I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 11: 11: Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts who studies dark arts

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   Lynn didn't wait long in the robe shop, and soon he saw Fox walking through the door with a purse.

   "Let's go Bellock, something seems to have happened to Gringotts. If you have finished buying things, we'd better leave as soon as possible."

   Lynn picked up the small buried cage and greeted Mrs. Morkin, and walked towards the broken cauldron bar with Fox.

   "What happened? I saw a lot of goblins in Diagon Alley looking for someone."

   "I don't know exactly what's going on, but depending on the posture of the fairies, someone should have stolen something from Gringotts."

   "Didn't it mean that the guards of Gringotts are very strict?"

   "There is no absolute thing in the world. In the eyes of a wise wizard, the defense of Gringotts is full of loopholes, but no one wants to provoke those fairies."

   The guests in the Po Keke Bar were obviously reduced by Lynn when they first arrived.

   Old Tom was wiping wine glasses at the bar, looking at a few goblins guarding the door and by the fireplace with a dissatisfaction look, as if the reason for the guests ran away was attributed to them.

   As soon as Lynn and Fox entered the bar, a goblin stared at them impolitely, staring straight at them.

   "Don't care about them Belloc, do you want something to drink?" Fox took Lynn to find a table and sat down, before Lynn could speak, he called old Tom again.

   "This is outside, you should drink orange juice. Tom, a butterbeer and a glass of orange juice."

   Old Tom brought them beer and orange juice with a tray, and he also complained by the way.

"These ugly gangs guarded all the exits of Diagon Alley. They said that thieves had stolen things from Gringotts, but they scared my guests away like this. Who would be willing to be stared at by them like this? Drinking while watching."

   "Relax Tom, as soon as the Gringotts theft happened, the fairies would lose much more than you."

   "What does it have to do with me? I only care about how much money I earn less, who will care about them."

   Old Tom grumbled and returned to his bar with a tray, looking very bad.

   "Don't worry about anything else." After Tom was gone, Fox put the money bag in his hand in the middle of the table.

   "There is 500 gallons in one of them, and the total amount given to you is 525 gallons. These are all my investment in you."

   Lin En weighed the purse. It was very light. It should have been cursed with some kind of charm. It was completely invisible from the outside that there were 500 gold coins in it.

   Fox continued: "The money is enough for you to graduate, of course, on the premise of not buying expensive things."

   Lynn put the purse back on the table. Although he didn't know much about Jin Jialong's specific purchasing power, he probably knew that 525 Jialong was a fortune.

   "I can't help my conscience just by taking money and not doing things. You can always tell me what you are studying now, right?"

   Talking about the things he researched, after Fox pondered for a moment, he became more solemn, and he looked at Lynn deeply.

   "I'm not afraid you know, many people in the magical world know what I'm studying."

   "It is a taboo for wizards and the pinnacle of magic. Wizards call it black magic."

   I don't know if it was an illusion or an impression. When Fox spoke of the black magic, Lynn felt that the air around him seemed to freeze.

  "It is not something related to black magic, but black magic itself.

  I can’t tell you more specific things for the time being, but I can assure you that my purpose of studying it is never to harm people, or Dumbledore would not want me to be a professor at Hogwarts. "

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   Although I had guessed it before, after hearing the magic that was called taboo by the wizard, Lynn still felt speechless for a while.

   Black magic is extremely powerful, and the three most unforgivable spells are the most powerful. These forbidden magic can directly deprive others of their lives, torturing people rather than death, and completely controlling one’s actions and thoughts.

   But these exaggerated effects are not what makes them called black magic.

   The real evil of these magics is that they can change the user's mind little by little invisibly.

   makes the black wizard unconsciously become irritable, irritable, weird, and even crazy.

   In the end, a person’s personality is completely changed, even the closest person can’t recognize it.

   is used a lot, it can make you not you, this is the scariest part of black magic.

   And Fox was so courageous to use taboos among wizards as the research target, which had to make Lynn praise him from the bottom of his heart.

   You are really fierce.

   "As for the black magic, you may not understand it for the time being. You don't know what this kind of magic is. I will leave enough time for you to understand it." Fox looked at Lynn seriously.

"After the Hogwarts school starts, if you regret it, you can come to me and return the 500 gallons to me, so that the transaction between us will be invalidated. As for the 25 gallons, it will be regarded as my personal support to you. After all, I think your kid is very temperamental to me."

  Although the name of black magic is very stinky, Lynn has no resistance to black magic research. Let alone his extremely high talents in black magic, it is a waste to leave it alone.

   It's just that black magic can affect a person's character, and whoever scores it.

   The most typical example is the infernal affairs between Hogwarts and the Death Eaters, Snape.

  Before they came to Dumbledore after the death of their lover, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is a serious black wizard, surrounded by the **** of the Dark Lord, and the backbone of the Death Eaters.

  Usually, black magic is used like drinking water and eating. Avada's eyes turned green when he was eating a big melon, and even when he was still at Hogwarts school, he created the powerful black magic of Shenfeng Wuying.

However, this is the one who you say that his heart is black, and there are people who doubt whether he has a heart or not. He can resist everyone's criticism, and he lurks by Voldemort's side with his hard work. The son who clearly hates the enemy hates him to death, and he can't. Not because he was also the son of his lover, he was taken extra care of, until he was bitten to death by a snake.

   I can only say that this is probably what Dumbledore said, the power of love.

  Although... Snape's brain is a bit convulsive sometimes, but in general he was not affected by the black magic, or even if it was affected, it did not change much.

   At this point of determination, Lynn has full confidence in himself.

   This kind of confidence is not blind. In any case, he is also a person who has truly experienced death.

   "I bought a lot of books about magic, and I will make my own judgment during the rest of the summer vacation."

   Lynn didn't directly make a promise, so it seemed that he was a little impatient and not stable enough.

   Fox nodded, then stood up.

   "Well, that's it for today. I'm glad to meet a student like you. See you at Hogwarts."

   Lynn also stood up.

   "I'm the same professor, thank you very much today."

   Hearing Lin's thanks, Fox's eyes narrowed into a slit.

   "No thanks, Mr. Belloc."

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