I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 114: 97: Ian's Secret

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   The night sky is clear.

  The full moon hangs high, and the soft brilliance is like that layer of tulle on the tender skin of a girl.

   Lynn prepared all the big and small bags, and left the castle before the curfew started, and walked in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

   The requirements for making the Animagus Transformation Potion are very demanding. Nowhere in Hogwarts except the Forbidden Forest can meet his requirements.

   is also not right, there is also a room that is responsive. That room can meet all of Lynn's needs, including the weather.

   But it was a magical creation after all. He was afraid that the natural environment simulated by magic would have some unknown effects on the deformed potion.

   If it is bad, then the fun will be great. In history, there are countless examples of Animagus becoming half-human and half-animal monsters because of his failure to deform and remind him not to be clever!

   Especially in this kind of magic that requires the right time and place.

   Instead of going deep into the forbidden forest, he walked around the forest and came to a place outside the forbidden forest that he had chosen before.

   The trees here are very large and dense, and it is summer, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, blocking the sky, and no sunlight can penetrate in during the day.

   Lynn first found a conspicuous tree that could be used as a sign with the shovel conjured by Transfiguration, and dug a hole about half a meter deep under the tree.

   Then he put down the shovel and walked under the moonlight with the potion material.

   aimed at the full moon in the sky, he took out the glass bottle, took out the Mandela leaf that had been pressed under his tongue for a full month, put it in the bottle, and then started...

   "hetui! hetui! hetui!..."

   kept spitting his saliva into the glass bottle.

   This is a disgusting and troublesome process. Not only must he be careful not to spit his sputum in, but he must also keep saliva from his mouth until it is enough to fill the glass bottle.

   At night, a boy is spitting into a bottle in the dark woods. This scene is very strange.

   When the amount of saliva was enough, he broke a piece of his own hair and put it in the glass bottle, then took a silver teaspoon of dew from another bottle and put it in.

This bottle of dew only came out of Snape’s office this afternoon, and he confirmed it again and again before he left. It was only sold by Snape. It was taken from the absence of sunlight and human contact for seven days. Dew from the place.

   Snape was so annoyed by him that he almost didn't want to let him go.

If he was injured in his leg a few days ago, Lynn was very shit, and for the sake of honoring him with the fresh spirit that Professor Sprout had rewarded him, Snape really didn’t want to leave this bottle of dew. give him.

   After all, the price is really not cheap.

   As for what caused Snape's leg to clean up, Lynn didn't ask much, but he could see that the wound had dog teeth marks, it was obviously bitten by some canine.

   Except for meeting Harry once in Diagon Alley, Lynn never actively contacted him.

   This is what he deliberately did, because only in this way can he accurately judge that the plot of the first grade will proceed according to the original, and the opportunity he waited for will come.

   After putting all the hair and dew into the bottle, the ingredients of the Transforming Potion were still the last thing.

   Lynn took out a moth pupa from his pocket. This is the pupa of the Grimace Moth. It comes from Snape's office. The price is more reasonable and the quality is guaranteed.

   After stuffing the pupa into the bottle, the bottle of deformation potion is finished.

   He used a cork stopper to stop the glass bottle, put it in the hole dug before, and finally filled the hole with a spade.

   Now he has done everything he can do, and the rest is up to God’s will.

   Until the next thunder and lightning storm comes, he can come back here, dig out the potion, and complete the final transformation.

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   After Lynn had packed everything, it was almost nine o'clock.

   He didn't take the remaining potion materials back to the dormitory on a special trip, but brought them directly to the willow that had agreed with Cedric and the others.

  Ian and Cedric came over as soon as he got there.

   Since they discovered the secret that Ian is a werewolf, they will come to accompany him every full moon in the future.

   is the place where a werewolf student used to be transformed into a screaming hut.

   They will chat there for a night, about Professor Hogwarts, various colleges, and the magical world or the Muggle world.

   However, Lynn and Cedric clearly noticed today that Ian doesn't seem to be in a good mood.

   When he walked through the secret road to the Screaming Shack, he never spoke.

  Although he rarely took the initiative to speak before, and his face was still cold, but after getting along for a long time, Lynn and the others could feel that it was wrong emotionally.

   Ian wanted to sit on the dilapidated wooden floor, leaning against the wooden wall, quietly waiting for the transformation to come.

   Lynn and Cedric looked at each other, both beckoning each other to speak first, asking what's going on.

   They made a rock-paper-scissors with their eyes, and finally Cedric was defeated, but before he could ask~www.novel35.com~ Ian spoke first.

   "I shouldn't be coming to Hogwarts this year."

   Lynn and Cedric looked at him in astonishment.


   "Because my last name is Campbell." He said softly.

   Cedric is unknown, because there is no such surname in the wizard’s pure-blood family.

   But Lynn frowned, thinking about something.

At the beginning, he felt that Ian’s surname was a bit familiar, but he didn’t think much about it. After this time, he specifically reminded him that his family background was not ordinary before the combination. Lynn finally remembered Campbell’s surname. The meaning of being represented in the UK.

   "Is it the Campbell of the Duke of Argyll?"

   "The current Duke of Argyll is my father, and I am his only heir and family heir."

   This is the first time they have known each other for more than a year, and Ian proactively mentioned his family affairs to them.

   His transformation has already begun. Silver-white hairs emerged from his body, his body and face began to grow, and he growled in pain, but he did not forget to tell Lynn their own story.

   "My father... he actually doesn't want to admit that I am his son..."

   Sweat soaked his hair, and he continued to talk, panting.

   "After I was born, he spent time with the women outside all day, he tried to give birth to a son, and then abandoned me..."

   Lynn and Cedric didn't say anything. They knew that Ian tonight just needed two listeners.

   The werewolf sat back on the wooden floor quietly, and said quietly.

   "Get rid of the monster that killed my mother as soon as I was born."


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