I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 116: 99: Soul Sealing and Forbidden Soul

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   One morning.

   The little girl ran over to tell Lynn what happened last night.

   "...they are simply being tricked around! If Filch is caught, Professor McGonagall will definitely expel them!"

   Lynn brought her a bowl of pumpkin juice and let her take a breath.

   "Tons, tons, tons..."

   Hermione gave a very bold meal, of course this is also because she did say what she had said all morning, and now she is really thirsty.

   "Don't worry." Lynn comforted, "Even if you were caught by Filch, Professor McGonagall will deduct Gryffindor points at best and won't expel you."

   "That won't work either!" Hermione said angrily.

   "They are really too much!"

"I know I know."

   Lynn is like comforting a cat with fried hair.

   "Then we will ignore them in the future. There are many students in Gryffindor. Whoever makes friends with is not a friend."

   Hermione muttered again.

"But they are too naughty, like a skin monkey every day, jumping up and down to deduct points for Gryffindor. I don't want to let you Slytherin win the Academy Cup when I am in Gryffindor this year. "

   Lynn spread his hands.

   "Then why did you even tell me about this? We are now competitors. My relationship with Professor McGonagall is pretty good. You are not afraid that I will go to Professor McGonagall to file a complaint?"

   The little girl said with her head held high.

   "Of course you won't! If Harry and they could all be like you, how could I worry about these things every day."

   Lynn messed up her hair and drove her away.

   "I think she is doing something wrong with you?" Cedric said suddenly.

   Lynn looked at him: "There is something wrong."

   "It's like...like Monnie was to Kurot at the time." He scratched his head and said.

   Lynn looked at him with false eyes.

   "What are you thinking about, we can only be regarded as a relationship between brother and sister next door, how can it be like Moni to Kurot."

  Moni is the current female prefect of Hufflepuff. She has a crush on the current male prefect of Ravenclaw for two years, and finally mustered up the courage to confess to being together this year.

   Cedric did not argue with Lynn.

   So what he was talking about was secret love. How could you, such a blunt guy who refused the confession of the senior sister, understand the little girl’s secret love.

   Lynn’s first class today is Professor Quirrell’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

This year’s defense class is really a stretch. The professor on the podium who has already taken refuge in Voldemort behaves like a clown. Every day in class, he just stammers and reads the textbook, and then he keeps explaining the piece on his head. The big scarf is a gift from an African prince to thank him for helping him and get rid of the entanglement of the resurrection zombies.

   He is like a joke, he does not have the demeanor of a Ravenclaw elite graduate student.

   Fortunately, Lynn was ready. He never thought about learning anything in this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

   So afterwards, he didn't even come up.

   He is very busy this semester, and there is no time wasted with Quirrell in the classroom.

   At this time, Lynn was looking for a ghost everywhere in the castle-Pepi ghost.

   "Have you seen Pippi? Mr. Cavalier."

   He was asking about the murals on the castle wall. The characters in these murals can travel in any frame of Hogwarts. They are the most savvy existence in Hogwarts, and they are also the eyeliner of the principal Dumbledore.

   The knight in the oil painting heard Lynn’s question and seemed very angry. He waved the spear in his hand.

"I don't know! How could I pay attention to that bad thing! He intended to draw a tortoise on my armor with an ink pen yesterday! Fortunately, Barrow, the blood man, frightened him away, otherwise a brave knight would be humiliated. NS!"

   Lynn has no choice but to ask about other murals one by one.

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   In the end, an old witch with a hooked nose told Lynn Pippi’s location.

"It's in the corridor near the kitchen entrance. It stole a basket of rotten eggs from the house elves, and plans to use it to attack the students who will be out of class for a while. If you want to find it, you'd better change your clothes. Preparation, because it is so bad."

   "Thank you for your reminder, mother-in-law."

   After Lynn got the position of Pepy Ghost, he rushed to the corridor of the kitchen entrance non-stop.

   Pippi ghost was hiding behind the corner, carrying a basket of rotten eggs, preparing to attack the little Hufflepuff wizard who was going back to the lounge after class for a while.

   It found Lynn first, and immediately threw a rotten egg at him with a look of excitement.

   "Look what I found! A little Slytherin wizard who skipped class! Do you want to taste rotten eggs if you don't go to class?"

   Lynn tilted his head slightly and avoided the rotten egg. He slowly drew out his wand with a smile on his face, not forgetting to say hello to Pippi.

   "Hello, Pippi."

   Pippi was not scared at all when he took out his wand, and made a face at Lynn. It is a ghost, and the magic of the little wizard cannot harm it.

   Just when Pippy reached out his hand for the next rotten egg, Lynn raised his wand.

   "Goodbye, Pippi."

   "Seal the soul and ban the soul."


   Harry and Ron got up late today.

   They fought with Filch in the castle last night, and were frightened by the three-headed dog on the fourth floor. They slept until ten o'clock in the morning.

   It's long before breakfast, and they are going to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"Really, Hermione is really annoying. She values ​​school rules and grades too much, and she likes to nag. She is not our mother, she still wants to control us every day, no wonder no one wants to play with her. "

   Ron grumbled while yawning. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

   Harry thought about it, then said.

   "It's not that no one wants to listen to her nagging. I met her with a little wizard from Hogwarts when I was in Diagon Alley. Their relationship seemed to be very good."

   Ron's eyes widened, his expression unbelievable.

   "It's really a warrior with him! Who is it? Is it from our academy?"

   Harry shook his head.

   "No, I remember he said he was a Slytherin student, in the second grade, and his name seemed to be Lynn Belllock. According to Hagrid, he was the best little wizard in his grade."

   Ron didn't care.

   "What about the best, the little wizards of Slytherin are bad guys like Malfoy."

   They were chatting, and suddenly they heard movement from the corner of the corridor.

   They lie down on the corner of the wall and look around, and they see Pippi throwing rotten eggs at a little wizard.

   "Hey! It's him, he's the Lynn I just mentioned." Harry recognized who the little wizard was.

   Ron looked expectant.

   "Let's take a look at what the best little wizard in this class would be teased by Pippi."

   But what happened in the next scene stunned them.

   "Seal the soul and ban the soul."

   I saw that bad guy from Slytherin raised his wand and cast a spell on Pipi Ghost that they had never seen before.

   Pipigui was turned into a ball in an instant!

   The little wizard named Lynn picked up the ball and squeezed the big ball into a small ball the size of a ping-pong ball.

   Pippi screamed so weakly, he was stuffed into a small glass bottle!


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