I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 42: Epilogue pt.6 – Mara

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I took a moment, and let my eyes wander over the young woman sitting across the table from me.

She looked out of place, nervous. Her eyes darted around as if she was worried something would jump out at her at any moment. Her clothes made her stand out even more. She was dressed for a sunny day at the park, not a late-night rendezvous at a seedy joint like this.

Not that my attire was any more appropriate, my clothes were even more out of place than hers. With my tightly-laced black silk bustier and ruffled black skirt I looked like something out of a nineteen-thirties noire film.

When I decided I'd kept the girl waiting long enough I finally gave her an answer, in a low dangerous tone.

"Of course I can do what you're asking. You know it's not going to be for free though, right?"

She visibly gulped but nodded. She was doing her best to sound brave, but her voice still wavered. "I know. I have money, and I can get more..."

I cut her off, "Keep it. That's not what I'm talking about and you know it. You wanted to see me, you came looking for me. You know what I want. I'll give you what you asked for, what you need. All I ask in return is... your soul."

There was a little gasp, a slight intake of breath from her as I said the word. She knew it was coming but it still frightened her to hear it.

"Come on," I said with a wry little smile. "It's such a small thing. You can't feel it, you can't see it or touch it or taste it. How do you know it's even there? And if you don't know it's there, then you'll never miss it when it's gone. Trust me honey, you won't even feel a -"

"CUT!" the director yelled, and I grit my teeth.

My tail started twitching back and forth in irritation, not that anyone could see it, and I let out an audible sigh of frustration.

I glared off to my left and demanded, "What was wrong with that?! It was perfect!"

"The line is 'Trust me baby'," Gregory stated. "Not 'honey'."

I rolled my eyes, "Honey works better. The character wouldn't say baby, she's not like that. You know I'm right on this. I've been working on this part for a month now, this character's in my head!"

That earned me some laughter from Lily, who always found it entertaining when I used phrases like that.

I ignored my demon mom for now as I stayed focused on our director. He was normally a pretty decent guy but the way he was married to the script you'd think he wrote it himself. Except I knew for a fact he didn't. I knew the girl who wrote it and I was positive Kelly would be ok with my little tweaks and adjustments to the character.

Honestly it felt like he was blowing the whole thing out of proportion. Like I knew we were supposed to take this seriously and we were supposed to treat it like a real live acting gig, but the bottom line was it was a thirty minute three-scene play and we were all just college students.

It was one of four short plays that would be performed together in a sort of medley or whatever. We had three performances coming up, a Friday night, Saturday night, and a Sunday matinee. Then it was over and done-with and we'd all just forget the whole thing and get on with our summer break.

Lucy sighed, "Baby, honey, what's the difference? Let's just get on with it already! I've only got like eight lines in this whole frigging scene and I'm never going to get a chance to say them if you two don't quit your bickering."

Gregory looked like he was about to launch into one of his tirades about respecting the script and respecting his position as director, but I tried to cut him off before he could get started.

"Look, we're supposed to be ready to perform this thing next week, right? Like Lucy said, it's just one little word and honestly the emotion's in the scene itself, not that word. Let's just get through it and take the scene as a whole, instead of all the little separate parts, ok? Analyze it afterwards?"

Our director looked grumpy but he clearly wanted to do what I was suggesting.

He finally relented, "All right, just try and stick to the script ok? I don't need any prima donnas here. Let's start the scene over from the top. Go!"

I wasn't sure if he was referring to me or Lucy with that prima donna comment. Like technically she was the star of the play, her character was the main protagonist. I was just the opportunistic demon who showed up to try and take advantage of her. I had a brief bit near the beginning, then this was my big scene, and I had another short appearance at the end.

We got on with it though, me and Lucy got back to our places and we started the scene over again. I did the lines the way they felt best for me, and thankfully Gregory kept his mouth shut and let me and Lucy get through the whole thing without interruptions this time.

"Ok that was pretty good," our director conceded when it was over.

After that I hung around and watched the others do their thing as I waited for my next appearance. Overall I thought we were doing great considering we were all second-year college students. Or at least, it was my second year as a drama major. If you took all my college years together then it was my fifth year in total.

Me and Melissa did our two year photography program, then I stayed on for a third year and did some advanced photography classes with Grace while Mels went out and got herself a job. I kept minoring in drama, and by the end of those three years I decided acting was calling to me more than the camera.

Susan and Amber graduated the same year as Melissa, then Grace and Mira finished and left the year after, but I enjoyed the college student lifestyle. And thanks to Lily it wasn't like I needed to find work. In fact none of us did, Lily offered to support all of us. But they wanted to work, they all found stuff they enjoyed doing.

So they did what they liked, and I did what I liked. It just so happened, what I liked involved staying at college and taking drama.

The rehearsals ran a bit late, it was nearly half past five by the time we all decided to call it a day. It was Friday afternoon and it'd be the middle of rush hour by now. That wasn't going to be a problem for me though. I didn't have a car, and I didn't plan on taking the bus either.

I took a few minutes to get out of my costume and into my open-backed sundress and sneakers, and I grabbed my little backpack. I bid my fellow students a good weekend, then made my way out towards one of the side doors. I paused in the little vestibule between the inner and outer doors and after a quick glance to make sure nobody was around I flexed some demonic muscles.

The magic enveloped me and I became invisible, along with my clothes and the pack in my hands. Then as I stepped outside I used another little burst of power and my back rippled. A moment later I stretched out my large invisible wings. With a wide grin on my face I broke into a run, then with a few powerful beats of my wings I was airborne.

I made triple-sure to avoid power lines and trees as I quickly gained altitude, and in half a minute I was soaring about a hundred meters above the ground. From the college to Susan's house only took about ten minutes by air. I wasn't flying all that fast, but I didn't have to worry about traffic or lights and I could go in a direct line instead of following the roads.

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It was a fantastic experience and I knew even if I lived a thousand years I'd never, ever get tired of the feeling.

I got to the house much too soon, and dipped down low enough to drop my pack into the backyard. Then my wings beat and I gained altitude again. I wasted another ten minutes just enjoying myself, flying around the neighbourhood.

While I spun in the air above the houses I spotted a shimmer of magic approaching, and my smile grew even wider. Mira loved to fly as much as I did, maybe even more. We were both invisible but we could see each other in this state, and a moment later we were flying side by side. We spun, circled, swooped and dove. I could hear her happy giggles, and they were joined by my own.

Like a pair of little kids just running around for the joy of running, we took turns chasing each other. We played a sort of three-dimensional aerial touch-tag in the sky above our neighbourhood, laughing and giggling from the sheer pleasure of flying together.

Eventually we spotted Melissa's car as she pulled onto our street, and the two of us twirled and arced then dove down at the house. Mira and I pulled up at the last second and landed gently in the backyard next to the patio furniture. I scooped up my backpack and we both folded up our wings, then we went in through the side door just as our best friend pulled into the driveway.

Once in the house we both became visible again. My horns and tail were back on full display but my wings vanished into my back. Mira's wings disappeared as well, leaving her looking fully human. A moment later we both turned and greeted Melissa as she came in through the door behind us.

We all grabbed some coolers, and we were just getting settled in the living-room when Susan and Amber came in together. The pair of them got drinks too, and the five of us exchanged greetings and hugs.

We all squeezed onto the sectional together in a big warm group cuddle, and as we all got comfy I mentioned "By the way, our human moms invited us all to come spend the weekend with them at the end of the month. Does that work out ok for everyone?"

"Sure," Melissa nodded. "We haven't seen Carol and Emma since easter, I'm starting to miss them. I'll let my boss know I can't take any assignments that weekend."

Susan agreed, "Same. I was thinking of inviting them over here, but going to their place is probably easier."

"Visiting them means we get to see Pumpkin and Spice," Amber added with a grin. "And Farah too!"

That got the rest of us smiling, our cute smol bean really liked the critters.

And Mira just nodded, "You know I'm always happy for an excuse to visit our moms."

"Cool!" I grinned. "Why don't you let them know we're all up for a visit, and we can sort out the details later?"

My twin self agreed, "I'll call them in a bit. Maybe after dinner?"

Melissa added, "I need to talk with my brother again, I'm hoping we can get him and Troy down for another visit sometime soon."

We all agreed with that idea too, we hadn't seen the guys since new years.

After that the five of us sort of settled into the usual after work or after class conversation. We told each other about our day, enjoyed some drinks, maybe had a little debate over what everyone wanted to do for dinner.

I was quiet though. I found myself smiling as I looked at the other members of the DLP.

Susan was the tallest these days, she stood about five-foot-ten, and even just relaxing with a drink she had a powerful domme vibe to her. She kept her bright red hair trimmed short, her blue eyes were piercing like they could cut you in half if you stepped out of line, and she could almost bring someone to their knees with a single arched eyebrow. She wore a mix of men's and women's clothes, and she was almost always really stylish. Actually I was pretty sure she picked that up from spending time with Grace.

Melissa was the opposite in every way. She was a hundred-percent girl-next-door nowadays. At about five-foot-six she was just a couple inches taller than me and Mira. Our best friend's body appeared soft and her over-all build was sort of average. She looked fun, friendly and approachable, with a pretty face and a pleasant tan. Her sandy-blonde hair was sort of relaxed and carefree, and she was dressed in a loose pink blouse over some relaxed-fit blue jeans.

And Amber was still our cute smol bean. All blushy grins and giggles, she looked adorable like you just wanted to scoop her up and hug her tight. She was in another massively oversized top and a pair of leggings. The outfit just added to her tiny cutie vibe. Except I knew she was practically a different person when she was at her store. Whenever I visited her there she stood taller than Melissa and had enough confidence and poise that she could give Sue a run for her money in the domme department.

As shapeshifters the three of them could look whatever age they wanted, but Amber was the only one who took advantage of that so far. Susan and Melissa both looked their real ages. At work Amber appeared older, like in her late twenties. But away from the store she was younger, like only about twenty or so.

Then there was Mira and me. We hadn't actually changed all that much. We were the same petite dusky-skinned girls with the long straight black hair and the dark green eyes. I had my horns and tail, Mira rarely bothered.

I was an unpredictable little demon pest who just barely stayed out of trouble on a regular basis, while Mira was slightly more responsible. At least she didn't get in trouble on the job, she took her volunteer work very seriously. Off the job she could be almost as mischievous as me if you caught her in the right mood. And we both looked nineteen. Like Lily said, demons didn't age.

And speaking of our mater, she still lived inside our head. She wasn't trapped though, she was free and she could use our body whenever she needed it.

All together we were the Demonic Lesbian Polycule. Three succubus girlfriends and a couple demonic twins sharing a pair of bodies with their demoness mom. And the six of us were family.

We were all doing things we enjoyed. We had a great house, we loved each other, and we were happy.


~ The End ~


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