I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 218: speed electric fan

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"Gifts, gifts, gifts?"

Early in the morning, Xiao Mu had just returned from Hermione's house and saw Lynn, so he grabbed the corner of his clothes and kept talking, like a repeater.

Lynn pushed her forehead so that her hand couldn't hold herself, and then said with the other hand groping in the pocket.

"I didn't forget, of course I brought you a gift."

He took out a candy box and handed it to Xiao Mu. Xiao Mu suddenly took it with a look of excitement. He held it in his hand and shook it. It was obvious that the sound of candy shaking could be heard inside.

"Thank you Lynn!" She thanked suddenly.

Lynn smiled and stroked her head: "No thanks, go and take a look at it. I will check your math homework later."

The little girl took the candy box off the sofa where she ran happily.

But Lynn sent one away, and another was waiting for him.

"Where's mine? Where's mine?" Hermione leaned over to Lynn.

Lynn fumbled in his pocket again, selected for a long time, and finally found a magic notebook.

"This is an orphaned magic book I found for you in the country of Su."

Hermione immediately took it with joy. This magic book looked very old and obviously precious.

The magic notebook is actually one of the magic books that Lynn unearthed from the magic library that Yelena took him to.

The content is about the configuration and improvement of the potion. From Linn's critical eyes, he thinks this notebook is very useful.

He has been in Su Country for so many days in a hurry, and there is no time to choose a gift for Xiaoying Hermione, but it is okay to take a few things as a gift.

"Are things going well for you over there?" Hermione didn't know what Lynn was doing, and she didn't ask more.

"It's going well, I can finally have a few days of free time after coming back this time." Lynn yawned and leaned back in the chair relaxedly.

"Then when shall we go to Diagon Alley? I read this year's textbook list. The newly hired Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Dumbledore, turned out to be Mr. Lockhart! He is amazing!"

Hermione said to Lynn excitedly.

Lynn knew about Lockhart’s admiration last semester. Hermione saw Lockhart’s adventures in the book she bought. From then on, she had a longing for the image of a professional adventurer depicted in the book. .

I have to say that although Lockhart is a liar, his novels are really good. Lynn also read some of his adventure autobiography on the recommendation of Hermione. He did not know that he was a scammer. It's fascinating to watch. If he travels to Lynn's time, he will definitely be a big hit as a net writer.

So if you don't be a good writer, why should you be a scammer?

"His books are not cheap. A family like Weasley needs a lot of determination to buy a set for each of their children."

Lockhart's approach is typical of cheating money. His autobiography looks good as a storybook, and it does have some practical knowledge of defense against the dark arts, but it is not suitable for use as a textbook.

He obviously wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of being a professor to get a name and profit, and this hypocritical face was a bit disgusting.

Just as Lynn was chatting with Hermione at the dining table, a small buried scream suddenly came from the sofa!

Hermione hurriedly stood up in a panic and went over to see what happened, while Lynn followed her unhurriedly.

There was still a half-opened candy box on the coffee table, but the little buried man hid behind the sofa, only daring to look at them with a pair of eyes.

Seeing Lynn approaching, she shouted angrily with watery eyes.

"Lynn is a lie! There is no candy in the box at all! It's a cockroach! You bully the kid!"

Hermione stopped when she heard her steps forward, and stared at Lynn with Xiao buried.

Lynn watched them spread their hands, walked directly to the coffee table, and picked up a pile of cockroaches from the box in front of them.

"This is actually not a cockroach, but an edible candy."

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He said that in order to prove it, he himself ate one.

There was a lot of honey in the cockroach pile, and Lynn ate one of them in one bite. The corners of his mouth couldn't stop, and some flowed out.

Hermione shuddered instantly when she saw this scene, and took a big step back, looking at him with a disgusting look from a distance.

Lynn wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, and took another cockroach leg out of the box.

"Don't plan to taste it? It tastes really good."

Hermione shook her head as fast as a five-speed electric fan.

Lynn said regretfully.

"Your receptive ability is still too bad, not to mention this kind of sugar that is just like a cockroach, I have seen people eat it even if it is a real cockroach."

Listening to Lynn saying this, Hermione couldn't help but feel a chill.

"That's disgusting."

On the contrary, Xiao buried seemed to be out of intuition of food, she realized that Lynn's enjoyment expression was not pretending.

"Really, is it really delicious?"

She walked out from behind the sofa, looking at Lynn with some timidity and expectation.

Lynn broke off a cockroach leg for her.

"Of course it's delicious, you can try it first with a leg."

Xiao Mai took the cockroach leg from Lynn, put it in her mouth and took a bite, and her eyes lit up.

"It's really delicious!"

She took a whole one out of the box and bit it down. Only half of the cockroach's body could be bitten off. Xiao Bui had a look of enjoyment and recommended to Hermione holding the "cockroach corpse" whose other half was still pouring honey.

"Sister Hermione, won't you try it? Lynn is not deceiving, it's really delicious!"

Seeing the cockroach corpse that kept popping out of unknown yellow liquid, Hermione took a big step back and shook her head again like a five-speed electric fan.

"I decided to eat normal food."

Lynn sighed and shook his head and said, "Then you missed a great delicacy."

He finished eating the one in his hand, and when he was about to take another one from the box, Xiao Mu snatched it before him and resealed the box.

"You gave this to me, I can't let you finish it all!"

She is like a dog who protects food~www.novel35.com~ He hugs the candy box and prepares to hide in her room.

"Don't hide under the bed, be careful one day a real cockroach crawls in."

Lynn warned behind her.

Xiao Bui's footsteps stopped suddenly, and it was obvious that Lynn had just guessed what she was thinking.

The little girl hesitated for a while, and finally put the box of cockroaches in the refrigerator, and tried to pretend to warn her like Lynn usually warned her.

"You are not allowed to steal it."

Lynn curled his lips: "I'm not you."

Today, Belloc’s house was a rare excitement, and Hermione stayed here for a whole day and didn’t go back. She ate lunch and dinner here.

When Lynn was enjoying the leisure time at home, he did not forget Dumbledore’s business for asking him for help. In the afternoon, he asked the Owl to send a letter to Harry’s aunt’s house, and unilaterally agreed with them that he would be the next morning. pay a visit to.

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