I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 96: 96: slander

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   "Here, Brother Qin, I..."

   Luo Bai has never seen anything like this. He never thought that one day he would be so popular.

"Relax!" Qin Yi patted him on the shoulder and said with relief, "This matter, listen to your own ideas and choose what you like. If you are not sure, my suggestion is to use the long sword with the back sword. Just choose one of Men Jianxiu and Old Man White Beard."

   The old man with white beard from the Royal Academy of Zhao Kingdom quivered in his ears, then his face twitched, and he glanced at Qin Yi: "Old man with white beard?"

   Other people's cultivation bases are not particularly advanced, and at this moment, I can hear what Qin Yi said, which is a little funny.

   "I, I choose the long sword gate."

   Luo Bai wandered among the two people Qin Yi said for a long time, and finally blushed, and chose the one he looked handsome.

The man carrying the sword had already given up. The Zhao Kingdom Royal Academy has similar high-level strengths compared to their Long Sword Gate, but the number of students is much larger, and the name is bigger. If you want to come to this Luo Bai, you will definitely be taken by this Royal Academy. The name is bluffing.

  Who knows that Luo Bai always likes swordsmen. Seeing that he is very handsome, he chose him.

   "This world that looks at the face!"

   Qin Yi smiled silently, then patted him on the shoulder, and said to him: "Since you have decided on the future direction, then go all out!"

   "Hmm!" Luo Bai nodded again, and ate the bowl of thick chicken soup.

   After Luo Bai had selected the sect, several people on the stage picked out Lin Feiyu, Pu Songwu and several other children with intermediate level or above.

   At the scene, only Qin Yi was left with a fourth-level qualification, and no one had yet to solicit him.

   Obviously, the eyes of the few people on the stage are not shrouded, and I can see that Qin Yi is not simple.

   If Qin Yi is a child of a big power, then it is normal to have this cultivation level at this age. However, since he is a child of a big power, will he appear at a spirit test meeting in a county?

   Obviously, besides the aptitude that Qin Yi can see, there may be other opportunities. His own hard work and understanding are also very good.

   This kind of person, in their opinion, is not worse than the fifth-level intermediate qualification!

   "Qin Yi, I see you are extremely stable, well-proportioned, strong, very suitable to come to my Tiangangmen, as long as you come, you will be my direct disciple!"

   Someone spoke up.

   The first person threw the olive branch first, and the rest of them also spoke.

   "Come to my Yudingmen, the alchemist is the richest!"

   "Huh, my Wanqi Sect is not bad!"

   "My Li family has unparalleled intelligence gathering ability and sufficient resources. Choose us to ensure that you can't buy fake drugs!"

   "Who is more afraid of my Ma family than rich, my Ma family's shops are all over the world, what can't you buy?"


   "Qin Yi, I didn't expect you to be quite popular!" Mu Xiaoning hit Qin Yi with his shoulder and said with a smile.

   "Gongzi Qin, have you thought about which direction to go in the future?" Mu Qiu stood aside and said lightly when he saw the performance of everyone on the stage.

   Qin Yi was shocked when he was asked this way, and couldn't help asking: "I wonder if Miss Mu can give me any advice?"

"I can't talk about advice." Mu Qiu smiled faintly, and then continued, "All cultivation paths in the world are basically cultivation. What we are talking about is just a subdivision of the direction to reduce cultivation. The obstacles on the way are just for better development."

"For example, I am an alchemist, who mainly refining medicine. In addition to alchemists, there are also refiners who can refine weapons used by martial artists. The man with the back sword on the stage is a sword repairer who specializes in swordsmanship and attacks the extreme. Strong."

"In addition, there are special physical trainings that use the physical body as a weapon to refine. They are powerful and invincible in close combat! There are warlocks who specialize in intensive spells. Although they are not good at close combat with people, they are good at long-range attacks. Difficult. There is also the formation mage, the warriors who are good at formations are extremely strange and difficult to defend, and their defense and escape capabilities are also extremely strong."

"Of course, these are not the mainstream. In fact, these paths are chosen for people who are gifted in a certain area. Most ordinary people have no choice at all! They can only practice ordinary, ordinary Breakthrough, and then ordinary death."

"They don’t know how to refine alchemy, they don’t know how to refine weapons, they don’t know how to make formations, and they don’t even know how to refine their bodies. They don’t even have the opportunity to practice a few more methods! Because of all this, there is no need for wealth or opportunity. Even qualifications!"

   Mu Qiu said a lot of things rarely, and Qin Yi listened, with a hint of thinking on his face.

"Therefore, many people will choose to join a certain force, such as the worship of the guest of the family, or join the academy, sect, and become their disciple. In this way, people of ordinary background can also have the opportunity to be qualified to study systematically. , Come into contact with these cultivation paths."

   "So Young Master Qin, on behalf of... the Mu family, I send an invitation to you, I hope you can join my Mu family!"

   Mu Qiu said so much in rare words, and at this moment she finally revealed her purpose.

   Her invitation was actually Qin Yi's expectation.

There was a look of expectation on Mu Qiu's face, but what disappointed her was that after Qin Yi pondered for a moment, he clasped his fists and said to her: "Thank you for Miss Mu's invitation, but I am still a little confused about my future plans. Maybe there will be opportunities in the future, but at this stage I don’t plan to join any forces, sorry!"

   "Cut, love will not come!" Mu Xiaoning looked at Qin Yi with a pair of beautiful eyes, but after seeing Qin Yi's refusal, she pouted a little unhappy.

   "It doesn't matter, if Young Master Qin changes his mind, he can come to the Treasure Pavilion to find us at any time. We have been there these days."

   Mu Qiu smiled indifferently, even if he was rejected.

   Qin Yi listened, glanced at the two of them, and asked: "Listen to Girl Mu, are you leaving?"

   "Yes, I have been out for so many days, so it's time to go back, or someone should talk about Xiao Ning!"

   Mu Qiu smiled and glanced at Mu Xiaoning.

   Mu Xiaoning turned his head and pouted disapprovingly.

   At this moment, everyone on the stage is gradually quieting, as if to listen to Qin Yi's choice.

   "Qin Yi, I don't know what you want, have you decided?"

   asked the strong.

   Qin Yi stepped forward and was about to speak, ready to refuse their invitation, only to find that Link on the stage gave himself an inexplicable smile.

   His heart sank suddenly, feeling a bit bad.


   Time went back not long after Wang Xuanting left.

   "Hey, have you heard that someone died the other night!"

   At this time, some newcomers suddenly appeared in the square, and they disappeared into the crowd, spreading rumors to the crowd.

   "Cut! Who will not die? Is this worth saying?"

   "The man died at the entrance of the barracks and was killed in front of a captain!"

   "Who is so awesome! Admire it!"

  The people who spread the news are speechless. Can you follow the routine?

   "Hey, don't worry, listen to me! It is said that the man killed an unarmed innocent citizen. He just walked on the road and looked at him. He felt upset and killed him!"

   This person has noses and eyes, and the listener will be suspicious.

   "Really? Then you can't catch him? It's too much to kill in the street!"

"That's right!"

"Hey, I heard at the time that everyone had already been arrested, but because this person was powerful and powerful, he was released again. It was just that the innocent deceased was pityed. There were still eighty old mothers in bed at home. The year-old baby is waiting to be fed!"

   "What? It's unreasonable. The emperor committed the same crime as the common people. Who is this person? It is too damnable to kill innocent people by virtue of his power and power, but he can escape sanctions!"

The person who spread the rumors glanced around and whispered: "I heard that this is Qin Yi with a four-level qualification! It is said that he is the illegitimate child of a big man. He is extremely vicious. I don't know how many innocent people have been killed! "

   "So it was him?"

   "Unexpectedly, this man turned out to be a beast in human skin!"


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   "The county magistrate, I heard that Qin Yi killed an unarmed innocent citizen. I don't know if it is true?"

   Someone yelled in the crowd, then bowed their heads and hid.

   A bunch of people yelled at him, trying to ask someone to understand, and then the more annoyed.

   "Punish the murderer!"

   "Murder pays for life!"

   "Get out of Fushan County!"

   shouted a group of people around.

   "You guys are talking nonsense! Brother Qin is not such a person!"

   Luo Bai's face flushed and explained in a loud voice, however, how useful his voice alone was, was directly submerged in the crowd.

Mu Qiu and Mu Xiaoning's expressions also changed. They knew more than Luo Bai. Hearing these rumors at the moment, his chest was about to explode. Mu Xiaoning almost rolled up his sleeves and hit someone, but Mu Qiu stopped him. .

   Qin Yi frowned, his face gloomy.

   After listening carefully, he gradually understood the whole story.

   You don't have to think about it, it must be Wang Xuanting.

   When he killed Li Xuan, he was accused of indiscriminate killing of innocent people by Link, and now he was put on this hat again, which is simply annoying.

   "Grass **** Wang Xuan Ting!" Qin Yi was burnt with anger, a murderous intent flashed across his eyes.

   At this moment, several people on the stage also heard these rumors, and their complexions suddenly changed. The look in Qin Yi's eyes was a bit strange.

   They are not fools. This kind of news that is known to be false at the first hearing must be maliciously smearing him, but whether it is smearing or not, there is a thorn in their hearts.

   all say "make a rumors, dispel rumors and run off their legs". The power of rumors is not how true they are, but that no matter how false the rumor is, there will always be some people who believe it!

   "Hmph, I think who else would choose you like this! A lowly inferior person, who dares to climb up and sit on an equal footing with me?"

   Wang Xuanting stood in the distance, looking at this side.

   He changed another fan in his hand. He seemed to be in a good mood at the moment, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. If someone who didn’t know looked at it, he would definitely boast, “The stranger is like jade, the son is unparalleled”!

   "I said, why do you bother to **** him, so idle it hurts?"

   Lin Baiyu stood beside him, weak and puzzled.

   "Furthermore, people can explain things clearly. Isn't it useless for you to do this?"

   "Useless work? Ha ha, I let people spread his rumors, but to disgust him! And, do you think my purpose is just this?"

   "What about it?"

   Lin Baiyu buttoned his ears, somewhat disapproving.

   "I want him to know that inferior people will always be obediently underneath, and don't try to climb up! He can only get what I want to give him!"

   "You mean, stop him from entering those big families, and then fundamentally cut his way?"

   Lin Baiyu was a little surprised.

   "Broken? Ha ha..." Wang Xuan Ting showed a smile, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

   "Anything that stands in front of me must die!"

   "Let the people on the stage know that Qin Yi provokes my Wang family, and my dad will say the name of my uncle Wang Huaji along the way. They will not offend my Wang family for such a poor countryman!"

   "Without the recruitment of these people, I think he is a fifth-level fighter, where to find follow-up exercises!"

   "Then you are not afraid that someone will recruit him then? Isn't your strategy useless?"

   "Hehe, I don't believe it, some people dare to ignore my uncle's name!" Wang Xuanting seemed to admire his uncle with great confidence.


   "Major Wang, what do you think of this matter?"

   The old man with white beard sitting in the middle saw that things were gradually expanding and turned to look at Wang Huadao.

"This is the first time I have heard about this, and I don't know it clearly." Wang Huadao stood up, bowed and replied, and then waved to the back. Link immediately came over, "Lieutenant Lin should be in charge at this time. true?"

   "Mr. Wang, this matter, this matter is indeed true."

   Linkyong seemed a little hard to tell, but after a pretentious struggle, he still uttered the "truth" out loud.

   The crowd under the stage heard Link's answer, and there was a commotion, and the yelling at Qin Yi became louder and louder.

   "Oh, isn't it?" The sword-backed man looked at Link with a deep look and smiled faintly.

   Link used to sweat suddenly.

   In front of so many powerful people, especially the back sword man with full of sharp aura, it made him feel pressure.

   "Major Wang, it seems that your rule is not peaceful?"

   Some strong said jokingly.

  Wang Huadao smiled slightly and said, "Lieutenant Lin, you can go down first."

He waved his hand to let Link use it, and then went on to preach: "My Fushan County is still very harmonious on weekdays. This is just an exception. Someone once said to me that it is inevitable that there will be growth on the trunk of the regenerating machine. insect."

   "Bugs will inevitably grow on tree trunks with strong regeneration machines? This makes sense, I don't know which gentleman said it?" The old man Bai Huzhi in the middle chewed this sentence and nodded in praise.

   "This is what my brother Wang Huaji said, which made Mr. Sun laugh."

   Wang Huadao laughed.

   The few strong men on the side heard Wang Hua and the name, and they seemed to feel familiar.

   "Wang Huaji? Could it be that he is the youngest Dao Fruit Realm powerhouse in my Zhao Kingdom?" Someone exclaimed, and finally remembered the name.

   "Haha~www.novel35.com~ My brother has a little name, not worth mentioning." Wang Huadao smiled modestly.

   Several strong men were silent for a while, and the thought of soliciting Qin Yi went out.

   At first sight, Wang Huadao had an antagonism with Qin Yi. If it were just a county magistrate, they would not give up such a good seed of Qin Yi.

   But his younger brother Wang Huaji is the hottest figure in the Zhao country in the past ten years. He is known as the youngest Dao Fruit Realm powerhouse and has a bright future!

   If you offend Wang Huaji for soliciting Qin Yi, it is really not wise enough.

   What's more, Qin Yi is not a talented genius, giving up him is the most sensible choice.

   Therefore, the few people no longer stand Qin Yi standing under the stands, and they are close to Wang Huadao.

Before that, they didn’t know the relationship between Wang Hua and Wang Huadao, so they were all holding the air. Now that they know it, of course they have to please. If they can have a relationship with Wang Hua and Wang, it’s no more important than 10,000 Qin Yi. Many.

   Qin Yi stood in the audience and looked at Wang Huadao who was talking with those big clans or strong sects. Gu Jing was waveless and his face was calm.

   He didn't plan to join any forces originally, one is because he doesn't lack exercises, and the other is because he is not short of money now, even if he lacks money, he can earn it very quickly. There is no shortage of wealth and no lack of exercises, so why did he join these forces?

   After being in contact with them for a long time, it is easy to reveal that he has gold fingers!

   As soon as he arched his hand, he was about to turn his head and leave, but the sword-backed man suddenly spoke at this moment.

   "Qin Yi, won't you explain it?"

   The sword-backed man asked with a faint smile, his voice seemed to have a clear-hearted effect, and the enthusiastic crowd suddenly calmed down. They all looked at Qin Yi as if they wanted to hear him explain.

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