I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 200: 177: betray

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The reason why Lynn avoids people's practice every day is because when the modified Animagus is deforming, there is no way to maintain his current state of disguise.

In other words, when Lynn uses Modified Animagus, he will become what he is.

In the notes, the original idea of ​​Animagus' improvement was to transform the originally integrated and directly deformed Animagus into limbs and deform them one by one.

To be simpler means to change from the whole body to each body part one by one.

After getting the limb deformation effect you want, you must stop the deformation to achieve most of the human body shape, and a small part of the body becomes an animal shape. You can use wands and spells, and the body also gains an enhanced mixed state of animal advantages.

In the beginning, before the experimental wizards found that Disguise Magnus was also a necessary condition, all the reasons for their failure were that the wizards became half-human and half-animal and they couldn't go back.

Because their form is not the real Animagus, the magical force did not remember this form, resulting in deformation and stereotypes, and unable to return to human form.

This caused the consciousness of that part of the beasts after the transformation to slowly erode the consciousness of human beings, and finally turned them into monsters completely.

However, because of the higher plasticity and flexibility of the body, Yirong Magnus will make this half-human and half animal shape unable to be permanently shaped. The Animagus can only complete half of the transformation in a similar manner to Yirong. The body is stopped, which is why you must be able to dissolve Magnus if you want to learn to improve Animagus.

The difficulty of Linn's practice now is that although he has mastered the skills of gradually performing Animagus, he cannot change the deformation of the corresponding limbs after becoming a crow.

Normally changing from a human to a crow, the corresponding position of the wings should be the arms, but Lynn still needs to use his hands to cast spells, besides, flying with his arms is really low.

The first wizard who successfully learned to reform Animagus set a good example for Lynn.

His Animagus form is a pigeon, which happens to be a flying bird just like Lynn. In order to avoid this situation, he changed the limbs that deformed wings from his arms to the back ribs.

The wings change from behind and finally adapt to the size of the human body.

It is said that the wizard wanted to go to the church to fool the bishops and make them think that the angel had really come, but unfortunately because he was so ugly, he didn't cheat in the end...

Like him, Lynn can change the deformed parts of his limbs to achieve the purpose of both wings and arms.

However, if you want to change the order of transformation, you need to be very familiar with Animagus's control. It has only been less than half a year since Lynn learned it, and he needs more practice to reach this point.

This kind of practice won't take long. After all, a normal Animagus wizard would want to do this kind of thing.

Just like Professor McGonagall, would she just want to turn her ears into cat ears?

But as long as you have this idea, so much practice is not very difficult.

Lynn practiced alone in the backyard all morning, and Ruslan has not yet returned.

Just as he stretched his waist and was about to return to the house to inform Yelena that it was time to cook lunch, he saw a strange scene through the backyard window.

That was Anrina's room. The little girl seemed to be too lazy to move while lying on the bed reading a storybook. She stretched out a hand to the apple on the desk, and the apple flew into her hand by herself.

She hugged the apple and looked around carefully before gnawing on it. After making sure that there was no one, she bit down with satisfaction.

Lynn watched this scene silently, and walked into the room without speaking.

"What do you eat at noon?" Lynn asked, looking at Yelena, who was busy in the kitchen.

"Steak, by the way, see if Ruslan is back."

Lin En just wanted to say that he hadn't, when the sound of a car engine rang out, he shrugged, "It looks like he's back."

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After the car stopped, Ruslan walked in from outside the house, took off his coat and hat and put them on the hanger, then said to Yelena and Lynn.

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"Everything goes well. I have handed over the photos you washed out to my friend, and the documents will be available tomorrow."

"Thanks for your hard work." Yelena walked out of the kitchen with the two plates of steak that had just been made, and Lynn also helped to bring out the remaining two plates.

Ruslan moved a chair and sat down: "Don't be polite with me, I haven't tasted your craft for a long time, I hope it hasn't regressed."

"It doesn't matter if it's good or not, this is the only thing left."

Yelena helped to wrap Anruina's napkin, Ruslan had already tasted a piece, and he admired while chewing on the beef.

"It's great. Instead, your craftsmanship has improved. I don't know if that man is going to be cheaper in the future."

"I don't have time to think about this."

"You are not young anymore, you should also consider it."

"Did you send photos to your friends just now?"

"No, I went to report to the committee that Yelena is with me."


Yelena's action of stuffing the steak into her mouth stopped, and she looked at Ruslan, whose eyes became dull when Lynn asked a question, with a look of astonishment.

"Ruslan, what are you talking about!"

Ruslan said again as if she had lost her soul.

"I went to report you."

Yelena looked at Lynn with an incredible expression.

Lynn held out three fingers to him blankly.

"Veritaserum, you only need three drops, and you can know everything you can talk about."

Yelena's face became extremely pale, her lips trembling, her voice seemed to become dry.

"How did you know?"

"I don't know ~www.novel35.com~ I just found out that he lied to me, so I have a guess. It is not a waste to use three drops of Veritaserum to correct this guess."

Suddenly, the dining table became numerous.

Anrina held up her fork, looked at Ruslan and then at them, and asked incomprehensibly: "What's wrong with Dad?"

Lynn swallowed the steak on his plate in a couple of bites, then got up and greeted Anrina.

"Anrina will have lunch later, let your father and Aunt Yelena chat for a while, and my uncle will teach you how to become magic."

Anrina asked Lynn to fool out of the living room, leaving them a separate room for questioning.

"I suggest you better hurry up. We don't have much time. He doesn't know when the report will be reported, and the Auror from the country of Su doesn't know when he will come over."

Before leaving, Lin told Yelena, Yelena nodded stiffly.

"I see."

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