I died from heat stroke and reincarnated as a white-haired kitsune, now the snow elves won’t stop pampering me!

Chapter 2: chapter 2 the return of the fluff

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Suddenly the weight of my tails disappeared, allowing me to finally finish my first step forward. I never thought I could be this happy about basic locomotion! Heck, I could feel the smile on my face as well as my ears flapping vigorously against my head (so soft!). Looking behind me, I saw that my tails were indeed levitating, glowing an icy blue as ethereal snowflakes fell from them. I feel so silly, I mean begging my tails to move? I should have expected that magic was activated via strong desire. Sentient tails? magic? sure, but tails with a mind of  its...own..did one of my tails just headpat me? Turning around revealed that, yes, that familiar soft feeling was one of my tails. Why are a few of them looking at me like that all of a sudden? I-is it me, or is that one pouting? How does she do that? Wait, Jealous? Why? Really? Just because she didn't get to be the one to headpat me first? At least the others are acting normally... scratch that, those three are Just vibing while the last one is...Dancing? I think that bouncing motion counts as dancing. To be honest, she is busting out quite a few dance moves considering that she is just a tail. Kinda makes me wonder what song she's dancing to....

Anyway, after making my way to the cave, I placed my hand against the ice wall, willing the ice to fade away, revealing a long hallway. The tunnel before me is barren of snow, only scattered ice adhering to the elven brickwork remains as a visual reminder of the frozen mountainscape outside. Blue torchlight lit the way as I walked into the endless hall. What should have been an hour walk dragged on for way longer. I mean, shouldn’t I have passed that outcropping an hour ago? Everything seems so much larger in person. It was then that my hunger made itself known, the sound of my stomach echoed through the hall. My sore feet seconded the idea of stopping for a snack break. The outcropping from before being the most viable place to rest, a spot on the stone store isn’t the most ideal place to sit but I’ll make doOO!- “OI! What are you- POMPH- eh?” Now I’m sitting on one of my tails, well, it’s softer than the stone floor so I guess it's ok. Speaking of softness, I’m getting head patted again, isn’t she the one that was puting earlier?...Is that a victory pose?..Eh? Now she’s the one pouting..

Isn’t that one of the tails that were relaxing awhile? Hm? Reach into you? O-ok…wow my fluff is quite thick, it's already to my shoulder! Hm? There is something hard, pulling my arm out revealed…a bowl of apple-sized white strawberries? Is that caramel and chocolate covering them? There's more? This time I take both hands and spread the fluff of my tail to find just where the heck these things are coming from. I took a moment to stare at the origin, taking the presented chilled juice drink. I nod to myself, sipping on the (mango?) juice and nibble on the oversized chocolate caramel covered strawberries processing the fact that there is a black hole in my tail…Ok done processing time to eat more sweet things! 

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