I Guess, Another World Is Really Different

Chapter 44: Ch 44. Results

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"Then let's see the results."

All of them walked forward towards the bulletin board where the results were posted.

'The way they post results isn't much different from modern world.'

Arthur laughed inside and then looked over it to find his name. And then he found it just over two names.

"It seems I am third. Well, I have passed. That all matters."

Violet and Yuri both them passed with good numbers as well. While Shin and August came first and second, which was within Arthur's expectations.

'I already guessed it. Shin Walford. He must have tied with me with full marks, but since the number one student has to give the speech in the ceremony, it would be problematic to have a student more talented as him.

So, with his status of being the grandson of Sage, he was named as the first. And about that Prince, the royal family have to show a bit prestige or else it will sully his reputation in future.

"Arthur-sama. It's ..."

"It's alright, Violet. I am not that angry. I already know the politics played all over. Let's go and collect uniforms."

Violet came over Arthur to complain about the results, but Arthur himself was content with it. To make a fuss about it, will bring more attention and with nobles at the helm, and the royal family will try to ruin me to save Shin Walford.

'But still, I will take the revenge, When I fight against him.'

There is a limit to politics. Arthur indeed doesn't care about who is first, but he is very interested in the place of number one. From the start, he wants to fight against Shin Walford and the Sage.

After all, he want to take the helm of being the strongest.

And when he defeats him, no politics can deny that.

"Arthur-san. I have also passed!"

Yuri also joined them with a smile and then three of them went to the counter to receive the books and uniforms of the academy.

"Arthur Pendragon."

The lady called him with a smile, and then gave him the identification card, uniform and books for the term. Violet and Yuri also went, after their name was called and finally all of them got their essential accessories for academy.

"By the way, these enchantments on the uniforms are weak."

Arthur looked at the blue uniform in his hands that was enchanted by the academy magicians.

The robe was indeed good for normal standards, but in his eyes it was weak.

"I will rewrite them in night."

He then threw all his items to his storage.

Arthur, Violet and Yuri, three of them got chosen to be in S class which is the highest ranked class in this academy.

The classes are divided according to performance, and the highest achievers are placed in this class.

"Arthur-san. Shin-san also got into S class."

Yuri smiled and told him. 

"I know it. After all he was first in this entrance exam."

"First rank... As expected of Sage's grandson."

Yuri eyes turned into like akin to worship as soon she uttered about Sage making Arthur sigh.

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He is not surprised anymore by the worship of these people.

The personality cult of Sage and Guru doesn't bother him anymore.

Arthur turned back a little and saw Shin and August smiling walking with arms on shoulders, and then he turned and left the academy with Violet and Yuri with a smile for the upcoming future.

"I am looking forward to future."


Sage's Mansion...

Inside the house, which is gifted by the royal family for the merits of Sage and Guru, Shin entered with sigh making his grandpa Sage Merlin worry.

"What happened Shin? You didn't pass?"

Merlin looked him with a very shocked face. How could Shin couldn't pass? He is even stronger than him.

"No, I passed. But I have to deliver the greeting speech."

"That's a great news, Shin."

Merlin was happy as his grandson's marks, While Guru - Melinda didn't showed much though she was proud of him.

"We're the ones who taught him, so that's to be expected. Still, you deserve the praise."

"But you don't have to that down just because of a speech."

A person with luxurious clothes, having a great resemblance to August, no it should be opposite. He is the one from whom August have his resemblance appeared in front of Shin.

He was nobody other than the king - Diseum Von Earlshide.

"Sigh! There is another thing. I know someone who took exams, but I couldn't find that person."

Shin looked down with a downcast face. After all, he couldn't see Cecily taking the exam even though he wandered with Aug all around.

"A girl, eh?"

"Definitely, a girl!"

Both son and father, August and King Diseum stood beside each other and easily guessed that the person who Shin was looking for was a girl.

'They look and act the same!'

Shin looked at them both teasing him making him annoyed.

"Oh! You seem to have learned lot since coming to capital. Very good."

Merlin smiled soon after learning about Shin. How could he couldn't be happy after learning his grandson liking a girl?

"Bring that girl here sometime. I have to see her myself sometime."

Melinda also smiled happily, but still told him to bring the girl, so she could if she is suitable for him or not.

Shin blushed a bit, but then sighed after all that teasing.

"Father, I want to ask you about something."

August turned towards his father and asked him. Merlin, Melinda and Shin also looked to see what August was about to say.

"Do you know about the student Arthur Pendragon?"

"Aug. Why are you asking about Arthur from Uncle Dis?"

"It's because I want to know who he is."

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