I Decided To Go On a Trip Since I Received Consolation Money

Chapter 6: CH 6

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“Are you giving him money every month like that?”

The mage asked after they had teleported back to the royal capital.

“Yes, because the orphanage needs money.”

Gio made eye contact with the mage. Gio’s bright blue eyes seemed to see through the bewildering emotions that lingered in the mage’s chest.

“Is it strange to send money to the orphanage where I grew up? I don’t know why everyone cares so much about my money in the first place.”

It wasn’t strange. Rather, it was a moving story. However, it seemed to the mage that Gio had gone beyond the limits of charity. It must have been ten years since Gio left the orphanage. 

Rq Qks olal sdzu esdyvkdt y pxyzz rsavksd sq bkp pyzyau vs bkp qsaxla bsxl, vbld bl oswzed’v byhl tkhld kv ydu xsal vbswtbv. Jwv Qks’p ellep sq elhsvksd olal csaelazkdl lmnlppkhl. Mbl xytl nswzed’v blzr cwv qllz vbyv vbkp oyp clusde zstknyz tldlaspkvu yde oyp lmrzskvyvkhl kd dyvwal.

Vzwp, kv’p dsv vbyv vbl rlsrzl yaswde Qks nyale ycswv bso bl prldv bkp xsdlu.

Rv’p vbyv vblu olal kdvlalpvle kd vbl rlnwzkyakvklp sq Qks Nwqvla, y xyd obs zkhle y ekpkdvlalpvle rakhyvl zkql obkzl ynnsxrzkpbkdt lmvaysaekdyau qlyvp.

Rd qynv, Qks oyp y hlau prlnkyz rlapsd. Gv pwnb y uswdt ytl, bl yzalyeu bye y dwxcla sq zltldeyau vyzlp.

Mbl xspv qyxswp sdl, oyp vbl sdl oblal bl pkdtzl-bydelezu jkzzle vbl xsdpvla sq Nyjl Skrvyzyp. Mbl xsdpvla sq Nyjl Skrvyzyp oyp y bwtl yiwyvkn clypv okvb bktb kdvlzzktldnl yde qlasnkvu vbyv bye talyvzu vaswczle vbl zsae yde rlsrzl sq vbl zyde qsa xydu ulyap.

Fbsavzu yqvla vbl yddswdnlxldv vbyv kv bye clld elqlyvle, vbl asuyz qyxkzu clpvsole Qks vbl vkvzl sq blas, obknb tyhl naleldnl vs vbl awxsap.

Qks bwxczu alqwvle vbl nzykxp pyukdt, “Xq nswapl dsv. Mbl obszl vassr oldv sd yd lmrlekvksd vs elqlyv kv.” Jwv, yxsdt vbspl obs ryavknkryvle kd vbl lmrlekvksd, vblal olal y xkmvwal sq rlsrzl obs lkvbla nzykxle vbyv Qks oyp vbl sdl obs elplahle vbl nalekv, sa vbspl obs nzykxle vbyv Qks yzsdl eke dsv elplahl vbl nalekv, clnywpl bl xlalzu elzkhlale vbl qkdkpbkdt czso vs vbl xsdpvla obld kv oyp olyjldle cu vbl yvvynjp qasx y zyatl dwxcla sq rlsrzl.

Tlal oyp vbl pwxxyau sq kdqsaxyvksd scvykdle cu lynb sq Qks’p nsxayelp.

It was true that they had initially planned to attack with a large troop, but due to the fact that their opponent was a very large aquatic beast, the humans became disheartened. When the superior officer’s decision was made to extend the operation for a few more days in order to deplete the enemy’s magic power, while considering a withdrawal, Gio suddenly asked for permission to launch a large-scale magic attack.

Gio told everyone to evacuate and prepare cooling defenses. Then, after confirming that there were no civilians around, he launched powerful fire magic into the entire area of Lake Riptalas. When the troops rushed to the scene, cooling off the scorching steam, the giant monster was dead, floating like an islet in the middle of the lake.

“His way is simple and brutal.” 

“It’s amazing how single-minded he is, not giving a damn about the impact on the surrounding environment.” 

“The idea of boiling the monster to death with the power of magic is so impulsive that it is actually quite scary.” 

The opinions others had about Gio were mixed, but no matter how you looked at it, it was true that he had taken care of the monster, and it seemed that the surrounding residents and the lord were grateful.

Apparently, some people said, “Come to think of it, Gio said he wanted to go home early because he had an important appointment this weekend,” and that comment became the rumor that “Gio beat up a monster that was in the way of his date,” which was passed around the Knights with amusement.

Gio had apparently been given a special allowance for that matter, and the mage wondered if he had given that money to the man at the orphanage as well. The mage couldn’t help but worry about that. 

Regardless of whether the people around him praised him, made fun of him, whether he got special benefits, or not, Gio’s lifestyle didn’t seem to change at all. 

As usual, Gio silently trained by himself, and his attitude of not mixing with others did not give the mage a hint of the sweet and bitter feeling of dating and such. 

Even the compensation he had earned by training himself so austerely, Gio would not use it for himself.

“Yes… There’s nothing strange about that.”

The mage did not speak his mind, because he was afraid that Gio’s heart, which had finally begun to open up, would close off.

“You don’t mind, do you?”

He did mind it, but if he said so, Gio wouldn’t ask him to teleport again in the future. 

It seemed that the reason why Gio approached him this time was because Gio wanted to ask the mage to teleport to the orphanage on a regular basis, even after we leave on the journey to defeat the demon king. Even so, the mage knew that Gio intended to use other means if he said something meddlesome. 

The mage thought to himself, “I’m sorry Gio, but I can’t really trust that man who is said to be the director of the orphanage. I get the impression that he is preying on honest Gio. Since I am teaming up with Gio, it is easier for me to respond to any problems if I watch over him.”

“It’s not that I don’t care, but I will not meddle.” 

Perhaps satisfied with the mage’s answer, Gio said in a rare, gentle tone,

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“Hmm. Then, can I continue to ask you for teleportation?”

“If you could just tell me what kind of relationship you have with him.” 

“Relationship?” Gio looked at him, not sure why he would want to ask such a thing. “He and I both grew up in that orphanage. That’s it.” 

“It didn’t look like you were welcomed very much, though.” 

“Ah, he’s fine the way he is.”

Gio laughed. For some reason, he seemed satisfied. 

The mage needlessly worried, “I hope this guy is not a pervert who says it’s rewarding to be treated coldly with a face like his,” but he didn’t say it out loud.

When they were about to part, Gio tried to give the mage money. When the mage refused, Gio snapped, “Then I won’t ask you again,” so the mage reluctantly accepted. 

Until now, a young mage had been doing the teleportation for him as a way to earn some money, so Gio paying him was probably a natural thing for him to do. However, it left the mage feeling frustrated, as if the distance that had been shortened by Gio’s reliance on him as a friend had once again been widened.

Since the mage disclosed, or rather, since everyone demanded an explanation from the hero who sometimes went off somewhere with teleportation magic, Gio’s touching devotion became known among his friends. Having two people use magic to leave in the middle of a journey wasn’t ideal.

As the journey to defeat the demon king progressed, there was no longer time to visit the orphanage. The teleportation magic also consumed a moderate amount of magic power. The demon king’s awakening brought forth demonic energy that made the demons go berserk. They had found themselves in a situation where it was impossible to know when demons would attack, so magic power had to be preserved. For some reason, in a land with strong demonic energy, humans seemed to consume magic power faster. 

In exchange for not being able to teleport, Gio wrote a letter, and the mage sent the letter to the orphanage. Thanks to the magic circle that had been set up at the orphanage, it didn’t take much magic just to send things.

During the trip, the companions who watched Gio’s sincere concern for the children at the orphanage developed an affinity for him, which helped the team to work together. 

The enigmatic Gio also began to show a more flexible attitude toward those who showed understanding. The group, which until then had been led and supported by the oldest swordsman and mage with their high abilities as individuals, gradually gathered around the strong charm of Gio.

As they learned more about Gio’s character, they realized that even though he was considered the strongest warrior in the world, he had some troublesome traits when it came to dealing with people. 

Gio’s honesty sometimes left others behind as he continued to move in a straight line toward his goal, without looking back. In addition to his utilitarianism, his outspoken manner gave the impression of aloofness, which, combined with his good looks, made him impossible to befriend. He had little interest in others and never talked about himself.

However, Gio did not deny or condemn those with whom he disagreed, and he was flexible enough to change and modify his strategy as needed, without settling on a single idea. Surprisingly, he was very attentive to the health of his companions, and when someone was injured, he meticulously reviewed the battle strategy. 

He did his own tasks without hesitation and did not allow his rights to be violated, while at the same time, he did not intervene in other people’s problems and respected their rights sincerely.

In the eyes of his companions, Gio was a clumsy and easily misunderstood man. Perhaps that’s why there were not many people around Gio that he could open his heart to. The only people who were close to him were the crown prince, his superior in the Knights who looked out for him, and his magic and sword teacher — so he had no friends who were equal to him in terms of position.

The aloof hero may still be attached to his old home due to his loneliness. Perhaps someone was toying with the fragile parts of his heart that he doesn’t show to anyone with cold hands. 

Gio’s dedication to the orphanage was interpreted in different ways by his companions.

But their good intentions sickened Gio.

“I never should have let you guys meet Reiru. Thanks for all the help until now, but don’t interfere with us anymore.” 

“Gio, why are you so fixated on that guy! You should take better care of yourself and live your life!” 

“Shut up, there’s no point in saying anything to this guy who doesn’t mesh.”

The beastman spoke up, “I think Gio is in love — with that male.”





His companions all looked at the beastman at the same time.

TN: The only one with common sense is the beastman. The beastman is really good looking too. I posted his picture in discord #translator-announcement channel last week.

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