I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 137: 134: I'm still young, I can still wave!

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Qin Yi teaches Hu Lai to practice Zhenwu Zhugong during the day and morning to lay the foundation for her, and often uses vitality to cleanse her body to prevent her body from undergoing dark injuries, which will affect her future development and potential.

In the afternoon, he practiced the body tempering chapter of "Zhen Wu Fu Demon Jue" to increase the vitality of the body, and at the same time, he was constantly repairing the injuries in the body.

Over the past few days, he has been able to feel a little regaining consciousness in his waist. Although he still feels nothing in his legs, he thinks it will not be too far this day!

In the evening, he will spend some time thinking about what the "Five-Year Plan" needs to prepare and his future development, and then he will practice the Nine Void Refining God Jue all night.

These days, his progress has also been very good, and he can vaguely perceive the first Nine Heavens Void Realm.

"Li Cuifeng, Uncle Zhan, I still need to trouble you to take a trip to the county seat and buy me something back. They are all listed on this list. After you pass, you can directly find the Mu Guan in the treasure pavilion!"

Early that morning, Qin Yi called Qin Zhan and Li Cuifeng and handed them a storage ring and a checklist.

The storage ring was the one that Li Cuifeng gave him back, the one used by Lu Jing. The space is not small, fifteen cubic meters, enough.

Inside is Lu Jing's inheritance, five thousand three hundred yuan stones, other things were collected by himself, and there is also a box of gold and silver jewelry and four calligraphy and paintings obtained from the Wang family.

"There is some money in it. Go to the treasure house and tell Mr. Mu that he will know what to do!"

"it is good!"

Li Cuifeng and Qin Zhan nodded.

"have a safe journey!"

Qin Yi said with a fist to the two.


"Brother, I, I'm hungry..."

At this moment, Hu Lai blushed and walked to Qin Yi's side, touched his belly, and said shyly.

"Haha!" Qin Yi looked at Hu Lai's face red to the bottom of his neck, a little funny.

Even though Qin Yi helped her to comb her body with vitality after practicing the Zhenwu Phantom for a whole morning, she still felt tired and consumed energy quickly!

Just like when he was practicing martial arts, he felt hungry for a while!

"You can eat if you want, I will take you to have fun today!"

Qin Yi controlled the wheelchair and came into the house and found the fish cage before him.

"What's fun? Is this this?"

Hu Lai looked at the big and round long object in Qin Yi's hand, somewhat curious.

"Let's go, I will take you to an eye-opener today!"

Qin Yi was in a good mood and took Hu Lai all the way to the river.

He now deeply feels that his decision to upgrade this wheelchair is a wise move!

The wheelchair itself has not changed the slightest appearance, but its performance is countless times better. Now even the rugged trails in the countryside can be flat on the ground, without the slightest difficulty in moving forward!

Soon, the two of them arrived at Xiaoqinghe, which Qin Yi had often visited before.

"Xiao Lai, the leftovers I asked you to take, put them in this fish cage!"

Qin Yi smiled and said to Hu Lai.


With great interest, Hu Lai kneaded a piece of rice mixed with lees into a ball and put it in a fish cage.

She raised her head to look at Qin Yi.

"What do you want to do next, brother?"

"Extend this fish cage and throw it all into the water!"

Qin Yi pointed, and then reminded: "Remember to hold the top rope tightly and don't loosen it, or the fish cage will be washed away by the water!"

"it is good!"

Hu Lai nodded heavily, and then threw the fish cage into the water according to Qin Yi's method, and then tied the rope in his hand to a small tree by the river.

Seeing this fish cage submerged little by little, Hu Lai didn't know why, and was full of expectations.

"Brother, then, what am I going to do?"

She is already a little addicted.

Children of this age are ultimately curious, the easiest and most to try new and novel things, and they have always enjoyed this kind of play.

"Hehe, just wait!"

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Qin Yi shook his head and smiled.

"Don't waste this time, you will practice the basic footwork that Li Cuifeng taught you before, and it will be almost after you finish it!"

"Yeah!" Hu Lai was full of energy. Although every move was very immature, he could see that Hu Lai was using his heart.

After the two sticks of incense time passed, Hu Lai had already completed a set of basic footwork.

"Okay, take a break, wipe off the sweat, take a little time, wait a while and you can collect the fish cage!"

Qin Yi felt like an old father at the moment, taking care of his children.

This thought flashed through his mind, and then there was a sudden shiver.

"I'm just over ten years old, I'm still young, I can still wave!"

He quickly read in his heart.

Turning her head to look at Hu Lai, the little girl was already touching her growling belly, looking at the river with eyesight.

"Brother, when can we collect the fish cage?"

"Don't worry, hunters should be calm and calm, and don't panic in case of trouble, in order to harvest more prey!"

Qin Yidan said with a smile.

He was teaching some of his hunting experience subtly, and he also told her some truths and planted some seeds in her heart.

"Okay, go get the fish cage!"

Qin Yi saw that the little girl who could not wait to hear Qin Yi's words quickly obediently calmed down, raised her brows, and said to the little girl.

"Be careful, take your time, and at the last moment of harvest, remember to always be vigilant!"

Qin Yidan said with a smile.

"Okay!" The little girl was very calm, pulling the fish cage to the shore without any haste.

"It's so heavy..."

The little girl pulled the fish cage with difficulty. Qin Yi originally wanted to help, but saw that the little girl just gritted her teeth and pulled the entire fish cage up.

"Wow, a lot of fish!"

The little girl’s eyes lit up instantly, looking at the lively fish and shrimp in the fish cage, she seemed to have thought of the scene where they were made into fragrant dishes, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com's little hand quietly wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

Qin Yi looked at Hu Lai's small movements, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but a smile appeared.

Although this child doesn't want to be so taciturn and gloomy these days, he hasn't gotten much better. He is also happy when he smiles so happily now.

"Put all these fish in the bucket, and then throw the fish basket back into the water."

Qin Yi said.


The two went all the way back to the village. The little girl was still not strong enough to lift such a heavy bucket, so Qin Yi could only carry it.

"When I grow up a little bit, I will be able to lift this bucket, then I won't need your brother's help!"

The little girl is determined to grow up quickly, so that she can help her brother and find her mother quickly!

"Okay, then you can eat more today, eat more to grow faster!"

"Well, I want to eat a whole fish today, no, two fish!"

Hu Lai made a gesture with a little hand, then pursed his mouth again.

"Then how about I show you a hand today? My cooking skills are excellent! I'm sure you want to eat it! How do you want to eat it? Braised, boiled, stir-fried, or steamed?"

Hu Lai's eyes were shining, and he took a sip of water.

"Thank you brother!"


Qin Yi laughed, but thought in his heart: "My **** pot is a treasure, do you want to upgrade the spoon, stove, and kitchen? This will definitely create a unique and delicious kitchen!"

Qin Yi was also looking forward to it.

Although his legs and feet are inconvenient, he still has no problem with cooking!

"Thinking about it, I really look forward to it!"

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