I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 193: 189: Count the harvest

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Because Qingxu City was attacked by the Salvation Organization and caused great chaos, this trip to the Qingxu can only be hurriedly ended. Under the chaos, many people have no intention to ask about their gains in the Qingxu. .

As for those who didn't see their juniors appear, they had no choice but to sigh and leave with gritted teeth.

They don't know who killed it, or even if it was killed by a human being. They don't even know who they should look for even if they want revenge!

Just like this, Qin Yi took advantage of the chaos and left and returned to the place where Yuan Xiuxia lived in Qingxu City.

Saying goodbye to Tao Yuan, Qin Yi gently placed Hu Lai on the bed, covered her with a quilt, moved a chair and sat in the yard, and counted his own harvest.

On this trip to the Qingxu, he killed some people, three jealous ginseng Xuan Guo, and people who wanted to rob him, a total of three storage rings. The third of the four princes of Qingxu City is another three storage ring.

Two Wang Xuanlei and Lu Wei, plus the hapless Ye Feng who was kicked by him, and three storage rings.

Three black and thin, wretched, intent to strengthen Cui Wenwen's three brothers, three!

In total, there are twelve rings in total.

He dug a lot of Yuan Jing, he counted them, there are about 15,000 in total, of different sizes, but this is enough to make him ecstatic!

A Yuanjing the size of a pigeon egg contains one hundred thousand chaotic points. These ten thousand multi-element crystals add up to at least two hundred million chaotic points!

Two small goals, easily achieved!

The small goal has been achieved, can the medium mean farther?

Qin Yi smiled, but he always felt a little bit of meaning.

"Tsk tsk, if I don't have a Rolex to wear, I will lose my soul if I pretend to be forced!"

He is in a good mood and continues to check.

I have killed a lot of vitality monsters in the Qingxu. The amount of vitality essence contained in each vitality monster varies from six to seven to a few, a dozen to a dozen, and the most is the blue in the center. Almost each of the vitality monsters defending in the lake has nearly twenty, and they are large, white and round, and of excellent quality!

"I've worked so hard for almost 5,000 tokens, and I got 1,300 tokens, which adds up to 6,300. It's just enough to buy a hero, just barely make it!"

He curled his lips, a little dissatisfied.

If you let other people know about Qin Yi, you might jump up and kill him!

Others worked so hard to kill a vitality monster to get so many vitality essences. In the Qingxu six hours, even if there is no rest for a moment, it is estimated that even 500 pieces will not be available, and even most people will find it very difficult to even get 300 pieces. Qin Yi has turned over ten or twenty times now, but still feels dissatisfied, what an improper person this is!

"Look at what others have gained!"

He enthusiastically arranged the twelve storage rings in a row, and ordered them to choose whichever one to choose.

"Who is this? What the hell, only 50 vitality essences? The vitality stone is less than two thousand? Damn, poor ghost, don't let me meet you, or I will see you once!"

He cursed, without realizing that the owner of this storage ring had been buried by him.

He emptied this storage ring, and useful things, such as some medicinal materials, ore, and medicine, all received his storage ring.

For example, some weapons are not of high value. Even if they are sold, they cannot be exchanged for a few yuan stones, but if they can be used in the village, he will put them in another storage ring.

After sorting it out, he summarized all his gains.

"15000 Yuan Jing, 7500 Yuan Qi Essences, 36000 Yuan Stones, several pill ore medicinal materials, more than a dozen weapons, none of the magical items on the star, the only one is a fake one-star magical item, I upgrade it myself The flirting little whip later, the others are treasures of the third-class weapons, and they are not new, the price of selling second-hand will not be too high, leave it to the village."

"There are 28 Qingyuan Fruits at Xiaoyuan, which is okay."

"Three exercises and eight martial arts. I can barely read them. I can't use them, but I can study them. Sell the originals, upgrade them, and copy a copy to the village."

"Oh, by the way, there is also a ginseng Xuan Guo, Wang Huaji's relic!" He suddenly remembered something and said with a smile.

"The army master killed Wang Huaji, and even took away the storage ring! It's a pity, how can such big people even look at these mosquito legs? Isn't it good to stay and benefit the poor people like us? "

He joked in his heart, and then integrated these storage rings into the storage rings he currently uses.

After the integration and upgrade, the storage ring space he now uses has expanded a lot, and it has become nearly 200 cubic meters, which is vast compared to those five or six cubic storage rings!

The larger the storage or storage volume, the higher the value, and it will increase exponentially.

Two 10 cubic storage rings, the price is much lower than a 20 cubic storage ring, so that many strong can not afford a larger storage ring, they can only buy more small-sized rings to fill the number .

As a result, many poor and powerful men are wearing rings all over their hands, like upstarts.

If you are afraid that too many rings will affect the battle, then hang it on your neck or waist. In short, the method is more difficult than the difficulty.

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The value of the storage ring of more than 200 cubic meters in Qin Yi's hand is not much lower than that of the ginseng and mysterious fruit!

"Hey, the harvest is still not too much. A bunch of poor ghosts can't add up to my harvest alone!" He was not greedy and looked disgusting, and then thought of the other powerhouses in the Qingxu.

"If you can rob Liu Qingyue and Zhang Tiehui, you will probably gain a lot more!"

He smiled, his expression didn't seem to be fake, he really had this idea.

Liu Qingyue, who was half a Qingxu city from Qin Yi, shivered abruptly, and a wave of malicious malice lingered on them, as if something bad had happened.

"We had a fight with Wang Huaji's essence and blood clone. Now the injury is almost completely recovered, and it should be cured tomorrow. Then, use these vitality essences. There is no need to stay in the innate realm for too long!"

Qin Yi thought about it in his heart, meditating cross-legged, and practiced the body tempering tactics for a while, invigorating the blood, and speeding up the recovery of bone and muscle injuries.

After that, he began to practice the Nine Void Soul Refining Art and Tempering Yuan Chapter every day.

If you don’t accumulate steps, you can’t reach a thousand miles. If you don’t accumulate small currents, you can’t make a sea. Cultivation is like sailing against the current. There is also a saying in the saying that the fist does not leave the hand and the mouth does not leave the mouth. Now that Qin Yi has heard about the Salvation Organization, it is even more like a clockwork. The sense of crisis lingers in his heart, and he has to work harder.

After about an hour, a soft noise suddenly came from outside the door.

He slowly opened his eyes, and his spirit swept away, and he knew who was outside the door.

He swept a radius of 500 meters with mental energy, and found no trace of other people, knowing that this kid Qin Yuan was still very reliable, and there was no other person behind.

"Uncle, are you waiting in a hurry? They haven't slept. I waited for them to die before coming out."

When Qin Yuan saw Qin Yi open the door, he whispered, with a happy smile on his face.

"Come in." Qin Yi punched Qin Yuan on the shoulder, said with a smile, and then led him to the room to sit down.

"You kid, I didn't come back as soon as I went out. I was able to send a letter back at the beginning. There were no people in the back. There was no news. Your father and your mother have been talking about them, and they have lost a lot of weight!"

Qin Yi said, Qin Yuan's eyes suddenly turned red, and he felt like an arrow to return.

He wanted to explain, and opened his mouth, but asked dryly, "They...are okay? How are you, uncle? I will ask the teacher for a leave tomorrow and go back!"

Qin Yi laughed, knowing that this kid is still the original Qin Yuan, and he hasn't changed at all: "Don't worry, what will happen if I take care of them? They are all congenital now, and there is no problem in hitting you!"

Qin Yuan was stunned, knowing that it was the contribution of his uncle, nodded, showing a silly smile.

"Uncle, this is Qingyuanguo." He took out the storage ring, took out twenty-eight Qingyuanguo and put them on the table.

Qin Yi nodded, and took away eleven green fruit: "You can hold the rest of these. I can't ask for that much, it's useless to me."

"This, Uncle, I didn't help, and I don't need it..." Qin Yuan scratched his head, not wanting.

This was obtained by my uncle at a risk. He was just a cover. How could he get so much?

Qin Yi's eyes stared: "If you give it to you, just keep it. Why are so many nonsense, I don't use what I say? Be careful I go back and let your parents clean you!"

Qin Yuan shrank his neck, laughed a few times, scratched his head and put away the remaining seventeen green fruits on the table.

For relatives whose blood is thicker than water, it is enough to decline, and to decline again, it seems hypocritical.

They say they are uncles and nephews. In fact, they are about the same age, but they are more like brothers. There is no need to say too much, everything is silent.

"By the way, I taught you the body tempering article before, and you didn't have time to learn the rest. Take advantage of this opportunity today and teach the rest so that you won't find you again next time!"

Qin Yi thought of this and said with a twist of his lips, seemingly complaining, but actually caring.

Qin Yuan didn't speak, but just nodded. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The two taught one by one, and time passed quickly.

In addition to "Zhen Wu Fu Mo Jue", he also asked Qin Yuan's opinions on some of the martial arts and martial arts he knew, to see what he wanted to learn, and finally taught Qin Yuan "Thrilling Step" and "Controlling Breath Jue". "Juling Shu", "Nine Void Refining Soul Jue", as for the quenching chapter of "Zhen Wu Fu Mo Jue" he did not teach.

Qin Yuan is now practicing the Wangdu Academy's exercises, and it fits well with the Overlord's spear method he has learned. It is also inappropriate to change the exercises rashly. Firstly, it is easy to be discovered by the powerful in the Wangdu Academy, and secondly it will also affect his Each person has his own way of fate, and good things may not be suitable for everyone.

As for the body tempering chapter, it is for body tempering to lay the foundation and will not affect it.

After this general education, it was almost dawn.

"Okay, go back, be careful on the way!"

Qin Yi started to rush people, and he was afraid that Qin Yuan would be discovered by their teacher.

Qin Yuan nodded, said goodbye with a smile, and left quickly.

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