I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 397: 392: 2 dollars!

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   All the people present were dismayed.

   This sword is terrifying!

   Even if it was hundreds of miles away, many people looked up into the distance, their faces slightly changed, and they were a little shocked.

   "This is? Jian Qi? So strong, who is it?"

   "It's a bit like a sword of Guanghan, and it's also a bit like a sword that extinguishes the sky. Is it a disciple of the Ge family? Or is it the Wei family? Are they coming this time too?"

   some people guessed.

   Qin Yi faced the huge sword of hundreds of feet that split into black vigor, his face remained calm and calm.


   He roared up to the sky, his sword shot out violent power, and his knotted muscles tensed like an explosion.

Qin Yi's sturdy body stood tall in the sky, facing the mighty sword energy that was swiftly cut like a flying sword, he swept the sword from left to right fiercely, and a golden round blade slammed into it like a rolling wheel. Jian Qi.

   The overbearing and violent fluctuations spread to the surroundings in an instant, and there was some vibration in the area for dozens of miles. The loud rumbling noise made sand and rocks rise, and smoke and dust splashed everywhere.

   Under Qin Yi's sword, half of the terrible sword energy was missing in an instant, and the other half was a little shaky, but it still slashed towards Qin Yi.

   "Hahahaha! Die! Die!"

   Gao Ning has a hideous face and pale face.

   When he saw Qin Yi's sword go down, one piece of the long sword disappeared, and he was a little frightened. When he saw that the other half continued to kill, he couldn't help being excited.

   This sword will kill you!

   Mu Xiaoning tied her opponent with two vines, and the black stinger plunged into the dog's leg, making him a little paralyzed, his tongue and eyes crooked, and his hands trembling unconsciously.

   resolved her opponent, she looked at Qin Yi in the sky with some worry.

   Other people also looked up at the sky during the war, very nervous.

   Qin Yi's body moved and jumped in mid-air. Ling Xu Jiudu started, his whole body was like the most flexible white crane, soaring in the sky, he quickly retreated several miles, and raised his body.


   He gave a soft drink, his body turned upside down, his head down, and he drew his sword and struck Huashan obliquely against the sword energy that was flying in the distance!

   The fierce and unforged sword energy burst out again!


   The sword qi broke through the air and uttered a violent howl. Under everyone's attention, the sword qi with infinite murder was severely chopped into pieces.

   Sword Qi exploded, splashing out from all directions, shooting into the ground and the surface of the water, blasting deep pits on the ground, and the calm lake surface also exploded with white water sprays tens of meters high. The entire lake was shaking and waves.

   Gao Ning's face instantly turned pale, and his eyes widened, looking very panicked.

   He swallowed, turned and ran.

   "Where to escape?"

   Qin Yi exclaimed, Gao Ning's legs were almost weak, but under the crisis of life and death, he ran faster.

   Qin Yi sneered: "If you run again, all of your subordinates will die!"

   Gao Ning had no intention of stopping when he heard it.

   shook his head, and Qin Yiyun's Zi Jue was launched. The law of time and space and the law of speed were blessed, and almost no one could escape in front of him!

   At his current speed, if the power is activated, the general high-level monks of the Supreme Void may not be able to have him faster!


   After just a few breaths, he caught up with Gao Ning, a palm stretched out from behind Gao Ning's neck, and directly grabbed his neck, as if carrying a long-necked duck, and drove back.

Gao Ning’s dog legs were already shocked by the strength of Qin Yi at this time, and because Gao Ning did not hesitate to abandon their behavior, they felt very disappointed. At this time, seeing Qin Yi coming back, there was no longer any action. thought.

   Some people gave up their weapons and surrendered. Some people wanted to escape but were stopped. They had no choice but to give up the struggle.

   The other two teams couldn't say anything that was already shocking.

   only used two knives to break Yijian Guanghan's move, and he still has no damage!

   This strength made them a little frightened, and even hesitated whether to stay here anymore.

   Obviously, with Qin Yi's strength, he can kill himself and everyone alone, so they still need to stay here?

   Are you afraid, like Gao Ning’s idiot, being held by the neck like a chicken?

  I really want to be like that, I lose my face, it's better to die!

   The smiling fat man and the boss of the other team looked at each other, and retreated in their hearts.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   Qin Yi slapped Gao Ning a few times. After banning his cultivation, he threw the person directly from the sky.


   Gao Ning screamed in fright, waved his hands and feet, and then fell to the ground with a "slap", his hands and feet were unnaturally bent, shaking from time to time, and blood came out of his mouth.

   The other two teams' cheeks twitched, and they took a breath in their hearts.

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   Being thrown down so high, you will have to be disabled if you don’t die!

   Seeing Qin Yi's glance at them, they hesitated for a while, wondering whether they should go or not.

   Qin Yi didn't speak, they didn't dare to move now.

   "Qin Yi, how are you, are you okay?"

   Seeing Qin Yi coming, Mu Xiaoning was the first to rush over, looking at Qin Yi worriedly.

   "What can I do? A small sword is not a drizzle to me?"

   he said with a smile.

   Li Haifeng breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Qin Yi did not seem to be injured.

   turned Gao Ning, who was twitching on the ground, to his face, Qin Yi was a little speechless when he saw Gao Ning who was bleeding from Qiqiao and fell into a coma.

"The body is so weak? It's only less than two hundred feet, and it's just like this. It's really rubbish! How dare such a person daring to swear words in front of Lao Tzu, and also come up with a kind of compassionate person, like who would believe him Like that hypocritical face, does he have a brain problem?"

   Qin Yi kicked Gao Ning's paralyzed body, vomited, and then looked at his younger brothers.

"Looking at your boss, is it swollen by being called the little sword god? I have to wake him up and waste my time! Now, give me all the things in your body, and spare your lives! Faster!"

   Qin Yi said in a vicious voice.

   Gao Ning’s dog legs are a little bit incredulous.

They thought that they were dead and could not run away, and they did not have the courage to burn the jade and the stone. They surrendered also thinking about whether they could let themselves wait for others with a good attitude. Know, this is just a luxury.

  Who knows, Qin Yi actually intends to let them go?

   is just paying for something outside of the body, it can be exchanged for a life, it's worth it!

   They endured the excitement in their hearts, and took off their storage ring very readily, and handed it to Mu Xiaoning.

   "Not bad!" Qin Yi nodded in satisfaction.

   "That, can we go now?"

   Someone asked to please.

   "Go? Where are you going? I said I let you go?"

   Qin Yi is puzzled.

   The complexions of those little brothers changed immediately.

   "No, didn't you say that we spared our lives? You can't say nothing!"

   Someone couldn't help but said, looking a little excited.

   "Yes, I meant to spare your lives, but I didn't say let you go!"

   Qin Yi pointed to the water wall formation in front of the wooden corridor at the lake, and said, "You guys, go and break that formation for me!"

   "Are we going to let us go as long as we break the formation?"

   They looked at Qin Yi hopingly.

   "Look at my mood!"

   Qin Yi pouted his mouth~www.novel35.com~ bending over to look at Gao Ning.

   "Don't pretend to be dead, just think carefully, who can't tell? Are you stupid or I am stupid?"

   He stepped on Gao Ning's chest.

   Gao Ning squirted out a violent mouthful of blood, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was almost trampled to death by a foot.

   "Your sword technique is wrong, it should be said that it is a sword technique. Where did it come from? Tell me, I'll let you go!"

   "I, ahem, I will die... and I won't say it!"

   Gao Ning said intermittently, weakly.

   Qin Yi smiled.

   "Well, I am not a person who likes to force others. Since you are useless to me, then go to death!"

   He lifted his foot.

   Gao Ning's complexion changed suddenly.

   I just pretend to be habitual, can't you ask again?

   asked me again and I agreed!

   He hurriedly changed his words: "I said, I said! Don't kill me!"

   "It's late, I just remembered that I use a knife, and I can't use your sword skills!"


   One foot stepped on, flesh and blood flew!

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