I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 637: tailed sky fox? The site of the heavenly saints!

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The two made preparations at home, and Qin Yi sent the remote space teleportation array he refined to Tassel through the terminal's teleport function.

Hu Lai's mother was with Tassel.

Through the teleportation array, she can be directly at the place of the orc, teleporting as far as the Ultimate Spirit Sea!

In other words, Qin Yi still needs to take a trip to Jue Ling Hai this time.

"Little Lai, let's go!"

He said to Hu Lai who had bid farewell to his dignified wife.

"It's not that I can't see it anymore. I set off in the morning. Maybe I can eat together at noon. Why are you so emotional!"

Qin Yi was helpless.

The cousin and sister-in-law ignored him, and reluctantly said goodbye to Hu Lai.

After raising them for so long, they also regarded Hu Lai as their daughter.

Well, although this generation feels a little messy, but the relationship will not be messy!

The two took the teleportation array and went straight to the South Sea.

When you get here, you need to transfer.

He took Hu Lai, hidden his figure, and flew into the sea.

Having just experienced the battle between the heavenly emperors, Qin Yi was a lot more cautious at this time, not dare to swagger.

But this was to pick up people, not to fight, and Qin Yi didn't think anything would happen today.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world, let him run into it?

"Xiao Lai, in fact, I found your mother a few years ago, before I entered the Sea of ​​Absolute Soul. However, because after I came out, there has been no time, so I didn't tell you, I was afraid you would secretly find her. You Do you blame me?"

Qin Yi rubbed the girl's head and asked.

Hu Lai is also a big girl in the cardamom years, she has the right to know these things.

Hu Lai shook his head vigorously, clutching Qin Yi's arm tightly: "Don't blame brother! I know my brother is doing me good!"

Qin Yi felt warm in his heart.

This child is not in vain!

He took Hu Lai and flew all the way to Jue Ling Hai.

And in the Orc Continent thousands of miles away, in a city, Hu Lai's mother, also the third princess of the Fox tribe, was wondering which clothes to wear to see her daughter.

Her eyes were still swollen at this time, and she had obviously cried for a long time.

"Tassel, do you think I can wear this one? Will Xiao Lai find it too earthy?"

"Oh, don't try it, it's all good!" Tassel was somewhat helpless at this time.

"No, I think it's a bit inappropriate here!"

"What about this one?"

"Yes, it looks good!"

"Let me think about it again... What do you think Xiao Lai looks like now?"

"It must be as beautiful as you!"

"Do you think she has been bullied in recent years? Will she not have enough to eat? Will she wear clothes when it's cold?"

While talking, Hu Lai and her mother began to cry again.

"...You said, if there is that person, who would dare to bully your daughter? Still not beating him alive?" Liu Su said silently.

At this time, they all knew Qin Yi's identity and knew that he was a personal clan, and his deeds were not only famous among the Human Race, but even the Orc Race and Sea Race.

Such a person will let others bully Xiao Lai?

"I have to say that the person you chose at the beginning is really great! That is, he, if you change someone, you may never see Xiao Lai in your life, so you should be happy now!"

The bear head on the side persuaded.

Hearing this, the corner of the dog's mouth twitched.

Listen, is this something someone said? Do you advise others like this?

Oh no, he is not a human!

Tassel gave Xiong's head angrily: "Where do you want to place the teleportation array?"

"Just put it in the basement, it's safe here!"

"Okay, how are you here?"

"Okay, let's go!"


Here we are going to stage a miserable drama, on the other side, two sneaky bald heads also appeared on the beach.

They were very vigilant and looked around carefully. Seeing no one was passing by, they took out a conch-like thing and blew it against the sea.


Little snail, dribble...

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After a long time, the sea still showed no response.

They have blown it many times!

The two bald heads, one middle school and the other young, both looked sturdy, and looked at each other at this time, a little at a loss.

"What's the matter, didn't they say that someone would come if you blow this thing? It's been a long time now, how about people?"

"Couldn't it be us? These stinky fish and shrimps have good things for them, but they still linger, and they can't keep up with the heat!"

The young man complained with a bald head.

"Forget it, wait patiently, wait another hour, if it doesn't come, we will..." the middle-aged bald head said, hiding behind a rock.

The wind on the seashore was strong, and he didn't want to be blown by the wind like a fool, even a level twelve wind would not affect him at all.

"Just leave?" The young man's bald head lit up.

"No, just go to the sea to see, maybe something happened and it was delayed!"

The young man was bald and frustrated: "Why don't they go straight away? They don't come by themselves, but we have to deliver them in person? Isn't this too cheap?"

"If you are not afraid of the Lord's accountability, you can go!"

The youth shivered immediately: "Then, then go!"

Half an hour, one hour.

Still no one came.

There is not even a bird on the sea!

The faces of the two of them are not very good.

These sea races, no wonder they were beaten up by the human races and retreated steadily. They deserve it!

"If it weren't for the Lord to speak, we would also need the Sea Clan's efforts. Where can we give them such a good thing?"

The young man complained while flying.

"Be careful, this is Absolute Spirit Sea, you can't get out if you go in!" The middle-aged bald head reminded.

"Didn't you say that it came out? It's the well-known Qin Yi. We wanted to kill him at the time. What a pity!"

Said the young man.

"He must have encountered some chance encounter, otherwise how could he come out from here? Do you have this luck too?" the middle-aged man asked indifferently.

"Maybe there is... Fuck! What is that?"

The young man's eyes widened in an instant, his arms raised, and pointed towards the sea of ​​absolute spirits.

The middle-aged man turned his head in doubt, his eyes widened, and his face was horrified.

So, what is that?

As saints, they are also figures who have lived for thousands of years. Not to mention that they have seen all the big and small things in the Crimson God Realm, at least there are few things they have never heard of.

However, what appeared in their eyes now was unheard of.

More importantly, this thing is still inside the Absolute Spirit Sea!

It was nine tails covering the sky, showing pure white, and the hairy tail looked extremely soft.

But they don't dare to think that this thing is a harmless thing.

Just a huge body with a height of tens of thousands of feet, a slight shake is enough to break the bones of ordinary monks.

And there are eight tails like this!

What kind of monster is this?

They have never heard of any animal with nine tails.

Nine-tailed Tianhu is just a name, and I have never really seen one with nine tails.

Could it be that this is what kind of newly emerged variant species?

They glanced at each other, their eyes filled with doubts.

"Will this matter affect the Lord's mission? Do you want to report it?" The young man asked in a low voice, bald.

The middle-aged bald head thought for a while, but couldn't make up his mind: "Forget it, don't say it, it has nothing to do with us, we are just here to deliver things, don't cause trouble!"


The youth thought about it~www.novel35.com~ and thought it was right. If there is a problem, won't they have to come to work?

Why bother!

It's better to treat it as not happening at the beginning!

"Let's go, let's go, those stinky fish, rotten shrimps don't know where they are dead, and no one responds if they send messages to them. It's the mobile phone of the human race, it is said that it can be like face to face from tens of millions of miles away! Where do we need to take this trip? There is a void mail service directly on the mobile phone, which is very convenient!" The young man was a little envious.

"The Lord hates human things the most. Do you want to die?" The middle-aged was taken aback, shouted in a low voice, reprimanding the young man.

The young man was shocked, but still very unconvinced, and muttered in a low voice: "It was originally, why not use good things..."

"You can't change it!" This was what he said in his heart, and he didn't dare to say it.

The middle-aged obviously agreed with the young man's words, but he had to behave and stop his topic.

"Not far ahead, it's the site of the Saint of Heaven, blow the conch!"

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