I Decided to Cook Because the Losing Potion Was Soy Sauce

Chapter 32: CH 32

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「Ahh, that’s right! I keep thinking you’re an adult because of the way you speak and how much mana you have. My bad, my bad. That means you can only drink beginner-grade potions. Kuu…」

Rofas-san began ruffling Bryce-kun’s hair over and over.

「Hurry and grow up! Okay?」

Bryce-kun swept Rofas-san’s hand off of his head.

「I plan to do that, obviously. I want to grow bigger soon.」

「Mhm, mhm. Then you can drink upper-grade MP potions and get more morning practice in.」

Bryce-kun glared at the smiling Rofas-san.

「The reason I want to grow up is not because of you, Rofas-san.」

Bryce-kun said before glancing at me.

No no, you don’t have to do it for my sake, Bryce-kun. There’s no hurry. Not to mention a relationship is impossible between us!

「A beginner-grade potion won’t be enough to fill up Bryce’s mana pool…」

Rofas-san took out another bottle from his waist pouch, then looked over at me as though he had thought of something.

「Yuuri, can you make something with this?」


The bottle had the same shape as a potion bottle, but the lid was different.

The good potions had a round lid.

This bottle had a square lid. The liquid inside was black.

「What is this?」

I shook the bottle Rofas-san handed to me.

「It’s a beginner-grade MP potion. Stamina… I mean, HP is recovered with the potions gathered at this field. These MP potions are gathered at a different potion field. They recover one’s mana.」


So this is an MP potion!

As expected of this fantasy world!

Perhaps MP potions were also some sort of seasoning. Since it’s black… maybe it’s sauce?

I shook the bottle again.

Hmm, it didn’t seem that thick. If it was a sauce, it would be a thin type. Maybe it was Worcestershire sauce.

But still, sauce, huh? Sauce over kushi-katsu does taste heavenly.


Huh? When I thought about it, couldn’t I make katsu? I didn’t have pork, but I did have boar meat. I could turn the bread into panko. Ahh, but I didn’t have eggs!


Hmm, but it’s okay. Sauce over shredded cabbage tastes good too! Fufufu.

Wait, but first…

「Um, is this a winning potion? Or is it a losing potion?」

Rofas-san rested his hand on my head.

Oh, this was the head patting that makes young girls swoon… wait, no. Rofas-san began messing with my hair, stroking my head around and around.

You are reading story I Decided to Cook Because the Losing Potion Was Soy Sauce at novel35.com

He was treating me like a child!

To begin with, this was not something he should do to a girl who was way past puberty!

「Adventurers don’t walk around carrying losing potions with them.」

Yes, of course.

That meant…

「Is it easy to drink?」

「Of course.」

Uu, I see.

Of course it wasn’t sauce. My sauce dream went out the door…

「The losing potions are pretty much the same as the ones you get at the potion field here. A winning beginner-grade MP potion is quite tasty though. I think kids prefer the taste of it over the HP potions, but since kids can’t use magic until they’re level ten, not many of them get a chance to drink these. 」

「It’s tasty? Kirika wants to try some!」

Kirika-chan’s eyes glittered as she looked at the MP potion in my hand.

「One beginner-grade MP potion costs seven HP potions. Are you sure?」

Seven HP potions? So that meant seven pieces of bread, or two and half day’s worth of food.


Kirkia-chan gave it some thought.

「I’ll hold back.」

That prompted the question:

「Can children drink MP potions?」

If I remembered correctly, children weren’t allowed to drink high-grade potions, and they could have limited amounts of mid-grade potions. Could only those level ten and above drink MP potions then?

「It follows the same rules as HP potions. Rich people let their kids drink them like candy.」

If seven HP potions equaled 700 yen, then that meant an MP potion was not affordable for regular people. Hmm, there’s about 100ml of liquid in this bottle. Fermented milk drinks come in 60ml bottles, so that’s roughly two bottles in one MP potion, and that cost 700 yen. Hm…

It was a steep price.

So these were drinks for rich people….

Just what kind of flavor did it have?

Since sugar was a luxury here, and MP potions were easy for children to drink, maybe it was similar to brown sugar?

If this was brown sugar syrup, maybe I could make something with it. I wonder if I could boil this to make brown sugar?

「Well, it’s okay if it doesn’t work. For now, try to make something with the MP potion. Anyways, I’m going to leave now.」

Rofas-san left five bottles of MP potions on the table and went to the front door.

He left me five bottles despite saying it’s okay if I failed, so didn’t that imply he had high expectations for me to actually make something?

「I’ll be back by night time.」

Rofas-san said as he opened the door.

Ah, wait, wait! There’s something I had to give him before I forget.

「Please wait, Rofas-san!」

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