I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 186: 163: Hunt down

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Lynn would disguise Magnus himself, he didn't need to use compound decoction to transform himself, but he still found another hair and took a sip of it pretendingly.

Yelena's luck was good, she didn't become anything like a man or a woman. After drinking the compound decoction, she became a tall woman.

Lynn also used Yirong Magnus to turn himself into the image of a sturdy Soviet man.

After they finished disguising, Lynn opened the window of the room.

"Can you climb down?"

Although the second floor is not high, there are too few things that can be used for climbing. It is really not easy for ordinary people without training to climb down from the window.

Yelena, without a word, was as sensitive as a cat, crawling from the second floor to the downstairs in the blink of an eye.

However, when she just wanted to turn her head and give Linn upstairs a provocative look, she heard a "bang!" behind her, and Linn who jumped directly from the second floor stood up straight and slapped her hands. The presence of dust.

"Your skill is not bad, then we move faster, I'm in a hurry."

Yelena quickly followed his steps, she couldn't hold back before leaving here, and she glanced at the height of the second floor of the hotel with a weird expression.

Is this really a person?


"Sir, that's the call I made." The innkeeper bowed his head and said to the police officer in front of him. "I saw the wanted news on TV. At first I felt familiar, but then I remembered that it was the two of them... ."

The Soviet policeman interrupted him impatiently: "Where are they now?"

"The innermost room on the second floor has been in for two hours, but it hasn't come out."

The policeman turned his head and motioned to the three weird people in black robes behind him. They didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the second floor.

The innkeeper looked at the three black-robed men inexplicably frustrated, he swallowed, and boldly asked the policeman who had not stayed downstairs with him.

"Sir, are they the police?"

The Soviet policeman lighted himself a cigarette, took a deep breath and said, "Don't ask me if you shouldn't ask."

"Yes Yes Yes..."

As Yelena said, Ivanov really personally brought two Aurors to hunt them down.

The three people's footsteps were unusually soft, and there was no movement at all. They stood on both sides of the concierge, and each took out their own magic wands.

Ivanov stretched out three fingers, and he put one away every two seconds. When his hand was completely closed into a fist, the next moment, one of the Aurors chanted a spell.

"Thunderbolt exploded!"

They didn't mean to open the door with a lock-opening curse, and directly blasted the door to pieces with an explosive curse. Then Ivanov and another Auror rushed in as the door broke.

However, the room was empty, except for **** toys on the floor to prove that someone had been here, not even a single piece of hair was left.

Ivanov walked to the opened window and glanced down, and said to one of the Aurors indifferently.

"How long will Shayk's magic traces be extracted?"

The Auror bowed his head respectfully and replied: "She left too few traces of magic power. The technical department said that it will take two more days."

"Let them finish it in a day, or go to Siberia to accompany the dementors."

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At this time, many residents outside were alarmed by the explosion, and they poked their heads out of their rooms curiously.

Ivanov turned and walked downstairs: "Dispose of their memories."

The two Aurors took their magic wands, gathered the ignorant Muggles, and prepared to use the Forgetting Curse on them.

The innkeeper looked at Ivanov, who had walked downstairs, and asked with a panic expression on his face.

"What did you do to my house? The compensation for repairs should not be included in the reported bonus, right? I..."

Ivanov did not answer his question, but stared at him with straight eyes and chanted the spell.

"Patient mind."

The innkeeper's voice stopped abruptly, and he stared blankly at Ivanov's eyes, as if he was stunned.

After reading all the memories of Shayk and the black-robed man in the Muggle's mind, Ivanov ended his mindfulness towards the innkeeper.

No useful clues were found, which made him very irritable. He waved his wand and pointed it at the innkeeper and the policeman who led the way.

"Forget it all."


"So is this little ball in your hand your pet?"

On the way to the library that Yelena was talking about, Tom started to make noise again, and he asked Lynn to take him out of his pocket and let him breathe fresh air.

Lynn did not deny this: "Of course you can think so. He is still young. I brought him to educate him to have normal values."

"Hey, hey, how can it be! Of course not! I am not a pet, I am Tom Riddle."

Yelena complained silently in her heart that even your profit-only values ​​still want to educate others.

Lynn asked Tom again for three chapters. He would not force him to sleep with a spell casually, but at the same time Tom couldn't talk casually. He could only speak if Lynn allowed it.

After leaving the hotel, Yelena took Lynn to a lively residential area~www.novel35.com~ It was very close to the hotel, and they only walked for about 20 minutes.

Lynn looked at her with a weird face: "Don't tell me, the hotel I just found is just close to the magic library you know."

"Of course not," Yelena explained, "I don't know the exact location of that library, because there are many entrances in Musko, and there happened to be a door to enter it recently."

She took Lynn to a remote corner behind the residential area. There was an old-fashioned wooden house, which seemed to be in disrepair and incompatible with the surrounding modern buildings, but it was not demolished.

Yelena stretched out her hand to Lynn: "Lend me your magic wand."

Her wand was confiscated by the Auror when she was on Clin Street, so now she needs to borrow Lynn's wand.

Lynn didn't hesitate, and handed the wand into her hand. It was not how much he trusted the woman, but whether he had a wand or not was the same for him.

But Yelena didn’t know this. She thought it would take some words to convince Lynn to trust herself. Unexpectedly, he didn’t even hesitate and gave the wand to herself. This made Yelena’s impression of Lynn. A lot has changed.

She took Lynn's wand, pointed it at the wooden house, and recited a spell that Lynn could not understand.

The wooden door immediately gave Lynn a wonderful feeling. It was clearly right in front of him, but it gave people the illusion that you would never touch it.

Yelena returned the wand to Lynn after chanting the spell, then she pushed open the door and led Lynn into this ancient library.

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