I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 667: 650: Xiao: I ran out of luck when I met you! Fuck!

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Qin Yi rejoiced while running.

It's just that he didn't run long before he felt something was wrong.

What's going on?

Why is there no movement after a match?

He couldn't help stopping, his eyes gradually narrowed.

Could it be...

Some bold ideas in his heart slowly rose to his mind!

Go back and take a look!

Just a glance!

If they are still fighting, then treat him as if he never came back!


Both lose and lose, both are extremely injured...

Well, hey!

The corner of Qin Yi's mouth curled up, and after waiting for a while, there was still no movement. He finally made up his mind, turned and turned back, and returned to the original path!


Guan Sheng and Xiao fought each other with all their strength, and the entire Extreme West fell into a depressive atmosphere. It was the attack of the Chaos Realm that caused the air to stagnate, and the aura was almost sucked away by the two of them!

The strong vibrations cracked the continuous mountains of the extreme west, deep cracks appeared on the earth, the dormant volcanoes erupted fiery magma, and the river flowed back, like a **** on earth.

After the mushroom cloud dispersed, Guan Sheng coughed and struggled to get up from the rubble.

He was covered with blood, his arms were unnaturally bent, and there were even pale bone stubble on his wrists, and the bright red granulation was exposed to the air.

"Cough!" He vomited a mouthful of blood, his breath was empty, and his feet staggered a bit.

Taking a closer look, bright red blood stains gradually appeared on his chest and gradually spread.

Xiao's full blow, he did not completely block it. He still took his move abruptly. Now there are scars everywhere on his body. What's more serious is that most of his meridians and internal organs have been burned. After the ashes, what is left is just barely supporting his vitality, so that he won't even have the power to act!

Regardless of his external injuries, he is now exhausted!


He coughed again and couldn't help frowning, looking away.


The stone was turned over, and clamor broke free from the deeply buried stone.

Guan Sheng was so miserable, he was not well. At this time, except for his head and torso, his limbs were all illusory, and the torso showed a series of fine cracks, like porcelain that was about to shatter.

"Damn... bastard!"

Yao hated Guan Sheng very much at this time.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes stared at Guan Sheng in the distance, his eyes were sinister, and he was hesitating in his heart, whether he should go up and fight again and take revenge.


He compared Guan Sheng's situation with his own.

"Let you live a few more days!"

He forcibly suppressed his intention to kill Guan Sheng, but sensed his injuries and had to retreat strategically!

If you don't leave, it is still unknown who will die!

However, the retreat must also be strategic!

The opponent must run first!

If it is seen by the opponent that he is now a foreigner, bluffing, and actually trying to escape, wouldn't it be miserable?

After being chased up and beaten, the face will be lost!

"Huh! Little bastard, after hitting my trick, do you feel that the five inner parts are burned and the soul is shattered?" Xiao Xiao forced down the old blood that was about to be sprayed, pretending to be extremely calm and proud.

Guan Sheng was surprised.

The strength of this clamor is so strong, it's all like this, is it okay?

He slowly carried his hands behind his back, and the arm that was about to heal was involuntarily squeezed tightly.

This time, it's dangerous!

He looked at Yan calmly, with a disdainful smile on his face: "Hehe, the dog of the bereavement, dare to bark savagely? A robber, who will eventually be driven out by his master, will not leave...hehe, nothing else, this land of poor mountains and rivers , The place of the miasma rain and clouds, it just happens to be your grave! Speaking of it, I really want to bury you here, and I feel a little wronged in this place!"

Guan Sheng sneered, his body straightened, and even walked a few steps forward.

Xiao's face was extremely ugly, his heart was burning with anger, and he couldn't wait to swallow Guan Sheng a few miles away.

"Humph!" A wicked smile appeared on his face, "Robber? This world, if it weren't for me, would still be a wild land, a group of monkeys and beasts vying for supremacy. It was me who brought you the fire of civilization, yes I, to spread the knowledge of cultivation to you, it is me who opened up wisdom to your ancestors! You servants, slaves, and trash are just the **** food I nurtured, so you dare to bite my master again and again?"

The more he talked, the more angry he got, and there was a blazing fire in his eyes.

At the beginning, he fought a **** battle with his mortal enemy, and after killing the opponent, he was also seriously injured and had to flee to a remote star field to recover his injuries to prevent other enemies from coming to the door to kill him.

Crimson God Realm was discovered by him at that time.

At that time, the Crimson God Realm was still a huge world full of vitality, but without a civilization.

He was overjoyed. In order to quickly recover from his injury, he unlocked the spiritual wisdom of the entire Crimson God Realm, spread the knowledge of cultivation to every corner, and any creature can practice.

In this way, when he wakes up from a deep sleep, he will be able to swallow the blood food with the cultivation base and restore his strength!

Otherwise, they are just ordinary lives, even if they are all swallowed, they won't have any effect at all!

After doing all this, when he woke up from the coma, he discovered that there was unexpectedly a chaotic powerhouse in this world!

The speed of these creatures' cultivation is too fast!

At that time, he was injured so badly that he could not beat the blood food he raised!

This is equivalent to an ordinary person raising a chicken, and after a nap, he realizes that he can't beat the free-range chicken!

This is so fucking!

For the sake of his own life, he was not too arrogant, but acted secretly, secretly found a few soft persimmons, recovered a little bit of strength, and was discovered by those natives!

By mistake, the cultivators he killed were of different races, and they still had enemies with each other.

And because of the subsequent series of misunderstandings and his promotion and stirring up the flames, it also directly led to a war that spread to the entire world. He also benefited from it, successfully swallowed a lot of blood, and restored a lot of strength.

But those chaotic realms are not fools. After they noticed the existence of Shao, they entangled with a group of people and beat him to death. They and others also knew about all kinds of loopholes because the technique was passed down. It is clear that he was naturally restrained, both sides were injured, and he fell into a coma again.

In the next few epochs, he learned a lot, and did not come forward directly, but used his own flesh and blood, combined with the indigenous people of the Crimson God Realm, to make some agents, that is, those people surnamed Lu, to help him secretly.

These people are also the source of half-orcs.

The surname is Lu...

He has four mouths, and these agents have half of his flesh and blood. Isn't that just two mouths, one word for Lu?

However, although the creatures of this world have destroyed many races due to constant wars, there are still many creatures and races who are indomitable and have not yielded, but fought to the death. After so many years, his injuries have not healed, but instead It was getting worse and worse. By hundreds of thousands of years ago, it was even divided into six pieces and suppressed everywhere. It was almost impossible to survive forever.

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Had it not been for the people of Aoao who couldn't find a way to completely destroy his body, he might have been reborn several times!

It's just that there is no worst, only worse!

What's worse than dividing the corpse into six pieces is that the corpse was eaten in half!

Qin Yi's **** didn't know what to do, and he swallowed three pieces of his body one after another, and his two legs and one arm were permanently gone!

Is this special girl still a human?

Thinking of this, the whole body trembled with anger!

"Hehe, you mean, we have to thank you?"

Guan Sheng was also extremely shocked when he heard of this kind of thing for the first time.

But his face didn't show up at all, instead he said with disdain: "If I feed you a lump of shit, do you belong to me? Do I drop it as I want to?"

"Bastard!" The arrogant Qiqiao made smoke, and almost couldn't help but rush up.

He took two deep breaths and tried his best to recover from his injury, but the aura content in the surrounding air was extremely thin, and he had been drained by their full blow long ago. The radius was tens of thousands of miles, and he almost entered the Age of Doom. It takes at least one month to recover!

"This whole world belongs to me. I naturally have the right to dispose of everything in it, including the lives of all of you!"

Xiao said naturally.

This concept was not created out of thin air. In the world he lived in, everyone thought the same way. After he found a new world, they all did it!

It's just that he is more unlucky!

Before and after, the first time I did it myself, I didn't eat the food I had worked so hard to raise, and I was almost killed!

In the next few times, I trained an agent to help him. The more he worked, the worse he got, and his injuries got worse!

This time, after he was dismembered and suppressed, after hundreds of thousands of years, his head broke through the seal first.

For the sake of his old wounds that have delayed tens of millions of years, he trained some indigenous dogs, that is, those bald heads, as his agents, wanting to start a war again and profit from it.

In the past few times, those with the surname Lu, because they are not purely natives, will be easily spotted and they are not easy to act.

After so many years, he has also learned fine, so he can simply find someone to help him with things!

Relying on the powerful mental power contained in his head, he confuses many people, fabricating an unnecessarily **** god, let those bald heads believe in his master, and let those bald heads attract believers as his stable source of blood.

In this way, his movements are much more secretive, and he will hardly be discovered by anyone!

He thought well.

This kind of thing has been carried out steadily for thousands of years.

However, those **** bald stupid donkeys, why do they have to lie to the maiden of Guan Sheng?

It's not good to find someone, but I found the person Guan Sheng likes, and I was so lucky to eat that person!

He didn't care at all, so he just ate it. How could he drop me?

Guan Sheng said, I can't do anything to you now, but I just want to disgust you and stick to you all the time. When I get stronger, you can wait to die!

The two of them have been entangled like this.

Who knows, now this has been disgusting his own trash like a skunk, and now he almost killed himself?

He had some doubts, whether his luck was spent after discovering the Crimson God Realm!

When I met the Crimson God Realm, he actually spent all his luck?

Otherwise, how do you explain that for more than 10 million years after this, you have been in bad luck and **** bad luck?

If nothing else, just talk about this human race!

At the beginning, in ancient times, the human race was just an extremely common race among the ten thousand races. There were so many races that were more powerful, more talented, and more intelligent than them!

Now, in the entire Crimson God Realm, hundreds of thousands of races were thriving, but now only the three races of Human Race, Orc Race, and Sea Race are dead, and they dominate the Crimson God Realm!

The waste loach of the dragon clan basically took refuge in the human clan, and they are not considered a race!

In his eyes, the struggle between these three races is a pecking at each other, and it's not good enough!

However, just to destroy this human race that he looked down upon, the two **** races of the Orc Sea Race that he fostered, with his help, could not even defeat a small human race, and they were almost exterminated?

He almost cursed the street when he heard the news!

How did this kind of merchandise survive the war of ten thousand races?

"Haha!" If Guan Sheng knew the internationally accepted gestures, he would definitely be able to point his middle finger.

"What do you say is yours is yours? I still say I am your father!"

Guan Sheng listened to yelling there, while suppressing the killing intent in his heart with red eyes, trying his best to recover from his injuries.

Neither of the two wanted to be seen by the other side, so they were so frozen here, in a dilemma.

Qin Yi actually came long ago.

He hid on the side, not too close, but he heard the conversation between the two people clearly.

"Fuck, such a big melon, almost didn't give me diarrhea!"

He marveled in his heart and saw some clues.

The reason why these two people have been talking here, co-authoring is out of force, can't move, and are dying?

The corner of his mouth showed a gradually distorted smile.

Since you can't do it anymore, then I'm not welcome!

The smile in his eyes became more and more intense, and he slowly retreated to the back, Qin Yi concocted, and once again arranged a circle of more than seven hundred miles wide around the location of the two men!

The two chaotic realms in the lowest state, don't know how much strength they can display?

Qin Yi wants to give it a try!

This is almost his best opportunity!

After setting up the formation, he looked at it coldly for a while, and finally determined that the two of them were really poor, and could only rely on their mouths to fight, so he took out the knife.

At this time, Yao's heart jumped, and he moved a step back without a trace, but his eyes were fixed on Guan Sheng.

Guan Sheng's arms behind his back tightened~www.novel35.com~ He noticed something abnormal.

The wind stopped!


Before he could react, a loud noise suddenly erupted in his ears.

A lightning-like black shadow flashed a few miles from his side, rushing towards the clamor in front of him.

The knife lights up!

Seeing this scene, Guan Sheng didn't put too much energy into it, but instead looked towards the sky.

There, something is flying fast!

He took a closer look, and suddenly took a breath, his expression changed drastically, and he forcibly took a breath and slammed forward, regardless of his severely injured body!

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