I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 189: 166: Rainy night

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"Edit! Continue to edit!" Lynn sneered at Yelena and motioned for her to continue her performance.

Yelena saw that Lynn was really unbelieving, she took a deep breath, and explained with shame.

"My magical talent is very average. When I was studying Apparition at the Kordos Doryz Magic Academy, I almost died because of the split. So afterwards, I have a shadow of the magic of Apparition."

Lynn still doesn’t believe what she said. Although the magic world is not under pressure for employment, it is not easy to work in an official organization like the Ministry of Magic. In the UK, if you want to become a civil servant in the magic world, the minimum requirement is also To pass the fifth grade OWLs Wizarding Exam at Hogwarts.

In places like Su Guo, Yelena is not an ordinary staff member, she has the position of director, so her grades in school must not be low. Such a person said that she would not apparate, and Lynn would certainly not believe it.

Just when Yelena looked at Lynn and didn't believe it, she gritted her teeth and prepared to get off here and leave by herself.

The originally bright night sky suddenly darkened.

The tossing dark clouds covered the entire night sky, the temperature gradually became sultry, the air began to become humid, and a heavy rain seemed to start at any time.

Lynn also got up and stood on the side of the highway with Yelena.

He frowned, obviously feeling something was wrong with the heavy rain.

"Moscow's weather is normal, so it changes when it changes?"

Yelena looked at the dense dark clouds in the sky, her lips faintly pale, she stared at the dark sky closely.

"It's Granny Kusazina, she is leading the wizards of the Magic Research Department to use large-scale celestial magic!"

Lynn stared at the sky in shock.

"Can there be such bugs? Is she going to slaughter the city?"

Yelena shook her head and said: "It's not as exaggerated as you think. They can only arouse the sky, let the sky rain, and then attach magic to the rain for detection, but there is no way to have any lethality."

Even so, it’s already very exaggerated. Even though he has studied dark magic and various spell-transfigurations so deeply, Lynn’s magic in the world of Harry Potter still stays on the two sides. The wizard holds the magic wand "biubiubiu". The impression of inter-fire lasers.

Even the most exaggerated thing in the Fantastic Animals movie is just a magic spell blasting a mountain, who would have thought that the wizard of the Kingdom of Su could change the celestial phenomenon with magic!

"No, Granny Kusazina won't be on their side, no..." Yelena murmured to herself with trembling lips and pale face.

Lynn tilted his head and looked at her, wondering why she was so scared.

"You just said that this magic is to be detected by rain, so you can just hide in the car, what are you afraid of?"

"It's not that simple. It doesn't mean that you can keep the rain out..." When Yelena wanted to explain to Lynn, the sky had already started to rain.

The raindrops were so big that they hit the concrete pavement "click", very loud.

Lynn's whole body was tense at this time, and he first cast an iron armor curse on himself, preparing to deal with the next battle.

He didn't show how worried he was. Anyway, he already got a lot of benefits. Even if he really couldn't beat him in the end, he would summon Fox over and run with Yelena.

Of course, he must be paid afterwards, and the magic notes left in that library are not bad, enough for her second life.

The cold rain fell on Yelena's body, her hands tightly hugging her arms, her body trembled first, then all the anxiety and sadness on her face disappeared, and she was filled with surprises instead.

Lynn raised her eyebrows and glanced at Yelena, who looked like a face change in Peking Opera: "What's the matter? I was scared and stupid?"

Yelena didn't argue with him, her expression became a lot more solemn. She was silent for a long time. The heavy rain wetted her wizard robe, and the soaked robe clung to her body, showing off her bumpy figure.

But unfortunately the only man present didn't have any interest in this. Lynn didn't want to accompany her stupidly outside in the rain. He opened the car door and hid in the car.

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It didn't take long before Ivanov waited, and Yelena, who was soaked, sat back in the car.

"Mother-in-law Kusazina didn't betray me. She told me something through the rain and asked me to leave Mosco. She lied that she didn't find me."

Lynn raised his eyebrows.

"Then you are not hurrying to leave? Why sit back? Conscience finds that it is willing to come back to be my bait again?"

Yelena looked at him seriously.

"Do you really want to kill Ivanov?"

"Nonsense, or else I will live with you here?"

"He is the head of the Soviet Auror Bureau. The entire Soviet armed forces are under his control. He is not so easy to kill if he can sit in this position at such a young age."

"If you don't try, you know you can't kill it." Lynn took out his wand and stretched it out of the car window soaked in the rain. Then he picked up a towel and carefully wiped it clean.

Yelena stared at him.

"I know the reason why you are so confident, you must have your own confidence, so I have a way."

"Just say it if you have any way."

"You can become me. Through this rain, Granny Kusazina will tell Ivanov where I am. After an attack, the Magic Committee will arrange most of the Aurors to guard the headquarters. Ivanov will not Bring too many people over, so you can take this opportunity to try and kill him."

Lynn considered her plan carefully, then turned to look at her again.

"The life you owed me has been paid, so what do you want to help me like this?"

"If you can kill him, that's what I think. If you can't kill him, I believe you can get out..." Yelena pursed her lips, UU reading www.uukānshu.com continued, "We can still be together Go, you use Apparition to send me out of State Su, no, it’s the country called the Goose State in Muggles."

Lynn blinked and said straightforwardly: "You think too much, but I don't actually apparate."


So what was she ashamed of before!

"You didn't get good grades when you were in school?".

"On the contrary, I have always been the oldest, just because of some other reasons." Lynn didn't tell her that it was not just because she hadn't learned yet. "But I can agree to leave this together, if I can't kill this time. He, then we can drive away from Suzhou."

He patted the steering wheel in his hands.

"Just according to the plan you said, I became you, you let your undercover tell the coward what to do, I'll wait for him here, you drive along this highway all the way forward, waiting for me ten kilometers away , If I kill him, I will find you to share this good news, if not, we will continue to flee together."

Yelena stared straight at Lynn.

"What if you die?"

Lynn, holding the wand like a sharp sword, walked into the rain curtain from the car.

Voldemort fell into his hands. Lynn didn't think he would be planted here at all. The wind blew his robe, he turned his wand around his fingertips, and said casually.

"Then please wait until next year today to put a flower in front of my grave."

The monthly ticket owes two chapters to five hundred, and a master owes one chapter for a reward of 10,000 points, and owes a total of three chapters for renewal. Well, I just have time every day to see if I can pay it all back.

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