I Got a Cheat and Moved to Another World, so I Want to Live as I Like

Chapter 149: CH 145

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Translator: “Ashita”                             Editor: “Weasalopes”

The golem carriage that exits the Knight Order Headquarters.

Inside that carriage, I think as I listen to the sound of the rain.

(I should do well to have the child of a noble lose his virginity as soon as possible)

A young man with well-defined looks and wavy bangs.

There were gazes from several people when we were at the cafe.

Especially the eyes of a middle-aged female pilot that was filled with lust; I felt dangerous vibes from that.

The way she was acting, sneaking peeks as she was chatting away with her colleagues.

He will no doubt be done in if I leave him as is.

『Hey hey, a pilot should listen to what a mechanic is saying』

Her figure as she says this while doing it in a confined pilot seat. I easily imagined it.

(I must hurry)

I tell the coachman about the change of destination and head for the entertainment district.

Stopping parallel to the entrance of Jayanne, I signaled with my hands to the concierge apprentice, who came out to check out what was happening.

「I’ll leave it to you then」

I request him to tell Cool-san a message as I hand her a copper coin through the window.

I do not want to get my pilot formal wear wet no matter what.

The young man shows a smile as he grasps the coin tightly. While sending him off, the carriage turns to face my house and heads off.

(There will probably a reply soon)

I know for sure that the reply will be OK. The only thing that needs coordination is the date and the time.

The response was fast.

I went out for a bit after returning home. And when I returned to the brothel, there was a memo clipped in between the door at the entrance.

The sender is Cool-san. The contents are as I expected – anytime is fine, doing it immediately is also fine.

(I should show my face at the Knight Order Headquarters tomorrow or something)

I enter my house as I form my plan.

Thereafter is the frequent chatting time with my familiars.

「When I went to the 『Uniform Specialty Store. All the uniforms are here. Come now, you too should – conquer – the uniforms – right now!』 after a long time, guess what – there were students from the Pilot School working there」

Imosuke and the gang nod.

I felt that urge as I saw female pilots in their uniforms at the Knight Order Headquarters.

There is no real need to hold back. I just have to fulfill the urge when I feel it at a store that can do so.

「You all won’t know even if I say Wickedness to the Defeated right? I did an image play on that and it was quite refreshing」

A Pilot School uniform that is a tight fit. Tying both wrists above the head of the female student who wore that. Of course, it is a loose knot.

And enjoying her resistance that is not serious on the bed.

Unlike Ponytail with hair bear thighs, my partner this time is wearing black tights.

The undergarments that can be seen beneath the tights deep inside the tight skirt, this also is a profound taste in itself.

(This is not like Ponytail, who you enjoy by instigating her, but this is not bad)

The Kappa who has a nice collar line, her face without any trace of make-up. She looks very much like a student and I am more than open to that.

「She is bound to be like that if she becomes a pilot and loses in battle」

As a senior pilot, I pounded that body many times due to the law of the battlefield.

With her tights still on of course. Tearing it, shifting it aside, and invading thereafter.

She tried to escape by twisting her body but she could not do anything as her wrists are tied and her legs are spread wide apart.

On the contrary, her twisting movements made me feel good.

「One person would not be enough if this was the real thing」

He talked about the Beautiful Viscountess at Pseudo-Acacia as he continued thrusting.

This is the case about how she continued to enjoy the two middle-aged men day and night.

He probably overlapped the female student with that of the Beautiful Viscountess’s in his mind. All of a sudden, the light deep within the belly that I viewed through the magic eye started to sparkle brighter as the conversation continued.

(Even I can tell how scary Wickedness to the Defeated is)

It should have been for her sake as well.

She will probably be able to concentrate even better than when she is training in school if she thinks that she must not lose.

I finished telling this tale to my familiars.

「It’s because there have been no Pilot School students recently. I am overjoyed」

Imosuke and Dangorou gave their blessings as I concluded the conversation.

The night passed just like that.

Dawn came the next day and I headed for the Knight Order Headquarters to fix a meeting with Corneal.

(As I expected)

The sender is Cool-san. All of their contents are pressing.

Shocked, I head for Jayanne. I then requested the concierge apprentice to pass a verbal message just like yesterday.

Two days later.

「Is this the Knight Order Headquarters?」

Cool-san says, showing deep interest.

The two of us walk on a corridor inside a building, heading for the cafe. We are meeting Corneal and gang there.

We passed by Ponytail of all people along the way but we only nodded to each other and did not have any conversation.

This is not because she got a scolding from Corneal before but probably because she got overpowered by the pressure given off by Cool-san as a woman.

A beauty, stylish, and has a cool atmosphere.

Females are more sensitive to these forms of power.

She probably saw that she was no match for her and gave up on troubling us.

「Please excuse my intrusion once again」

Corneal and the child of a noble were already waiting at the cafe.

From looking at both of their expressions, the child of a noble does not seem to know why was called here. His eyes when he looks at Cool-san, who does not have a pilot’s insignia, is filled with curiousness.

After they exchanged greetings, Corneal whispered to me.

「Tauro-san. Where will you be taking the two of them after this」

He is concerned about the location.

That is because he knows that Cool-san is working at Jayanne, an extremely first-class brothel.

He is probably thinking that her mood will turn sour if the room is not at the level of those at Jayanne’s.

(However, those is no need for such worries)

Cool-san does not choose the time and place.

The person herself also says that a corner of a warehouse or even a toilet will do.

When I said this, Tauro-san stared at the side of Cool-san’s face in shock.

(Was she such a person)

Corneal tilts his head.

That is probably because that is quite removed from the image he had of her when he battled her previously.

According to Cool-san, it was before I met Corneal. It seems like they had a match and she beat him.


I realized it just then.

Cool-san looks somewhat off.

「What’s wrong?」

She does not reply when I ask and her stern face does not change.

She frowns and she is moving her nose as if she was smelling something foul.

She then shot Corneal a sharp glare.

「Skewering Whirlwind. You have eaten yes?」

That gaze is sharp and cold.

It is the kind of gaze that she will give when someone steals the sweet that she was looking forward to eat last.


A few moments later, I, who understood the hidden meaning behind Cool-san’s words, looked at Corneal in shock.

On the other hand, the child of a noble does not seem to get it.

「What are you talking about」

Corneal crosses both of his hands behind his head and averts his gaze.

「Do not play dumb」

But Cool-san’s pupils are locked onto Corneal’s eyes and does not quiver in the slightest.

「An act that is a stab behind my back, knowing full well that my expectations were heightened. I find that extremely unpleasant」

Corneal let out an exaggerated sigh and his eyes met Cool-san’s.

He then made an expression clearly imply that it is a pain while saying in an unhappy tone.

「So what if I have eaten. There’s half left so isn’t that fine」

While staring back provokingly, he thought in his heart.

(I have been through a bitter experience with her in the past. But the me now is different from the me of that time)

An A-rank Knight pilot.

I have confidence that this body has built up enough skill befitting that position.

I should be able to fight on par with, or even overpower, her.

「……Is that so」

Cool-san narrowed her eyes. That voice is extremely cold. So much so that I had a hallucination of her words freezing.

She, who has a lot of pride, has not the slightest intention of putting up with leftovers.

「Prepare yourself」

With an explosion of ice-cold anger, her aura increased all of a sudden.


A shocked Corneal.

The aura was so strong that I thought caused a physical phenomenon – the swirling winds to form.

The invisible hail engulfed the surroundings like a blizzard.

She became a totally different existence, unlike the one he thought he could 『fight on par with or even overpower』.

(So this is the skill of someone who is the overall champion of the Contest before God)

He unconsciously moved several steps backward together with his chair.

I let out a sigh as I saw this.

(My my)

Cool-san gets a boost when she deals with first-timers.

It is exactly because she has the merchandise, known as the right to eat the first-timers, that she was able to continue winning down to the last person at the Contest before God.

Cool-san is filled with anger at having her expectations betrayed.

I cannot picture anyone who can win against her right now.

「I will wring you till you break you know?」

Corneal’s face suddenly turned pale when he heard these words. Both of his inner thighs turned stiff.

Translator: “Ashita”                             Editor: “Weasalopes”

You are reading story I Got a Cheat and Moved to Another World, so I Want to Live as I Like at novel35.com

(Both of them are rotation type. But the difference in skill is evident)

What did Cool-san say about Corneal again?

It was disturbing. If I recall it was something along the lines of 『He was way over his head so I wrung him dry』.

(And this time it has become wring till you break)

I frown deeply.

(She is no doubt serious)

She does not choose the time and the place. A disaster will occur at the cafe if things continue as is.

I have to stop that before it happens.

「……The rental bookstore’s old man」

She jerks like a cat when she hears my words.

Her eyes still facing her front. However, there is no mistaking that she is listening to my words.

「He is calling over some of his friends」

Corneal slowly shifted his gaze, looking over to me.

「There are some people gathering from time to time, it seems like they have heated discussions. There is some possibility that it might be there」

I say as I take a glance.

Cool-san’s gaze shifted many times between me and Corneal. And after closing her eyes for a moment, her dangerous aura dissipated.

「Please excuse me」

She says as she silently brings the teacup to her mouth.

She is quite intelligent. She has probably realized that she would only be losing out if she harms Corneal who is my friend.

She then left her seat to fix her make-up.

「You have saved me Tauro-san」

Corneal made a relieved expression. His face is pale and his forehead is dripping with cold sweat.

「Please do not insinuate her too much alright? She’s scary after all」

As I say this, the child of a noble, who has not grasped the situation even until now, asks in a low voice.

「Is that woman Upperclassman Corneal’s girlfriend?」

He looks unhappy and is pouting slightly.

I had known that Corneal also swings this way. But the child of a noble having such an aptitude is out of my expectations.

I replied in a tone similar to sighing.

「That’s wrong. On the contrary, she is someone he finds hard to handle」

The face of the child of the noble brightens when he hears this.

(Ahh, he is serious)

The child of a noble chats with Corneal in high spirits.

I shrugged as I gaze at such a sight.

(Being popular also has its troubles)

As expected brothels are good.

There is no need to mind such things.

(Settling everything in this world with money. That is the most fun)

The already cold black tea seems to taste even more bitter than usual as I see an unexpected side to my former friend at school.

After waiting for Cool-san to return, both of us left the Knight Order headquarters.

After that, I sent Cool-san back to her home on the golem carriage.

「Well then, boss. Please do not forget the matter we discussed earlier」

She emphasizes as she gets off the golem carriage. She is referring to the matter regarding the friends of the rental bookstore’s old man.

I promised and headed as is to the Merchant Guild on the golem carriage.

While looking at the passing streets through the carriage window, I had a certain thought.

(The path of the Unicorn sure is a harsh and relentless one)

That path does not allow her to turn back. There is only a path forward for the Unicorn.

This is like advancing on a snowfield that no one has set foot on before.

It will probably be easy to walk if the snow only goes up to your ankle. It might even be fun.

But what if the snow piles up until it reaches above your knee?

There is no doubt a large amount of stamina will be consumed just by advancing a mere tens of meters.

This is the same as the continuous consumption of firsts.

(That is why it is an ironclad rule when walking on a snowy path to follow the footsteps of a predecessor)

The amount of fatigue is totally different.

Then changing the person in the lead frequently. By doing this, everyone can move forward as one.

(However, the Unicorn is not allowed to do this)

There is no way she is able to have anyone else in the lead.

She must always be in the lead.

The joy of being the first to set foot on unexplored territory on the snowfield. In exchange for gaining that, she also has to bear the suffering alone.

(How heartwrenching)

There lies no past, what lies there is only the future.

A way of living that continuously abandons everything except for the day itself.

(It is not easy to go through with such a way of life even with the specs that Cool-san has)

I respect her even if she is my subordinate.

That way of living is impossible for me.

As I was thinking of such things, the golem carriage arrived at the front of the Merchant Guild.

Although I do not have something resembling a business to take care of, I decided to come here thinking that they might have some information.

Fortunately, it seems like the Guild Chief is free and has decided to spare some time for me.

「So the Grim Reaper will be coming」

It sure is a rare happening, the Guild Chief said as he nodded.

Almost everyone has agreed to the cease-fire agreement. The signing ceremony is about to be held at the relay station town.

That name is on the list of attendees from the Empire.

By the way, the Grim Reaper is a renowned pilot from the Empire. I have heard from Corneal that he went on a rampage during the Landbarn engagement.

(To think that he is the same person as the one I saw at the Holy City)

My goodness, he is also a world-ranker on the bed. There was a huge uproar when the Explosive Onee-sama won. When Corneal spoke of the Death Scythe, the image that appeared at the back of my mind is that huge, bent, and long nether region.

(Well, the Beautiful Viscountess is also an attendee so the pilots probably have aptitude in that regard)

Piloting a Knight and the techniques by a man and a woman between themselves. I nodded to myself as I thought of that.

「It’s cause that person himself doesn’t really attend such events and the people around him do not call him to attend either」

The Guild Chief does not understand his decision to attend at all.

He is indeed famously known as the Grim Reaper. He is probably not suitable for any negotiations besides gunboat diplomacy*.

[*TL note: Pursuing foreign policy goals using display of force or threats of war. To find out more, visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunboat_diplomacy]

「Is there a reason I wonder?」

「Who knows」

Puzzled, the two of us tilted our heads.

A few days later.

There is a stall, on the streets of the entertainment district, that only opens during the evening hours.

I am currently drinking there together with Cool-san.

I was listening to the complaints of my subordinate.

「I was mad! I wass madd!」

Cool-san flipped the chicken skewer over as she gulped down the sparkling wine.

There lies not the beauty that is reserved and has a cool aura.

There lies a noisy drunkard.

(The acquaintances of the rental bookstore’s old man have already had their first taken)

I pressured Cool-san to hurry and forced her to show up at a gathering of strangers.

Of course, Cool-san had a huge image change.

She, who was disguised as a cross-dressing beauty, did not have the air of the celestial maiden who was the crush of the rental bookstore’s old man.

That prim yet expressionless face and the strict and cool eyes.

She looked so good that her attractiveness was maxed out.

Naturally, she was the center of attention of those men who liked those types of women.

However, we could not get the desired result.

(Even though she would have given up if those people had more experience)

Those who were gathered there were of middle and old age and number over ten people.

The age where their firsts were already taken and most of them had only done it once. And twice at most. That was the analysis given by Cool-san.

This is Cool-san who is a connoisseur so there is no mistake.

「You know jewels with and without scratches have totally different values. Why would you hurt yourself when you have had the opportunity to be flawless!」

He had his first taken at a cheap store and has remained pure thereafter. That story has left a lasting impact on her.

That was the time when I talked about the topic about brothels as an add-on.

A certain elderly person said that with a belittling expression on his face.

「Such a thing is not good」

When we heard the details, the store’s rank was even lower than low-class brothels. And he made an extremely bad memory there.

That made Cool-san feel that it was too much of a waste, making her unable to hold herself back.

「It is because he goes to a weird store where he made a bad memory. I would rather he come to me than lose it at such a place! Money? I would pay everything, payyy everyythinggg!」

She is on full throttle.

It seems like there has been no catches of firsts at Jayanne recently.

「Boss! Are you listening?」

「Yes yes, I am listening」

「Say yes only once」

I understand already so I would also like you to not repeat the conversation and aay it only once.

Cool-san continued drinking until she fell over.

I carried Cool-san, boarded the golem carriage, headed for her home, and left her at the entrance.

It seems like the lock is auto-locked by magic so it was not a problem.

I felt up her chest for a bit as the fee before I shut the door.

「My my」

I have trouble with such situations as I did not have any experience with having a subordinate.

(Let’s look to the Guild Chief and the Vice-Guild Chief for reference)

I cannot bring out that calmness and dignity but it should be fine if I imitate them.

(Let’s go for another round)

I actually did not drink much at all just now. I had no leeway to do that.

Eat and drink and let’s go to a brothel if I feel up to it.

The remaining feeling of the crossdressing beauty’s chest in my right hand. I got on the golem carriage as I recalled that and requested that it head for the entertainment district.

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