I Can See All The Bosses' Drops

Chapter 28: As*hole, As Always

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Yi immediately thought of Yue’er, who had been at the top of the beauty rankings for two years and was said to be the number one beauty that even NPC couldn’t resist.

Although it was a bit of an exaggeration to see her in person, the woman ranked first on the beauty rankings did indeed look better than any other woman Lin Yi had ever seen.

Of course, that person was an exception.

Speaking of which, one had to mention the so-called beauty list.

First of all, all names on the beauty list were arranged by the system based on big data, and there was no human interference.

Secondly, those who were able to be on the beauty list had to satisfy a prerequisite, which was that no changes were made to the character’s avatar since creation, and something even as slight as a change in hair color would be excluded.

To be safe, when one was on the list of beauties, they would receive a notification from the system. Their inclusion on the list had to be decided by the person themself, so there was no violation of personal privacy.

Moreover, the person on the list could choose to cancel it at any time.

Thus, although it wasn’t 100% accurate for the beauties on the list, it was considered the only official authoritative list.

Those on the list didn’t bring any real meaning to the game. It was purely to satisfy the entertainment mentality of the masses.

Seeing the appearance of the famous Yue’er, the handsome scum rushed up to her.

“You’re finally here! I’ve been waiting for you.”

The famous Yue’er only nodded lightly after hearing that, somewhat in complete juxtaposition to the handsome scum’s overenthusiastic reactions.

When the famous Yue’er turned to look at Lin Yi, she was instantly attracted by Evra, though she didn’t react as much as Xia Haitang did. She only looked at Lin Yi in surprise.

“You’re that Fenghua?”

Frankly, when Yue’er saw Fenghua in person, her heart was filled with disappointment.

She thought that this Fenghua, who had stirred up the storm in the game, would be an elegant young master.

She didn’t expect him to be so ordinary.

But no matter what, Fenghua was still the number one person in the game.

Even if he looked ordinary, she couldn’t ignore the glory and radiance he was emitting.

Without waiting for Lin Yi to speak, Yue’er stepped forward and extended her beautiful hand.

“Nice to meet you. You can call me Yue’er.”

“Yes, nice to meet you.”

Lin Yi replied as if he didn’t see the hand. He turned around and walked towards the dungeon.

“Since everyone’s here, let’s enter the dungeon.”

Not only that, but Lin Yi also rejected Yue’er’s friend request.

If it wasn’t necessary, he wanted no interaction with such a woman.

It wasn’t that Lin Yi was arrogant, but such a person wasn’t from the same world as he was, and he had no need to force his way in.

Lin Yi walked very naturally, but his actions stunned the handsome guy behind him.

He refused to shake her hand?

Oh my God.

Was this kid crazy?

Ever since the handsome guy got to know Yue’er, this was the first time he’d seen a man refuse to get close to her.

Boom. Boom.

He was so handsome!

Xia Haitang, on the other hand, looked at the figure that turned around and left in surprise.

Could he be playing hard to get?

After all, this Yue’er was a peerless beauty that even her own woman could not help but be jealous of!

However, when she thought of how decisive he was when he rejected her back then, Xia Haitang felt relieved.

It was really his style, just like how he was always a b*stard.

Ever since Yue’er had planned to give him a chance to get close to her, she had never thought that the results would embarrass her so much!

She withdrew her hand stiffly, and her face was filled with endless anger.

“What do you mean? I’m not worthy of shaking your hand? Or do you think that by doing this, you will make me think highly of you? If you think so, you are so wrong!”

Yue’er, who had never suffered such grievance before, shouted.

“I can tell you clearly that you’ve lost your one and only chance to be friends with me, Yue’er. You’ll definitely regret it.”

Lin Yi turned to look at the wronged girl speechlessly,

“I don’t deserve to shake your hand, alright? We’ll be on the same road after we get this first kill.”


Yue’er was furious.

The handsome guy saw that something was wrong and rushed forward.

“Calm down, calm down. This is how he is. Don’t lower yourself to his level.”

At that moment, Lin Yi grouped everyone up.

“Chi Tong joins the team.”

“Handsome joins the team.”

“Fantasy City Xia Haitang joins the team.”

Lin Yi looked at Yue’er.

“Are you going to enter the dungeon or not?”

The handsome man, on the other hand, was a mess. “Hurry up and join the team. Don’t let your emotions get the better of you.”

“Hmph!” Yue’er looked at Lin Yi angrily and shouted.

“The famous Yue’er joins the team.”

Lin Yi didn’t bother to reply.

Perhaps from a human standpoint, no man could resist the temptation of such a beautiful woman, but from a rational point, only what was suitable for him would be the best. No matter how beautiful she was, she was just a bag of skin. One day, she, too, would grow old.

Lin Yi didn’t want to lose sight of the root of the problem. Cherishing the person in front of him had been his greatest inspiration since his rebirth.

“Would you like to enter the jungle realm?”


The five of them saw a series of changes before they appeared in the dungeon.

“All of you, stay where you are.”

Before Handsome and the others could see what was in front of them, they heard a series of squeaking sounds.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Lin Yi and a group of guards disappearing before his eyes.


No one noticed that Chi Tong was slowly disappearing.


Apocalypse Summer: “This prayer still has 5% of his health left. Bei Cheng, don’t hold back. Attack with all your might!”

“Alright!” replied Glory World Gubei City.

“Shadow strike”


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“Slit throat”




After Gubei CIty quickly finished a set of skills, Apocalyspe Summer’s attacks followed.

“Flame Breath!”



Arcane realm’s prayer: “You bunch of d*mned invaders. Captain Oakdale will definitely avenge us.”

Apocalypse Summer: “Forget about the equipment on the ground, quickly go and help Butcher.”

“Super Healer, quickly, put a shield on Gubei City!”

Super Healer: “There’s still a second cooldown, wait… It’s Done!

“Shield of protection”

Before Gubei City entered stealth, a light shield suddenly appeared on his body.

Seeing that Butcher’s HP was starting to turn red, Apocalypse Summer said anxiously,

“Hurry up, is the recovery skill done yet!”

Super Healer was equally anxious. “Two seconds left!”

Gubei City suddenly appeared behind the mystical realm guard.

“Watch me!”

“Shadow strike”


“Slit throat”




The heavily injured mystical realm guard immediately gave up on the dying Butcher and charged towards Gubei City.

Glory World Super Healer: “Here Comes the healer, here comes the healer!”

“Rejuvenation Spell!”




Finally able to catch his breath, Glory World Butcher quickly reminded, “This guard’s attack isn’t locked on, but my agility isn’t enough to dodge it. Gubei, you can try dodging the attack.”


Gubei City was shocked by the slash.

“Such high damage! F*ck!”

Drunkard: “Hurry up, come and collect my corpse later.”

In front of Glory World Drunkard, a mystical realm mage was bombarding him.

Most of the spell damage was locked onto the target, and Drunkard couldn’t dodge it even if he wanted to.

It was fortunate that he bought the equipment from Lin Yi, or he would’ve been dead by now.

At the same time, Apocalypse Summer maintained the rhythm of attacking the guards while looking at the HP of the two monsters.


Apocalypse Xia said to Butcher who had recovered half of his HP.

“Butcher and Drunkard, pull the guards of the Arcane Master.

“Drunkard, use the passive shield to dodge the attacks of the guards as much as possible to reduce the damage.

“When the time comes, Gubei, you will immediately break away from the battle and attack the arcane realm mage with all your might.

“Super Healer will give the next shield to Butcher, and the third one to Drunkard.”

“After Super Healer sets up the shield, Blood Butcher will immediately go and pull the mage to OT.”


Everyone agreed.

A few seconds later, Glory World Super Healer commanded,

“Shield of Protection!”

Butcher rushed towards the arcane realm mage without hesitation.

“Shield Strike!”



“Passive skill triggered. Stunned for one second.”

“That’s great!”

Next, Apocalypse Summer shouted, “Drunkard, Quick!”

Drunkard immediately turned around and charged at the arcane realm guard not far away:

“Shield Strike!”



Passive skill triggered. Stunned for one second.

Everyone was overjoyed.

“Gubei!” Apocalypse Summer went on.

“Understood!” he replied.



Handsome sat on the ground in boredom, staring at the scenery in front of him in a daze.

“What the hell is Fenghua doing? Didn’t he get the first clear? Why did he leave us here to cool down!

“Don’t we need to kill monsters?

“Don’t we need to fight the Boss?

“He didn’t reply even after sending the message. What a bore!”


PS: the second chapter has been updated. Thank you to ‘L vote’, ‘Young Master Ye’, ‘lack of money for the five elements’, ‘Sky’, ‘zero thread’, ‘I can’t get Korean names…’, ‘Youzhi Qian Xia’and other friends for their recommendation tickets.

It just so happened that tomorrow’s the weekend.. Wishing everyone a happy weekend!

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