I Can Rewatch The Crime Scene

Chapter 20: The Bank Heist Incident

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Wen Jiaxiang did not argue any further. He silently leaned back and raised his drooping eyelids. “I’ll explain everything, but before I do, could you at least tell me how you figured out Chi Feng’s death was a murder? I thought my method was flawless.”

“Your plan was indeed very thorough, but you should know that once things are done, there will definitely be traces left behind. This is a principle that has never changed since ancient times. As long as you pay close attention, no matter how small the clues are, they will show up. Your method might be well thought out, but unfortunately for you, you missed out on some details, and even more unfortunately, I happened to stumble upon them.” Qin Feng replied.

“The details, huh? I see. Well, it no longer matters, you are indeed an impressive cop. I confess to my crimes.”

Perhaps it was due to a sense of hopelessness, or perhaps he had received an epiphany, but Wen Jiaxiang no longer withheld the truth, and he had explained the entire set up in a calm tone.

In order to cover up his murder twenty years ago, Wen Jiaxiang had chosen to become a murderer once more. Chi Feng had sealed his fate once he decided to threaten Wen Jiaxiang with his path. Both of them had walked down a path of no return due to the desires within their hearts, resulting in a mutually assured destruction.

In the end, Wen Jiaxiang admitted to the two murders and accepted the legal responsibilities that he should bear.

Qin Feng held the written statement and knocked on Captain Liu Chao’s office.

“Please come in.”

Qin Feng heard his captain’s reply and pushed open the office door.

“Oh, it’s you. How was the interrogation? Did Wen Jiaxiang confess?”

Liu Chao raised his head and upon spotting Qin Feng, he asked with a smile on his face.

“Captain, Wen Jiaxiang has already confessed, and he has even explained how he tricked Chi Feng into entering the Imperial Wind Pavilion as well as how he destroyed the evidence. Other than that, he has also admitted to the murder he carried out 20 years ago.”

Qin Feng nodded, walked up, and placed the interrogation notes on Liu Chao’s desk as he replied.

Liu Chao was very surprised when he heard Qin Feng’s response. “You managed to force a confession this quickly? You’ve done a great job this time, Qin Feng. I’ve just received a call from the bureau chief, and due to how well you’ve handled the two recent cases, he says that he wants to meet you. Pack your things and come with me.”

“OH? The bureau chief wants to see me? Okay.”

Qin Feng was a little flattered when he heard that the bureau chief wanted to see him. With a nod, Qin Feng trotted behind Captain Liu Chao as he headed out. He did not expect the bureau chief to suddenly want to see him. Nevertheless, Qin Feng was undaunted by the meetup, and if anything, he seemed to be excited.

The chief of the Ocean City Police Department, Li Dahe, was around fifty years old. He was a kind soul, and he was impartial when it came to the treatment of his subordinates. This was Qin Feng’s impression of the current bureau chief.

However, for some reason, the rate of cases being solved within Ocean City had never gone up. As a result, whenever Chief Li headed to the Magic Capital for conferences, he would be chastised for his department’s poor performance.

Not long after, Liu Chao had brought Qin Feng to the front door of Chief Li’s office.

After tidying his appearance, Liu Chao then knocked on the door.

“Please enter.”

Li Dajiang’s steady voice came from behind the door.


Liu Chao pushed the door open and then nodded to Qin Feng, indicating for him to follow.

“Chief, I’ve brought Qin Feng. Qin Feng, meet the bureau chief.”

“Hello, Chief!”

Qin Feng entered the office and stood stock still as he saluted at the chief.

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Li Dahe raised his head, and upon spotting Liu Chao and Qin Feng, he chuckled and said, “Qin Feng, you’re now a celebrity of our police department. To think that you’ve managed to solve two major cases in a row. in the police station. You’ve truly ushered in a new age, and it seems that it’s time for old folks like us to retire.”

“Director, you’re flattering me too much. I just got lucky and stumbled upon the evidence by accident.”

Qin Feng dared not accept the praise. He hurriedly waved his hands to dispell the notion.

“Hahaha, you’re being so modest. Most people would never even gain a sliver of your luck within their lifetime.”

Li Dahe looked at Qin Feng and nodded approvingly.

“Chief, if it weren’t for Qin Feng, I would have made a committed a grave mistake. I almost closed this case as an accident.”

Liu Chao smiled bitterly and reported to Li Dahe.

“I’ve heard about this case too. That Wen Jiaxiang is truly a master of covering up his tracks. Had Qin Feng not realized something was off, he might truly have escaped. It seems that your perception needs to be worked on, Liu Chao.” Li Dahe heaved a heavy sigh.

Liu Chao glanced at Qin Feng and said, “Chief, Qin Feng was not rewarded with the third-class merit award previously due to special circumstances, I think that he should get his rightful award this time, right?”

Li Dahe laughed out loud and exclaimed, “We are of the same mind, you and I! Don’t worry. The third-class merit won’t run away this time. Whoever that dares to object this decision must go through me first!”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Qin Feng chuckled and was just about to answer when he was interrupted by a series of urgent knocks on the door.

“Please come in!” Li Dahe said.

“Chief Li, captain, we’ve just received a report. Five minutes ago, a group of bandits robbed the Ocean City Bank No.1 at gunpoint. This matter is making waves on social media, and it seems that is has gained plenty of attention from the public. There are already many reporters gathered at the bank’s entrance, and all of them are reporting on this incident!”

Zhao Gang rushed into the room with a grave expression.

“What did you just say?!”

Li Dahe shot up from his seat. Liu Chao and Qin Feng were also equally shocked. It was supposed to be an era of peace, and yet, cases were popping up one after another within Ocean City!

“Liu Chao, immediately deploy your men over to the scene. Make sure to capture all of the criminals, don’t let a single one of them escape!”

Chief Li ordered Liu Chao.

“Yes, chief. I’ll head over right away.”

After giving a salute, Liu Chao left Chief Li’s office together with Qin Feng and Zhao Gang.

Five minutes later, more than ten police cars had left the Ocean City Police Department and were headed to the crime scene — Ocean City Bank No.1.

A bank heist of such a scale had not happened for a long, long time. As such, the social impact was immeasurable. Not only was the public paying great attention at the development of the incident, the media were also vying over one another to get the best coverage of the incident. The Municipal Bureau quickly set up a special task force to conduct a detailed investigation and follow-up on this incident.

[ Good morning, we’re here at Ocean City Bank No.1, where a bank heist is currently taking place. The exact number of people involved is still unknown, and there is no news of any casualties… ]

[ I am here on site of Ocean City Bank No.1’s robbery… ]

The moment news of the case had reached the media, many media outlets rushed to report it.

All eyes were now on the incident, as news of the incident had been propagated throughout social media and various other platforms..

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