I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 221: ~: )

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Harry had never felt the feeling that the Dursleys had for him in Lynn's mouth.

He was very satisfied to be able to escape from that place like a prison.

"Then where do I live? Hogwarts?" Harry said eagerly.

As long as he doesn't stay here, he can go anywhere.

"No, Professor Dumbledore has arranged another place for you. Don't worry you will like it there."

Lynn looked at the other address in his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.


There was a sound like a whip lashing, and Kira bowed and appeared in front of Lynn.

"This is Kira, my house elf, and this is Harry Potter."

He introduced the two to each other.

"Hello Mr. Potter, the little master mentioned you at home." Kira is neither humble nor overbearing to anyone other than Lynn. He has served Grindelwald for a while, and he doesn't care much about Harry's name.

"Hello, Kira."

Harry was a little surprised anyway, he turned to ask Lynn after he had finished greeting Kyra.

"Lynn, aren't you from a Muggle family? Why are there elves in the house?"

"I grew up in a Muggle orphanage, and I didn’t know that my parents were also two wizards until Kira found me." Lynn just briefly explained, and pointed to a location on the map. Said.

"Let's get here first."

The burrow where the Weasleys lived is located in the village of Ottery-St. Catchpole, Devon. Not only the Weasleys, a pure-blooded family, but also the Lovegoods and Fawcetts lived here. A family of wizards.

The Diggory's family, the Cedric's family, also lived nearby, but it was a few miles away from this Muggle village.

Lynn thought that after sending Harry to Weasley's house, he could still go to Cedric's house as a guest.

During Lynn’s absence in the UK, he wrote a lot of letters to Lynn. Most of them complained about why he and Ian didn’t reply to his letter. He was bored at home and was in a daze with slugs every day. Wait a minute.

Kira took Lynn and Harry Apparition together, and came to a certain place in Devonshire, probably some distance away from the Burrow.

"We are going to Ron's house!" Harry knew where Devon was, and in his mind only Ron had mentioned this place to him and told him that their family lived here.

Lynn did not deny: "Yes, the Weasleys are willing to adopt you, but you also know their financial situation. It is already very difficult to raise so many children. If you have more than one, you will be even more vulnerable, so Professor Dumbledore To this end, they paid them a sum of support, and in the future, you can buy school supplies at Hogwarts with your own money as much as possible."

"Of course I will." Harry was very excited. "Actually, I don't need Professor Dumbledore to pay for that support. I can take it myself. My parents left me a lot of money."

"I know you are very rich, but try not to show this kind of thing in Weasley's house." Lynn taught Harry some basics of life.

The child had never been well-bred in Dursley's family and had not been skewed, which proved that his nature was indeed not bad, and Lynn didn't mind teaching him something.

"Why?" Harry asked puzzledly, "They are willing to help me, shouldn't I help them with my own money?"

"Do you still want to be friends with Ron in the future?"

"Of course."

"Then when you were at the Weasleys, treat yourself like them, and forget the fortune that your parents left you in Gringotts." Not far from the Burrow, Lynn slowed down and patiently Explained to Harry.

"You will all live under the same roof in the future. You are willing to help them with your own money, which is of course a good thing. But this shows that you are different from theirs, Harry, and Ron will feel The gap between him and you, the Weasleys may feel that you are giving them alms, and others such as George Fred will also feel uncomfortable. In this way, your relationship will become a little more delicate. I think you certainly don’t want the place where you live in the future will become like this, do you?"

Harry listened as if understanding, he could understand that what Lynn said was for his own good, and it was all right. But at his age, he still doesn't understand why this is, or the complexity of human nature.

"Then I will not use the money my parents left me except for my own school supplies in the future?"

"This kind of thing is not absolute. If you want to help the Weasleys, you can help in a subtle way. For example, you can carefully observe what they need most and want, and give each of them a copy at Christmas. Appropriate gifts. Remember that gifts must not be too expensive. For example, when the new semester starts, you can give the Weasley little sister a new dress. The reason is that it is your first meeting as a brother."

Harry listened very carefully, so he almost took a small notebook and wrote down all what Lynn said.

The image of Lynn in his heart became very tall. He had seen all of Lynn’s deeds in the last semester. Especially after he caught Voldemort at the end of the semester, he already admired him very much. Now Lynn has He took it from Dursley's house and taught him these things, which made Harry a lot closer to Lynn.

So, Harry didn’t conceal it. He had been worried about it since earlier, because Dobby used magic, but the Ministry of Magic told Lynn about the fact that it was blamed on him. He worriedly asked if he would be affected. Hogwarts fired.

Lynn looked up and thought for a while.

"Actually, it is very simple to solve this matter. You live at Weasley’s and are willing to help them. Don’t be embarrassed to speak to the Weasleys when you need it. I remember Ron’s father was an official of the Ministry of Magic. ?"

Harry chick nodded like a peck.

"He works in the Ministry of Magic, but I don't know the specific position."

"You can take this warning letter to Mr. Weasley and tell him the whole story. If magic is used by you, take you to the Ministry of Magic and check the wand to find out. He will take you to prove your innocence. Yes. And this is a mistake of the Ministry of Magic. You can even ask them to compensate you for your mental damage, or threaten them to write to the Daily Prophet to report the scandal."

Lynn smirked.

"The Daily Prophet has a reporter named Rita Skeeter. Just write to her. I think she will be very excited and happy to help you with this matter."

In just one morning, Harry developed an extraordinary sense of trust in Lynn.

Because no one had taught him this, even though they were only one year apart in age, Harry felt that Lynn seemed to know everything.

"By the way, Harry." Lynn stopped suddenly.

Harry was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

Lynn fumbled in his pocket, and finally took out two gift boxes, and he handed them to Harry.

"Happy birthday to you Harry, this is my birthday present from you, and the other is from Hermione. She asked me to apologize for not being able to come to you in person."

Harry took the two gift boxes from Lynn in a daze, tears in his eyes.

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"Thank you Lynn." He twitched his nose and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "This is the second and third birthday gift I have received in my life. Thank you for remembering me. Birthday."

Lynn patted him on the shoulder: "Why are you crying? Your life will be better in the future. I am very talented in prophecy. Believe me."

Although the Grindelwald family is the same, Lynn has not inherited any of Gellert's prophecy talent. His initial value of prophecy talent is zero, which means that even points can't be added.

I said this entirely because Lynn had read the original and added his judgment on the future.

Harry is not really a relative in the magical world. He also has a **** dog godfather squatting in Azkaban. After Sirius is overturned and Voldemort is not threatening, Harry's future life Of course, the better.

"Can I take them apart and have a look?" Harry asked.


Lynn gave Harry a golden ball with wings. This is a model of the golden snitch in Quidditch. Not surprisingly, Hermione gave him a book on how to take care of her flying into the sky. Reference book for broom.

He sincerely thanked: "I like things very much, thank you very much."

Lynn helped him push another luggage cart and led the way.

"Well, don't ditch it, I guess the Weasleys are already waiting for us."

They soon found the burrow where the Weasley family lived.

Obviously, a Muggle expulsion curse has been applied here, and except for the wizard, no one else would notice this extremely unreasonable building.

The Burrow is a slanted, about four-story building. Normal buildings will never be built like this. You can see that it was built by magic.

There is a large garden outside the slanting building, with trees coiled around the roots of the wall, overgrown weeds and overgrown turf, and a pond in the middle.

There is also a shed next to the garden, which looks like a garage. I don’t know what’s in it.

The Weasley family members really didn't look like a serious magic castle. They went to a strange farmyard, and even fed a bunch of fat chickens in their yard.

But Harry was full of interest in all this, he praised.

"This looks like a good place."

The luggage trolley that Harry was pushing was already very difficult to move in this bumpy land, but fortunately, Kira helped him use the Levitation Charm on the box before leaving, reducing its weight.

"Do they know I will come today?" Harry asked.

Lynn put away the parchment in his hand, and he nodded back.

"I think Professor Dumbledore should have made an appointment with them in advance, and now we can go in for lunch at this time."

While they were talking, a red-haired boy suddenly came out from the Burrow. He looked reluctant, and he kept muttering "Why me, George and they are all idle" and other complaints.

"Ron!" Harry shouted to his friend happily.

Ron heard the movement, turned his head and saw Harry and Lynn, the boss with staring eyes.

"Harry! Why are you here!"

Harry turned his head and looked at Lynn. Lynn shrugged at him, indicating that he didn't know what was going on.

"Professor Dumbledore didn't tell your parents? He let me live in your house in the future." Harry explained.

Immediately, Ron's face was filled with huge surprises.

He exclaimed excitedly: "Is this true? Mom has been saying that there will be a surprise today! I never thought it would be this! Why don't you write back to me Harry? I It's almost broken..."

When Harry wanted to explain to Ron, Lynn coughed slightly.

"I said, although Harry will be a family with you from now on, but I'm still a guest, may I ask you to come in and sit in your house? Ron."

Ron only discovered Lynn at this time, he seemed to be a little afraid of him, and said hurriedly.

"Sorry, my mother asked me to come out to see if the guests arrived. The guests she said must be you. Today she slaughtered a chicken and cooked a large table of dishes just to entertain you."

Ron guided them into the Burrow. The Weasleys were all in the living room. When Harry and Lynn came in, a large group of people stood up immediately.

"Welcome to the Weasley children." Looking very kind, the chubby Mrs. Weasley gave Harry a hug first.

She also saw Lynn next to Harry: "Welcome to Lynn, Dumbledore told me before, thank you for taking him out of his aunt's house."

Lynn leaned slightly: "You are welcome, Mrs. Weasley."

The Weasleys are very enthusiastic, including Mr. Weasley, who also asked the Ministry of Magic for a day off today, staying at home to greet Harry and Lynn.

The Weasley’s kitchen was too small to accommodate so many people sitting there. They moved the table and food to the garden through magic, and had lunch in the garden.

Not only did she have plenty of food, Mrs. Weasley had prepared a large cake long ago. Apparently she had known through Dumbledore that today was Harry's birthday.

It is estimated that Dumbledore had planned to pick Harry up from his aunt's house on this day.

Harry was chatting happily with Ron~www.novel35.com~ and the Weasleys, while George and Fred caught Lynn in the middle.

"Unexpectedly, Lynn, Professor Dumbledore will actually give you the task of picking up Harry from Aunt Harry's house." George said in surprise.

"We didn't find any intersection between you and Professor Dumbledore at school. You must be hiding something from us." Fred also stared at Lynn with piercing eyes.

Mrs. Weasley's craftsmanship is really good, and Lynn is eating bacon while answering the twins' questions.

"Well, I have a showdown. In fact, Professor Dumbledore is my long-lost relative. I have been hiding my previous relationship with him, but I don't want you to treat me with special eyes."

George and Fred looked at each other, looking at him with contempt.

"Don't fool around. Everyone knows that Professor Dumbledore has always been alone."

Lin En was a little bit emotional. Some people believed what he said to fool people every day, but now he finally said something with a little truth, but he is considered to be really fooling people.

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