I Became the Vicious Senior Brother of “White Cut Black” Junior Brother

Chapter 5: 5

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Ch5 - Where Are You Going and Where Am I Going

Yu Mi naturally didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence, but he didn’t want to seek an explanation either. He still wanted to argue, but he was persuaded by the people around him.

“Senior Brother Yu Mi, forget it.” One of the disciples said, “That boy Shen Xingcong is barefoot and is not afraid of those wearing shoes. The selection day is approaching, and we can’t get into trouble, let’s bear with it for now.”

Yu Mi still stood stiffly in place.



“Ah, Teacher Lan Jin is here!”

At this moment, no one knew who shouted the sentence, and the disciples hurriedly returned to their seats. Yu Mi was also dragged away with difficulties by his companions. 

Shen Xingcong just sat down, raised his head, and looked ahead.


Outside the door, a tall figure entered the door. His eyebrows and eyes were exquisite, and his face was like a good woman’s. Coupled with his slender figure, he couldn’t distinguish the gender for a while from a distance.

What those disciples said wasn’t an exaggeration.

Shen Xingcong thought to himself. He was indeed more beautiful than any female cultivators.
It’s just that he was more delicate than heroic, and somehow he (SXC) surely felt that this person’s health didn’t look very well. In hot weather, he wore many layers inside and out.


Teacher Lan Jin stood on the highest platform and sat on the floor. The disciples immediately got up and saluted towards the platform together.

“Hello, everyone. I’m Lan Jin.”
Even the cultivator’s tone was indistinguishable from male and female. It was soft and gentle.


“Please sit down.” 

“I just heard a lot of noise outside. What happened?” Lan Jin asked softly.

Everyone in class lowered their heads, not daring to breathe heavily.

“Cultivation is cultivating one’s body as well as one’s mind. Describing each and every kind of news is distracting thoughts. You should not pay too much attention to it. Do you understand?”

Everyone answered in unison and only wished they could get under the ground.
The words just now were really heard. 

“Senior Brother Yu Mi, what should we do?” One person said anxiously, “Teacher Lan Jin was listening.”

Yu Mi said with a sullen face, “Just listen to it. He isn’t an official master. What can he do to us?”

He also knew that his behavior wasn’t normal today. For future considerations, he should never start a feud with the disciples of the inner sect.
But for some reason, he was vexed when he heard those words of praise for Lan Jin.

Since last year, he has often dreamed of Lan Jin’s appearance. There was another lecture this time which was even more grandiose and unquiet. Retorting those words of praise was more like refuting the shameful charm in his heart. 


All of this was Shen Xingcong’s fault. If it weren’t for that person’s interruption, he would never have made such a loud noise.


Yu Mi gritted his teeth.

What on earth should he do to make that boy disappear completely? 


The class has officially started.

In the class, the voice was the same as hypnosis, and Shen Xingcong was drowsy when he heard it.
Because he had his cultivation for free, he has a smattering of knowledge of those technical terms. Most of his knowledge came from cultivation novels.

Listening to it, his brain began to wander to outer space. It was suddenly disconnected and fell to the side. 

All of a sudden, his shoulder felt heavy. Xiao Lin paused at the tip of his writing brush, and tiny ink dots fell on the rice paper.
Looking aside, the person beside him fell asleep at some point. He was resting his head on his shoulder, sound asleep.

Xiao Lin: “…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qtfc Vtfc Wlcumbcu kbxf eq, tf obecv atja tlr obgftfjv kjr bc atf ajyif, jcv atf qjqfg kjr oeii bo tlr vgbbi wjgx.

Lf ibbxfv eq lc j vjhf.
Qtfc vlv tf ojii jriffq? 

Obbxlcu jgbecv, wbra bo atf vlrmlqifr kfgf ilrafclcu rfglberis ab atf mijrr. Cr kfii jr Wljb Olc ktb kjr ajxlcu cbafr. Llr mjiilugjqts kjr kglaafc lc j obgmfoei tjcv klat qbkfgoei jcv nlubgber ragbxfr. Pa kjr fcalgfis vloofgfca ogbw tlr vfilmjaf jqqfjgjcmf.

Shen Xingcong looked at it for a while and suddenly said, “Your handwriting is really good.”

Xiao Lin looked up and noticed the books he hadn’t opened at all: “Senior brother’s words are blank, but did you have a good dream?”

Shen Xingcong coughed lightly and hurriedly opened a few pages of the book to hide his embarrassment. 

It just so happened that the class was over at this moment, and everyone got up to thank the cultivator one after another.

Only then did Shen Xingcong realize that he had slept for almost the whole four hours of class. The quality of this sleep was much better than on the bed.

“Everyone has worked hard, and there are still some other things I will tell you.” Lan Jin’s gentle voice came from above, “Regarding the inner sect selection this time, the date has been set. Elder Jing Xin will serve as the head examiner, and I will assist.”

Shen Xingcong looked over quickly.
Although he couldn’t remember the exact appearance and name of the person who helped Xiao Lin, he did remember the position. 

Although the elders would be in charge of the final assessment, other odd jobs such as overall planning and personnel approval in the early stage were handled by another person.
Looking as such, the one who contacted Xiao Lin in the early stage and gave him a place for the selection could be Lan Jin?

Lan Jin’s words still continued: “The assessment list will be based on your usual contributions, cultivation, and other comprehensive evaluations, and the steward will notify the person…”


He briefly explained the circumstances and finally smiled.

“The inner sect is looking forward to your joining.” 


After the class ended, Shen Xingcong saw Xiao Lin packing up his writing brush and ink and walking forward. He grabbed the person firmly: “Where are you going?”

Xiao Lin: “I have some questions left in class that I want to ask.”

Shen Xingcong certainly couldn’t let these two people come into contact: “What’s the problem? Let me have a look.” 

“Senior brother fell asleep less than an hour after the class started.” Xiao Lin said, “It’s useless to see it.”

Shen Xingcong covered his chest with his hand.
This boy is really good at saying the most hurtful things with the purest expression.

After such a delay, Teacher Lan Jin almost walked to the door. Xiao Lin glanced at him but didn’t chase after him, as if asking questions wasn’t essential to him.
Others also held the books in both hands as if they wanted to step forward but didn’t dare.

Although everyone respected Lan Jin, the other person was, after all, an elite disciple of the inner sect, a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage. Wouldn’t it be a waste of the other people’s time for these little shrimps in the first stage of Qi training and Foundation Building stage to stop him? 

As a result, no one stepped forward until Lan Jin walked far away.

“Senior Brother Yu Mi,” it was only now that someone dared to speak, his face turned pale, “This time Teacher Lan Jin was in charge of the selection, then we just…”

“Enough, don’t talk too much!”
Yu Mi’s complexion didn’t look good either, and he left abruptly with a flick of his long sleeves. The others hurriedly chased after him.

Someone in the classroom snorted with laughter. 

“Did you see Yu Mi’s expression? It’s really wonderful.”

“He usually relies on his seniority with that tone, but this time he kicks to the hard plank.”

“He is arrogant all day long as if he will be able to become an inner sect disciple soon. This time, Teacher Lan Jin is in charge of the selection, and he will definitely be able to hack his dashing spirit.”

Everyone talked and dispersed one after another. 

Shen Xingcong saw Xiao Lin packing his books and walking out and even blindly followed him until a section of road outside the classroom.

There were woods on both sides of the road. Xiao Lin stopped: “Senior brother, the class is over. How long will you still be with me?”


You are reading story I Became the Vicious Senior Brother of “White Cut Black” Junior Brother at novel35.com

“Ah? Oh.” Shen Xingcong looked around, “Where are you going next?”
He had to make sure that Xiao Lin and Lan Jin wouldn’t get close secretly later.

Xiao Lin smiled: “Go where senior brother doesn’t go.” 

Shen Xingcong: “…”

Okay, okay, he knew he was very annoying to keep following like this!
However, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Before the inner sect selection was over, he must stop any possibility of contact between the two.

“I just happened to go this way.” Shen Xingcong said, “You go your way.”

Xiao Lin glanced at him and turned around in the other direction. Shen Xingcong immediately followed suit. 

Xiao Lin stopped, and Shen Xingcong also immediately stopped.

Xiao Lin: “…”

Shen Xingcong: “…”

Xiao Lin said: “Senior brother.” 

Shen Xingcong: “What’s the matter.”

Xiao Lin: “If you feel upset, you can be the same as usual. There is no need to be like this.”

Was this self-abandonment?

“I just happened to be on my way.” Shen Xingcong pointed with his finger, “Don’t you think the shape of the leaves over there is quite beautiful?” 

The wind blew, and the leaves rustled. A few fallen leaves were whirling down.

Xiao Lin looked at it for a while: “But I can’t see any difference.”

Shen Xingcong shook his head and sighed, “You don’t have eyes to appreciate the beauty.”

“Then, senior brother, just go and appreciate it.” Xiao Lin said, “I’ll go to the study room.” 

Shen Xingcong immediately changed his thoughts: “Suddenly, I think it’s pretty good to look through the sect scrolls.”

Probably feeling that he couldn’t get rid of Shen Xingcong, Xiao Lin continued walking forward after a moment’s pause.


At this time, he was on the point of being thicker-skinned than anyone else.
Regarding this point, Shen Xingcong felt he would never lose to others.

He blindly followed suit. 


At present, the side peak of the outer sect. After finishing the selection discussion with several stewards, Lan Jin got up and was about to leave.

“Teacher, you’ve worked hard,” Steward Hu said, “You have been teaching today and discussing with us until so late. Please take a good rest after you go back.”

Lan Jin smiled: “That’s my responsibility. No need to worry about it.” 

“Regarding the selection list, we have already drawn up a broad outline. Teacher can take it back to look over it.” Steward Hu handed over the talisman. After the talisman was infused with spiritual energy, it could directly connect to the sea of consciousness and emerge into text.

After Lan Jin took it, he heard the steward ask again: “In today’s class, could there be a disciple Teacher take notice of?”

Lan Jin thought it over: “There is one.”

“Oh?” The steward was obviously a little excited, “Which one is it?” 

“He quarreled with people before class and has been sleeping during class.” Lan Jin seemed to be thinking of something funny, “Was my teaching so boring?”

“This…” Several stewards were momentarily embarrassed.

This was clearly a bad impression!

Lan Jin looked younger than them, but he had been in Xiaoyao Sect for many years, and even several elders had to respect him a little. Naturally, they didn’t dare to give him the cold shoulder. 

“It’s because we didn’t teach the rules well.” The stewards hurriedly said, “We will educate these disciples right away after going down!”

Lan Jin shook his head: “It’s just a trivial matter. Now it’s still more important to deal with the selection.”

Lan Jin was about to leave, but he turned around and asked, “Can you give me a copy of the directory of all the outer sect disciples?”

Most of the outer sect disciples hadn’t fasting yet, so there was a cafeteria to provide three meals a day. They only need to exchange spirit stones.

Xiao Lin came to the cafeteria alone without waiting for Shen Xingcong to get up.


These days, the other person was always pestering him for some reason. To tell the truth, it was a bit annoying.

After he finished eating, he went to return the dishes. Within a few steps, he saw several people surrounding him and blocking his way. 

“Junior Brother Xiao Lin.” The leader smiled maliciously and said, “I heard that you recently had a very good relationship with Senior Brother Shen, and you go in and out together every day. Why are you eating alone this time?”

Xiao Lin looked at them: “What’s the matter, senior brothers?”

“You have been in the sect for so long, and we, as seniors, haven’t received you properly. We are really ashamed, so carefully setting an auspicious date doesn’t beat seizing an opportunity.” The man stepped forward and hugged Xiao Lin, “Let’s take a walk with us.”

It was said to be hospitality, but the strength was extremely tough. On the contrary, everyone’s faces were full of smiles. The cafeteria was bustling with people, but no one saw that something was wrong.

Xiao Lin didn’t resist and went down to a side house escorted by everyone. It was close to the spiritual field and was usually used for drinking water and resting.

The windows in the house were tightly closed, and no light could come in. 

He had just stepped over the threshold when Xiao Lin was pushed. He staggered into the house, and the door was slammed shut behind him.

Xiao Lin turned his head sideways. Those people didn’t enter with him.

“You are here.”
A male voice came from the depths of the darkness.

Xiao Lin looked back and bowed with hands clasped in front: “Senior Brother Yu Mi.” 

Yu Mi walked out from the depths: “There are some things I want to talk about with Junior Brother Xiao Lin in detail. It’s inconvenient outside, and that’s why I’m here. Please forgive me.”

This was probably Yu Mi’s most polite moment.

Xiao Lin smiled: “Senior Brother Yu Mi, please speak if you have something to say.”

“Long story short.” Yu Mi said, “Do you want to drive Shen Xingcong away?” 

Xiao Lin: “Drive senior brother away?”

“I know he has been bullying you in secret. Not only does he push all the work on you, but he also beats you often. Don’t you hate him?”


Xiao Lin didn’t answer.

Yu Mi continued, “Probably because the inner sect selection is getting closer, he has always pretended to be a good person recently. However, you must not be deceived. Otherwise, the only one who will suffer is you, do you understand!”
He preached for a long time but has yet to get the slightest response. 

Originally, he thought that Xiao Lin would certainly shed grateful tears if he took the initiative to offer cooperation. In the end, this person was like a log, just listening quietly, as if those things had nothing to do with him at all.

Yu Mi spoke until his mouth was dry and gradually became a little impatient: “What on earth are you thinking? Do you want to keep being beaten like this? Don’t you feel you have no dignity by being treated like a slave that was ordered around!?”

Xiao Lin finally had a reaction and asked with a smile, “What do you want me to do?”

“Go and report to the steward.” Yu Mi said at once, “As long as you say that you have been bullied by Shen Xingcong, no matter how much the steward wants to calm things down, it is absolutely impossible to ignore it. That boy has been notorious for his misdeeds, and after this, he will definitely be driven out of Xiaoyao Sect!” 

“How is it?” Yu Mi stretched out his hand, “Do you want to cooperate with me? I promise, as long as you drive that guy away, no one will bully you in the outer sect.”

Xiao Lin lowered his head, and his gaze fell on the other person’s outstretched palm. He narrowed his eyes slightly.


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