.

So, Xingxing was really in the ninth stage of Qi training!
I hope it helps! I’m so sorry for this uncertainty going on , but I promise that the terms I use will always be consistent!

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