I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 200: 196: My name is Qiu Jier, you can also call me 4 meals!

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"Brother, rest for a while, the evil star probably hasn't caught up yet!"

There was a weak voice from the group of people on horseback.

The headed man with a scarred face had a grim and cold expression. He wanted to refuse, but a few other companions' requests came from behind, and he had to nod his head to agree.

At this time, even if he had the **** title of a ghost butcher in the arena, Chu Fenglei did not dare to oppress the brother under his hand too much, otherwise the evil star behind did not chase him, and he himself would be **** by his brother!

"Brother, there seems to be a village in front of me, it's better..."

Someone had sharp eyes and saw a dim light not far away. They were surprised and hinted.

"I'll leave it alone, just find a few ladies to come and serve you! Play by yourself, don't kill too hard, lest it makes a big noise and arouses resistance, we have to hurry up!"

Chu Fenglei's clothes were messy, and there was a little reddish brown blood between his sleeves.

He shook his head and refused, slapped his horse and galloped forward.

Standing on the top of the cliff, Qin Yi heard this in his ears, but it did not prevent him from getting the information he wanted from a few words.

Seeing the unconscious and quiet village in the distance, the peaceful and natural expression in his eyes instantly turned cold, and there was no emotion when he looked at the horse team that was gradually disappearing in the distance.


He actually jumped directly off the cliff that was a hundred meters high, and the high-speed fall brought a howling gust of wind. A vitality shield suddenly appeared around him, his feet stepped on the void, vitality gushed from the soles of his feet, offsetting the force of the fall, and then landed with a "bang", smashing a huge pit.

With this momentum, Qin Yi rushed forward like lightning. The thunder step of the Dacheng realm made him extremely fast. With just a few breaths, he had caught up with the dozens of people on the horse.

He flew forward like lightning, slammed his feet on the ground at the same time, slammed, leaped high, and then "bang" to the ground, blocking the team in a violent manner. In front of.


One person yelled in the darkness, and his tone was full of panic, and he quickly grabbed the horse, not daring to step forward.

"Why so fast!"


"Run, the evil star is chasing you!"

The surrounding people reacted in a chain reaction, they became confused, and hurriedly pulled on the reins, trying to turn around and escape, but they were stopped by the headed brother Chu Fenglei raising his hand.

"I've been running for so long, can I run away? Why don't you kill him! With so many of us, we don't believe that he is really that great! Give it to me!"

The eldest brother gritted his teeth and said, his tone was cold, and at the same time he drew out his weapon, a wide-blade ghost head knife. The hideous evil spirit head bit on the hilt of the knife, exuding a strong smell of blood. Red, obviously this knife drank countless blood!

"Big brother, it doesn't seem to be that evil star!"

Someone forcibly endured the fear in their hearts, and took a look forward. Under the dim moonlight, they found that it seemed that they weren't the person they had imagined to stop them!


"It's really not him!"

"It's a stinky beggar!"

Someone reacted with shame, and saw that it was a dirty boy with disheveled hair, and it looked like a beggar!

He was furious, slammed his horse, and ran towards Qin Yi with his belly in his belly, trying to smash this reckless little beggar!

Qin Yi looked at the dozens of men in front of him who had at least innate mid-level cultivation. He was awe-inspiring. With a wave of his hands, dozens of small swords sprang out from the darkness, shot them into the crowd and brought them up. A puff of blood.



With a scream, the headed elder brother was frightened and hated from the beginning to the ease of seeing Qin Yi just a scream, and finally turned into fear and despair.

"Who are you! You are here to kill me too? Your mother! Isn't it just to kill some low-level people in the country? As for such a rush to kill? I am not convinced!"

His eyes were cracked, his incoherent sharp neighing, raised the ghost knife, stepped on the stirrup with his feet, and jumped into the sky, undoubtedly revealing his innate peak cultivation.

He held the big knife high, with some **** white blades gleaming with cold light in the dim moonlight, a violent wave of vitality spread from the blade, whizzing at Qin Yi's head.

"Go to hell, die to me!"

The ghost butcher Chu Fenglei shouted in his heart, his most proud beheading knife technique in his life, the **** martial arts trained with hundreds of heads, at this moment, under the extreme emotion of his desperate struggle, he was brought to the extreme!


The blade tore the air, with the breath of death, came to Qin Yi's head in no time, and cut it down fiercely!

Seeing Qin Yi motionless, Chu Fenglei had some surprises and expectations in his eyes.

"Is this guy a silver gun head?"

"Dead! Go to die!"

He screamed crazy in his heart!


Qin Yi commanded dozens of small swords, reaping his lives in the crowd.

In the past, the bandits who murdered and ran off goods were as common as drinking water and eating, but at this moment, they cried and screamed, waving their weapons everywhere in despair, resisting small swords that would stabbing them from nowhere. Someone wanted to escape, but their heads were cut off just a few steps away.

The sword was about to fall, he raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at Chu Fenglei, disdain to raise his hand, bend his finger, and flick it fiercely!

Steel fingers hit the surface of the ghost knife, making a deafening noise. The Guitou Knife was hit by a snap finger, and it deviated from the direction. Even Chu Fenglei, who was holding the knife, staggered forward.

He stabilized his figure, and was shocked to find that the Guitou Knife in his hand was dented with cracks all over it. With a little effort, it broke into countless pieces with a crash.

"This, this is not a person!"

He screamed, threw the knife in his hand, turned around, and ran away. He didn't know what was shouting in the air. He didn't have the courage to fight with Qin Yi and was shocked!

Qin Yi sneered, saw a stone on the ground, raised his foot and volleyed it vigorously, then kicked it.

The stone was suddenly stressed, and before it had time to split, it was hit by this huge force, and it "boomed" like a red cannonball, and slammed it against the back of the ghost butcher.


A huge blood hole appeared on his torso, taking away the life of the rather savage butcher from the rivers and lakes, and also taking away his wicked crimes.

It didn't take long before there were only dozens of steeds with their noses, wandering around in place, at a loss.

The others were all killed by him.

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These people, listening to their words and deeds, know that they ignore human life, are very cold-blooded, and take pleasure in killing! Even to take a break on the way to escape, I have to find a few good families to serve, which is obvious!

This place is very bloody, like a Shura field.

Pools of blood seep into the soil and turn into blood and mud, vomiting.

Qin Yi frowned slightly, his vitality swelled, and a strong wind drew away the smell of blood. He was about to step forward to collect the spoils, but he heard an astonishing momentum not far away.

Someone is rushing madly towards this side, vigorous and full of evil spirits.

"The strength is not weak, listen to the voice, the footsteps are heavy and powerful, he should be a big man, every step can take more than ten feet, is it specializing in the flesh?"

He leaped forward, stepping over the dead bodies on the ground, and guessed: "Looking at its speed, I don't know if it is the same as this group of people, killing people, or the evil star in their mouth?"

Qin Yi looked at the place where the sound was coming from. The loud "dongdong" sound was like an earthquake, and a tall and sturdy figure rushed towards him.

Seeing Qin Yi standing there not only loosely and loosely, this person was shocked and hurriedly stopped. Only then did he discover the dead body behind Qin Yi with a strong smell of blood.

He was surprised in his heart, but his face remained unchanged, he quietly looked at Qin Yi, and then looked at the corpses on the ground.

"This is from the Blood Fiend Clan! Is Chu Fenglei on the ground over there? They are all dead? Did the person in front of you do it?"

The young man's complexion was condensed, and he clasped his fist and said, "This Xiongtai, he is hammering the hammer at the Lower Body Refining Gate. Excuse me, these people were killed by Xiongtai?

Qin Yi saw his face clearly before the young man's self-reported home, and he was a little surprised.

"Zhang Tiehammer!"

He whispered inwardly: "Am I walking all the way to Chihongzhou?"

Qin Yi also clasped his fists and said, "Yes, I was cultivating on the mountain, and seeing these people heading for the village in front of them, seeing that they were not good people, I killed them all."

Zhang Tiehui's face twitched, and he "hissed". He secretly said that this man was sloppy, young, but not younger than himself. He didn't even figure out the origins of these people, but because he didn't look like a good person, he killed them all. ?

"These people are from the **** evil gang. There are countless blood in their hands, killing people like hemp, and the leader is a ghost butcher, killing countless unarmed innocent people. I am also chasing them all the way!"

Speaking of this blood evil gang, Zhang Tiehui was very angry involuntarily, gritted his teeth, if he didn't know Qin Yi's identity and position, he would like to rush to the corpse!

However, he quickly changed his reaction, scratched his head and smiled honestly, and once again held his fist at Qin Yi.

"Just laughed! Zhang Mou would like to thank Xiongtai for me, the people who died under them in Chihongzhou will walk the way for the sky!"

Qin Yi waved his hand and said with a smile: "Where! I just happened to be there! Like a beast who doesn't treat ordinary people as humans when he has some cultivation skills, I have never been merciless!"

"Okay! I didn't expect Xiongtai to have the same idea, which coincides with me!"

Zhang Tiezhui showed appreciation, praised loudly, his mouth opened, and he was very happy. He felt that he had found a confidant!

Many cultivators feel that they are not the same type as ordinary people after they have a cultivation base. They think that they are high above the sky, and those filthy ordinary mortals are like ants and mud on the ground.

Some people feel that contact with mortals will make them dirty, so they don't touch them, proclaiming themselves to be hermit masters, free and easy.

And some people, like the bandits and horse thieves of the blood evil gang, the ghost head butchers and others, feel that those mortals who have no cultivation base are just their entertainment playthings. If they are happy, they will trample to death, and if they are not happy, they will slaughter!

His parents were killed by a group of extremely vicious bandits and bandits. From then on, he set foot on the road to clear the green forests of Chihongzhou, killing a prestigious name, and a huge steel hammer did not know how to break it. How many heads of murderous people.

However, many people talked about him with admiration and admiration on the surface, but in private they sneered at his behavior, feeling that it was a waste of time and delayed cultivation.

It was just killing some mortals who hadn't cultivated. If it was to avenge one's own parents, then killing all his enemies would be enough, but even the bandits in other places would not let it go. It's not just idle pain, it's nothing to look for!

Even the master who was very supportive of him at the beginning, after spending a lot of time hunting down those murderous people and thieves, vaguely reminded him not to delay his cultivation.

He looks simple and honest, but is very smart, how can he not know what other people think? But he just went his own way, vowing to empty the black sheep of Chihongzhou!

Chihong Prefecture is already barren, and there are so many ringing horse bandits. The people's life is miserable. As a mortal son who is despised by those "above" cultivators, even he doesn't care about what happened to the people, who will tube?

Hearing Qin Yi's words at this moment, even though his chest was agitated and unable to speak, his eyes were a little hot, and I felt that I had to meet a confidant!

"I don't know, can Xiongtai give the name?"

He was a little afraid of Qin Yi's refusal, with some expectations and requests in his eyes.

In the big evening, the two men, in a pool of blood, look weird, they are normal people, and they will not easily tell others their own names, even if they give a false name, it is normal.

Qin Yi was a little strange about Zhang Tiehui's reaction, but he didn't take it seriously, and said casually: "My name is Qiu Jier, you can also call me Wen Si Dun."

"Qiu Jier? Win four meals?"

Zhang Tiehui was taken aback when he heard the words, his expression extremely strange.

He coughed, and asked a little embarrassedly: "This, Brother Qiu has two names?"

"Oh, you said this?" Qin Yi opened his mouth, "That's it, my dad's surname is Qiu and my mother's surname is Wen. After the two of them gave me birth, they thought I was too good-looking and they wanted to rush me And their surnames so that their faces are shiny. So my dad gave me a name, and my mom gave me a name."

"Because my dad's name is Qiu Er, he thought I had inherited his handsomeness, so he named me Qiu Jier, indicating that he inherited his blood."

"As for my mother, she thinks it is blessed to be able to eat. Ordinary people eat two meals and three meals a day, but I am different. I am naturally blessed and should eat four meals a day, so she gave me such a blessing. Meaningful name."

Zhang Tiehui was even more embarrassed when he heard the words, and said in his heart: "It's not Qiu Jier! I said, who would take such a name..."

"But they were not satisfied with which one to call, so they had a fight, regardless of the outcome, and then decided to call Qiu Ji'er today and Wen Siton tomorrow, and take turns."

Qin Yi opened his mouth, and the story was made up with nose and eyes, and he almost believed it.

"Hi, in fact, I've seen your reaction a lot since I was a kid, you just call it, I don't care, I'm used to it!"

He saw Zhang Tiehui's awkward and polite smile and waved his hand, looking very free and easy.

Zhang Tiehui didn’t know whether he should be sad for the "Brother Qiu" meeting such two unreliable parents, or he should be amazed by the open-minded and free-spirited character of Brother Qiu. He didn't know where to speak, he just looked at Qin Yi. I appreciate it more and more.

"Then what~www.novel35.com~ You wait for me for a while, I will pack my things!"

Qin Yi was very uncomfortable. He didn't want to look at each other silently with a big guy in the dim moonlight so full of affection. He turned around and went to pack his spoils.

He opened a gangster whose throat had been cut, pulled out a ring, and kicked him away.

Qin Yi was very proficient in his movements, and quickly cleaned up here, making Zhang Tiehui a little at a loss who wanted to help.

"So skilled, the pit is well dug!"

He swallowed, thinking that he should learn more like Brother Wen!

Confidantes should learn from each other's strengths and promote each other!

This is called a confidant!

He sighed, feeling a little ashamed in front of Brother Qiu.

"I still have many shortcomings!"

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