I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 252: 247: In the first battle, wipe out the enemy!

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   Qin Yi didn't know that there was another Xiongtai who was so brave behind him, and he had the courage to stand this fg in front of so many people!

   If he knew, he would only give him a thumbs up and shout, "Really warrior, dare to face the life of diarrhea when standing upside down!", and then move a pony to watch him perform!

   At this time they had already left the military town and rushed forward.

   A few dozen miles away from the military town, almost no animals can be seen, and the trees are relatively sparse. They are all coniferous forests, which look extremely desolate.

   When they left the capital, it was still early summer, but now the weather here is cool and the temperature is similar to late autumn in their hometown.

   "Uncle, your face is not very good, do you want to take a break?"

   Qin Yuan saw that Qin Yi's face turned pale, and after a long time he spoke.

   "It's okay, I will be able to recover soon, no matter what!"

   Qin Yi smiled, waved his hand and said.

   He is not arrogant, with his current physical strength, he will indeed recover soon.

   Seeing Qin Yi said that, Qin Yuan could only give up.

   went further for dozens of miles, at this time they were already more than a hundred miles away from the logistics army town.


   Qin Yi moved his ears slightly, shouted softly, and stopped suddenly.

   The others stopped quickly, quickly became vigilant, formed a circle, looked around, and silently took out their weapons.

   "There should be footsteps not far away!" Qin Yi listened carefully, and whispered, "There are almost fifteen to ten. If you are strong, it should not exceed the sixth level of the Yuandan! Go!"

   He looked left and right, then lifted his finger to the right.

   "Over there!"

After   , he took the lead and walked forward, and a black-blue longbow appeared in his hand.

   "You and I are scattered, surrounded by the past!"

   He commanded several people, and the others quickly dispersed, with excitement shining in their eyes.

   "The first battle, is it coming?"

   A few of them cautiously surrounded them, trying not to make a sound of themselves, holding their breath, and even their breath was wrapped in Yuanli without emitting.

   Less than two miles away, Qin Yi suddenly raised his hand, hid behind a tree, and spoke to a few people: "Just in front, don't stun the snake. In the first battle, we must wipe out the opponent!"

   After speaking, he gestured to several people, forming a half-moon-shaped encirclement.

   Seeing it's almost done, he slowly bent his bow to shoot the arrow, leaped out from behind the trunk, and lifted the arrow to aim and fire.

   "Huh? Where's the fierce beast?"

   He almost let go of the bowstring, only to find the shadows of the trees in front of him, but he didn't even see the shadow of a fierce beast, but found a very bright color.

   That is human clothes!

   He was a little startled, the creature he regarded as a fierce beast quickly discovered Qin Yi. Seeing him bending his bow and shooting arrows, his soul was gone.

   "Qin, Qin Yi! Run, he is going to kill us!"

   With a screaming scream, the "fifteen to ten" "fierce beasts" that Qin Yi heard in his ears suddenly panicked and ran away!

   That turned out to be a group of people!

   Qin Yi was a little embarrassed, and then became a little bit ashamed into anger.

   "What run? Stop it!"

   He suddenly shouted, and the bow and arrow in his hand "crashed" and shot out, whizzing toward the ground beside one of them.


   Feather Arrow directly blasted the ground into a huge deep pit, and the frightened people who fled were frightened, and they rolled aside in shock, hiding in embarrassment.

   "I will shoot you directly in the head when I run, and I will stop all of them. Who is going to kill you!"

   He yelled wildly, and said irritably.

   At this time, Qin Yuan and others had already appeared, with weapons in their hands.

   "I thought it was a beast, but it turned out to be a human!"

   Chen Shiwan curled his lips with regret, looked at the few people in front of him unkindly, and pointed his sword at them.

   "He told you to stop, don't be stupid!"

   The same goes for several other directions. Although many of them exist who are stronger than Fan Jiang, Chen Shixuan and even Qin Yuan, under Qin Yi's lewd prestige, they struggled with the strength gap between the two sides and were obediently obedient.

   "I said, you guys gather together sneakily, do you intend to attack us?"

   Qin Yi looked at the sixteen people who were rushed together, cowering like a flock of sheep, and said angrily.

   These sixteen people were directly petrified, and they looked at Qin Yi dumbfounded, without knowing how to refute them.

   "This, is this too shameless?"

   Wang Sledgehammer was the most sincere, turning his head a little blushing at this time, pretending not to hear this sentence.

   "No, we don't have one!"

   Someone almost cried, retorted with a trembling voice.

   Qin Yi couldn't bear it now.


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He remembered that he had emptied more than half of his storage ring, so he forced himself to harden his heart, and said coldly: "Then what are you doing here? I think it must be a bad intention! Thinking you are the first offenders, I will not rush to kill them. Hand over all the storage rings, and spare you from dying!"

   At this time, Fan Jiang and the others also turned their heads away, afraid to face the grievances of the poor little sheep who were wronged.

   "Qin Yi, we just have a rest here, really

I didn't want to do anything to you! "

   One of them almost didn't shed tears, and cried out in a loud voice. He wanted to resist. Seeing Qin Yi's unsentimental eyes, he didn't raise the courage after all, so he could only hope to explain the matter clearly.

   But how did they know that Qin Yi ran away from their storage, how could they listen to them explain?

   "Yes, we came out in the middle of the night, how could we know that you will come here!"

   The others nodded hurriedly and explained.

   The strongest of them here is the Sixth Element Core, which is very powerful, but it also depends on who it is compared with!

   If you want to compare with Qin Yi's metamorphosis of killing Yuandan high-level monsters while turning his palms, it is the old birthday star who eats arsenic and is tired and crooked!

   "Ha, you also said that you didn't plan on trying to harm me. Come out in the middle of the night. What is it that there is a ghost in your heart? Quickly hand over the storage ring!"

   He pressed harder step by step, and the longbow in his hand was replaced with Zhanyun.

   If they really want to escape, he doesn't mind letting these people be beaten by the society and let them know the cruelty of the arena!

   "He just wants our belongings, run away!"

   Someone finally saw Qin Yi's purpose, and immediately took advantage of Qin Yuan and the others to turn away, and when they did not notice them, they ran away, and a faint flame came out of the soles of their feet!

   This is a fast-tracking leg technique. The speed is extremely fast, and it will soon fade out of Qin Yi's sight.

   "Oh, someone finally understands? I thought you were all fools!"

   He gave a faint smile, and the person had disappeared in place, and a touch of purple intention slowly disappeared in everyone's eyes.

  Thunder stepped repeatedly, Qin Yi's greatly improved physique accelerated his speed by a few points. After just a few breaths, he caught up with the man, raised his hand and slashed at the back of his head.

   "I...don't kill me, I'll give it to you! Give it to you! Stop chasing you!"

   The eye sockets of that person were almost torn apart, and both legs ran out of the fiery phantom!

   He never thought that Qin Yi could catch up after he ran so far!

   He shouted in a hurry, and quickly pushed his left hand toward his finger, ready to take off the ring and beg for mercy.

   Qin Yi chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, I am moral and righteous, saying that if I spare your life, I will spare your life!"

   The man showed gratitude as he ran, but he couldn't believe Qin Yi's words at all. Instead, he ran faster.

   He felt that he could struggle a little more, maybe Qin Yi could not run!

   "Still running, stop it for me!"

   Qin Yi saw him stubbornly stubborn, almost laughed, and directly waved his palm to stun him, took the ring in his hand and put it into his arms, and drove back with the body he had fallen forward.

   In this chase, he took no more than ten breaths once, but the other people took advantage of the situation and broke through in all directions. Qin Yuan was chasing.

   Qin Yi grinned: "Mother, dare you run away with my storage ring?"

   He directly threw the unconscious person in his hand, slammed his feet on the ground, and chased him in one direction with a "bang".

   After a few cups of tea.

   Qin Yi clapped his hands and threw the sixteenth man on the ground.

   "Huh, thank you for my light work and fast speed, otherwise they took my baby away?"

   Qin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, with an expression that the baby had recovered from the loss. Fan Jiang's expressions were complicated, and they didn't know where to speak.

   touched the sixteen storage rings in his arms. He rounded his hands and condensed into a large ball of clear water in his hands, directly hitting the faces of the unconscious people, then nodded to several people, and flew away.

   "Wow, don't kill me!"

   A cute girl who was poured with cold water immediately woke up, but still closed her eyes, dancing and screaming, after a while, there was no movement, and she slowly opened her eyes.

   "Go~www.novel35.com~ gone? Wow, I survived!"

   She squashed her mouth, howled, and was extremely aggrieved.

   Other people opened their eyes one after another, and found that they had no missing parts except for the storage and missing items, so they breathed a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately in misfortune!

   "Hey, why is Wanxing still not awake?"

   There was an afterlife expression on their faces, only to realize that there was still a person lying on the ground, the back of their heads bulging high.

   "No, isn't it dead?"

   The cute little girl stammered pale and said.

   "...No, there is still anger!"

   "Then why is he still awake?"

   "Is it because Qin Yi saw that he was the first to take the lead to escape, so his hands were a bit heavy?"

   Someone said faintly, everyone was shocked, then they nodded together, glanced pity at Wanxing, who was lying face down on the ground, and suddenly felt that he and others were not so miserable.

   Because there are people worse than myself and others!

   This is more than a hundred million points heavier, and it's almost like turning people into plants!

   If he is not a monk, his physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary people, just the big bag on the back of his head, even if he can wake up, he will be able to speak normally for the rest of his life.

   With such a comparison, their sadness of losing their belongings suddenly felt much better!

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