I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 11: 11. Exhibited

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"I'm not really sure I want to go to the Ex today after all," Susan said as she stood by the big bay windows and looked outside.

Melissa grimaced, "Yeah. Something tells me it's not going to be quite as much fun as we'd all been hoping? The midway's probably going to be closed, along with most of the outdoor events. Even if the outdoor stuff is still running it won't be great. The food hall and markets and all the indoor exhibits will still be going on, but..."

I sighed, "This sucks."

The rain was coming down in buckets outside, and every now and then the low dark angry clouds would light up with the flicker of lightning, followed a few seconds later by a low rumble that rattled the windows.

Amber frowned, "The forecast said it wasn't supposed to rain till tomorrow. Today was supposed to be overcast but dry."

"I'm really sorry," Grace apologized quietly. "This is all my fault."

I shook my head, "That's not true. We all agreed to put it off a day so you could spend time with your sister."

Originally our plan was to visit the Ex yesterday, but Grace's sister turned up for a surprise visit Saturday afternoon. She'd driven all the way from Ottawa to check on her little sister. She was worried because their parents told her how Grace had abruptly stopped being their 'good obedient God-fearing daughter' and started hanging out with us undesirable rowdy heathens.

At first we were all worried that Felicity was going to try and 'save' Grace or convince her to go back home or whatever, but fortunately it turned out that wasn't what was going on. She'd already escaped their parents when she left for university.

She was studying at Carleton in Ottawa because it was far enough away that she could be her own person and not have to worry about what her folks thought. She just pretended to go along with their crap so they'd keep paying for her tuition and everything.

The sad thing was the two sisters never really opened up and talked to each other before, since they each thought the other was on board with their parents' bullshit.

Felicity hung out with us all Saturday afternoon and evening, then Grace invited her to stay overnight. She ended up spending half the day with us yesterday morning too. By the time she finally left it was like mid-afternoon, and everyone agreed to put off our trip to the Ex till today, so we could go early and spend the whole day there.

The newest member of our team sighed, "I still feel like it's my fault. You could have all gone without me yesterday when the weather was better."

"Going to the Ex was your idea," Melissa reminded her. "We couldn't go without you. Maybe we can try tomorrow?"

"It's supposed to rain all week," Amber responded. "Probably not this bad, but I doubt it'll get much better. Not for a few days at least."

I glanced around at the others and asked, "So what do we want to do instead? I'm assuming nobody's in a big hurry to go outside and get soaked. Especially not with our cameras and stuff right?"

"I'd still like to do something fun with all of you," Grace said. "If we could find something to do indoors with cameras, that would be ideal."

Amber suggested, "We could go do something indoors and touristy? Maybe the museum? There's lots of interesting stuff there to take pictures of, even if half of it is behind glass."

Melissa looked at me and smirked, "I don't know if we want to take Mara to a museum? Our unpredictable half-demon pest might get bored, and as entertaining as that sounds I don't think we want her getting in trouble in a museum."

The others giggled while I tried to pout. It was hard though because I kept smiling too, and I finally admitted "Melissa has a good point. I'd either fall asleep, or I'd get bored and wander off and get into trouble."

The succubus cutie pointed out, "You did ok at the Science Centre. Though obviously that place is hardened against bored children, so it could handle you too."

My eyes lit up, "Yeah! That was a lot of fun, and maybe we could find stuff to take pictures of there?"

Grace pointed out, "It's probably going to be packed. A rainy day in August, all the kids are out of school and need something to do. I'm not sure I'd enjoy trying to do serious photography surrounded by a thousand bored screaming children."

After a brief pause, Susan suggested "Maybe we just write the day off then? Put something on TV and forget about it? We can try again next weekend if the weather's nicer."

"Yeah," Melissa agreed with a sigh.

"Or!" I grinned as I got a better idea. "Me and Melissa could get our studio lights and stuff out of the crawlspace, set up in one of the bedrooms, and all five of us could do some boudoir shoots? Or smut. Whatever comes up, you know?"

Susan laughed, Melissa looked thoughtful, and Amber rolled her eyes and grinned. Meanwhile Grace looked like she was caught somewhere between shocked and anxious versus excited and eager.

A half hour later we had Melissa's studio lights set up in the guest room. And my lights were set up in the den. The guest room was going to be our boudoir set, the den was where we'd shoot some smut.

With my lights in place I went back upstairs to get changed and grab my camera. I stripped off my clothes then grabbed my mirrorless camera and started getting that ready. Melissa was doing the same, and we both had our tripods out and our remote controls and everything.

Melissa hadn't undressed yet, but she had one of her sexy lingerie outfits laid out on the bed. She was going to change into that as soon as she finished with her camera.

Susan hadn't decided yet if she was going to watch or participate, if she was getting involved she hadn't decided yet if it would be the bedroom or the den.

Amber had already made up her mind, she'd be taking pictures but she wouldn't get into any of the shots. She had her new DSLR ready and was planning on accompanying me down into the den. She'd take pictures of me while I took pictures of myself.

And Grace hadn't decided yet what she wanted to do either. She had her camera out and she was getting ready to take pictures, but whether she'd stay behind the camera or join someone in front of it was yet to be determined.

After some brief discussion Grace and Susan ended up staying upstairs with Melissa, and Amber followed me down into the den.

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The brunette cutie actually started taking pictures while I was still setting stuff up, like I was standing by my tripod getting my camera lined up for the first set of shots and stuff.

"Getting a head start?" I asked her with a grin.

Amber replied, "I figured there's no point me taking porn shots of you, that's what you'll be doing. Instead I'm taking pictures of you while you work."

"Huh," I said as I continued with my set-up.

I took a few test shots of the empty sofa, then swung the camera's LCD around into 'selfie position' and sat down on the sofa and took a couple test shots with the remote.

Amber meanwhile continued getting shots of me, but I noticed she was mostly taking wide-angle shots. And she was positioning herself so my gear was always in frame for her. Whether it was my camera, my lights, or even just the remote in my hand.

"I don't know if I'll be able to use these in the classes I'm taking," she added. "But I'm going to try. Maybe I'll have to blur out the naughty bits. If I can't use them in class then I'll find another way to share them. If that's ok with you, I mean."

"Sure," I shrugged. "I don't entirely get it though, like what's the big deal taking pictures of me taking nude selfies?"

She replied, "You're not just taking nude selfies, you're working. That's the point. Sex work is work, and I figured I'd try and illustrate that with pictures. It's no different than taking pictures of carpenters building a house or pilots flying a plane or doctors at a hospital. It's a job, even though a lot of people refuse to acknowledge that."

"And when all they see is the end result," she added, "They don't know what goes into it. That's part of the reason they don't think it's work. So I want to show what you do 'behind the scenes'."

I grinned, "Cool. That's a neat idea! And now I'm all done with my set-up so I'm going to get started."

Amber smiled back, "Go for it. I'll keep doing my thing, but if I start to distract you just say so."

I got started doing my usual photo-shoot routine. I began with some suggestive head-and-shoulder shots, then repositioned my tripod and adjusted the zoom on the lens and did some upper-body pictures that teased then showed off my boobs.

Then I reset the camera again and got some full-body pictures of me on the sofa. Again they started out suggestive and teasing like with my legs crossed or whatever, before I got to the full-on nudity stuff. And finally the last set of pictures went from nude pictures to full on porn, as I did a series of masturbation pictures.

The funny thing was I still had the stuff Amber talked about in my head and it made me a lot more self-aware in terms of what I was doing. Especially the last bit, because it really wasn't just me getting myself off. There was a lot of stopping and starting to make sure the camera was in the right spot, or changing positions to give a better angle or different view or whatever. Like yeah in the end I had fun and felt good, but it wasn't just rubbing one out while the camera did all the work.

And the whole time I was at it, Amber was there taking her own shots. She continued to move around the den to get different angles and stuff. She didn't disturb me but I was aware she was there and actually made a point of helping her get some good stuff too. Like I made sure she always had a good view of the remote in my hand, even when I was keeping it out of the shot for my own pictures.

When I was done I got tidied up in the downstairs washroom, but I left the door open because my cute succubus girlfriend was still taking pictures. Like even though my shoot was finished there was still more work for me to do yet.

So like she got pictures of me washing my hands and stuff, then I got my camera off the tripod and sat down and had a quick look through all my shots.

There were like about seventy or eighty of them, and as I flipped through them I mentioned "Once I get these on the computer it usually takes me an hour or so to narrow it down? Like only about two-dozen will make the cut into a finished series. I usually don't do a lot of actual editing, maybe just the odd crop kind of thing?"

"Do you do that right away?" Amber asked. "Or save it for another day?"

I shrugged, "I'd usually save it till later, but there's not much going on today so maybe I'll do it in a bit? After a little break or whatever, to see what they're doing upstairs."

She asked, "Can you let me know when you're going to do it? I'd love to get some shots of that too, so I have a complete series from start to finish."

"Of course," I grinned.

That was about it for the moment, and the two of us headed upstairs together to see how it was going. The guest room was a little crowded so we ended up just standing in the doorway as we watched.

Both Melissa and Susan were dressed up in their sexiest lingerie, they'd put on some really nice make-up and touched up their hair and stuff. They were both wearing heels, and it felt like both of them had their supernatural beauty thing going at full strength.

Grace was taking pictures and giving the other two directions, like what sort of poses and stuff like that. Like turn your shoulders this way, hips that way, arm here, whatever.

Where my pictures had all been like straight-up porn, this felt a lot more like fashion and art. It was kind of cool to see that difference too, like ultimately all the pictures were of pretty girls. But mine had been lewd, the shots up here were seductive and full of innuendo without actually showing anything indecent.

After another thirty or forty minutes Grace was finished her shots, then she and Melissa traded places.

The newest member of our team didn't strip down, or even get into lingerie. She did put on a very pretty dress and some heels, as well as make-up and stuff. Then she did a bunch of poses with Susan while Melissa tried her hand at boudoir fashion or whatever.

All in all it wasn't a bad day, we all ended up having a good time and got some good shots. My shots ended up for sale on my store site, first new upload in almost a year, while Amber, Melissa, and Grace would probably try and use their pictures in class once we were back in school.

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