I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 7: 7: Qin Yuan

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   After Qin Yuan came back, Qin Yi finally saw this nephew who was two years older than him.

   The generations of the Qin family are a bit strange. Qin Yi thought that he had remembered it wrong at first, thinking that Qin Shan was his uncle, and Qin Yuan was his peer. But after looking at the genealogy, Qin Yi knew the reason.

   Qin Yi’s grandfather is the first generation of the Qin family. He has eight children, three boys and five girls.

   Qin Yi’s father, Qin Jie, is the youngest of the second generation of the Qin family. And Qin Shan's father, Qin Wen, is the second generation boss of the Qin family, Qin Jie and Qin Wen, the age difference is nearly 20 years.

   Qin Jie got married late again. By the time Qin Yi was born, Qin Wen’s grandson, Qin Yuan, had been born for a year.

Qin Yuan and Qin Shan look very similar, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a tall man. He is only 14 years old, and he is nearly 1.75 meters tall. The whole person looks relatively strong, and when his face is blank, he is a little bit fierce. .

   It was only when he saw Qin Yi, he suddenly smiled and looked very simple and honest.


   "Um..." Qin Yi was a little embarrassed.

   A young man who was older than himself called his uncle, making him a little unsure of how to answer, so he could only give an hum to reply.

   "This time I went to the county to test the spirits, nothing happened, right? What level of talent are you?"

   Qin Shan touched Qin Yuan's head and asked with concern. Zhao Wan also stared at Qin Yuan, looking a little nervous.

   "Mingling? Talent?" Qin Yi pondered for a while, a little curious.

   Qin Yuan scratched his head, grinning and said: "Fourth-level inferior talent."

   "Not bad!" Qin Shan was extremely happy when he heard it. The wrinkles around his eyes seemed to be dazzling. He patted Qin Yuan's shoulder hard, and his cracked mouth was never closed.

   Zhao Wan, standing at the door of the kitchen, raised her hand and wiped her eyes. She smiled and said, "Okay, okay!" Then she turned and went back to the kitchen to cook. After a day of exhaustion, the originally slightly tired and heavy steps have become much lighter.

   "What is the fourth-level talent? What is this talent?" Qin Yi couldn't help but ask, seeing the three members of the family immersed in joy.

"Hahaha, talent refers to the aptitude of our cultivation. Everyone has a different level of talent. Those with high talents will cultivate faster! This time Yuaner, they went to the county to test their talents, which is what I call the test. "

   Qin Shan seemed extremely happy, even talking a lot more, listening to Qin Yi asked at this moment, immediately explained.

"The talents are divided into ten levels, with the lowest level and the highest level. However, in our entire Fushan County, there has been only one inferior level 6 talent. It is said that level 10 talent is rare for thousands of years. Seeing one, such a person, will give birth to a vision!"

   "Yuan'er's fourth-level inferior talent is considered a good talent in Fushan County as a whole. In Chongshan Village, we haven't had a fourth-level talented child in more than ten years!"

   Saying here, Qin Shan just smiled.

Qin Yuan looked very embarrassed, a dark face blushed, scratching his head and said, "Father, this year, the test spirit has revealed a fifth-level genius with medium talent. He seems to be the youngest son of the county chief’s family. The big man from Xujun City took him away, as if he would take him to some college for further study."

"Hi, level five talent? You deserve to be the county magistrate, talent is good!" Qin Shan was silent, but then he patted Qin Yuan's head, "You are also good, level four talent, I will practice martial arts well in the future and strive to become one. Grandmaster, then our Qin family will be developed!"

   At this point, Qin Shan sighed for some reason, waved his hand and left.

   Qin Yi glanced at Qin Shan's back thoughtfully, his cousin seemed to be worried.

   "Uncle, let's go, this time I'm going to the county seat and I bought you some good things!" Qin Yuan grabbed Qin Yi's hand and walked into the house.

   Qin Yi wanted to break free, but a message suddenly came in his mind.

   [Name]: Qin Yuan (human)

   [Introduction]: Fourteen years old, human

   [Status]: Level 2 Warrior (Health)

  【Gong Method】: Zhenwu Pile Gong

   [Talent]: Medium level 4 (upgradable hidden spiritual veins)

  [Remaining Chaos Points]: 13 points

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   This is Qin Yuan’s message?

   Qin Yi was a little confused.

   Didn't it mean that the fourth-level inferior talents are inferior? Why is the fourth-level medium shown here? What does the latter upgradeable hidden spiritual vein mean? Is it a talent that can be upgraded?

   Thinking like this, Qin Yi was dragged into the house by Qin Yuan.

   The two of them lived together before. The room was large enough to fit two beds, and there was still a lot of space.

   This is the case in the countryside. I dare not say anything else. There is some land. So many people’s houses are very large, and there is a yard no smaller than the house outside. This is also convenient for drying and storing food. It will not appear crowded when raising chickens, ducks and geese, and no money is needed anyway.

"Uncle, look, this is the body quenching powder I bought for you in the county. Don't you want to practice martial arts? This is a good thing!" Qin Yuan smiled and stuffed a medicine bag wrapped in yellow oil paper. In Qin Yi's hands.

   "Quen the body scattered?"

   As soon as Qin Yi took the packet of Tempering Body Powder, a message appeared in his head.

   [Name]: Crude body quenching powder

[Introduction]: It is made from the remaining materials of refining the body tempering pill, plus iron thread grass, and copper fruit. It can assist in strengthening the bones and bones. The effect is relatively poor. It is effective for fighters below level 4 and cannot be used in large quantities, otherwise it is easy to produce Drug poison hinders cultivation.

   [Status]: Upgradeable

  [Remaining Chaos Points]: 13 points

   "Why don't you have the money to buy this? It's expensive?" Qin Yi looked at this nephew who was one year older than him, and the other party looked forward to looking at him, as if seeking praise, he couldn't help but smile.

   "It's not expensive, it's only ten... Uh, three yuan coins, I have money!" Qin Yuan patted his chest, looking like "I am rich".

"I don't need it now. You can use it yourself first. When I need it, you can buy it for me?" Qin Yi felt that it would be more appropriate for Qin Yuan to use this quenching body at this time. Not on this.

   After all, this thing is effective for four-level martial artists, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com itself has just begun to practice now, it can be replaced with food.

   "No, I can't use it anymore. This thing has no effect on me. I bought it specifically for you. How can I return it! Besides, I can't return it if you don't want it!"

   Qin Yuan was afraid that Qin Yi would refuse, so he twisted his head, regardless of Qin Yi, Di Liu Liu ran out of the house, shouting as he ran.

   "Uncle, go out to eat!"

   Qin Yi smiled and said, "Okay, come right away!"

   scattered this pack of body quenching on the table and put it away, Qin Yi had a faint smile on his face, feeling a little warm in his heart.

   "Smelly boy, since you gave me a gift, how can you be an uncle without responding! Hehe!"

   After eating a meal that caused Qin Yuan to almost swallow his tongue, the two uncles and nephews returned to the room.

   "Uncle, I heard my father say that you were bullied by Zhang Hai's bastard?" Qin Yuan sat down, remembering what his father had just said, and a red light flashed in his eyes.

   Qin family, how can outsiders bully?

   "Oh, this matter, it's over. Tomorrow, go to the clan to ask the clan elder to get ten yuan. In addition, you can go to the county youth training team, the clan elder agreed!"

   Qin Yihun waved his hand carelessly. The most important thing now is...

   "Hi, uncle, what is this stuff, it hurts!"

   "Endure, pay attention to breathing! Don't mess up!"

   There was a faint smile on Qin Yi's face, but his eyes stared at Qin Yuan's movements intently, fearing that he had done something wrong.

   He decided to teach Qin Yuan the 36 movements in the first part of the body tempering chapter of "Zhen Wu Fu Mo Jue".

   In this world, I only have these three relatives, and there are good things, how can I forget them?

   is like Qin Yuan dispersing the quenching body for himself.

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