I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 180: 157: The chaotic Soviet magic world

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When Lynn was still at Hogwarts, he looked up the magical history of Su through the huge library in the school.

Said to be the history of magic, this is actually a history of slavery.

The history of the wizards of one nation enslaving the wizards of other nations.

Unlike the scattered sands of the early Western European wizards, in the 5th century AD, the Sloan wizards in northern Eastern Europe were linked together by ethnicity. However, because of their habits of life, they did not build wizard towns or gather to live together. Instead, they divided their territories, built castles and manors, and occupied this area.

When the place is big, people need to take care of it. The various herbs that are grown and the various magical animals that are raised are not those that can be taken care of by Muggles or house elves. The wizards of the same ethnic group are too familiar with them, but they are really handy. What should I do if this is not enough?

Then go catch the wizard of the foreign race.

They chose to use force from the beginning, just like the beginning of the tribe to capture slaves, and the conquest and war began.

There are more wizards of the Slow people and they use stronger magic. Between the 6th and 8th centuries, they hunted a large number of minority wizards and brought them to their castles and manors as slaves.

These ethnic minorities include Chur, Lunke, Machen, Litwen and Boyk, etc. Among them, the Chur have the largest number.

Although they belonged to an adult race of the Europa race, there was no such saying at the time. In order to domesticate these foreign wizards, the manor and castle lords even tried to turn them into humanoid house elves. Be their slaves.

There was oppression and resistance, and the pressure caused a violent backlash from the slaves.

In the Middle Ages, slaves killed their masters every once in a while.

Similarly, there were also well-intentioned Slow wizards at that time. They did not enslave minority wizards, but signed treaties similar to workers and employers with them, hired them to work and provided them with food, lodging and wages. , The relationship is harmonious and even close to the family.

They fell in love and killed each other for nearly a thousand years. In modern times, they first established the Goose Kingdom Magic Federation. In the beginning, it was a slavery federation. Except for the Slow wizards who had real citizenship, the wizards of other races were slaves. The establishment of this federation was very short, less than two years, and was subsequently overthrown.

After that, the wizards living in this land tried various systems, but they couldn't maintain it for a long time. After the founding of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Magic Committee, which relied on the Muggle government, was formally established.

The wizards of the ethnic minorities and the wizards of the Slo tribe were given equal rights in name, but only in name, just as blacks and whites in the mold country are equal in name.

It can be seen from the distribution of political power that among the members of the committee’s resolutions, wizards from ethnic minorities only occupy 20% of the seats, and sometimes even 10%.

Within the wizards, because of the superiority of the Slo wizards, this discrimination is everywhere.

When the committee was first established, the country was fairly stable because minority wizards received some nominally equal treatment.

The prestige of the Soviet Magic Committee in the magical world is second only to the new powers of the mold country magic parliament and the veteran power of the British Ministry of Magic.

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But with the passage of time, more and more ethnic minority wizards are no longer satisfied with nominal equality. They actively operate to achieve true equality, and the Slo wizards are also not satisfied that the former slaves are still in harmony with each other. They enjoy equal status, and contradictions arise again and intensify.

Finally, two years ago, the Soviet Magic Committee passed a resolution to reform ethnic issues. It wanted to improve the status of some ethnic minority wizards, and to alleviate domestic contradictions by dividing ethnic minorities.

But what they chose was to win over a small group and fight the majority. The status of the Chuer, the largest minority among the ethnic minorities, remained unchanged, and the rights promised to a small number of discriminated wizards have yet to be fulfilled.

So, of course, the chaos in the magic world of Su Kingdom began.

There have been riots among the wizards of ethnic minorities in various places. Some of them expressed that they wanted to separate from the Magic Committee and set up their own wizarding regime, while others expressed that they wanted to clean up the Slow people occupying high-level leadership positions and make the committee truly become a Soviet wizard. Own committee.

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It is the latter that the Aurors are searching for the chaos on Clin Street.

They really launched the assassination operation, but obviously the operation failed. The chairman of the committee equivalent to the Minister of Magic is still alive. Only one of the many Slow committee members was slightly injured. The assassination was like a farce. It's over.

But the wizards of the Soviet Union could see that this was just the beginning, and the real storm had not yet come.

Lynn pushed the empty cup in front of the bearded boss, and he refilled Lynn with ice water.

"The director of the Auror Bureau of the Magic and Law Enforcement Department is now on this street. He is a famous cold-blooded warrior. From yesterday to now, no chaos party has been caught, because all of them are in the process of being arrested. They were executed on the spot. The committee temporarily granted the Aurors the right to legally use the three unforgivable curses. As far as I know, they killed at least five people today."

Such chaos in the magical world of Su Kingdom is not a good thing for Lynn, which means that the danger of his journey will greatly increase.

After getting a rough idea of ​​what's going on here~www.novel35.com~ Lynn didn't intend to continue wasting time here, he asked.

"I heard that there is an iron axe hotel here, but I just wandered around the street, why didn't I find it?"

"Iron Axe Hotel? Yesterday the Aurors found a chaotic party from that hotel, and the hotel was sealed up. Poor old Joseph, I don't know if he can get out of prison in this life."

Lin couldn't help frowning. The person he was looking for lived in this hotel. Now that the hotel is closed, where else can he go to find someone?

After drinking the ice water in the glass, he walked out of the bar.

Looking at the address in his hand, Lynn decided to temporarily abandon the handling of the vault handover and go to the contact person of the Magic Committee that Dumbledore provided him.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave Klin Street, the corner of his eye suddenly glanced at a familiar figure.

Coincidentally, it was Yelena Shayk, the witch of the Soviet kingdom he had just prepared to give up looking for.

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