I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 37: Epilogue pt.1 – Lily

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My wings moved in strong regular beats as I soared over the rooftops and above the dark, quiet streets. The late spring air was cool and refreshing as it flowed past my naked body.

After a few more minutes the houses and streets gave way to a large park, and I gained altitude as I circled in the late-night air. Or early-morning air I suppose, it was only a few hours till sunrise. I took some time to enjoy myself, climbing higher before diving down, then I pulled up just above the tree-tops only to climb back up a few hundred meters and repeat the process with another dive.

Flying was such a simple pleasure, and one I didn't think I'd miss when I was imprisoned within and sharing use of a mortal body. My girls were right though, it really was too much fun to not take advantage whenever the opportunity arose.

Despite my little diversion I wasn't out flying for fun tonight. This was business.

A smile tickled my lips as I thought up a joke about flying business-class, then my cheeks coloured and I forced myself to forget about it. Clearly my unpredictable little demon pests were continuing to rub off on me.

Fortunately I spotted my target a moment later, sitting alone on on a park bench not far from the creek.

I spun in the air then pulled into another dive, and this time I didn't pull out. At the last minute I flared my wings enough to pull me upright and dump some of my speed. My claws dug into the soft ground, tearing up deep furrows in the sod and throwing some clumps of dirt and grass a few meters away.

I didn't need to land like that, but it was fun. And the deep claw-marks in the ground would give the local humans something to speculate over in the morning.

The lonely figure waiting on the park bench witnessed my arrival, their back stiffened and eyes widened as they stared at me.

I fixed my gaze on the solitary human. I'd come for them, but I wasn't there to feed. I didn't do that anymore, or at least not the way I'd been doing for the past few thousand years. Instead I finally listened to the wisdom of my progeny, rather than the lies of my mentor.

We didn't need to kill to survive. That was a shortcut, a cheat Armaros convinced me to rely on. My progeny and my succubi could feed without killing, just like I did at the very beginning. There was no reason I couldn't do it that way again now.

Then again, I also had other cheats available to me. With Verothilas and Armaros imprisoned, I had the luxury of tapping into their power whenever I felt like it. Rather than drain the lives of humans, I could drain the life-force of my enemies instead.

And to be honest I didn't really need that much anyways. Now that I was free and my enemies were vanquished I was able to relax. And my lifestyle wasn't even all that demanding. It was ironic but what started out as an enforced imprisonment proved to be a rather relaxed, easy-going life.

I lived in luxury in the apartment inside our mind, and the only time I borrowed one of our corporeal bodies from my reincarnated twin daughters was when I wanted to spend time with friends. Or when I had business to attend, as I did tonight.

And on that note, my attention returned to the human I'd come for. They sat motionless and stared wide-eyed as I began to move towards them. From one stride to the next my form shifted and rippled. I assumed my human guise, complete with flowing black gown.

"Hello Carla," I said calmly as I sat down on the opposite end of the bench from them. "Are you ready for this?"

She gulped, "You're L-Lily?"

I looked her up and down and with a hint of amusement in my voice I replied, "Of course. Unless you were expecting more than one demon to meet you here tonight."

The human gulped again but quickly shook her head. In the past I'd never have revealed my true form to a stranger like that, but my girls convinced me the sorts of humans I might meet in these circumstances wouldn't react with hatred. And they were right. People like Carla were awed and sometimes frightened, but they never responded with anger or hatred.

Folks like Carla tended not to be overly religious. Some were even eager to be doing business with a demon. After a lifetime of unanswered prayers they were happy to finally find someone else who would give them what they needed most.

I was still watching her as I asked again, "Are you ready?"

"Y-yes," she sounded hesitant but she nodded. "Please. I-If you can do what you said... I'm ready."

A clipboard appeared in my hand, with her contract and the pen. I held it out to her and stated, "This is the same contract Kate emailed you earlier, but I still expect you to read it Carla. Read it carefully. Read it two or three times, and be absolutely sure before you sign."

To make it easier for her I manifested a little magical light to illuminate the pages in a soft white glow.

The middle-aged trans woman accepted the clipboard, and her eyes started flicking back and forth over the neatly-typed document. She read it carefully and thoroughly. When she got to the end she went back to the first page and started over.

As she did that I browsed through her thoughts and memories, to get a feel for what it was she wanted. She hatched late in life, started her transition late. Another victim of a society that did its best to suppress and deny trans people, through misinformation, anti-trans propaganda, and lies. People like Carla tugged at my heart, people like her were the reason I did this.

By the time Carla finished her third read through the contract I already knew exactly what she wanted. It wasn't much of a surprise, I'd done this enough times I was pretty good at guessing what they'd want.

"So all I have to do is sign?" she finally asked.

I nodded, "That's all. It must be in your own blood of course. The pen's sharp, it won't hurt much. Just stick it in your thumb or hand."

"How long will it take to happen?" she asked as she stared at the contract, and the pen which was now in her right hand.

"I can make it instant if you like," I offered. "Or we can do it slowly. Whatever works best for you. Like it says in the contract, like my secretary explained when she spoke with you online, you'll have to come up with your own explanations. You can't tell anyone about me or about magic. I'll take care of your ID but you'll have to handle the rest."

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I added, "I can also take care of the clothes you're wearing, if you want to do it instantly."

She smiled, and I saw the excitement in her eyes. She nodded, "Instantly, please. I want it right now."

Having said it, she took a deep breath then stabbed the pen into her thumb. A few seconds later she signed her name to the last page of the contract.

I smiled as well, and my mark appeared burned into the page next to her name. Then the pen, contract, and clipboard vanished as I took them back and filed them away with my magic.

"Just relax Carla," I said in a calm, soothing voice. "Here it comes."

She didn't yelp or make any other sound as her body shimmered and shifted. Her clothes quickly followed, and a few seconds later it was done.

The desperate-looking middle-aged trans woman had become a nineteen-year-old girl with a cis-normative feminine body. Greying brown hair was now a long vibrant chestnut-coloured mane that hung halfway down her back. Her bright blue eyes sparkled with life and excitement. Her skin was soft and smooth and unblemished, and her body had become small slim and athletic.

She now wore tight black jeans, cute pink and purple sneakers, and a scoop-neck top that showed off the cleavage of her perky young breasts.

"Oh my..." her eyes widened as she stared down at herself, and tears of joy started to run down her cheeks.

I gestured toward the small purse that rested by her thigh, "I've already updated all your ID. You understand what you have to do, to fulfil your part of the contract?"

Carla nodded, "I do. I know what you want me to do, and I'm prepared to do it."

"Good," I smiled. "Once a week for six months. That's only twenty-six times. If anything comes up before then, if you need help or advice, contact Kate or myself and we'll take care of you. When the six months are over we'll meet again. If there's any other changes you'd like done to your body, anything you want or need I'll take care of it then. And after that you'll be free and you'll never need to hear from me again."

She wiped her eyes and smiled, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

I smiled back as I got to my feet. "Good luck Carla. I'll see you in six months."

The young woman stayed where she was for now, she just watched in wonder as I walked away. After a few paces I shifted back to my natural form, then took to the air. I was still smiling as my wings beat and I gained altitude.

I could have just teleported back home, but it was a nice night and I enjoyed the flight here. And I tried not to think about how my girls were rubbing off on me in more ways than one.

As I soared over the dark houses and empty streets my thoughts returned to the trans girl who's dreams and wishes I just fulfilled.

It seemed a fair deal, certainly none of the people I'd helped so far had ever complained. Six months as a part-succubus, working to gain energy for me in return for a lifetime in her ideal perfect form. In the past four years I'd helped over three dozen trans girls that way. With Carla I now had six working for me at the moment, though Megan would complete her obligation in three weeks and be released.

I wasn't concerned though, I had no doubt my secretary would soon find another trans girl who could use my help.

Kate and I started off badly, our relationship progressed awkwardly, but somehow she and I became friends. In the span of a year she went from an embarassing mistake I wanted to forget, to an annoying pest who wouldn't leave me alone, to a pen pal, and finally to a friend. Now a few years later she was one of my closest friends outside the DLP.

She was back at college again, but rather than focusing on athletics she was a talented musician this time around. She played drums, piano, and a few stringed instruments, and she was hoping for a career in music.

She and I met regularily and we exchanged frequent emails. And she had a knack for finding trans girls who needed my help, either through one of the various queer organizations she'd joined or the dozens of online venues she frequented.

I never even asked her to do it, she just started finding and befriending them, then once she knew they'd be willing to accept demonic help she'd get me involved. After the fourth or fifth time she even asked if she could have some electronic copies of my standard contracts, so she could show folks ahead of time what they'd be getting into. From that point she basically started working as my secretary.

She found new clients, screened them to verify they were sincere, she handled my schedule, and even booked my appointments. Once a prospect was ready to sign Kate would arrange the initial meeting between us, then between the two of us we'd keep track of them and make sure they were doing ok. And all Kate wanted in return was to know that she'd helped me to help another girl get her miracle.

So in addition to the energy I gained for myself and what I pulled from Verothilas and Armaros, I had a steady stream of it coming in from a half dozen humans working under contract. That didn't impact Mara or Mira either, in fact neither of them or anyone else in the DLP knew what Kate and I were up to.

Since I gained my freedom I was once again able to receive energy directly from girls like Carla. So there was no longer any need for them to funnel the energy through Mara to get it to me.

I spent a few more minutes enjoying my flight through the night air, before I finally turned in the direction of home. It was a good night, but it was time to get us back into bed and let the body have some rest.

It was Friday and in a few hours my girls would wake up. They'd have no idea that I snuck out and helped another desperate trans girl find happiness tonight.

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