I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 1: 1: Traverse

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   Qin Yi sat on the ground, opened his eyes in a daze, and touched the back of his head.

hurts a little!

   seems to have a big bag swollen!

   "Made, it's so unlucky that he can fall down on the ground!"

   Qin Yi scolded.

   Rested on Saturdays and Sundays. He originally stayed at home and ordered a takeaway. When he went out to pick up the takeaway, he suddenly fell to the ground uncontrollably, hit the back of his head on the steps, and immediately fainted.

   "I don't know how long I have been fainting. It's really bad, a big living person fell on the ground, and no one cares about me? I don't know if my yellow chicken is scattered!"

   Qin Yi muttered to himself, trying to find his own takeaway, looking around, the whole person was confused.

  This, where is this?

  How can there be such an antique place in the modern community where I live?

  Also, it was night before I fainted, but now it looks like the sky is just getting dark.

   It's early morning?

   Qin Yi's brain was a little confused, and he subconsciously supported his hands on the ground and was about to stand up. It seemed that his arm had touched something, and a little message suddenly came from his head.

   [Name]: Level 1 Tempered Grass

   [Introduction]: temper the body, slightly enhance physical fitness, immature (damaged)

   [Status]: Upgradeable

  【Remaining Chaos Points】:0

   Seeing these few lines of simple information, Qin Yi looked at the surrounding environment and a clover with withered flowers on the ground, his eyes closed slightly.

   Could it be that I really crossed it?

   Qin Yi pinched his thigh, felt the pain, and took a deep breath.

   It seems that I really crossed!

They come, the security. Qin Yi is also a very nervous person. He has been in the society for so many years, and he has seen a lot of big winds and waves. He has enjoyed everything that should be enjoyed, and there is nothing that can’t let go. Since God now gives If you have the opportunity to experience a different life, then enjoy it!

   Qin Yi chuckled, dispelling the strange emotions brought by his journey, looked at the four small stones emitting strange shimmer around the grass, and touched it curiously.

   Then I heard a sound in my mind.

   [Name]: Inferior yuan coin

   [Introduction]: Contains a small amount of turbid vitality, which can help cultivation and plant growth

   [Status]: Absorbable, has lost most of its vitality

  [Contains Chaos Point]: 1 point

  【Remaining Chaos Points】:0

   Qin Yi:? ? ?

   He subconsciously clicked to absorb it, and saw that there was still a faint white light on this piece, the coin-sized yuan was instantly dimmed, and dense cracks appeared on the round stone, which seemed to break with the touch.

   [Already have Chaos Point]: 1 point

   Qin Yi's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to another Yuan coin, and said "absorb" in his heart. Suddenly, that Yuan coin became full of cracks, and at the same time he gained a chaos point again.

   There are a total of four yuan coins here, arranged in squares, and they should all be used to help the growth of this body tempering plant.

   Qin Yi was about to extend his claws to the other two yuan coins, who knew that before he could move, there was a sudden noise outside.

   Vaguely, Qin Yi seemed to hear that someone mentioned his name.

   "Are you sure that Xiao Yi did it? You are a second-level fighter, but you still can't hold a child?"

   "It's Qin Yi's bastard! He took advantage of me to urinate, ran in to make trouble, and ruined the body tempering grass!" A sharp voice sounded, and there seemed to be many people behind, with a lot of footsteps.

   Qin Yi was a little surprised.

what's the situation?

   Someone seems to be scolding me?

   Qin Yi paused. For fear of being discovered, he didn't dare to absorb the yuan anymore, and turned and walked towards the door.

   Before reaching the door, I saw a large group of people walking towards him. The young man headed by him, with disheveled clothes, fast steps, gritted his teeth, and an expression of deep hatred, seemed to find himself wearing a green hat.

Next to   , an old man with a white beard in a black robe frowned tightly, without a word, with a serious expression.

   On the other side, a middle-aged man with a simple face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, wearing a blue long coat, made him feel a little warm. He saw Qin Yi appearing at the door, his eyes brightened, and he immediately dimmed, shaking his head and sighing.

Behind   , there were a lot of men and women who seemed to look strange.

   Qin Yi sees so many people staring at him together, even if he is too nervous, he also feels a little bad.

   "It seems, got into trouble?"

   But the point is, I don’t have any impression now!

   Thinking of this, Qin Yi suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, as if it had exploded. He suddenly couldn't stand the pain, and with a scream, he fell straight to the ground.

   "Qin Yi, you bastard, you usually forget the skin, and now it has ruined the body tempering grass we have planted for five years, you..."

   This young man who seems to be cuckolded by his mouth is like a machine gun. It is a curse, but before he can finish speaking, Qin Yi fell to the ground and screamed, as if it was Qin Yi he was cursing injured.

   Zhang Hai was very at a loss, and even stopped what he was about to say.

   "When have I been so powerful? Can you hurt someone by scolding someone?"

   "Xiao Yi, what's the matter with you?" The middle-aged man in the blue long coat next to him saw this, his complexion changed drastically, and he ran forward and helped Qin Yi up, very worried.

   I saw Qin Yi's face pale, his forehead sweating, his teeth clenched, and a painful roar from time to time in his throat, his hands clenched, his veins violent, showing how intense the pain he suffered.

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   "This, what's going on? Clan elder, come and see, what's wrong with Xiao Yi? Why is it all of a sudden?"

   Seeing Qin Yi's appearance, the middle-aged man was flustered and turned his head to look at the old man with white beard standing aside, his eyes full of help.

   "Ah, why did you fall to the ground suddenly?"

   "What's the matter? Is this kid hurt?"

The onlookers next to    were surprised and whispered.

"Huh! I must have seen myself in trouble, pretending to be sick here! Qin Shan, don't be fooled by this kid! Today's this thing is so endless!" Zhang Hai was just stunned and reacted in an instant. Ground roared.

   Although I was a bit heavy, since Qin Yi was fine just now, it means that there is nothing serious, this kid must have pretended.

   "You!" The middle-aged man Qin Shan shouted angrily, and then forced himself to calm down. Now Xiao Yi's business matters.

   "Clan elder, do you see?" Qin Shan said quickly. In this situation, only the clan elder can do anything.

   "Okay Zhang Hai! Qin Shan, help the child up, let me see!" The old man with white beard waved Zhang Hai to silence, then squatted down and pinched Qin Yi's arm, as if he was getting his pulse.

   After a while, the clan elder's left hand pointed like a sword, and slowly slid down on Qin Yi's back spine, and his fingertips seemed to flash.

   "Strange!" The clan elder slowly retracted his hand, stroked his beard for a moment, shook his head and said to Qin Shan, who looked at him expectantly, "I look at his pulse, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. It's just..."

   "Huh?" Qin Shan was a little surprised when he heard this.


   Then what is going on now? Seeing Xiao Yi's appearance, it doesn't seem to be pretending at all! He could feel Qin Yi in his arms, that trembling body, and the sweat that was soaked all over his body after a while, it wasn't like pretending!

   "Just what?" Qin Shan asked, his eyes flushed.

   "Ha, shall I just say, this must be pretended by this kid, I still don't believe it!" Zhang Hai laughed immediately when he heard the words. He raised his head and was about to move forward.

   Someone around heard what the clan elder said, and suddenly it boiled.

   "What, isn't it really pretending, is it? I usually see this kid Qin Yi is quite honest, can't you tell?"

   "Cut, know the face and don't know the heart, usually be honest, who knows what goes secret?"

   "Hey, after all, it's a child who has caused such a disaster. I hope the family punishment will not be too severe later."

   The old man with white beard shook his head, glared at Zhang Hai, and continued: "It's just that he seems to have something wrong with his head!"

   "What?" Qin Shan was surprised when he heard this!

   There is a problem with the head, isn’t that an idiot?

   Here, what can I do?

   I promised my uncle to take good care of Xiao Yi, now Xiao Yi is...

   Zhang Hai stopped after hearing this.

   He knew how heavy he was at the time, wouldn't he really beat this kid as an idiot?

   But this way, isn’t it right?

   Zhang Hai's eyes turned slightly, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


   "Whether he has become an idiot or not, in short, he has ruined the body tempering grass planted in the clan. You said, this is according to the clan rule, how should I be punished?"

   Zhang Hai can't help but feel proud of his wit and determination at the time!

   Qin Yi, don't blame me, who told you to run to me early in the morning? Blame it on your own life!

   "There is no proof, you said Xiao Yi broke the Body Tempering Grass. What evidence is there? How do I know if you did it yourself?" Qin Shan was furious.

   Xiao Yi looks like this, making his cousin feel distressed, this sea is still here to say things about punishing Xiao Yi, it is almost hacked to his heart.

   "There is no proof for nothing?" Zhang Hai laughed and said sarcastically, "Just because he is here, it is the evidence!"

   "Yeah, it's okay to come here to do anything, usually the little kids in the village will not go here when ordered by the adults in the family!" Some people already believed what Zhang Hai said.

   "That said, then Qin Yi should really be punished!"

   Qin Shan was a little angry when he heard the words of those on the side, but he felt very weak.

  Although he believes in Xiao Yi very much and would not do such a thing, he is very reluctant to speak, and he is usually taciturn, and he can't say anything to refute it.

And Qin Yi, who was in Qin Shan’s arms, had already slowed down at this moment. Hearing the words of those around you, Zhang Hai kept beeping next to him again. Combined with the memory in his mind, he almost understood the matter. The ins and outs.

It turned out that UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly remembered this body, that is, the memory of Xiao Qin Yi. The memory of twelve years suddenly shocked his spirit and made his head unbearable. I can't stand the pain anymore, and I'm fine now.

   Yes, he came through the soul, and the body that he traversed was also called Qin Yi.

   This is a wild continent. This village is called Chongshan Village. There are two surnames in the village, Zhang and Qin.

   The uncle next to him is his cousin, Qin Shan.

   The sharp voice next to it is very annoying. It is Zhang Hai, the son of the village head, who is one of the protagonists of this incident and the person responsible for guarding the body-tempering grass.

   As for the one who helped him get his pulse, it was the respected elder in the village, Zhang Sanye.

This time, according to Qin Yi’s guess, it should be Zhang Hai, who accidentally damaged the body tempering grass. In shock, it happened that Qin got up early in the morning and went to collect the fish cage by the river. Yi, thought of a bad idea in his heart, and asked Qin Yi to carry the scapegoat. So he stunned and put him in the yard where the body tempering grass was planted.

  Who knows that he was in a hurry, he didn't make any moves, and directly killed Qin Yi, who was just 12 years old. This is also the reason why Qin Yi in the 21st century came to this body.

   Thinking of this, Qin Yi breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the body-tempering grass behind him.

   Zhang Hai of this dog day, sent me a big meal as soon as he came, and I will have you beautiful sooner or later!

   Qin Yi felt worthless for his predecessor, and was very angry.

   Take human life too seriously!

   If you don’t have gold fingers, you will definitely not escape punishment this time!

   However, thinking of the information in his head just now, Qin Yi's mouth slightly cocked.

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