I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 254: 249: Qin Yi: This is a bit difficult for me

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  The king's sledgehammer showed a fierce light in his eyes, and was also fierce. He flashed a little, and a loud roar broke out in his mouth. He carried a huge mace and slammed it fiercely on the toes of the bull.


   The wild bone cow's face flushed red almost instantly, struggling violently.

   It feels that it has never encountered such a cruel thing in its entire life. It roars in pain and makes the scalp numb.

   Its toenails were directly pierced into the flesh by the Wang Dahammer. The uneven cuts cut through the flesh of the toes, and bright red blood flowed out.

   Take a closer look, on the mace, a sharp nail pierced deeply into the fingernail and pierced into the flesh.

   It feels like a sharp steel nail was inserted into the nail of my big toe, and then he was slammed into it with a hammer.

   The top ten tortures are nothing but this

   Qin Yi could see clearly from a distance, and he couldn't help feeling a chill in his back, and his heart felt cold.

   "Am I special, it hurts when I look at it"

   He watched the madly mad bull smashing into each other one after another, Qin Yuan and the others did not dare to stun their sharpness, hiding far away.

  The wild bone bull stared at Wang Dahammer, his red bull's eyes were extremely hideous.

   "Asshole, you're looking for death or death"

   It roars like thunder, bows its head forward to make offerings, just like Mount Tai falls, unstoppable

   Wang Sledgehammer's face turned pale, and he quickly dodged to the side. For a while, the scene was extremely chaotic.

   "Forget it, let's go step by step, the eighth level of Yuandan is indeed a bit too difficult for them"

   Qin Yi didn't want to waste time, his sharp eyes aimed at the hard head of the bull.

   "The second arrow of God Archery hasn't seen blood yet, so I will sacrifice your arrow"

   He murmured, a strange aura rose up.

   The wild bone cow suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and every inch of flesh and blood reminded it of danger.

   It hurriedly kicked on the ground with all four feet, and its hooves as big as a water tank stomped huge pits on the grass.

   Its huge ox-eye like a pot lid soon spotted a human standing in the distance, holding a one-person-high longbow in his hand, bowed into a full moon, and the arrows were dark.


   It was angry and fearful in its heart. It wanted to kill the ant that caused severe pain to itself. The extremely strong sense of crisis continued to urge it to leave immediately.

   is the moment of hesitation, which ruined its vitality


The bow and arrow buzzed violently, threw the iron arrow out like a thunder, piercing the sky, and appeared in its staring, round eyes in the blink of an eye, getting bigger and bigger, and finally, the "poof" sank into its head. In the middle, only a dark hole was left, attracting everyone's attention.

   The look in the bull’s eyes became gray bit by bit, the world had no color in its eyes, and the light avoided it.

  The eight-layered wild bone cow of Yuandan, dead

   Fan Jiang panted heavily and looked at the small holes with thick fingers in shock. They didn't know what words to use to break the silence at this time.

   On the nameplate pinned to Qin Yi's chest, the words "One Hundred and Six" slowly appeared.

   "You are all stupid, hurry up and pack the spoils"

Qin Yi put away the longbow and crossed a distance of one hundred meters in one step, and came to the side of the wild bone cow that still couldn't stand. He lightly patted the gray-white cowhide and directly pushed the behemoth weighing at least tens of tons. To the ground.

   "bang bang"

  The wild bone cow fell to the ground, and the ground shook violently. A rock with the size of a fist was bounced into the air, and then fell to the ground, which shows its huge weight.

   Several people reacted quickly, looking at the behemoth at a loss.

   "I haven't done any work, I can't do autopsy" Qin Yi knows from the appearance of Fan Jiang's three people, they all have ten fingers at home, they don't touch the sun, and how can they know **** pigs and cattle

   In addition to Wang Dahui's enthusiasm and proficiency in this kind of thing, Qin Yuan helped himself several times and knew what to do.

   "You have one leg, you will always cut the meat"

   Fan Jiang blushed, and nodded quickly.

   Qin Yi shook his head, feeling like a nanny.

   Under the command of Qin Yi, the overlord-level monster beast in this nearby area was divided into a pile of beef and bones, and all the internal organs that could not be eaten were stuffed into a storage ring by Qin Yi.

   I don’t eat these things myself, but I will eat them

   This is a monster beast of the eighth layer of Yuandan. Whether it is blood or internal organs, it contains a lot of spiritual energy. For those monsters with low strength, it is a great tonic.

   "Let's go, you will be proficient in the future"

   Qin Yi saw that Fan Jiang and the others had just cut off a leg and got blood covered in blood, a little speechless.

   went further for dozens of miles, farther and farther away from the logistics army town, and the road was even more desolate. No trace of human existence was seen, and there were primitive wilderness-like scenery everywhere.

Although Qin Yi and the others had never encountered a high-level Yuandan monster, they still found a few groups of innate peak beasts living in groups and a leopard beast living alone in the first-order Yuandan realm. They were used by Qin Yi. Let's hone the combat experience and team cooperation capabilities of the other few.

   After several battles, they are getting more and more familiar with each other, and they have a more comprehensive understanding of their respective abilities, and they have become more proficient in cooperation.

   "There is a group of cold plains white wolves three miles ahead, the number is no less than 30, the highest strength is about Yuandan four, the lowest is the congenital peak"


 Qin Yi spotted such a vicious and cunning pack of wolves in white fur from a distance.

   "Xiao Yuan, you are the arrow, go straight to the center, first kill the wolf king Fan Jiang Wang sledgehammer, you two attack the left wing, the long song Chen Shiyu, you two deal with the right side, try to wipe them out, after I break them"

   Qin Yi quickly commanded, and several people nodded calmly, and proceeded quickly according to the plan in an orderly manner.

   Only for a while, a few people saw the group of white wild wolves that seemed to be hunting.

The wolf king headed by    is of average size, about the size of two cows, but exudes a vigorous and bloodthirsty aura, which should not be underestimated.

   Beside it, surrounded by several male wolves who are obviously strong in a circle, the unsentimental wolf eyes watched around vigilantly, and the other wolves are hunting a group of panicked grass antelopes.


   Qin Yi slashed with a knife with one hand and issued an order.

   In Qin Yi's eyes, dealing with these monsters actually doesn't require any tricks, and he really can't think of any subtle tricks.

  All he has to do is to kill as many monsters as possible and not let them escape

   Qin Yuan listened to the order, grinned, his honest expression instantly became domineering, his thick eyebrows rose unruly, and he wanted to pierce the sky.

   He straightened his Overlord’s spear, stepped on his delicate footwork, and rushed forward violently


  Fan Jiang's sledgehammer also went around to the left at this time, facing two cold plain white wolves with **** mouths.

On the right, although Chen Shiwen was a little disgusted with the long song of the past, he curled his mouth and spread all his grievances on the giant wolf on the opposite side, but in an instant he opened dozens of hideous blood on the white giant wolf, and then Sword Xiaoshou

   Li Changge smiled disdainfully, extremely chic and pointed like a sword. The simple long sword flashed like lightning between the white shadows that hunted the grass antelope, bringing a puff of blood and screams.

The wolf king opposite Qin Yuan was instantly angry. He raised his head to the sky and gave a long roar. The male wolves around him yelled at Qin Yuan. The smelly mouth opened and aimed at several key points of Qin Yuan. Bite off.


Qin Yuan yelled, his sturdy posture seemed to be in an uninhabited state. A heavy Overlord's spear was used in his hands very fiercely and fiercely. The violent force made the spear tremble a bit, and the curved barrel of the spear was continuous by him. Smashed on the waist of several giant wolves.


   The sound of bones bursting and breaking, still clearly audible under the cover of the terrible howling of the giant wolf.

   Solved the guard of the Wolf King, there was no other obstacle in front of Qin Yuan

   The imposing and imposing figure of the **** of war was reflected in the ruthless eyes of the wolf king. It only solved the strongest partners under his hand in a moment when he looked at the person in front of him, his pupils tightened, and he turned and ran.

   Qin Yuan is well aware of the disposition of this fierce beast, and will run away when the situation is wrong. If he is extremely cunning and hated by it, he will always follow him, looking for opportunities to retaliate.

   Qin Yuan doesn’t want his neck to be crushed by a giant wolf hiding behind his back while eating.

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   He laughed, vigorously, and slammed his feet on the ground, chasing him like lightning, and approached the fleeing wolf king a little bit.

  In Qin Yuan’s eyes, this wolf is very beautiful, with slender limbs. When running, the white and soft hair fell on his body while being blown by the wind. It looks much better than the second-level beast that my uncle killed for the first time.

A flash of memory flashed in his eyes, and then the barrel of the gun slid in his hand, and the sharp tip of the gun pierced the wolf king’s hind legs, cut the tendons, smashed the bones, and nailed the wolf king who was running wild. On the ground.

   "tear and pull"

   Because the wolf king was held in a fast running, the huge inertia directly pulled it forward, and the pierced muscles of his hind legs were torn by this force, and the white fur was stained with blood.

   The Wolf King screamed and wanted to struggle to escape. Qin Yuan's eyes were cold, he raised his foot and kicked the wolf head fiercely, knocking it out.

   The others also ended their battles.

   "Not bad, one did not run away"

   Qin Yi stared at the back, as long as there was a white wolf who wanted to escape, he shot it with an arrow, forced it back, and let Fan Jiang or Chen Shiwan kill them.

   They are now cooperating more and more tacitly. With more than 30 giant wolves, they solved the battle in less than half a time.

   "Quick battle and quickly resolve these corpses"

   Qin Yi clapped his hands, and several people took action instantly, with a clear division of labor.

  Wang Sledgehammer and Li Changge skinned, Fan Jiang deboned, Chen Shiwan collected beast cores, processed the internal organs, Qin Yuan divided the meat, and at the same time took care of the sentry. As for Qin Yi, it is natural to be lazy and not work.

  According to his words, it is to let a few people be more proficient in this kind of thing. With these tempers, even if one day is abolished by someone, they can still earn some money to live on this technology.

   "Go, the next place"

   Qin Yi's storage ring is like a bottomless pit, no matter how many things he can hold, of course he took out a different storage ring every time to cover up.

   robbed so many people, there are dozens of storage rings on his body, many of them were melted into his own storage rings by him, and the rest were reserved for meat.

   A few people swept all the way, and any fierce beast they encountered was swept away by them. There were very few fierce beasts that could keep their lives under their hands.

So that the newcomers behind them were a little confused. They had walked hundreds of miles. In this huge blood mountain, only two or three innate beasts with such big cats and kittens were found. The predecessors are so dangerous.

   Of course, some of them also met

The dozens of people Qin Yi and others robbed, saw Wanxing who was still unconscious so far, comforted them, condemned Qin Yi, and filled the same enemy with righteous indignation, but they were cold in their hearts, for fear that they and others would also be stared at by Qin Yi. Go on, **** the storage ring.

   "Fortunately we left late, if we were like them and left in the middle of the night, wouldn't it be possible that Qin Yi would meet him"


   They took a breath just thinking about it.

   Qin Yi and the others, who worried the people behind, had already gotten deeper and deeper.

   "How many points have you scored, I am three hundred and forty-two, how about you"

   Qin Yi asked as he sprinted forward, and the sound floated accurately into the ears of several people in the wind.

   "I am three hundred and one"

   Qin Yuan glanced at the nameplate on his chest and said loudly.

   "Two hundred thirty-nine"

   "Two hundred and seventy-two"

   "Two hundred and eighty three."

   It’s rare that I didn’t read a long song. After all, it’s not convenient to run.

   He glanced at the number on his nameplate and smiled at Chen Shiwan, "Two hundred and ninety-eight are more than you."

   "Cut" Chen Shiwan clenched his fists and turned away angrily.

   This **** killed a few more beasts only because of the speed of his sword.

   Because Qin Yi didn't do anything for most of the time, he encountered relatively powerful beasts, so there was not much difference.

   "We have been out for a while, and we walked a hundred miles ahead, and then we took a rest to clean up some of the meat in the storage ring"

   Qin Yi glanced around and said loudly.

   "Will it be too wasteful to clean up everything?"

   Wang Sledgehammer asked a little puzzled.

   Rural children are more frugal. He thought that Qin Yi wanted to make room for the meat of those monsters with higher strength.

   "I eat it all in my stomach, how can it be wasted"

   Qin Yi also glanced at Wang Dahui with some confusion.

   Why do you think I will throw away the hard-but-killed meat

   "You, so much meat, you can eat it"

   Everyone was shocked

   It’s not one and a half. The meat of a cold plain white wolf alone can weigh thousands of catties. When can I eat it?

   No matter how big the appetite is, it’s not that fast

   "Where did you all want to go, I have an elixir that can refine the meat of these monsters into an elixir, which can replenish their own blood and energy and strengthen their physique. It is a relatively partial elixir."

   Fan Jiang and others""

   Fan Jiang asked doubtfully, "I don’t seem to have ever heard of this kind of pill. At most, I use the blood of a fierce beast to refine the pill and use the meat to refine the e. Have you heard of it?"


   Everyone shook their heads, then looked at Qin Yi.

   "Don't think about it, I figured it out by myself, isn't it normal if I haven't heard of it"

   Qin Yi said with a smile, he didn't care, but he didn't know how much shock this sentence caused other people.

   "Self, the pill of my own creation" Chen Shiwan was almost stunned.

   Her family specializes in alchemy, and her grandfather is still a senior alchemist. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, of course he is familiar with alchemy.

  Creating a prescription is not a simple matter

  Even the lowest-level Huiyuan Pill, Rejuvenation Pill, and Body Tempering Pill need to have a thorough understanding of the medicinal properties and pharmacological knowledge of the medicinal materials, and the monarchs and ministers should be very familiar with the methods and have a wealth of alchemy experience.

   With her knowledge ~www.novel35.com~ even her grandfather, a senior alchemist, may not be able to create a prescription

   That's something that a grandmaster or even a grandmaster can do

   But now the boy in front of them did it

   "Are you sure you can eat that pill"

   Li Changge asked weakly, a little unbelievable.

   "Then don't eat"

   Qin Yi said nothing, but Qin Yuan cursed with a smile.

   "You are not already a master alchemy master, right"

   Chen Shiwan swallowed, a little dry mouth.

   "No, I'm only a senior alchemist. It is quite difficult to break through the alchemy master."

   Sighing when talking about this Qin Yi.

   Isn't it difficult?

Originally, high-level medicinal materials were very difficult to collect. Now he wants to break through the alchemy master and refine ten kinds of master-level treasure pills. At least one kind of precious medicine is needed as the main medicine, plus a lot of high-level medicinal materials and other middle and low-level medicinal materials. For him, it’s really difficult

   Chen Shiwan was relieved.

   "Fortunately, although I am amazed at his age as a senior alchemist, but knowing that he also has things that are difficult, I feel a little happy for some reason."

   Thank you 08a and Tiandi Wuji Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian for rewards

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