I Guess, Another World Is Really Different

Chapter 39: Ch 39. Practical Exam

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The venue was full quiet except for the sounds of pen and paper. After an hour, the invigilator came in, and collected all papers.

"Exam is over. Submit your papers."

All students submitted and left the venue one by one.

"Arthur-san! How you did in exam?"

Yuri came after Arthur and followed him around. Violet was also with them. Even though both of them fight, sometimes it is not wrong to just hang out with a friend.

Violet, being a kind girl from the start, Yuri is not only her rival but is also her first friend.

Arthur looked at the nice atmosphere between them and smiled. He was worried but it seems it was all for naught.

"My exam? I have written well."

"So, Violet-chan. How about you?"

"C-Chan? Yuri! You don't have to call me that way in public!"

Violet embarrassingly said to Yuri who was smiling.

"Why not? You're cute. Isn't it, Arthur-san?"

Arthur turned was also a bit happy to see Violet's different reaction. Like an ally, he also agreed with Yuri.

"That's right."

"Even Arthur-sama! Both of you are bullying me!"

Violet pouted a bit but then smiled with them making all students look at the harmonious atmosphere around them.

"Let's go for the next exam."

Yuri said and grabbed both of their hands and dragged them quickly towards the school's training area where practical exam was about to begin.


Unlike the written one, the practical exam was taken over by a female magician.

"Alright! Everyone, wait outside."

All students lined up just before the training area waiting for the lady teacher's call.

"Next five, come in!"

With a group of five, the teacher called them inside to conduct practical exam.


After a couple of minutes, finally Arthur, Violet and Yuri entered the training area. Inside the empty field, there were five wooden dummies just a bit far lined up for five students.

"Demonstrate a magic art that you feel you know the best. We have prepared targets in the other side of the room. Destroy it, if you're capable! Even if you can't, you can still pass if we deem your skills satisfactory!"

The female teacher wearing a professional magician robe ordered the students. And then she looked at the boy ahead of Arthur and told her to go first.

"You are first!"

"Yes ma'am!"

The boy bowed and stepped ahead to then put his hands forward to cast the spell.

"O! Mother nature! Making rain and then giving us water! Come to my hand and let it see everybody! Water Stream!"

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'Ah! I am already used to it.'

Arthur was already immune to cringey casts. Because of his work, most magicians prefer to be behind and then cast a spell. And he has countless times have seen them reciting the dialogues which don't make any sense.

Even though, he had the 'Chuunibyou' disease in his past life when he was a child, it's been years since he graduated from it.

Now it's nothing more than his dark past.

The water flew from the boy's hand and then slammed into the dummy making it all wet. The boy with a gleaming face turned back. Arthur could seriously feel the satisfaction this boy shows around.

"Hmm. Next."

This time a girl stepped up, but instead of water magic she used fire magic and used it to half burn the dummy.

The teacher was noting down all the results according to her on the pad and then looked at Arthur and told him to go next.

"You, go next."

Arthur didn't over react much and stepped forward.

<Fire Magic – Fire Ball>

He raised his hand forward and mana started to gather in his hand. All the students, even teacher was surprised seeing a student doing chant less magic!

Unlike a flame, a small ball of fire formed in his hand. Instead of a raging fire, what in his hand was a small shiny red coloured ball.

The students didn't notice nor the teacher but Violet knew the power of such a small ball of fire in hands of Arthur.

What do you need to perform high level magic spells?

Most people will say magic power which is to some extent is true. But what is more important is magic control!

When a person releases a spell, most mana gets wastes and get absorbed by nature. That's why many commoners with small magic power can't even do elementary magic.

But what happens when a person with a very delicate magic control casts magic spells?

Not only the power of spells increases by a certain level, the biggest benefit of it that it takes less mana than it normally requires to use a spell!

In other words, if a person with average magic power can't use high level magic, if he practices magic control proficiently, with no doubt he can use high level magic spell.

And Arthur is the one who likes to grind everything to its max.

The small fire in his hand is not a normal fire ball. The power packed inside it is not less then explosion. The small ball is concentrated with very heavy fire mana inside it.


The ball flew in a high speed and as soon it struck the dummy, it blew up!


The wall behind the area blowed up and all the dummies got destroyed. The teacher's glasses fell down in awe of such power from just a normal spell.

Arthur who was full clean unlike other students turned back and returned to his place in between Yuri and Violet.

"Arthur-san. You're amazing!"

Yuri have seen his prowess, but she is still very surprised to his magic.

"It's pretty normal for Arthur-sama."

Arthur was embarrassed to hear sudden praise from both of them.

And after Yuri and Violet's practical exam which shocked the rest once again, the teacher told them to leave and called the rest for the exam.

Though she was acting normally, under her façade she was very shocked. She turned a bit and looked at Arthur and Violet with a deep gaze.

'Arthur Pendragon and Violet Evergarden. To think more monsters except Sage's grandson are attending academy.'

She noted down both of their names and was ready to inform overheads about the two new monsters coming to this academy in new session.

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