I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 157: 154: 0 Satobiki

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   Qin Yi took the little girl all the way back to the inn, and then thought about his plan.

   He returned to the derivation to confirm, and when he felt that there should be no major problems, he immediately started to act.

   "It's still not safe here. If they want to move me, they shouldn't do it in broad daylight. They will definitely find someone when there are few people, at night or when I am in a secluded place."

   he thought.

   "I still have to go to the Treasure Pavilion, find a quiet place, I need to prepare something!"

   When he thought of this, he said to Hu Lai who was standing beside him: "Xiao Lai, you go change into clean clothes, take a shower by the way, and clean it up. Give me this clothes later!"

   Hu Lai glanced at Qin Yi in surprise, and then said "Oh", happily stopped the stance, and ran to take a bath without asking why.

   Qin Yi took out another compass, which he obtained from the black-robed men, and had not yet upgraded it.

   "This thing relies on smell tracking, so I will make him a unique smell!"

   He thought for a while, took out some medicinal materials from the storage ring, then mixed these medicinal materials together and put them into a metal bottle.

   Covered his whole body with vitality, then Yuanli plunged into the bottle, stirred quickly, and stirred all these medicinal materials into thin pieces.

   In order to prevent the odor from leaking, he enveloped the bottle with his strength, then poured a little bit of water into it, shook it, and felt that the metal bottle was slightly hot and a smile appeared on his face.

   "I'll add more stuff to you!"

   He smiled evilly, and a porcelain bottle appeared out of thin air.

   "The pill that Link used that old thing left behind is still in handy now!"

   After upgrading a few pills with Chaos Points, they were directly crushed into powder, then sprinkled into a metal bottle and shook.

   The power from the acupuncture points of his eyebrows and heart to the sun gushes out, covering the metal bottle, the hot elemental power instantly heats the bottle, and the sound of "gumming" sounded. Had it not been for Qin Yi's vitality to cover this bottle, some strange things might happen!

   cautiously wrapped a small drop of added liquid with Yuan Li and put it into the hidden compartment of the compass. The needle of the compass instantly turned crazily. After stopping, it slowly pointed to the bottle in Qin Yi's hand.

   The bottle was stuffed into the storage ring, and the pointer began to rotate disorderly, then took it out, and instantly pointed to the bottle.

   Qin Yi knew that the test was successful!

   "That's it!"

   He chuckled, and put these two things into the storage ring.

   "Next, go to the Treasure Pavilion to prepare something to save your life!"

   Qin Yi smiled, then Hu Lai also came out.

   "Brother, clothes for you!"

   She held her clothes in both hands, her face flushed with heat.


   After making enough preparations at the Treasure Pavilion, it was already an hour later.

   Qin Yi recovered slightly, carrying a bag in his hand, and left the treasure chest alone.

   galloped all the way to the outside of a majestic and solemn building, inside the high walls, the sound of training resounded through the sky.

   "City Guards!"

   Qin Yi smiled, hiding in a place, quietly controlling the bag with his vitality and floating on the wall, and then left without disturbing anyone.

   "I don't know if this arrangement will work, it's better than nothing!"

   He doesn't know whether this arrangement is useful, but even if it is not useful, it will not affect his next plan. It is just a free move.

   After he finished this, he thought about it for a moment, and quickly ran towards the city gate.

Since it is a yin person, it is not suitable in the city. There are too many strong people here. Once you fight, it is very easy to expose some things. Although it is more restrictive for the black robe people, it is not too good for yourself. , The gains outweigh the losses.

   Soon, he changed his face, ran all the way outside the city, and stopped at a rolling hill dozens of miles away from the city.

   "This is a good location, beautiful scenery, suitable for a graveyard!"

   He looked at it for a while, chose a more suitable place to ambush, and then secretly made some arrangements.

   "Zangbaoge is really a good place, it has everything!"

   He sighed, then put a wooden dummy on a black robe, with a mask on his face, and a waist badge hanging from his waist.

   arranged the dummy, Qin Yi clapped his hands and left with joy.

   "I don't know how many fools will be fooled?"

   He squatted on a dense tree and looked around. He had a good view. No matter which direction someone came, he could see it for the first time, but they couldn't find himself squatting on the tree.

"Wait, then!"

   His eyes seemed to be closed, and he paid a little attention to the outside world, and most of his energy was in the body tempering chapter.

   After a few weeks of vitality, the sky was already dark.

"Still not here?"

   He opened his eyes, changed his posture, muttered a word, and then proceeded to practice the Nine Void Soul Refining Art.

   He is not in a hurry. Anyway, Hu Lai is staying in the Treasure Treasure Pavilion. It is very safe. He just waits here for a few days without getting in the way. Where is cultivation not cultivation?


   In a valley not far from him, more than 20 people in black robes scattered, sitting or standing, and squatting and lying.

The one headed by    is Wenlu.

   "We are going to the county town soon, so many of us have too many goals, we will leave from here!"

   He looked around the crowd and said slowly.

   "Boss, I see, I still use you to teach!"

   Someone spoke, his expression relaxed.

   Other people also echoed the Tao.

   "Huh!" Wen Lu snorted, "The case we went to several places in the south this time was too big, we must be cautious now so as not to add chaos to Deacon Wang!"

   "In addition, Deacon Wang said that he had discovered the mission objective assigned above. If nothing happens this time, we will be able to complete the mission again soon!"

"The previous missions plus the rewards for this mission should be enough for us to use for two or three months! So in the next period of time, we must be quiet. If anyone does not listen to advice and gets arrested, no one will go. Save you!"

   he said coldly.

   "Boss, why don't you take out those thousands of miles to take a look, let's first determine the location of the target, we can make preparations if we know it in advance!"

   Someone spoke.

   "Yeah, boss, take it out and have a look! I haven't seen it yet!"

   "That is, I heard that this thing can track targets thousands of miles away. Really or not, let's open our eyes!"

   After hearing the deer heard it, he thought for a while, but did not refuse, took out a small crystal bottle from his arms, then bit the tip of his tongue, spit out a drop of blood, wrapped it in vitality and sent it into the crystal bottle.

   In the bottle, lying a dark green beetle, which looks almost like a beetle, but a little smaller than a beetle. The beetle was lying motionless, looking like it was dead.

   "This is the legendary Qianli Yin? It turned out to be a bug!"

   Someone sighed with curiosity.

   Hearing the deer smiled slightly, opened the lid of the crystal bottle, then dripped blood on the beetle, closed the lid, and shook it.

   This pretty-looking beetle seemed to feel something. It fluttered its wings slightly, slowly raised its head, and then sucked up the drop of blood in an instant, and stopped moving.


   Someone murmured softly.

   a dozen people in black robes looked at Wen Lu, and they didn't worry about Wen Lu, and smiled lightly. A small piece of scent of the thickness of a little finger appeared out of thin air in their hands, and they waved at the beetle a few times.

   The beetle rioted in an instant, fluttered its wings in the crystal bottle, and then circled the crystal bottle, seeming to want to come out.

   Wenlu smiled and put the bottle on the ground, opened the lid, and the beetle flew out with a "buzz" and flew in one direction.

   "Boss, I've taken a thousand miles away!"

   "Don't panic, it will be back!"

   Wen Lu lightly smiled, with a confident face.

   "Then how do we know where the person we are looking for is?"

   "Yes, why not follow it?"

   Someone asked curiously.

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   "This is letting go, when it gets tired, it will naturally come back here, and then it will take us to the target!"

   Wenlu explained.

   "Let the wind..."

   Everyone was speechless.

   Is this a jail time?

  Wen Lu then flaunted: "Because I am often swallowed by blood, my strength is not low, I fly fast, and I am small in size. Generally, people in the Yuandan realm may not be able to catch up with it!"

"This kind of bug is very magical and very lazy. It is usually unnecessary to not move at all. Once it has absorbed the essence and blood, it will be restless. At this time, give it a scent of scent, and it can follow the scent to track the target, even if the target You can find it even thousands of miles away!"

   Wen Lu laughed.

"But before it finds someone, it will fly out for a stroll. This is to let out the wind, stretch out the legs and feet that have not been moved for a long time, and find a hole to ovulate by the way, and give birth to offspring. Because of the attraction of Senlixiang, we don't have to look for it. , It will naturally come back here!"

   A group of people expressed their eyes wide open.

   "Then there is no such thing as not coming back?"

   someone asked.

   "Impossible, this kind of thing has never happened before! And in order to prevent it from really slipping away, I set a ban on this bug in advance, even if it has to run, it can't go far!"

   Wenlu said with a smile, because compared to other people who raise Qianliying, he has one more step of prohibition, which is why he is very confident that the bugs will not fly away.

   "Oh, that's it! The boss is wise!"

   The person next to him flattered.

   "Let’s follow the bugs for a few steps first. That's the way to the county town. Don’t waste time!"

   He stood up, just about to lift his foot, but his face was instantly pale.


   Hearing a scream of deer, he held his head and was dizzy.

   "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

   "Could it be that the bug ran away?"

   "The boss said that the bug can't run away, don't talk nonsense! I think the boss should be injured!"

   "It, it didn't run..."

   Wen Lu hurriedly swallowed a pill, then sat on the ground to recover, and said slowly.

   "Did not run?"

   Everyone is puzzled.

   "It... was beaten to death!"

   Hearing the deer gritted his teeth, his face turned dark, his face was gloomy and angry.


   Everyone didn't know why, thinking of the self-confidence before Wenlu, suddenly wanted to laugh.


   On Qin Yi's side, he just sank down and practiced the Nine Void Soul Refining Art, but suddenly found a beetle flying "buzzing" beside him, and then he was about to drill into his nostril.

   His face is a little dark.

   "Where is the worm so arrogant?"

   Qin Yi grabbed the bug, wrapped it in his vitality, squeezed it fiercely, and "clicked" the dark green beetle instantly burst into pieces.

   Suddenly, he seemed to hear a vaguely miserable howl.

   He was stunned, and then he listened, but there was no sound anymore.

   "It may be the sound of the wind!"

   Qin Yi smiled, and then continued to practice.

   The bug that was crushed by him lay quietly under the tree, shattered into a ball, very miserable.

   If a bug can speak, it must be inexplicably sad and angry.

   "I'll just lay an egg? Who offends whom?"


Wen Lu’s injury is not serious. The main reason is that the thing is relatively sudden. The worm he put under restraint is dead, and his own mental power will be a little damaged, but he can cultivate back in three or four days, but he is a little dizzy now. It has little effect.

   "Let’s go and see, who actually slapped my bug to death!"

   Hearing the deer's fury, he ran forward.

  Is the person who killed his insects sick, and he’s free to shoot insects?

   Such a small bug, who would have noticed, if it was not intentional, he could stand upside down and eat **** today by smelling the deer!

   "Old, boss, could it be eaten by birds? Some birds like to eat bugs the most?"

   Someone thought for a while and said.

"Impossible, my worm is fed by my blood, and the strength is at least equivalent to that of an ordinary acquired warrior. Any bird can eat it! Just about to be eaten by a bird casually, it is not qualified to be called Qianliying! "

   Hearing that the deer got more and more angry, he soon came to a small mountain bag.

   In his induction, not far from here is where his bug was killed.

   "Be careful, maybe you're still a master!"

   Although he was angry and attacking, he was not an idiot. He reminded everyone, and then more than twenty people spread out in a very tacit understanding, and slowly surrounded him in a net.

  In the distance, Qin Yi frowned and slowly opened his eyes.


  He looked calm, and dozens of small swords appeared out of thin air around him, and then they spread out, scattered and hidden on the trunk, under the thick leaves, in the soil, in the cracks in the rocks, and on the turf.

   "Recently, my mental power has improved a lot, and I have been able to control 42 swimming fish at once!"

   He knows his progress now, and most of the credit should be attributed to the last upgrade.

   Qin Yi's body gradually disappeared behind the trunk of this big tree, his breath disappeared little by little, and finally he could not perceive his existence at all, as if there was no one here.

  Interest control tactics, great success!

   Not far away, Wen Lu brought people over and narrowed the encirclement a little bit inward.

   They are very skilled at this kind of work, and they cooperate very well. It seems that they have done this kind of work!

"Now that I'm dead, I can only find Deacon Wang to fetch another one, and I will definitely be scolded at that time. UU reading www.uukanshu.com missed the opportunity! Damn, kill me, not a son of man! "

   all stepped on top of their heads and shit, and if the insects were killed, they would miss the opportunity. When the time comes, Wang Hua and the opportunity to deduct the rewards will make people feel distressed!


   They walked forward slowly without making any sound when they stepped on the dead branches.

   "Well, what is it?"

   Suddenly, they saw a black figure kneeling on the ground in front of him, a long sword pierced through, blood soaking the earth.

   "It's our people!"

   Someone saw the mask and waist card clearly, and he suddenly shocked and blurted out.


   "Go and see!"

   Someone said, then he lifted his leg and walked forward.

   Hearing that Lu had some doubts in his heart, he saw a few younger men in black robes lift their legs and went over there. He suddenly felt something wrong and screamed.

"Be careful!"

   But it's too late!

   The data has been bleak these few days, and the decline can’t stop, it’s a bit sour o(╥﹏╥)o

   Forget it, don’t force it, the first book should be accumulated experience. I write slowly, and friends who want to see it slowly. Friends who don’t want to see also thank you for your support all the way, thanks!

   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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