I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 15: 15. Complaints

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Me and Melissa found a table off to one side and sat down across from each other.

I sighed as I had a gulp of my juice, "I'm so glad it's Friday! This whole 'getting back into the school routine' thing has kind of sucked."

My best friend rolled her eyes, "We go through this every single September Mara. As long as I've known you, the first week of school you act like it's all a big surprise. Yes, profs and teachers all want you to work. Yes you have to start studying stuff again. Yes, there's a schedule and you're not supposed to be late or miss classes."

I pouted, "I was hoping for some sympathy, not cold hard reality."

"You're going to get much of that," Melissa said with a smirk. "Not from other students, anyways."

I knew she was right, and I also knew I was pretty lucky. Both of us were actually, and Susan too. We didn't need to work over the summer, and we didn't have part-time jobs during the school year. The three of us got to take it easy and relax, so it was mostly my own fault for having so much trouble adjusting to the school schedule student life kind of thing.

"I know," I sighed. "It's fun to complain though right? That's why I do it this time every year."

The two of us were just getting started on our lunch when Grace joined us. She took the seat next to Melissa as she greeted us, "Hi Mara, Melissa. How was your morning?"

The three of us were in all the same classes the rest of the week, except for Fridays. This year me and Melissa had Drama on Friday mornings, which wasn't as convenient as when it was in the afternoon like last year. And Grace had her philosophy class while we were in Drama.

Amber arrived and sat down beside me while we were saying hi to Grace, and all four of us did the hello thing over again.

The cute smol succubus was only at college a few days a week, she had classes Monday, Tuesday, and Friday morning. And she worked Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

As all four of us got started with our lunch Melissa commented, "Mara was just complaining about the hardships of classes and schedules. She tends to forget about those sorts of details over the summer."

Grace smirked, "If you think school is rough, what are you going to do when you have to start working?"

"Ugh," I grimaced. "That's the sort of thing my mom used to say. I'm sure I'll survive, I just won't enjoy it much."

All three of them giggled a little, then we finally got a bit caught up with how things were actually going for everyone.

It was the end of our first week, so we'd met all our profs for the year. We had some of the same ones from last year over again, like Nichols and Blackthorne, and there were a couple new ones. Our Drama teacher was the same guy as last year.

All but one of Ambers profs were new to her this year. She was taking a couple of the first-year photography classes that the rest of us had last year, plus a business management class, a marketing class, and the one course with a familiar teacher for her was a writing class.

None of us had much of a feel for our classes yet, or at least I didn't. Like it was only the first week and we were still getting settled in and sorted out and stuff. At least we had a good idea of what to expect with the familiar profs.

"It's funny," Amber commented. "I keep expecting to see Matt around? Like me and him started college together, and we went through high school together."

Me and Melissa exchanged a glance and I nodded, "I'm sure I'd feel the same way if I was here and Melissa wasn't."

"Same," the tall blonde agreed. "Me and Mara have known each other for ever, it's hard to imagine going to class and not seeing her..."

She lowered her voice and added, "When she got herself killed it was really weird going to school for those last few weeks and not having her around."

I grimaced, "It was only three weeks, and you knew I was ok. Anyways I think getting killed was a good excuse right? Like if you have a cold or flu or something you don't have to go to class. Being dead's worth at least a month off."

Melissa gave me a look, "You shouldn't joke about stuff like that Mara. It was serious, and even though you were ok it still sucked."

"Yeah I know," I sighed. "I'm sorry Melissa, I know it was rough for you and my mom."

We were all quiet for a few moments, then Amber changed the subject.

"How are you managing being on your own Grace?" the small succubus asked. "It's been about two weeks now right?"

Grace smiled, "Yeah, about two and a half weeks. It's good. Not that it wasn't good staying with the four of you, but it felt like I was crowding you all. And it's nice having the whole place to myself, you know? I can stay up watching TV or reading and not have to worry about disturbing anyone with the light or noise."

"You don't get lonely?" I asked. "I've never been on my own for more than a day or so, I think I'd get lonely without anyone else around."

Melissa smirked at me, "You mean nobody's ever left you unsupervised for more than a day."

Amber and Grace laughed a bit while I stuck my tongue out at my best friend.

Then Grace answered, "So far I haven't felt lonely. If I do start to feel it I'm sure I could always come over and visit you lot. Or if I really decide I need someone else around I could always get a cat or something."

"Aww kitty!" Amber said with a happy smile. "If you get a cat I'll be over visiting for sure!"

Melissa pointed out, "If you want a cat that badly Amber I'm sure we could get one at the house? We'd have to figure out some details and check with Susan, but I don't think it'd be a problem."

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The cute brunette sighed "Yeah I know. And I'm sure you and Susan are both responsible enough to be good cat-moms, but I don't think I am, and I'm pretty sure Mara isn't either. And I don't want to be the one who gets a cat just to have you and Sue be the ones stuck looking after her."

"Plus if we had a pet," she added a moment later, "Then it becomes a hassle going on trips or vacation. Like Mara's mom and Carol, they always have to get home to look after their pets. For now at least, it's best to just visit other people who have pets, then I can pet them and cuddle with them and play with them, but don't have to worry about any responsibilities."

"That sounds pretty well thought-out," I commented. "And if you're responsible enough to know that you're not responsible enough, then you're probably only a few steps away from being responsible enough in the first place. So yeah, it's all about responsibility."

That earned me a few quizzical looks from all three of them, as if I said something strange or hard to follow or whatever. None of them commented though, and we were all quiet for a bit as we focused on our food.

As we got towards the end of lunch Grace asked, "Do you all have any plans for the weekend?"

I shook my head, "I don't think we do? We'll probably do our usual Friday night thing tonight. Get food delivered, chill, stream a movie or something. Why, did you want to come over? Or do you have plans?"

The fashionable blonde shook her head, "I can't come by tonight. I've got a date."

"How's that going?" Melissa asked. "It's only been a month since you started, right?"

Grace lowered her voice as she nodded, "This will be my fifth time. And it's going pretty well. I'm still using the same hook-up app, I haven't seen anyone a second time yet. Plenty of options and opportunities out there."

I asked, "Are you still planning to do that thing you mentioned before? Like, cycling through a group or whatever?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "Actually I'm going to try and meet up next week with the girl I saw the first time around? I figure I'll keep trying to find new hook-ups, but at the same time I'll start following-up with girls I've already been with, and just see how it goes. I'm not going to force the issue, but if one of them asks then I'll be up-front and say I'm up for making it a regular thing. Like say, once a month. Worst that can happen is they turn me down."

Melissa agreed, "It sounds like a good plan. You'll have to keep me and Susan updated on how it goes. I might even go through my list and see if any of my favourites are interested in setting up a semi-regular schedule."

Grace asked, "What about you Melissa? Working tonight, or tomorrow?"

"Nah," she shook her head. "Me and Susan are still doing our Lily work towards the start of the week? It leaves the weekends open for us and our girlfriends."

"That's a good point," Grace said. "I'll keep it in mind, maybe I'll try and switch it up at some point and keep the weekends free for being social. Maybe even come hang out with all of you, if you're not sick of me already."

Melissa shook her head again, "We're not. And I'm sure Sue would love for you to come by and keep her updated on how you're doing. I think she worries about you, being the newest member of the team."

"Aww," that brought a smile to our newest teammate's face. "That's kind of sweet. I didn't take her for the motherly type."

Amber smirked, "It's part of being a good domme. She looks out for her subs, right?"

Grace blushed and the rest of us giggled, but my expression quickly shifted into something more serious.

"Speaking of Susan," I frowned, "Now that we're all back at college and she's off at university again, I kind of miss her. Like us four all get to hang out together at lunch and stuff, me and Melissa and Grace see each other through all our classes, three days a week we drive to and from college with Amber, but we don't get to see Susan till she gets home. I know she feels left out sometimes because of that, and I feel bad about it."

Amber pointed out, "Not much we can do about it though."

I sighed, "Yeah I know. I guess all we can do is be aware of it, and make an effort to do stuff with her when we're all at home or whatever. Weekends and evenings."

Melissa agreed, "We will. I'm glad you reminded us of it though Mara. You're right, we should make a point to spend some extra time with her whenever we can."

A moment later she added, "And it's time we started moving again. Don't want to be late for our last class of the week."

I grumbled a bit as I got to my feet, then looked to Amber. "Are you going to hang around and come home with me and Melissa?"

The succubus cutie thought a few moments then shook her head. "Nah, I think I'll head out now. The weather's still all right, it's not far by bus and a short walk. In the winter when it's cold and snowy, then I'll probably hang around so I can ride home with you two."

Grace joked, "Too bad there's no such thing as a teleportation spell. That'd be even better than driving."

"Well actually..." I grinned, but Melissa gave me a hard look that cut me off before I could say anything that might get me in trouble.

The tall blonde then said quietly, "If there were such a thing, it probably wouldn't be safe to talk about, much less use."

"Yeah," I pouted. "What she said."

The four of us finally made our way out of the cafeteria together. We bid Amber a good afternoon and she headed for home while me and Melissa and Grace all walked together to our last class of the week.

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