I Can Rewatch The Crime Scene

Chapter 14: 14

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Seeing that Zhao Xin had calmed down, Qin Feng asked, “Are Gu Tao and Chen Lin your employees?”

“Gu Tao and Chen Lin? They’re our employees alright. Are they involved in this case?”

Zhao Xin was momentarily stunned when he heard his employees’ names being mentioned. However, he promptly responded once he had recovered from his surprise.

“Manager Zhao, could you please call them over.”

Qin Feng did not answer Manager Zhao’s question, rather, he had only instructed him to call them over.

Zhao Xin nodded and said to the girl at the front desk, “Lil’ Wu, could you call Gu Tao and Chen Lin over. Tell them that I’m looking for them.”

“Okay, manager.”

The girl at the front desk, Lil’ Wu, nodded and left.

Not long after, Lil’ Wu came back with two young men behind him.

“Manager, Lil’ Wu said you were looking for us?” The young man on the left asked.

“I’m not looking for you. These two police officers are.” Manager Zhao shook his head and replied. He then pointed to the young man on the left who spoke first and said, “Officer Qin, this is Gu Tao and the other one is Chen Lin.”

Gu Tao and Chen Lin exchanged puzzled looks at one another. They did not understand why there were police officers looking for them.

Qin Feng nodded at Zhao Xin. He turned to Gu Tao and Chen Lin and said, “Hello, I’m Qin Feng from the Ocean City Police Department. Don’t be nervous. I’d just like to ask a few questions related to the case we’re investigating. It would help us greatly if you guys could answer truthfully.”

After receiving an affirmative reply from the two of them, Qin Feng began his questioning. “Were you two the ones who did the maintenance of the chandelier in the Imperial Wind Pavilion a few days ago?”

“That’s right. The two of us went there together four days ago. I’m sure our job is recorded in our system somewhere.”

Although Gu Tao and Chen Lin were still confused, they gave a truthful answer.

“Okay. Do any of you recall doing maintenance on the chandelier on top of table 666?”

Qin Feng nodded and asked again.

“It’s me, I was the one who did it.”

Gu Tao opened his mouth to answer, whereas Chen Lin nodded in agreement.

Qin Feng turned his gaze to Gu Tao and asked in a serious tone, “When you were conducting maintenance on the chandelier, did you confirm that all the screws on the top of the chandelier were tightened? Were any of the screws loose?”

“That’s impossible!”

Gu Tao denied, “I remember it very clearly. While I was conducting maintenance on the chandelier above table 666, I got a call from my phone. To ensure that I did not mess up anything because of the call, I double-checked the chandelier and even tightened all the screws again. I can guarantee you that none of the screws were loose!”

Seeing that Qin Feng was constantly asking about the chandelier, Zhao Xin could not help but ask, “Officer, what exactly happened? Is there something wrong with the chandelier we did maintenance on?”

“Last night, the chandelier above table 666 crashed, and the guest who was eating below in was crushed by the chandelier, and he had died on the spot.”

Qin Feng looked at the four people before him and replied.


Wang Dong, Gu Tao, Chen Lin, and Lil’ Wu were all very surprised. This was especially true for Gu Tao, who anxiously and helplessly exclaimed, “Officer, you have to believe me! I really did tightened it. I double, no triple checked! You have to believe me!”

You are reading story I Can Rewatch The Crime Scene at novel35.com

Qin Feng looked at the anxious Gu Tao and said, “Don’t worry, we’re not here to apprehend anyone, we’re just her to seek information.” He then turned to the others and said, “Don’t leave Ocean City during the next few days. Keep your cell phones available at all times, as we might contact you for further information.”

“Of course! Of course!”

“Okay, officer. We definitely won’t leave.”

Zhao Xin, Gu Tao, and Chen Lin hurriedly nodded in agreement, indicating that they would cooperate.

Qin Feng nodded and said goodbye. With that, he then returned to the car together with Mu Qianqian.

Mu Qianqian fastened her seatbelt and turned to ask Qin Feng, who was frowning, “Qin Feng, where are we going next?”

The information they had gained from this visit was certainly substantial. Gu Tao’s confession could prove that this was not an accident, but first, they had to make sure that Gu Tao was telling the truth.

The maintenance staff had assured them that the chandelier had been properly maintained just days prior. As such, its sudden crash did not make any sense.

“The last place we’ll head to is the Imperial Wind Pavilion. I hope we can gain some important info there.”

Qin Feng’s tone was serious as he leaned back in his chair and said in a deep voice.

Despite all their efforts, they were still none the wiser. Gu Tao’s words could only prove that this was not an accident, and they had to first confirm that Gu Tao wasn’t lying. However, they had yet to obtain any clues regarding the murderer’s identity.

Unless they found more clues soon, the case would most likely be closed as a result of a lack of evidence.

Such an outcome would not only humiliate the police force, but it would also let the murderer off the hook. Qin Feng refused to accept such an outcome.

“Alright, let’s head to the restaurant.”

Mu Qianqian nodded and drove towards the Imperial Wind Pavilion.

“Qin Feng, didn’t our colleagues already gathered enough clues last night? Why are we still heading there? Is there something that they missed?”

Mu Qianqian looked at Qin Feng, who had been silent the entire way, and asked.

The entire case was like a ball of yarn without a thread. It was a mess, and there were no clues to be found.

Be it among Chi Feng’s family, friends, or colleagues. There was not a single trace of the murderer being in his midst. It was as if the murderer did not even exist. No matter how hard Qin Feng tried to investigate, he could not locate any clues. For a moment, Qin Feng even suspected that he was hallucinating.

He had clearly witnessed everything, and the murderer’s face was still deeply engraved in his mind, but Qin Feng had never met this person. He did not how to find any clues related to this person.

Qin Feng mentally mocked himself. ‘Do I really have to draw a portrait of the murderer and then slap it on the captain’s desk to say that he was the one who killed Chi Feng? I guess if I expose this amazing system of mine, I’ll become famous, but who knows? I might even be taken in by the government and be dissected for the sake of research.’

“Qin Feng? Did you hear what I said?”

Mu Qianqian looked at Qin Feng, who was deep in thought, and asked.

“AH? Oh? No.”

Qin Feng came back to his senses and smiled bitterly at Mu Qianqian.

Mu Qianqian did not question what Qin Feng was thinking about. Instead, she asked with great concern, “Then why are we going to the restaurant again? There has to be a reason, right?”

“We’re going there to try our luck.”

Qin Feng raised his head and looked at the confused and cautious Mu Qianqian as he voiced out his thoughts..

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