I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 48: Extras #6 – Flights of Fancy

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"Aaaaah!" my startled shriek was followed immediately by excited giggles as I banked hard. Then I pulled my wings in tight and let myself drop a few dozen meters before I extended them to catch the air again.

Mehter laughed as she pulled into a dive, and suddenly I was panicking again. I swooped to the left just in time while mehter plunged past me, her fuzzy ears folded back and the long fluffy fur on her tail rippling from the wind. My wings started beating hard again as I worked to regain altitude, while my mehter did the same below me.

I was momentarily distracted by the sound of giggling off to my right, and I turned in time to see my twin twist and roll in the air while mater swept past her.

Mira and I caught each other's attention in the dying twilight, and wordlessly agreed on a new strategy. There were some tall buildings ahead, they looked like apartments or something, and we took off for them as fast as we could. Behind us, mater and mehter regrouped.

They were both bigger and stronger, and they both had more experience flying. Not to mention, mehter's wings were designed for speed. Odds were she could easily outfly the rest of us, but fortunately the four of us were just playing around.

I'd already had to catch myself a few times when I felt like the happiness was about to overwhelm me. I knew Mira felt it too, and we were both convinced our demon moms were the same. Three thousand years had passed since we last flew together as a family, and we were finally making up for it. More than making up for it, since there were four of us now. Me and Mira versus Lily and Eva.

It was late dusk, practically night time, the air was cool and crisp, a typical mid-September early autumn evening. Today was Friday the thirteenth too, which felt like a big deal or whatever. Appropriate too, like for four demons to go flying around in the sky over suburbia and stuff. It wasn't all fun and games though, we were actually going somewhere. We had a destination, and I knew we shouldn't waste too much time goofing around. Like we didn't want to arrive too late or whatever, but we couldn't help it.

At first we were talking about driving, then mater suggested it'd be easier to teleport the four of us. Then Mira pointed out it wasn't that far so we could all just fly. That got me and mehter excited, and mater practically had to hold us back until dusk. We could have done it during the daytime if we'd made ourselves invisible, but it was more fun when we could see each other clearly. And we could all see fine in the dark, so the night didn't affect our game at all.

When me and Mira reached the apartment buildings we split up. She circled left while I went right, while we both kept in close to the building. Then instead of flying out ahead while we were out of sight of our demon moms, we landed together on a random balcony near the top floor. We crouched down and hid next to each other behind the railing as we waited.

Sure enough mater and mehter came into view a moment later, then they stopped and circled as they tried to figure out where we'd gone.

I stifled a giggle while Mira hissed, "Shhh!"

We were too far away to hear what Lily and Eva were saying, but we could tell they were talking to each other as they circled. Probably trying to guess where we went. Then mehter pointed at another building up ahead, and the two split up as they set off to circle the next apartment tower.

As soon as they were out of sight my twin and I jumped over the railing and took to the air. We started heading upward towards some low clouds, then when we were hidden in the mist we turned westward and put on some speed, to try and get out ahead again.

"Think we lost them?" I whispered to Mira as she flew a few meters to my right.

She rolled her eyes and hissed, "I doubt it. Especially not if you keep making noise Mara!"

"Oh come on," I replied, "Their hearing's not that good. We have to be a kilometre away now, they're probably still searching those apartment buildings."

Mira looked like she was about to respond when we both heard it at the same time. A very faint sound of something in the air above us.

My twin let out a yelp as she banked hard away to the right, while I scrambled to turn left as sharp as I could. We both got clear just moments before mehter came diving out of the thicker clouds above us. She laughed and her fuzzy tail twitched back and forth as her big falcon wings flared out to break her dive. I was still looking back wide-eyed at her, and didn't even realize mater was closing from behind me on my left.

"Gotcha!" she shouted at the same moment I felt her grab my tail.

Her voice and her hand on my tail was a little too much stimulation, ontop of the excitement and adrenaline of just barely escaping mehter. I let out a startled shriek as I tucked my wings in completely and dropped out of the air like a stone, but extended my wings a moment later and caught myself.

By that point I was giggling and laughing so hard there were tears in my eyes. They were definitely tears of joy though, and a moment later Mira joined me, along with mater and mehter. All four of us had wide happy smiles on our faces, and I wasn't the only one who had to clear some 'dust' from her eyes a few times as we continued flying west.

"We have to do this more often," mehter stated happily as she wiped her eyes again. "We have to make up for lost time. We should do this every week! Next week you three teleport to London and we'll chase each other around the Eye and the Gherkin. Oh my gosh we can chase each other up and down the Thames! I want to fly with you around Tower Bridge and show you all the sights!"

Mater tried to be the mature voice of reason, "You know the more we do this the more likely it is we're going to get caught. If we're flying around famous landmarks someone's going to get pictures or videos of us."

"Says the demon who dove off the CN Tower one new years eve!" I teased.

Lily flustered as she protested, "It was one time! And it was almost midnight, and there was just one demon in the air. And I was hunting."

"Uh-huh," Mira rolled her eyes.

Mehter suggested, "As long as we don't make a habit of visiting the same places on a regular schedule it shouldn't be too dangerous, right? There's plenty of interesting places we can go flying. Toronto, London, Rome, Paris, and Thera of course. And if you don't mind love, we could even return to Neopolis and fly there like we did three millennia ago."

Mater looked like she wanted to be responsible and point out all the reasons it was a bad idea, but at the same time she also looked like she was fighting a smile. In the end she stole my line again and replied, "No promises."

"Anyways," she added before any of us could respond, "We're nearly there. And it's getting late. You know we told them we wouldn't be too late. So let's just focus on the flying, and we'll leave the playing for another time."

"Aww!" I whined. I was smiling though so they knew I was just teasing.

She was right about being late, it was past nine o'clock so we all agreed not to start another round of tag. And that was fine, even just flying together normally was amazing. Me and Mira were next to each other, mater flew beside me on the left and mehter was off to the right of my twin.

It almost felt like our demon moms were being protective, like the two older more experienced demons were on the flanks while us young ones were in the middle so they could keep us out of danger. Or keep us from getting into trouble, which was probably the more likely scenario.

Except there wasn't any trouble or danger, and before long the four of us were swooping down towards the ground. We landed in a large backyard next to some trees, behind a two-story farmhouse. There were some lights on inside but the curtains were drawn so we couldn't see in, smoke was rising up from the chimney and I could already hear the sound of a very excited dog barking inside.

As the four of us approached the side door me and Mira hid our wings, while mater and mehter shifted to their human guises. Mehter was her usual casual self, average height with long blonde hair, fair skin, and sparkly blue eyes. She looked about twenty-five, dressed similar to me and Mira in sneakers leggings and a loose t-shirt. Except where my twin and I preferred dark or black clothes Eva wore colourful things. Her leggings were green and her top was pink.

Mater looked older, she appeared to be in her early thirties. She actually looked like a taller older version of me and Mira, with dusky skin and long black hair. Her eyes were darker though, more of a dark hazel than dark green. She was wearing tight black jeans and a dark burgundy blouse, but had sneakers on her feet like the rest of us.

Neither of our demon moms had anything else with them, no purses or backpacks or whatever. Me and Mira both had fannypacks around our waists, with our phones and ID and some money and stuff.

As usual the side-door opened before we got to it, and mom was there holding Farah's collar while she barked happily at us. Mum was there too, standing just behind mom, like they were both there to greet us and welcome us in.

Once we were all inside we closed the door, then while I was tackled by an over-enthusiastic Farah my twin handled the introductions.

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"Mom, mum, these are our demon moms Lily and Eva," Mira announced. "And mater, mehter, these are our human moms, Emma Carter and Carol Ingram."

"They already know me Mira, but I suppose this is the first time they've seen me looking like this," Lily said with a smile. Then she greeted mom and mum, "Emma, Carol, it's a pleasure to see you both again."

Eva grinned as she greeted them, "Hello Emma, hello Carol. It's great to meet you both. Mara and Mira have already told me plenty of stories, all good of course."

By that point Farah had her fill of pets and scritches from me, so she moved on to greet my twin instead. And our human moms were both sort of staring at Lily and Eva, they were both a little surprised or whatever to be meeting our demon moms like that.

"Lily," mom said as she stared a bit, "Hello again. I hope this doesn't come across as rude but I wasn't expecting to see you here along with both Mara and Mira. I thought only two of you could be present at a time? And you um, look a little different from how we usually see you?"

Meanwhile Carol was staring at our mehter, "It's a pleasure to meet you Eva. We've heard a lot about you too. And no offence, but we were under the impression that you were um, dead?"

"Oh I was," mehter replied with a wide grin. "A little bit anyways."

After a couple awkward seconds mom's attention turned to me and Mira, and I knew she was about to tell us off for not warning her who was coming with us. We'd been kind of vague about what guests we were bringing, so they probably assumed we were talking about the DLP or whatever.

"Hi mom," I tried to distract her with a hug, then did the same for Carol as I greeted her too. "Hi mum. Great to see you both again! I hope we're not too late?"

Mira followed my example, then with all the hugs and hellos out of the way the six of us headed into the den. Or we went to the den after a quick side-trip to the kitchen so everyone could get some drinks.

Mom and Carol and Lily all got glasses of wine, while me and Mira and Eva had vodka coolers. It was kind of funny, like Lily obviously wanted to fit in with the grown-ups and stuff, while Eva was cool being part of the younger crowd or whatever.

Then we all got comfy in the den, which was nice and toasty thanks to the fireplace. Me and Mira were almost cuddled up together in one corner of the sofa while mater and mehter sat together at the other end. Mom and mum cuddled in the love-seat across from us. Even Pumpkin and Spice were in on that action, they were curled up asleep together in one of the wingback chairs. And Farah flopped into her bed by mom's feet.

Once we were all settled mom gave both me and Mira a look then commented to our demon moms, "I don't mean to offend, but Carol and I were expecting our daughters' girlfriends. Mara and Mira were rather vague about who they were bringing with them."

"Intentionally so I imagine," Carol added. "I expect they wanted to surprise Emma and I."

Lily gave us both the same sort of look, before replying "I'm sorry about that. But you know them as well as I do, I'm sure they couldn't pass up the opportunity for some mischief."

Mom rolled her eyes then asked, "I didn't see a car outside, did the four of you use magic to get here?"

"We flew!" I announced with a wide grin. "And it was awesome!"

Mira added, "That's why we had to wait till it was dark out, so nobody would see us."

"Ah," mom grimaced slightly. "And what are the rest of your girlfriends up to? I take it they're not going to join us this weekend after all?"

"Melissa and Susan and Amber will be here tomorrow," my twin replied. "They're driving of course, they'll probably get here in the afternoon. Sue and Melissa both had plans for tonight, and Amber was happy to have a quiet night in after working all week."

Carol commented, "It's going to be crowded here tomorrow night."

Lily offered, "If it's a problem, Eva and I can head back to Susan's place tomorrow evening. I know the girls are eager for everyone to be here for a big family dinner tomorrow, but the two of us could move on afterwards."

"There's enough bedrooms Lily," mom replied. "The DLP usually take two, Carol and I have the master, that leaves the guest room for you and Eva."

That put smiles on my and Mira's faces, and I suggested "You four should all get together anyways too right?"

A moment later I blushed and added, "I meant like a meeting of the moms, not like... I didn't mean anything else. Just like, since Eva's back and Lily's got her own body now and stuff? Like human moms and demon moms, you're all on team mom. So um, yeah. Mom convention. Momvention? You can all get to know Eva and she can get to know you and you can all do like, mom stuff or whatever. Um..."

I was just kind of babbling nervously by that point and all of them knew it too, but nobody spoke up or tried to stop me. They just let me taper off on my own. Then with my cheeks bright red I distracted myself with a couple gulps of my drink, while Mira tried not to burst into giggles.

Lily did her best to keep a straight face too as she finally responded, "That's not a bad idea Mara. I'm sure Emma and Carol would like to know Eva a little better. And I'm sure they both have plenty of questions for me as well, considering all the unexpected changes we've had recently."

"How about after breakfast tomorrow?" Carol suggested. "Let's just enjoy some drinks and relaxed conversation tonight. We'll get the girls to make us a nice breakfast in the morning, then maybe they can find something to keep them occupied while the four of us talk."

Eva agreed, "Sounds good."

And it was. Me and Mira and our two human moms and our two demon moms were all together. All the moms were getting along, and tomorrow our girlfriends would be joining us too. The only people who wouldn't be visiting were our new relatives from London. It was too far for Lexi and Marianne to come over for a weekend visit, since they couldn't teleport. Or at least not yet, I was positive they'd both take the plunge and go full demon sooner or later. Then they'd have enough magic and mehter could teach them the spells or whatever.

Anyways it was going to be crowded enough already, but that wasn't till tomorrow. For now it was mom and mum, mater and mehter, Mira and me. Two humans, two demons, and two humans-turned-demons.

Mom and mum looked happy. Mater and mehter were happy. My other half and I were happy. And as the six of us enjoyed our drinks and our four moms all got to know each other I was positive there was some subtle flirting going on between the demon moms and the human moms. And maybe some not-so-subtle flirting too.

Mira noticed it as well, and eventually my twin suggested she and I turn in early so the moms could continue their 'conversation' in private. It was definitely unsubtle, but none of the moms in question seemed to mind. If anything they all looked happy that the two of us were giving them some privacy. We all exchanged hugs and stuff, then my twin and I hurried upstairs while stifling some giggles.

And needless to say, everyone had a very good night indeed.

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