I Got a Cheat and Moved to Another World, so I Want to Live as I Like

Chapter 173: CH 163

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Translator: “Hakou”                             Editor: “Weasalopes”

To the east of the Royal capital. Near the border with the eastern country.

The heat of summer disappears along with the sun, and the cool night breeze comes while carrying the sounds of insects.

The kingdom noble who owned the territory were now being cornered.

(The secret investigation is advancing)

Inside a room in the residence.

An old man with thin limbs but a round belly is sitting on a chair. Sweat is dripping from his forehead.

Spreading on the table is a summon call from the king.

Nothing is written other than the due date of the call. However, the old count who ruled this land had a clear idea what this is about.

(I won’t be able to come back if I go)

He is the so-called conservatives.

He’s one of the strong supporters of the Second Prince and the former Knight Commander.

The word conservative itself is by no means synonymous with evil. But, can the same also be said to them?

(To think they even reach the royalties)

The old count holds his face with both hands while putting his elbows on the desk.

What floated in his mind is the figure of familiar faces who were executed or crushed in the Royal capital.

In order to protect his vested interests and his own values, he tried making a plea to the king to put himself under house arrest.

(I’m definitely seen as their accomplice now)

Now that it has failed, he has no choice but to answer the summon. However, the Old Count didn’t have the intention to go at all.

(For the time being, I have no choice but to extend the due time under the pretext of catching an illness. When push comes to shove, let’s use that as a last resort)

Sweat that keeps dripping not because it’s hot. Just as he used his handkerchief to swipe it, a sharp scream came in from the opened window.


He stood up after struggling with his heavy belly and pulled his head out of the window.

Below is a courtyard surrounded by buildings on all sides.

The voice came from a maid standing in the hallway facing the garden.

(Oh, it’s the sage huh?)

The eyes of the old count caught the young man right behind the maid.

His age is around twenty. He tucked up the maid’s skirt and put his hips in close contact.

Perhaps he sneaked up from behind and pierced her in surprise. Looks like this was the reason for the scream earlier.


Fortunately, the voice is changing to a sweet voice. The young man probably wasn’t doing it brute force either.

The old count stroked his chest.

(The fact that that man is here is probably some kind of fate too)

This young man, the sage, is the last resort that came to his mind earlier.

He appeared in his territory recently.

Expected to have a great magic power, he made him a guest in his house.

(The prime minister will surely send the knight order after me if I don’t answer the summon)

The sage who forces the maid to walk while still being connected as is.

While looking at them, the old count resumes thinking.

The count’s Knights are two C-class Knights. It won’t be completely overwhelmed, but it’s still no match against the knight order’s Knights

(However if it’s the sage, he probably have a chance to compete against them)

Before appearing in the count’s territory, the sage was in the eastern country.

There, he fought against the Knights of the eastern country and managed to repel them.

(It’s unbelievable, but that’s the truth)

The Count’s soldiers that were spread out a little to the east of the border. Their report is the same.

The young man proudly insists, 「I didn’t let a single unit escape」. But as expected, he still was not convinced of that statement.

However, if he gave him such an attitude, the young man would be in a bad mood.

The old count greatly nodded as if to show that he was impressed and praised him.

(I shall borrow the sage’s strength to drive back the knight order)

He swallowed his saliva and wiped the sweat again with a handkerchief.

He still can avoid execution somehow if he answers the summon. However, it won’t change the fact that he will be destroyed.

Either way, the Count family will disappear.

(For the sake of my grandchildrens, I must not let that happen)

Twin grandchildren who are adorable like angels.

They are a boy and girl that will soon be ten years old. They’re the Old Count’s precious treasures.

Both of them are highly talented in magic, and he believed that if they grow up as they are, they will become excellent magicians.

(Even becoming a professor at Royal Magic Academy might be no longer a mere dream for them)

The count believes so.

(It’s been a long time since someone with talents for magic appeared in count family)

One will be the head of the Count family. And the other will be a professor at the Royal Magic Academy in the Royal capital.

If both of them work together, the Count’s influence will become even greater.

Academy graduates. By having them live in the territory, this land will surely develop dramatically.

『The City of Magic』

The old count was delighted on how that sounds.

There will be many magicians opening their workshops, making various handicrafts and potions.

Influential people around will also come to get their injuries and illness cured. And some might even come from the Royal capital.

That was the very dream of the old count.

(And to achieve that, I have to take action and go through this)

The prime minister might eventually give in if he managed to keep repelling the knight order.

And if everything goes well, the prime minister might be held accountable and forced to resign.

When that happens, it will be possible to negotiate. The count family should be able to survive under favorable conditions.

(At any rate, I must keep the sage stays in this place)

Then he recalled the day he met the young man.

In a fort near the border with the eastern country. There, he appeared.

Even though he calls it a fort, it is just a simple wooden one-story building surrounded by wooden fences. There are only five soldiers gathered in there.

「I’m hungry, can you give me something to eat?」

At the entrance of the wooden fences, the young man spoke to the guard.

The roaring sound from the east and the ground that keeps shaking since yesterday.

And at the same time, a young man who lacked a sense of tension appeared.

(There’s something off about this guy)

While feeling uneasy, the captain invited him inside and asked some questions as he served him meals.

What he got to hear there was a story about the knight order of the east.

「I’m telling you the truth, I defeated them all」

The young man says, while happily chewing on bread with bacon sandwiched in it.

The captain immediately sends some soldiers to the east.

The wreckage of several Knights. The soldier who confirmed it from a distance took it back and told the captain.

(This is…. Something outrageous has just occured)

He immediately sent a messenger to the Count and offered the young man to take a bath and take a rest.

「You guys are really nice people, huh」

The young man broke into a smile and accepted the offer.

(Good work there)

The old count praises the captain in his heart.

If they made a mistake in the way he treated him on their first encounter, they might be the target of the young man’s rage next.

After that, the count welcomed him at this castle and directly listened to his story.

The content was terrifying.

「He asked me who am I, and I answered, I’m the sage」

The young man said while frowning unpleasantly.

He talked about when he visited a village in the eastern country.

「But when I told them so, they don’t believe what me」

It seems that the villagers only shrugged their shoulders and shook their heads from side to side.

「Well, it can’t be helped. I thought so, and then this time I tried to help a person you see?」

His face became more grimaced.

「But then they all became mad at me instead, you know?」

Good grief, what an ungrateful bunch.

So he said as he sighed in exasperation.

(What can I say…)

Hearing the continuation, the old count frowns inwardly.

Now how should I prove that I’m a sage? As the young man thought so, there seemed to be a scream from the village square.

When he take a look, there’s a man holding a young woman’s wrist.

(Ohh her face aren’t that bad)

She was quite a beauty. By helping her, he could prove both his power and win the woman’s heart at the same time.

The young man who is elated with the idea he came up with, went and provoked the man.

「Who the heck are you, you bastard!?」

The man releases the woman’s hand as expected, and his face is distorted in anger as he approaches him.

Then, the young man immediately cast a spell.

「Thunder arrow!」

After that, he confirmed that the man was carbonized in an instant and flames were spewing out from his whole body. Then he threw his chest out as he waited for words of gratitude from the woman and the villagers.


「He’s dangerous! Run!」

However, what he got was such cold words.

Then the square became quiet in an instant.

「What the hell? Isn’t this strange?」

The young man frowns at the villagers’ incomprehensible behavior.

Then for the time being, he eats and drinks at the surrounding stalls.

Translator: “Hakou”                             Editor: “Weasalopes”

「After that, a bunch of soldiers and giants– ah, it was called a Knight, was it? They keep coming one after another you see?」

The young man laughed it off lightly while wondering if he had failed.

「Well, I destroyed all of them in the end though」

After that, he walked in the opposite direction of where the Knights were coming from.

「It’s not like I’m scared of them, but I hate troublesome stuff you see?」

The prideful young man.

Seeing that figure, the count is astonished as he feels chills running down his spine.

(This is…)

What he can tell from his words and actions is that he’s an extremely dangerous person who would shoot magic with just one swing of his mood.

Although he claims to be a sage, he is too unreasonable. However his skill in magic is undoubtedly strong.

(Such a golden opportunity*. I should entertain and treat him well so I can pull him to my side)

[*TL Note: Written as “奇貨おくべし”, which basically means “If you buy a rare item, it will be a material that will make a big profit later. It also means taking advantage of difficult opportunities.”]

The count thought so while paying attention not to erase his smile.

The current position of the count family is on the verge of collapsing.

(This might be a helping hand from my ancestors to face this danger)

That seems to be the case for the cornered old count.

After that, with as much hospitality as possible, he welcomed the young man who claimed to be a sage.

(Even so… I’m glad he likes it here)

Although this is the center of the count’s territory, it is just a rural town with no brothel.

There should be nothing that can satisfy a person who called himself a sage.

He was prepared for him to find it unpleasant staying here, but he was surprised to find that he liked it.

(He should have plenty desires with how young he is)

Thinking so, he told him that he can do whatever he wants with the maids inside the mansion, and he was very delighted with it as he jumped around happily.

(This is but a small mansion. I might be the one who said this, but I’m well aware of how low the numbers and quality of the maids in this place)

And despite that, this reaction.

「Unbelievable! To think you would even go that far for me!」

The wise man took the old count’s hands and swung his arms up and down many times with a cheerful face.

The red-light district in the Royal capital comes to mind of the old count.

Beautiful women and girls as if they have descended from heaven are sitting on the platform. Moreover, there are various types you will never get bored of them.

And the moment you hold hands with them and head to the private room, you will receive a hearty and rich service there.

Although not much, amateur maids from rural territory couldn’t be compared to them.

(Even though he could have gone to the Royal capital, Imperial capital, or even the Cathedral city in the Eastern country with that excellent magic skills)

In that sense, he is a mysterious person.

He was also impressed by countryside booze and food that usually isn’t worth praising.

「Woah! Awesome! There are so many items!」

He went around every item in high spirits.

He did eat using a fork and a spoon. However, the figure of him eating with his face close to the plate is like a dog.

(Just what he’s been stuffing into his mouth up until now?)

While keeping an eye on his manners, the count looks at him dubiously.

You are reading story I Got a Cheat and Moved to Another World, so I Want to Live as I Like at novel35.com

I don’t think the chef is bad, but still incomparable to those in a big city. Ingredients and menu variations are different.

(Did he perhaps seclude himself in a mountain somewhere?)

He nodded slightly.

Whoever he is, it didn’t change the fact that he’s a rare magician.

Ever since then, the sage did it with the maids from morning till night, ate to his hearts content, and helped the count using his magic when he’s in the mood for it. Like defeating the demon beasts and digging for irrigation when requested.

And most recently, he took the count’s two grandchildrens as his disciples and began teaching them magic.

(What a fortunate turns of events)

The old count’s expression loosen as he thought about his grandchilds.

A twin with high magic aptitude that appeared from his own bloodline for the first time in a long time.

They haven’t reached ten yet, but they’ve been polishing their skills with the teachings of the sage.

(I have to protect this house for my grandchilds’ sake)

And so the old count renewed his resolve.


A castle with many spires, located slightly on the northside of the center of the royal capital.

The strong summer sunlight makes the walls shining in white, creating a dark shadow on the ground.

In the prime minister’s office, two men sitting in the reception seat were having a conversation.

「So he didn’t answer the summon as expected huh?」

The knight commander who fiddles his kaiser mustache with his finger. His expression is calm.

「Yeah. I bet he is busy preparing for battle by now」

The expression of the prime minister in front of him is no different than usual.

This is because the actions of the Old Count were within expectations.

「Though he was trying to postpone his presence by claiming to be sick at first」

He moistened his mouth with coffee.

「After that, I nominated someone else to come to substitute him instead, but there hasn’t been any reply since then」

「Who did you nominate to come as the substitute?」

「Both of his grandchilds」

In response, the knight commander shrugs.

The Old Count was famous for his love towards the young twins.

He can cut off any of his relatives without batting an eye, but only to his grandchildrens he cannot do the same. That was the prime minister’s proposal even after knowing that.

「What a bad guy you are」

「Hmph. If he doesn’t have anything to hide behind his back, it would’ve been fine to send his grandchilds over to sightsee in the capital. The fact that he didn’t, is making him even more suspicious」

The Chancellor bends one end of his mouth in a cynical manner.

The twin grandchildren of the Old Count are known as magicians, even though they haven’t reached ten years old yet.

Magicians who can be said to be a genius are born from his lineage. For him, they must be so cute it can’t be helped.

「So, there’s going to be a battle then?」

The prime minister nodded at the words of Knight commander.

「The count’s forces consist of two C-class units. But recently, I heard there’s a magician who calls himself a sage backing him up. Be careful. He’s probably the cause of the count’s confidence」

This time the knight commander nods.

A mysterious man who calls himself a wise man.

He caused trouble in the eastern country and is now protected by the Count.

His skill in magic is so great that the eastern country doesn’t involve themselves with him anymore, fearing his retaliation.

「Although there’s no movement from them lately, we can’t show any openings to the Empire」

They can’t possibly concentrate their entire forces on the battle that’s going to happen in the east.

Out of habit, he stroked his kaiser mustache with his finger

「Let’s appoint someone to look for any information about this sage’s ability」

「I’ll leave it to you」

The knight commander stood from his seat and headed for the knight order headquarters.

He had expected this outcome to some extent and has made a preparation for it.

Upon entering the office, he summons Corneal, the pilot of Viking.

「Do it as we discussed beforehand. I’m counting on you」


A few days later, it was declared that the count had been deprived of his title.

At the same time, it was also announced that a subjugation army would be sent after him.

Translator: “Hakou”                             Editor: “Weasalopes”

There were several Knights heading East on the road extending from the Royal capital.

They walk slowly so as not to damage the cobblestones of the highway.

There are seven units.

Corneal’s A-class Knight, dual wields Viking, is the one leading them.

In addition, there are two units of B-class Knights, ridden by the noble kid and Lightning.

Lastly, there are four units of C-class Knight rode by Ponytail, Braided-chan, and the pair former pilots of the adventurer guild.

『Ain’t this too overkill?』

The old man from the adventurer guild says to the man next to him using the external sound system.

『I know right? According to the story, our opponent, the Count, only has two C-class Knights, you know?』

There, Ponytail cut into their conversation.

『Did you actually listen to the story? It seems they have a great magician on their side』

From the cockpit, the old man scoffed as if to make fun of her.

『But he’s not riding a Knight right? No matter how good he is, there’s no way he can fight a Knight head on』

Ponytail shut up after being told that. Because she also thinks so.

『But isn’t the magic power itself is the same for both Knights and magicians?』

The one who pointed that out was Braided-chan.

『If the amount of magic poured into the technique is the same, then the power should be the same too』

The mithril shell that covers the cockpit allows the Knight to efficiently exerts its magic powers.

It has a rate of 80%.

Only 20% of the magical power let out by the pilot leaks to the surrounding air. It’s nearly three times as efficient as a magician.

However, conversely, it also means that it’s possible to bring out the same power if there are three magicians.

Meanwhile an outstanding magician is comparable to dozens of people.

If such an existence appears, even the difference in efficiency could be overturned.

『But still, we’re talking about an A-class Knight here, you know?』

Saying so, the Knight stares at the back of that blue metallic Knight.

『I guess you’re right』

Ponytail and Braided-chan nods.

That shows just how an A-class Knight is on another level.

Meanwhile, Corneal is advancing with his Viking next to the B-class Knight of Black locust country side by side.

『Our objective this time is to measure how powerful this sage guy is. If it turns out that he’s easy to handle, we will proceed to attack them as is』

It’s just like scouting the enemy’s force.

Lightning asked back to the unfamiliar word.

『Who is this sage exactly? I heard from the story that he can control high-level magic but…』

『We still don’t know the details. What we do know, is that he caused some ruckus in the eastern country and destroyed several villages. Just because they disliked them』

Lightning frowns at those words.

『How come someone who did such savage acts can be called a sage?』

『He’s the one who called himself like that. He will get in a bad mood if someone doesn’t refer him as such』

Inside the cockpit, Lightning’s expression distorts in anger.

『To me, sages should be someone who called as such by the people who has seen how they acts』

And he continues.

『To think someone is proclaiming himself as such, isn’t it the same as calling himself a fool?』

Corneal’s answer is bitter.

『But think about it. That very idiot has a great power that people refer to him as the sage. Such reasoning is also makes sense』

Lightning was convinced and nodded greatly.

(If there are people like Tauro-dono, who have both great power and personality, there are also others that are foolish and reckless)

The person he admires floated on his mind.

(That self-proclaimed sage. I will definitely defeat him!)

He resolved himself as he’s filled with fighting spirit.


Seven units of Knights heading east on the highway.

There was a figure of the merchant guild’s Knight making a detour around them and going ahead.

(Let’s go on ahead and stand-by in the VIP seat)

I thought inside the cockpit.

In the mountains on the west from the eastern Count’s residence. I should be able to clearly see Corneal and the others’ battle from there.

(I’ve been going there several times to subjugate demon beasts after all)

My sense regarding the land of the entire Kingdom due to running around here and there is useful this time around.

Why am I here and heading east?

It began this morning when I saw Knights marching through the Royal capital.

I was looking for vegetables in the market at that time. After I decided to tell Imosuke and Dangorou about the customs of Obon.

Which is making spirit horse* from eggplant and cucumber.

「*TL Note: You can google “精霊馬” to see how it looks like.」

(The way it sounds similar to Spirit beast*)

「*TL Note: Apparently 精霊馬(Shouryouuma) and 精霊獣(Seireijuu) sounds similar. At least the kanji IS similar, since both use 精霊(Seirei).」

It was only because that idea popped up in my mind.

(I can’t find them…)

I wandered around the market in the east of the square, but I couldn’t find any because it wasn’t the season yet.

When I gave up and went on my way home, I saw a row of Knights heading south on the main square.

(Oi oi…We have the all-stars here)

Just by looking at the Knight’s appearance, I knew it was Corneal, Lightning, and Ponytail and co.

(I can’t miss this now, can I?)

I immediately ran to the third floor of the merchant guild.

I barged into the guild master’s office and eagerly pleaded to Goblin jii-chan who was buried in the office chair to let me sortie.

「….Certainly, they’re all Tauro-kun’s acquaintances aren’t they?」

The Guild master who heard my story pauses for a moment.

「Fine, it can’t be helped. It will be more impossible to ask not to worry about them」

Happily– is not what he felt, but he agreed to it.

「I won’t show myself. I will just watching them from afar」

I said to ease the Guild master’s worries.

After the snipe and run on the Imperial expeditionary force in the post town, the guild master thanked me.

At the same time, I was urged to be careful not to stand out too much.

「It’s the same as Brothel. Don’t overdo it」

That’s so convincing it hurts.

Even so, the reason he gave me permission was, probably because as he said earlier, all of them are acquaintances of mine.

Immediately after that, I jumped into the Old lady and left the Royal capital.

And now, I’m hovering through an unpopular road off the main road.

(I’m sure Corneal is curious of how strong Lightning is)

Lightning defeated four units of B-class in the northern town.

That score seems to have shaken the heart of the A-class Knight riders.

There’s no doubt that the reason Lightning, who’s a mercenary, joins this expedition is because Corneal chose to put him in.

(I’m really looking forward to it)

To give my personal opinion and throw an ethical issue aside.

A battle that doesn’t affect me is just entertainment.

The sensibility that makes sporting events fun. If you dig deeper, you will find that competition leads to fighting.

(At least that’s what I think)

I can watch it from a safe place inside the cockpit of Old lady by using the optical correction magic circle.

Also, the contestants are all my acquaintances. In other words, it was a match for the team I was rooting for.

(In addition, I can interfere when the need rises)

Or rather, that’s the best part of this.

It’s an act that won’t be allowed in sport tournaments, but it’s no problem if it’s a battle.

If my favored team appears to be losing, I can help them by sniping from afar. It’s really cowardly.

(The battle will probably start tomorrow morning)

The Old lady is a fast runner that can hover even on the surface of a lake.

I will give it to Lightning for his short distance instant movement, but if it’s about covering a long distance, then I will definitely win.

According to my calculations, they will reach the Count’s territory this evening.

Then, they will camp once and start the battle along with tomorrow’s sunrise.

(Hmm…Where should I go to have lunch on the way?)

I can go to a famous store that I haven’t visited yet if there’s time to spare.

If I remember correctly, there should be a restaurant famous for its freshwater crab dishes.

I happily advanced the Old lady forward.

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