I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 39: Epilogue pt.3 – Amber

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"Here you go," I said with a friendly smile as I handed over the pretty white boutique bag. "Thank you for shopping at The Succubus Toy Store. Enjoy your weekend."

The blushy eighteen-year-old accepted the bag and murmured a quiet thank you, then did her best to sneak out the door as if she wished she could turn invisible.

Once she was gone I let my smirk out. Even without supernatural abilities it was painfully obvious this was her first time in an adult novelty shop, her first time buying herself sex toys and accessories. Honestly I'd have expected someone so shy and nervous to just shop online.

The fact that she came in person made me suspect she was still living with her parents and was scared someone else might open any 'plain brown packages' that came addressed to her. Either that or she had the house to herself for a while and wanted to take advantage of the privacy.

I just hoped for her sake she wasn't a screamer. With the enchantments I put on that vibe and the lube, she was in for an unforgettable night... No actually, she was in for an unforgettable weekend.

The girl was still in view out the window as she crossed the parking lot, she was making her way to the bus stop at the corner. And I could read all the intimate details of her sexual intent even from this distance.

I was right, her parents and little brother were all out of town until Sunday. Eighteen-year-old Deirdre was gay, lonely, horny, and now she was going to spend the next two days fantasizing about the hot sexy sales girl Amber while she humped herself into erotic bliss with the toy I just sold her.

She was more than fifty meters away but I was still able to reach out to my enchantments on her purchases, and I turned up the potency a little stronger. Yeah, Deirdre was going to have a very memorable weekend indeed. I made myself a quiet bet that I'd see her back here again next week, looking for more.

I continued to watch for another minute or two. I had to admit the shy embarrassed young thing was rather cute. In a way she reminded me a lot of myself. Not lately of course, and certainly not while I was working. But the old me, just before and just after my transformation. I was as shy and blushy as that girl standing at the bus stop trying to pretend she wasn't holding a bag full of sexy fun products.

Here in my shop I was in my element, my domain. In here I stood tall and proud and confident, and I had good reason to. In the last few years I'd gone from a part-time employee at a mediocre outlet of a regional chain to owning my own high-end boutique in a fashionable up-town location. Business was booming and our online numbers were growing every year too. Even more importantly, we had excellent ratings and near-perfect customer satisfaction.

Not that I could take all the credit, far from it. I had supernatural help. Lily got me started, taught me what to do and how to do it. She even helped out with some start-up cash when I was ready to open my own shop.

Then there was the fact that I was a succubus. That gave me certain advantages in knowing what sorts of products would best satisfy my customers. And almost every product that left my shop carried an enchantment that would ensure the clients were very, very satisfied with their purchases.

Those enchantments also funnelled power back to me. The sexual energies my customers released while using the products fed and empowered me. My fellow succubi took their nourishment through sex with humans, but being demi-ace I wasn't really cut out for that kind of lifestyle. I could do it that way too, and I'd tried it a couple times just to see what it was like. I could even cuddle the energy out of humans, which was fun on occasion. But my enchanted toys worked much, much better. It also meant once I had enough product out there, I had a near-constant flow of power coming in.

Humans were always horny, always fucking each other or themselves. By the time I'd been at this for a full year, I'd enchanted and sold enough goods that the energy coming in was already near-constant. Since then it only got stronger, and so did I.

That was the thing I found most ironic. My girlfriends would get a big hit of energy every time they slept with a human, but they only did that once a week at most. Then the energy would gradually fade, until they needed another hit.

I started out much weaker, but nowadays I had more energy coming in every single day than either Melissa or Susan got on their wildest date with a human. I had so much I occasionally gave some of the excess back to Lily, even without a contract. And in return for those gifts, she taught me more ways I could use the power, more ways to use that magic myself.

I'd even learned some tricks above and beyond the stuff Lily taught me. With so much power at my fingertips I occasionally used the excess for experiments, figuring out my own new spells and coming up with new ways to enchant my products.

"Hey Amber?"

The voice to my right pulled me out of my little reverie and I responded, "Yes Tracey?"

My sister was grinning at me as she commented, "I saw the look on your face while you were staring at that girl. And I saw the fantasies she was having while she was looking at you. Are you planning to help her break in her new purchases later?"

I rolled my eyes and stated, "First off, she's too young. Second, the policy for all staff including myself is no sex with customers. And finally, I'm still demi-ace and you know it."

She just smirked at me. Of course she knew all that, she was just pushing her luck teasing me again. I almost wondered at times if she had a little masochistic streak in her. Then again, it wouldn't be that difficult to create an enchantment that would help her develop one.

"If you don't have anything to do right now I'm sure I can find something to keep you occupied," I told her with a slight edge to my voice.

Tracey acted suitably chastised as she replied, "Sorry boss."

Then she made a show of straightening out some displays and tidied up a couple shelves.

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Even now my little sister still got under my skin occasionally, after all this time she still liked to tease me whenever she thought she could get away with it. And while we both knew I'd never do anything truly unpleasant or cruel to her, she also knew from experience that my magic could make things awkward or uncomfortable for her.

Our parents, by which I mostly mean our mother, weren't happy when they found out I worked in an adult novelty store. Mom was less happy when I opened my own sex-toy shop. And when I offered my little sister a job here, mom's mood was downright unpleasant.

I could only guess how she'd react if she ever learned that I'd become a succubus. Or that thanks to selling those enchanted toys I'd become the most powerful succubus on Earth. Or that I'd been gradually converting Tracey as well over the past few years.

My sister had been obsessed with learning magic, and bit by bit I'd been granting her wish. Initially she gained our 'sex sense', then the following year I granted her some supernatural beauty. Last year she learned how to absorb energy from her partners during sex, though half of whatever energy she gained came back to me. There were only a couple magical abilities left for her to earn, but she remained as eager as ever.

In return for the magic and talents she got from me, she was my apprentice and frequently the subject of my magical experiments. She tested out new enchantments, and new products. She was also one of my employees, but I paid her as well as I did the rest of my staff. That was the mundane side of our arrangement.

My attention was drawn back to the door as it swung open, but the two young women who came in weren't customers. The attractive blonde was another of my staff, and the tall gorgeous redhead was one of my girlfriends.

"Hi Carrie, hi Susan," I greeted them both with a smile.

"Hello boss," Carrie responded as she joined me behind the counter. She tucked her purse away and just like that she was ready to start her shift.

I picked my own purse up and moved over to where Sue was standing, next to the shelves where we had all the lube on display.

"Hello babe," she greeted me with a kiss. "You ready to go home now?"

"Just about," I replied as I returned the kiss.

I turned back towards my staff and asked, "Carrie, after you and Tracey close up tonight can you give her a lift home? Or make sure she has a ride?"

It was Friday night and the shop was going to be open till nine, but I didn't like my little sister having to take the bus home by herself.

"Sure thing Amber," Carrie replied. "I'll look out for the kid."

Tracey tried to protest, she was twenty-two now and she hated being called a kid. On the other hand she did enjoy the attention and I knew she thought Carrie was hot, so her protests weren't actually all that convincing.

Susan watched the whole exchange with a smile, then looped an arm around my shoulders and the two of us headed for the door.

I looked back over my shoulder and called, "Tracey, you be good. Carrie, have a good night."

The two of them both smiled and waved as my tall hot girlfriend and I left.

By the time I was settled into the passenger seat of Susan's car my shape had already shifted to the one I tended to wear outside the store. At work I was a tall proud confident sexy young businesswoman. Off duty I was a small shy cute adorable coed.

I lost over half a foot of height and more than twenty pounds of mass as I shrank from about five-foot-seven to five-feet exactly. My apparent age dropped from somewhere in my late-twenties down to college sophomore level. My hair went from a short perfectly-coiffed professional style to a messy brown bob, and even my demeanour changed as my calm confidence was replaced with blushy grins and shy smiles.

My outfit shifted too, to match my smaller cuter shape. Lily taught me that trick and I had power to spare, so it was fairly easy for me to do. The professional-looking pantsuit and heels became sneakers, leggings, and a very oversized tunic top.

I was still the most powerful succubus to ever walk the Earth, but unless I was actually working I definitely didn't look the part.

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