I Became the Vicious Senior Brother of “White Cut Black” Junior Brother

Chapter 2: 2

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Ch2 - Personal Disciple

The boy felt that the way Shen Xingcong looked at him was somewhat strange and asked with a smile: “Did senior brother not sleep well? You seem a bit odd today.”

“The floor is a little hard.” 

Shen Xingcong remained calm.

Looking at Xiao Lin’s age group, his spiritual roots haven’t been restored and presumably only around the first stage of Qi training, but close to Foundation Building. It was as easy as turning one’s hand over to kill a villain that hasn’t grown up.



The only thing that needs to be considered is how to deal with the sect’s interrogation.

Killing people of the same kind could be considered treason and heresy, let alone a fellow disciple. 

After all, the matter hasn’t happened yet. Even if he tells the sect leader that this person will slaughter the whole family in the future, it’ll look as if he is talking nonsense.


Fortunately, both of them were outer disciples, which is insignificant.

Shen Xingcong pondered for a while.

Might as well take the person out directly and kill him outside, then escape to other places by himself. A large sect like Xiaoyao Sect would never bother to look for two insignificant outer disciples who disappeared.


The thoughts are generated in just a few seconds.

Looking at Xiao Lin once more, his eyes have become unusual.

Xiao Lin sensed something and raised his eyebrows slightly. In the next second, his shoulders were firmly grabbed. He looked at that hand: “Senior brother, what’s the matter?”


Shen Xingcong: “Nothing. I was just thinking about the numerous work we do every day, but neither can we learn anything sufficient nor can we travel as we wish.” 

Xiao Lin smiled: “Aren’t I the one doing all of senior brother’s work?”

Right, is that so.

Shen Xingcong was momentarily embarrassed. Inside the original book, it was only said that the original owner often bullied the junior brother who lived with him, but it didn’t explain how it was carried out in detail. It seems the original owner is genuinely not a thing. He oppressed and exploited people to every cent.

He coughed lightly and changed the subject: “Haven’t you ever thought of sneaking out to relieve boredom?” 

Xiao Lin shook his head: “I’m not good at learning. If I run into demon cultivators, I can’t deal with them. Besides, I promised Elder Jing Xin that I would cultivate stealthily and help people like me in the future.”

Shen Xingcong: “…”

Luckily, your face didn’t redden when you said that.

He might have believed it if he hadn’t read the original book. 

This fellow obviously didn’t care at all. Not to say about helping others, there was not the slightest thought of revenge when the whole village was massacred.

If the villain’s conduct in the future was out of “retaliation”. Although he disagreed, he still could feel the courage and uprightness.


At the very least, he resembles a human being.

Not as now. He was cold-blooded, like a monster. 

Putting aside his distracting thoughts, Shen Xingcong continued to set his cover-up: “Still, you have been here for almost a year, yet you are still at the first stage of Qi training without any breakthrough. If you continue like this, I’m afraid there will be no accomplishments.”

The higher your cultivation is, the more difficult it will be. Even for people with no aptitude, the Qi training period should be the fastest time for improvement. From the first stage of Qi training to the second stage of Qi training, people with ordinary talent should breakthrough to the second stage within a year.

Originally, Elder Jing Xin brought Xiao Lin back precisely because he was very young and had no one to give him guidance. Yet, he had a foundation for Qi training. But later, he found out that his (XL) cultivation hadn’t increased at all, so he could only shake his head and heave a sigh, thinking he had misjudged.

“Don’t you want to know how to breakthrough the bottleneck?” 

Xiao Lin looked over.

Shen Xingcong clasped his hand behind his back: “It’s inconvenient to discuss this matter inside the sect. Try to find a chance to go out, and let’s talk in detail.”

Xiao Lin didn’t reply immediately. His black pupils stared at him for a few seconds, then the corners of his mouth loosened slightly as if he wanted to laugh.

“I know the reason why you haven’t made any progress.” 

Shen Xingcong interrupted, leaning closer to his ear and lowering his voice, “Your spiritual roots are in disorder, isn’t it?”

A slightly mocking smile froze on his face.

After all, Xiao Lin was still a child, so he wasn’t as skilled in pretense as he would be in the future.

Shen Xingcong: “I know something that can help you.” 


As a natural demon and blessed by Heaven, Xiao Lin originally should have a cultivation talent far beyond that of ordinary people.

“Cultivation is as natural as breathing.” If it weren’t for the damage to his spiritual roots, Xiao Lin perhaps should have had a breakthrough into the Golden Core stage at this age.

It is written in the book that Xiao Lin’s spiritual roots were artificially damaged. And yet, because of his special body, the spiritual tools used daily by the cultivation sect couldn’t detect any abnormalities at all. 

Therefore until now, apart from Xiao Lin himself, no second person knew about the damaged spiritual roots.

As it should be.


After Shen Xingcong finished speaking, the room fell into a long silence.

He didn’t say anymore and quietly waited for Xiao Lin’s response. After a long time, he heard someone start to talk. 

“Why do senior brother think so?”

It seemed that he still didn’t intend to be honest.

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Shen Xingcong could understand.

Fq ecali cbk, tf tjrc’a ajxfc atf lclaljalnf ab rffx tbk ab gfrabgf rqlglaeji gbbar. Ufgtjqr tf reymbcrmlberis xcbkr atja atlr kbeiv lcfnlajyis gfnfji tlr agef lvfcalas. Ygatbvbz meialnjabgr jytbggfv vfwbc meialnjabgr, jcv yflcu j vfwbc rffv mbeiv bcis jvv agbeyif. 

Vtfc Wlcumbcu qjaafv tlw bc atf rtbeivfg: “Gb sbe kjca ab xcbk kts? Ktfc ub bea klat wf.”

Having said that, his intention has probably been fully exposed.

He didn’t care about that because he managed to attract Xiao Lin’s attention regardless of whether Xiao Lin was curious about “restoring spiritual roots” or wary of him.

He had to go out with him once if he wanted to know the answer. 

As soon as they went out, he would kill Xiao Lin. It wasn’t important what the other person thought now.

“Since senior brother wanted to go out so much,” Xiao Lin returned to his usual self after looking at each other for a while, “I got it.”


Shen Xingcong was about to talk it over in detail when suddenly, there was an ear-splitting slamming sound outside the door, accompanied by an impatient shout. 

“Are you awake? Why are you still sleeping in!?”

Shen Xingcong was startled, and then he saw Xiao Lin walking calmly to open the door. A middle-aged man with a black beard stood outside the door. He said with a frown: “It’s your Fourth Group’s turn to clean up the bathhouse today. You shouldn’t have forgotten it, right?”

Xiao Lin said, “I’ll go there immediately with my senior brother.”

“Don’t be late.” The black-bearded man talked while casting his dissatisfied gaze, “Especially you, Shen Xingcong, slyly try to evade work all day long. I can’t bear it if there is next time!”

Shen Xingcong: “Ah… yes.” 

“Every time your mouth only says yes.”

The man complained and walked away.

Shen Xingcong recognized that person as Steward Hu, who was responsible for supervising their outer disciples’ work.

But now was the time to clean the bathhouse. Just as he wanted to continue what he had just said, Xiao Lin turned his head to look at him. 

“Let’s go, senior brother.”


Are they really going to clean the bathhouse?

On his way walking, Shen Xingcong was still a little confused. 

The inner disciples could clean their bodies by casting the purification spell. But most of the outer disciples were no different from ordinary people. Most of them didn’t know the purification spell, so they could only eat three meals a day and clean daily like ordinary people.

Even so, there were more important things to do now!

Disciples frequently came and went on the road, so talking was inconvenient. Shen Xingcong could only hint at Xiao Lin with his eyes, hoping that the other person would notice him.

Xiao Lin was surprised: “Senior brother, do you have cramps in your eyes?” 

You were the one who had cramps!

Shen Xingcong could only speak bluntly: “About what I said just now….”

“I remember.” Xiao Lin looked straight ahead, “So, I should wait for senior brother to find an opportunity.”

Shen Xingcong: “…” 

Speaking like this… right.

There were many Xiaoyao Sect disciples, and eyes and ears were everywhere. Talking about sneaking away didn’t mean you could sneak away. This matter still needs further discussion.


It’s just that Xiao Lin was much calmer than he had imagined. Hearing that he knew such an important secret, he didn’t show any wavering. He managed to work as usual.

No. This way may be normal. 

Before, it was always mentioned in every layer of the text. He theoretically understood that Xiao Lin was good at pretending, but he couldn’t empathize with him. It wasn’t until this moment that he realized how this person could hide his emotions.

At this time, a crowd of outer disciples walked toward them in haste.

“I heard the elder is coming. Let’s hurry to see what that direct disciple looks like.”

“Is it the direct disciple of the sect leader? But the sect leader has been in seclusion for several years. Where did he accept her?” 

“I heard she had some good luck when she was just born. Before seclusion, the sect leader specially entrusted Elder Jing Xin to welcome her. Alas, even though we suffered innumerable hardships, we could only remain as Xiaoyao Sect’s outer disciples to do odd jobs. Some people are born with a golden spoon in their mouths. It’s really infuriating.”

Several people didn’t deliberately control their volume, and every spoken word was heard clearly in Shen Xingcong’s ears.

When they passed by, Shen Xingcong stopped and looked back.

Sect leader’s direct disciple? 

You are reading story I Became the Vicious Senior Brother of “White Cut Black” Junior Brother at novel35.com

A trace of restlessness emerged in his heart.

Solely by hearing the title, he knew who this person was.

This was his favorite character in the entire book and Xiao Lin’s future Dao companion — Mu Xiaorou.

Mu Xiaorou was about the same age as Xiao Lin. Thanks to the same age and the closeness caused by the same ordinary background, this girl, who is doted on by the whole sect, has a great affection for Xiao Lin from the very beginning.

Xiao Lin was promoted to the inner sect later on, and the two of them spent more and more time together. Familiarity breeds fondness, childhood sweethearts, and a lovely young couple.


Shen Xingcong originally thought so.

Even if Xiao Lin gradually revealed his true nature. He still believed that as long as Mu Xiaorou accompanied him, this person could definitely overcome his instincts so he wouldn’t be the scourge that stained the world with blood. 

It’s a pity he’s still naive.

It wasn’t until the long icy sword pierced through Mu Xiaorou’s body that Shen Xingcong clearly realized one thing.

—You shouldn’t have expectations for natural demons. After all, even the “love” he promised was only a pretense.

Looking again at Xiao Lin, who was in front of him, Shen Xingcong had mixed feelings. 

Seeing the change in Shen Xingcong’s expression, Xiao Lin was puzzled: “Senior brother, what’s the matter?”

Shen Xingcong shook his head: “It’s nothing. I’ll go and have a look as well. You go to the bathhouse first.”

Although he cared about Mu Xiaorou, he mustn’t let Xiao Lin follow.

This time, the two must not be allowed to meet each other. 

Xiao Lin didn’t talk much and just answered yes.

Shen Xingcong took a few steps back, confirming that no one would follow after him, then turned around and left.

Xiao Lin stood there for a while, then turned around quickly before disappearing into the crowd.

He arrived at the gate shortly. From a distance, he saw a large group of cultivators gathered at the door. The scene was very spectacular.

Elder Jing Xin probably hasn’t returned yet.

Shen Xingcong wanted to find a place with a wide view, but he didn’t pay attention to his side and bumped into someone’s shoulder.

“Sorry.” He said apologetically and wanted to continue walking, but unexpectedly his shoulder was grabbed firmly. 

“Shen Xingcong?”

The man’s tone was exaggerated, “Such a coincidence, I’m here to join in the fun as well.”


Shen Xingcong looked over. He caught sight of a man with fox eyes and a rather unfriendly look, thinking he was difficult to get along with. Beside him were similarly dressed disciples from the outer sect.

Shen Xingcong recognized these people were in the same group as him. The leader was Yu Mi, who had never been on good terms with the original owner. The two entered the sect almost simultaneously, but neither of them could comply with the other. 

Eventually, Yu Mi won people’s hearts, and the original owner became the subject excluded by everyone.

“What a coincidence.”

He didn’t want to make trouble, so he wanted to leave after greeting. However, Yu Mi still didn’t let him go.

“Having caused such an incident yesterday, and yet you came over today as if nothing happened to join in the fun. Shen Xingcong, if I were you, I’m afraid I would have been so ashamed that I couldn’t stay in Xiaoyao Sect any longer.” 

Shen Xingcong said modestly: “It’s still fine. I’m fairly thick-skinned.”

Yu Mi was dumbfounded.

Usually, this person would get angry whenever he was provoked by a few words from him.

Originally he wanted to take advantage of the presence of important figures today to provoke this person until it led to disturbances. So that he could drive him away from Xiaoyao Sect once and for all. He didn’t expect this person’s reaction was different from how he used to be. 

Yu Mi curled his lip and still wanted to say something but was interrupted by someone’s exclamation at the front side.

“Elder Jing Xin is here!”

“Is that the sect leader’s direct disciple? Isn’t she just a little girl?”

“Just a little girl? Don’t underestimate her. Since she could become the  sect leader’s direct disciple, maybe her cultivation level is higher than yours.” 

A few figures, riding on flying swords, came from not far away.

The leader looked like a middle-aged man with a long beard, and his robe fluttered in the wind. There was a little girl with a bun behind him who hugged him tightly for fear of falling off the sword.

Is that Mu Xiaorou?

Shen Xingcong’s attention was quickly attracted. 

He was extremely excited, like a fan who saw his idol.

As for why he likes this character, it’s most likely because Mu Xiaorou was the only main female character who wasn’t captivated by the male protagonist in the supposed-to-be stallion novel.


She loved Xiao Lin wholeheartedly. After the sect leader passed away, she alone was powerful enough to support the entire sect.

It’s a pity that the people she met weren’t good. 

Thinking about the ending in the future, Shen Xingcong unconsciously sighed again.

At this moment, Elder Jing Xin had taken the little girl down from the sword. Several other elders and the chief disciple of the inner sect stepped forward to welcome them.

When the others saw the face of that disciple, they couldn’t help discussing it.

“Is that Shen Ke’er? For him to be able to receive the sect leader’s direct disciple, the elders surely value her very much!” 

“Alas! What is the use of discussing it? Do you know Shen Hanling? Shen Ke’er’s younger cousin, who is about the same age as the little girl beside him. He has already broken through the Golden Core stage. He has even been accepted as the closed disciple of the sect leader of the Tiandao Sect. How can we compare?”

Even though Xiaoyao Sect was a large sect, they had both good and bad talented people. The sect’s rank in the entire Lingyuan Continent was no more than middle rank.

However, Tiandao Sect was the absolute number one immortal sect. How many talented youths had racked their brains to go in, but after entering the sect with great difficulty, they found that there were more talented people than themselves.

They were the proud sons of Heaven in another sect. Nevertheless, they were the most insignificant mediocrity in Tiandao Sect. 

It could be said that entering Tiandao Sect means occupying a standing in the immortal cultivation world in the future.

“Shen Ke’er, Shen Hanling… are both from the Shen family?” Someone was envious, “An unknown small family in the past is finally proud of itself.”

“Speaking of which, there is also a Shen in our group,” Shen Xingcong said humanely, “This is indeed the difference between clouds and mud.”

Yu Mi sneered: “How can this be compared? Just putting you in together is an insult to others. You only know about doing bad stuff every day, so you better get out of Xiaoyao Sect as soon as possible.”

He seemed to let people hear it on purpose cause he didn’t control his volume at all.

When Shen Xingcong raised his head, their eyes met each other. 

That person was looking at him with undisguised sarcasm in his eyes.

Is this asking him to respond?


Shen Xingcong remembered that the reason why Yu Mi harbored such hostility towards the original owner was caused by not only the incompatibility of temperament but also a competition of interests.

Even outer disciples also have the opportunity to be promoted to the inner sect. If he remembered correctly, it was about time to arrive at the “inner sect selection” plot section in the book. 

He and Yu Mi’s cultivation were equally matched in terms of qualifications, and the inner sect selection quota was limited. If the other person wished to get promoted, he was naturally the most obstructive existence.

He thought it over: “Even if I leave, you may not have a chance to be selected.”

Yu Mi’s face turned green: “What?”

Shen Xingcong said sincerely: “I mean, we should stop pecking at each other since we will both fail the selection.” 

That’s how the original book was written.

Of course, Yu Mi didn’t know what was on Shen Xingcong’s mind. He just felt that he was underestimated for no reason. Gnashing his teeth, he stepped forward: “Shen Xingcong!”

“Senior brother, calm down, calm down!” The disciple at his side hurriedly stopped him, “Everyone else is watching.”

Shen Xingcong: “Everyone is watching.” 

Yu Mi roared: “You don’t need to say it!”

He was most concerned about the inner sect selection. He took several deep breaths before suppressing his temper, then pointing with one hand and said, “Let’s wait and see!”

After saying harsh words, he flicked his sleeves. The other disciples hurried to keep up with him. Intentionally or not, he bumped Shen Xingcong hard on the shoulder before leaving.

Shen Xingcong staggered, watching the group led by Yu Mi walk away. 

He rubbed his shoulder.

How childish.


Anyway, he finally saw Mu Xiaorou. 

Although it was only a glance from a distance, Shen Xingcong was still in a good mood.

He hummed a little tune and went to the bathhouse.


The outer disciples’ bathhouse was divided into inner and outer rooms. The outer room was used for changing clothes.

As soon as he pulled open the side door, he felt a rush of hot air on his face. 

The bathhouse was huge and filled with white mist. The surrounding walls were inlaid with moonstones, emitting faint rays of light.

A person stood in the depth of the bathhouse. That person tied the long lower hems around his waist, exposing his fair ankles.

Hearing the door made a sound abruptly, his ankle knocked against the wooden barrel beside him, creating a soft pattering sound.

That person was sweating, and a few strands of hair were stuck to his face. He was looking sideways. 

Translator’s Notes:

I didn’t put the ‘Author’s Notes’ cause it was just saying thank you to all supportive readers, and it’ll be so in the future.

Btw starting next week, I’ll try to upload 2 chapters per week (which I also want) if I can. But I’m really sorry if I can’t do it 

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