I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 185: 182: It's so rich!

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Lu Wei is dead.

On the one hand, the injury was too serious, the bleeding was too much, the internal organs were ruptured, and he could not live long. On the other hand, the battle fluctuations between Qin Yi and the avatar was too violent, and Shengsheng shocked him to death in advance!

If Qin Yi and Wang Huaji's blood clones weren't fighting so fiercely, maybe Lv Wei could live a little longer.

Qin Yi panted heavily, his eyes were blood-red, filled with a strong evil spirit, and he was extremely fierce.

His hands trembled, and the viscous blood dripped from his corroded fist bones, painful.

But Qin Yi didn't feel anything at all. He glanced at the battlefield numbly, shook his head, then took a deep breath and woke up.

At this moment, he suddenly felt his eyebrows vibrate, and a small gap was squeezed by his mental power, and a group of extremely pure and extremely yang power squeezed out, like a shark coming with a **** smell, quickly It rushed to his fist.

A scorching air current filled his hands, and a numb and itchy sensation came from the injured place. Under the dripping blood, the broken bones were healing, and a layer of tougher skin slowly grew out!

He came to Lu Wei, took off the storage ring from his finger, fumbled for a while, and when he found nothing, he threw Lu Wei into a large hole next to him.

As for Wang Xuanlei, he was torn apart by Wang Huaji's avatar of essence and blood. There was no whole body, and only a little broken blood and bone remained at the scene.

He found the arm with the storage ring, took off the ring, and threw the broken arm into Lu Wei's pit.

It is also ironic that two enemies who had fought in a death battle were buried together after death!

After doing this, some of the bruises on his body were nourished by the power of the supreme yang, and he was about to subside and recover. As for broken bones, internal organs that are about to split, and some skin injuries, they don’t get better soon!

He swallowed a few healing pills, tore off his clothes that were shattered into rags, changed a new one from the storage ring, and quickly left the place.

He checked Wang Xuanlei's storage ring as he walked, and he really found something.

"Is this the legendary treasure map?" Qin Yi looked at the extremely rudimentary map in his hand, compared a few obvious coordinates, and found that the location marked with a red dot, which should be the treasure land, was actually far away. He is not far!

"In other words, this Wang Xuanlei was actually about to find the treasure place. Lv Wei jumped out to make trouble and was beaten to death. But I just happened to be there and got the treasure map. I was about to find the treasure? "

He refreshed his mind and came to this embarrassing conclusion.

"just in front?"

He glanced at the markings on the map, turned over the small mountain bag in front, and then turned a corner, and arrived at the final place of treasure!

As he walked, he absorbed the medicinal power of the pill, recovered his injury, and looked around vigilantly.

He was still injured at this time, so he must be careful, often when the harvest is approaching, he is most likely to be shot!

The fight with the avatar of blood and essence left him without a piece of good meat on his body. The skin of his arms was broken. The chest and abdomen were also punched. The bones were cracked and the internal organs were almost broken. There were also many wounds on the back and legs. .

Even with the nourishment of the sun's power and the powerful healing pill after being upgraded by him, it will not be able to fully recover in a short while.

He was not in a hurry, and slowly climbed over the top of the mountain, enjoying the beauty of the other world from the top of the mountain. After the pill in his body was almost digested, he swallowed a few more before going down the mountain.

It was not that he deliberately grind, but at the moment there were more than a dozen people gathered in front of a dark hole at the bottom of the mountain, looking at the location, not far from the red dot marked in his hand!

"I thought this was a treasure that only I knew, but it turned out to be a place that everyone knows about Bad Street!"

He let out a depressed breath, and hid his body behind a big tree, slowly approaching these people.

Among the crowd, a girl with two pony tails glanced at the place Qin Yi had just stayed in doubt, but saw nothing.

At this time, these crowds were noisy, like a vegetable market.

Qin Yi secretly listened for a while, and finally understood something.

It turns out that there is a small Yuanjing ore vein in this place, and the concentration of vitality is a little lower than the surrounding area. After so many years, some people have discovered the abnormality here. After some exploration, they discovered the existence of Yuanjing ore.

The first person to discover the Yuanjing mine and eat crabs, dug a mine, did not dig very far, he harvested a Yuanjing, and when he was overjoyed and wanted to continue digging, he met The only animal here, the dark hole bug!

After a tragic fight and escape, after abandoning a leg, he managed to survive.

Up to now, many local big families and big influences know that there are extremely precious mineral crystal veins here!

However, they are greedy, they want to get the crystal, but it is very difficult, and they will lose their lives if it is inconvenient!

Most of the mineral veins are hidden deep underground, and this Yuanjing Mine is no exception.

In the Qingxu, apart from plants such as flowers, trees, and trees, there are only things like vigour monsters that can't be regarded as creatures. Other than that, there are no animals!

This is the consensus of many people!

But the dark holeworm is not in this list!

This magical creature has a dense mouth full of sharp fangs. It makes a living by devouring hard rocks, and sometimes eats some metal with sharp teeth.

They don't eat the crystals, they can't digest them, they will explode and die. That's why they left such a crystal mine, or they would have been eaten up by the dark hole insects. Where else would it be human?

Dark hole worms are very strange, like silkworms with armor, but they do not rely on squirming, but bounce forward. They have very strong jumping ability, which is more than that of fleas! They live in the dark underground all year round and have no visual system, but their hearing is extremely sensitive!

A single dark hole insect is not much bigger than a quail egg, and it is not a threat. The innate master can trample one to death with one foot.

But this kind of creatures often live in groups, and every time one appears, it means that there are hundreds of thousands, millions of them hidden in the dark!

Can kill one, a thousand, ten thousand, can you kill a hundred thousand, a million?

If you can use vitality, some group attacks are the most suitable for dealing with this kind of thing, but Qingxu prohibits vitality and can only rely on physical strength to fight!

Ten thousand pigs stand there and let you chop them. One per second takes three hours. What's more, the number of worms has increased by tens to hundreds of times.

However, although this dark caveworm relies on a huge ethnic group to dominate the underground world, their weaknesses are also very obvious.

Sleepy and unable to appear on the ground!

The dozen or so people gathered here are arguing because of the sleepiness of the Dark Cavern, and they all want to be the first to enter the mine.

The first one to enter, as long as you pay a little attention, although it will make a sound, the dark holeworms in sleep are generally too lazy to control, so this is the safest.

However, as more people enter in the future, the sensitive hearing of the worm will become very violent, and it will swallow any objects it sees. The people who enter at this time are very dangerous!

"Tsk tsk, still get up? Have personality!"

The more Qin Yi listened, the more he felt how similar this animal was to the self kidnapped by the bed in his previous life?

Stay home, don’t go out, like to sleep, lazy, angry when woken up, can eat...

If it weren't for the difference in appearance, he would think that he had met his previous life!

At this time, the ten or so people who were stuck at the entrance of the mine finally gave up the war of words and fought, but they were swept away by the girl with two horsetails and sabers, like autumn wind sweeping leaves, and the victory was decided neatly and quickly.

Qin Yi smacked his lips and watched the sassy girl jump into the dark mine, glanced down at the map, and then quietly detoured to his destination.

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After a while, Qin Yi saw three lonely big trees lined up in a row, with a pile of broken stones in front of him, and a small bag was erected.

right here!

Qin Yi said in his heart, then quickly turned his head and looked around, no one!

According to the description on the map, he took the gravel pile as the starting point and walked towards the big tree in the middle. He walked a total of eighty steps, and then followed the straight line formed by the two points, and then walked forward eighty times. After stepping, he turned his head and saw a large rock wall rising abruptly not far away.

There are some large and small cracks on the rock wall. The larger ones can enter people, but the smaller hands can't enter them.

Following Qin Yi's gaze, a gap that seemed indistinguishable from the other cracks appeared in his eyes.

Qin Yi knew that he had found the door of the treasure hiding place!

Entering from here, you can directly reach the mineral vein, and only a small number of dark cave worms exist in the middle! Compared with the mine entrance that a dozen people competed for, I don't know how safe it is!

He narrowed his eyes and walked towards the gap.

This place is only enough for one person to enter sideways, a little fat can't squeeze in!

He didn't enter rashly, a small sword appeared out of thin air, suspended in mid-air, and flew three or four feet forward along the gap, the road has come to an end.

His mental power is attached to the small sword. Even if there is no light and it is very dark, he can still clearly "see" the surrounding environment.

A wide opening appeared below, leading diagonally to the ground.

He controlled the little sword and continued to explore, but he really didn't find a bug during the period!

"It seems there is no danger!"

He basically confirmed the authenticity of the treasure map and believed 80% of the above words.

After taking a look around and making sure that there was no one, he stepped forward and entered the rock wall.

"It's too small here. If you encounter danger, it's not easy to retreat!"

Thinking of this, while advancing, he took out Zhanyun and cut the rock in front of him, and put it in the storage ring, making sure to leave enough unobstructed road for one person, leaving only the narrow entrance on the outermost rock wall intact. The road was widened by him.

When he came to the sloping hole, he stomped his foot. It was quite thick and would not collapse halfway, so he went down.

After walking down in the dark for almost a while, Qin Yi's mental power has been around 30 meters around him, exploring the road ahead.

The vitality is getting thinner!

The air also became turbid, and the strong smell of soil and strange smell mixed together, making it difficult for Qin Yi to breathe.

He frowned, lightly stepped over a dark holeworm half-lying in the soil, and his eyes suddenly lit up!


A lot of Yuanjing!

There are dots of white crystals embedded in the rocks, and some scattered on the ground.

This should be the tail of this mineral vein of Yuanjing. It is already in the end. If you dig forward, you may be able to dig to the mine that other people are fighting for. The distance is actually a few hundred meters. It is said to be a small vein. That's right!

Qin Yi swallowed his saliva, and his heart rate gradually increased!

Just what he saw with mental power, there were more than 30, and each one was at least the size of a pigeon egg!

Don't think that more than thirty are few!

Yuanjing is a product of extremely high-quality vitality gathered together. It has no trace of impurities and is extremely pure. Even those with the Dao Fruit Realm can directly absorb it, and can even be transformed into their own cultivation base without refining!

Every elementary crystal, even the size of a fingernail, contains vitality that is extremely large for the elemental core realm!

This is the real treasure!

Even the Treasure Pavilion rarely sells such treasures!

Every time it appears, it will be robbed, and the price remains high. It is a treasure that many people dream of!

The realm is stuck, there is a bottleneck, can't break through life and death?

It's ok!

Eat a Yuanjing to help you quickly break through!

If not, then two!

Of course, if a Dao fruit realm powerhouse wants to rely on this breakthrough, at least a double-digit start is not something ordinary people can afford!

By chance, Wang Hua and found this precious place by chance and picked up a lot of Yuanjing. Because they were afraid of awakening the dark cave insects, and the time was approaching, they could only leave with pain.

Because of these Yuanjing, he broke through extremely quickly. In just over ten years, he broke through continuously and became the youngest Dao Fruit Realm powerhouse in Zhao Kingdom!

However, because too many yuan crystals were used and they were not consolidated in time, the realm was unstable. I wanted to break through again, but I was unable to succeed!

He also knew that his abilities were actually inferior to those geniuses who really depended on his own breakthroughs, so he had stayed in Qingxu City for these years, trying to get the Yuanjing from the Qingxu again.

He himself has no hope. This kind of matter is of great interest, and he can't worry about telling others, so he can only rely on his family.

However, the talents of Wang Xuanting and Wang Xuanzhen were too low. Even if he used a lot of genius treasures, he could still pile them up to innate. Wang Xuanting also participated in the Qingxu competition, but the result was a miserable loss, and the Qingxu was not able to enter!

This time, he finally found that his youngest nephew had a high talent, so he made arrangements in advance to allow Wang Xuanlei to cultivate his body in order to gain the greatest advantage in the Qingxu, help him obtain the Yuanjing, and help him break through!

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the matter, he also disregarded the risk of falling into his realm, and condensed a clone of blood, just to ensure that this matter was completed!

A clone of essence and blood of a powerful fruit realm, even ordinary Yuandan realm can be easily killed, dealing with these tallest but innate pinnacles, it is easy!

He wants to break his head and can’t know~www.novel35.com~ There will still be people like Qin Yi in this world. The mighty power of hundreds of thousands of catties is comparable to the strong physical defenses of the Primordial Fierce Beast. Riding and exploded his blood doppelganger!

Qin Yi smiled and waved his hand, supporting a dozen yuan crystals scattered on the ground, and gathering towards his hand.

: Primary Yuanjing

: Contains a large amount of vitality energy, which can help break through the cultivation base, can refine tools and alchemy, can provide stable energy for the formation, is an excellent auxiliary material and energy.

: Absorbable

: 100000 points

: 70000

"One grain is 100,000? Developed and developed!"

Qin Yi looked at this wide cave, which looked like stars, covered with large and small crystals.

He looked intoxicated with a happy smile, then took out Zhanyun and cut it down at the rock beside him.

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