I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 225: ~: ...

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   Xiao buried his head into the quilt, and said to himself.

   "Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me..."

   As soon as Lynn came back, her IQ rolled off the high ground.攫攝攫

   Lynn picked up Tom from the ground, put it on the table, and then took the little burial out of the quilt.

   "You secretly do bad things when I'm away, and want to persuade Tom to be naughty with you?"

   Xiaobui was carried in midair by Linn, unable to touch the ground, so he could only look at him pitifully.

   "I was wrong about Lynn."

   "You should not apologize to me, but to Tom, you just threw him on the ground."

   "I'm sorry Tom."

   "I accept your apology, and sincerely hope that you can correct evil and return to the right."

   Tom is now playing a role as a good helper for a teacher and a good example for parents. This made Xiao Mu apologize, but he was muttering in his heart how to find a chance to flatten Tom.

   Linn put the little burial on the ground again, and the two little girls hurriedly ran out of Linn's room.

"You shouldn't let them do this. Just like you taught me, you should know if you make a mistake instead of concealing your mistakes. Only then can you take it as a warning. You won't do it again next time. Big problem."

  After Xiaoying and Hermione left, Tom still did not stop preaching, and this time the target of preaching was changed to Lynn.

   Lynn can now proudly announce that Voldemort has been transformed by him very successfully under the training of less than a summer vacation. He is definitely a new man, and his personality is completely different from before.

   It's just that, the result is just like this, the correction looks a little overdone.

   may have been influenced by Lynn, and now Tom has a rather annoying habit-to be a teacher.

   Whenever he sees something that he thinks is not up to the moral standard, he will nag no matter who it is, hoping to let the other party know the mistake and correct it, even if it is someone who has nothing to do with him.

   But this is not a bad thing, at least how many times stronger than his bad personality before.

   Lynn planned to take Tom by his side to observe for a while, and if no problems were found, he would return him to Dumbledore, saying that his transformation was completed.

   With Dumbledore's psychic mind technique, it is enough to find out whether Tom is really correcting his evil, or he is acting for Lin Enxiu and pretending to be.

   Lockhart’s disappearance, Lynn did not rush to find Dumbledore to report to him. Now Deng is very busy, most of the time is not in the UK, and it will take a while to be free.

   Lynn stayed at home for a few more days, and then starting in August, one day less than a month before the start of school, Kira brought herself back to Abros.

   This small city hasn't changed much since the last time he left. The life of the people in it is still leisurely and peaceful, without the hurried and fast pace of a big city every day.

   Lynn didn't let Kira follow him, but came to the church in the city that he hadn't seen for a year.

   Although this small church is the only church in the city, it seems very deserted because of the small population in the small city and the fact that today is not a weekend.

   When Lynn opened the door and walked in, only Sister Rozier was sitting in the front row of the church seat, quietly looking at the Bible in her hand. Follow the book to read ZhU 戅

   "I said Leon, I don't want to care about your mess, you find a way to solve it, instead of asking me every day, I am not..."

When she heard the movement, she turned her head and turned back. When she saw the person standing in front of the door, Rozier's voice stopped abruptly, staring at the door with her back facing the sun. Lynn was waving at her.

   "Hello, Mrs. Rozier? I'm sorry I don't know if it's right to call a priest like that."

   Rozier's cold face, which has remained unchanged for thousands of years, has rarely become tender, and it is even obvious that people can see the kindness she wants to express.

   "It's okay child, I am not a real priest, or that no wizard will become a priest, not to mention a person like me, you can just call my wife."

   She looked very excited when facing Lynn, so excited that she couldn't know what to do.

   This had to let Lynn find a topic to ease her emotions.

"I am here to thank you specially. Not long ago, you sent me a bunch of things to the school. The things were too expensive and helped me a lot. I don't know what gift I should send back to you. , I can only come back here one more time, and I would like to express my gratitude to you."

   Rozier waved his hand and said.

   "You don't need to be like this. Those things should belong to you. We used to take care of them, but now we return them to their owners."

Rozier did not seem to care about those things at all. He was used to the majesty and prestige of the world in Grindelwald back then. I have never seen any rare treasures in the magical world. The Rozier sent to Lynn even felt that Too cheap, not worthy of Lynn's identity.

   Things are not important. What makes Rozier care about is the fact that Lynn can appear in front of her now.

   She took a deep breath and asked hesitantly.

   "Does anyone know about your coming here?"

Lynn knew her concern, blinked and said: "Professor Dumbledore knows that I have talked with him, and I also know that he was next to me at the beginning. He does not object to my contact with you now, so I don’t have to What to worry about."

  Rozier was relieved.

   "Do you seem to get along well with him?"

   "He is my principal, and he trusts me, of course we get along well."

   Rozier's gasping sound was a bit hurried: "Then do you know who you are and what you have done with him?"

Lynn knew what she meant to express. From the perspective of the saints, they did have a great hatred with Dumbledore, even greater than the hatred between Grindelwald and Dumbledore. Now Lin Eun and Dumbledore had a pretty good relationship, which made them relieved and unacceptable at the same time.

   "I know." Lynn said straightforwardly without concealing it.

   "You know, you..."

   Lynn interrupted her: "You have to admit that the times have changed Madame."

"The era that belonged to my uncle has ended almost fifty years ago, and even the second more extreme person has died, but Dumbledore is still alive, and he still has a huge influence in the magical world. This is Unchangeable. If you want to really do something for this magical world, you can't stand against him, but cooperate with him."

   Rozier was silent at first, and then he always felt that there was something wrong with what Lynn said.

  攫攫攫. What to do for the magic world...what to do for the magic world?

   Her eyes lit up, and she felt that she had guessed Lynn's intentions.

   As a descendant of Grindelwald, Rozier did not treat Lynn as an ordinary child from the beginning, and any Grindelwald must be extraordinary. This is what she deeply believes.

   As for why Lynn had to say so vaguely, Rozier felt that of course he was afraid that Dumbledore would not trust him. On the surface, he expressed trust, but in fact he was secretly watching him behind the scenes.

   No loss is the same blood flowing in the body of the Dark Lord, and it is thoughtful to consider the problem.

   Rozier solemnly said: "I understand."

  巘戅Book warehouse nets. Lin En looked at her dumbfounded.

   What do you know.

   What he just said has no hidden meaning at all, what he wants to express is completely literal, and what he wants to do for the magical world must have nothing to do with what Rozier understands to do!

   Lynn didn't want Rozier to distort his meaning, he said bluntly.

   "Dumbledore and I have agreed that a major change will be made to Hogwarts to improve the living and learning environment of the little wizards from mixed blood and Muggle families."

   Rozier exclaimed: "This is very good, uniting most of them, hitting a handful of people, the same old man thought the same thing."

   Lynn: "......"

   Your thoughts are dangerous, do you know it?

Lynn now finally knows why Dumbledore was reluctant to allow himself to come into contact with this group of people before. If his will is not firm enough, maybe he will really be trapped by them, and his thoughts will become the kind of great wizardism. .

But it doesn’t matter what people like Rozier think of him. They have been here for more than forty years, just like people who have been in prison for more than forty years. Even if they go out, they don’t have any connections. Being completely out of touch with this society will not cause much impact.

   He didn't bother to correct his impression of Rozier's heart, but instead talked about other things.

  厺厽shucang.cc 厺厽. "Madam, I heard the house elves say that my uncle left me a vault in Germany?"

   Grindelwald was in the German vault, and Lynn did not intend to take it directly from the beginning, especially after knowing that more than half of the Ministry of Magic in the wizarding world had not forgotten the family of Grindelwald.

Now he doesn’t lack anything, and he has a lot of money. He can count a jinjialong and throw a jinjialong. You have to count yourself starving to death, so if you ask if there is nothing important in the vault in Germany, , He doesn't plan to deal with it anymore.

   But Rozier shook his head.

   "What is the property left by the Dark Lord Lord, we will naturally not know what we are doing, but I suggest that you don't touch that vault until you have enough strength to guarantee it."

   "Why?" Lynn asked.

"Because someone is staring at everything about Lord Grindelwald." Rozier warned with a serious expression, "including us, more than ten years ago, a few people from the mold country came here, and they are all numb. The melons have been used with the Imperius Curse, and everyone secretly carried guns with the intention of killing all the remaining saints.

   Five of us died that day. Later, the police in this city discovered that something was wrong and caught them all but they could not be tried. I thought this was a conspiracy of the British wizard. Dumbledore broke his promise and took the risk of going to Hogwarts to question him, but then he confirmed that there was someone else who did it and he would go. Help us negotiate.

   In the end, we could only swallow this breath, because we offended too many people at the beginning, and it is not uncommon for any Ministry of Magic in this world to trouble us. "

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   Lynn naturally knew who she was talking about.

   It's just that he didn't expect this group of people to stretch their hands so long, even the saints like Abroath who have lost their magic.

   But this also corrects Linn's guess. If the things in the German vault are really not that important, Linn won't be in a hurry to get them.

   He actually has an idea in his mind now.

   If he proposed to Dumbledore to go to Newmontgard to see his uncle, I wonder if Dumbledore would agree?

   Of course, this matter is not urgent, he has no need to see Grindelwald now.

"Since it's here, let's have a meal here at noon and go." Rozier invited Lynn, "Simon's food is very good, and the steak is his special skill. Once Lord Grindelwald All praised."

   Lynn did not refuse. No matter what or because of whom, these old people were sincerely kind to him. More communication with them would be regarded as making some compensation for his uncle.

   "Simon? Is that the big fat man who was shot in the church at the time?" It has been a year, but Lynn still has some impression of these names.

   "Yes, it's him." Rozier locked the door of the church, then took Lynn's arm and apparated him with him.

   They made a promise in front of Dumbledore that they would not leave this small city even if their magic power was restored, but the magic would still be used as usual.

   With a twist, Lynn came to this farm that he was very familiar with.

   Now think about Dumbledore at that time actually accompany him to fool around, riding Simon's cattle from his family's animals away.

   It’s still so lush and green, and the cows in the cowshed are full again.

   "Have those cows been recovered?" Lynn asked embarrassedly.攫攝攫

   "I found part of it, but most of it was lost, but then we paid for it and helped Simon refill it, so don't worry, he has nothing to lose."

   They talked and walked in the direction of the farm hut. From a distance, they could hear the noise coming from inside.

   "Make something right today, Simon, please, let's fry a steak. I haven't seen meat fish in a week. I want to eat meat."

   "When will you take this fool away? When will I cook steak! He has been eating at my house for almost a month! He doesn't do anything, and knows nothing! I just know how to eat!"

"It's not to blame me, I really can't help it, my place is too small, I live in more than enough, add another, the neighbors will find something wrong. Smith, you help me persuade Simon, I know you too Want to eat his fried steak, right? Right?"

   "What does it look like in a low voice! You won't die if you eat less meat!"

   "Don't pretend to be high-minded! Don't want to eat what you are doing with me!"

   Hearing the quarrel inside outside the door, Rozier's face was a little dark. She always felt that these guys became more and more unreliable after a long time.

   She took Lynn and kicked the door directly, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became quiet.

Some hunchbacked lean old man Leon, lame but strong old man Smith, and beard-faced fat old man Simon obviously had a little fear of Rozier. They watched her walk in, and they all remembered their recent times for the first time. What **** thing did he do that caused this great **** to come over and ask the teacher.

   Lynn followed Rozier, causing none of the three to see him for the first time.

   "You three men in broad daylight are making no noise here." The old nun taught them coldly.

   Simon grumbled aggrievedly: "These two old **** come to me every day and force me to cook steak."

   Leon smiled and opened the subject: "What are you doing here? Rozier."

   "Come and let Simon cook the steak." 巘戅bxwx.co戅

   Simon: "......"

   When Leon and Smithton laughed and high-five, they shouted: "Wonderful! Simon, this is not what we asked you to do. Rozier wants to eat too."

   Rozier sneered watching these two old men play monkey games here: "When did I say that the steak was for me?

   She turned her body sideways and revealed Lynn behind her: "A distinguished guest came today, let him taste your craft."

   Lynn looked at them, smiled and greeted them: "Hi, how are you."

   The three old men saw Lynn as if they were looking at a peerless beauty, their breathing became much heavier in an instant.

   Simon rubbed his hands, his original reluctance turned into a silly smile.

   "I, I'm going to fry now. Not only do I have steak, but the cake I make is also a must. Let you taste it today."

   He smiled and put on his apron and ran into the kitchen, while Leon and Smith both stood up.

   "Why did you come here on a special trip?"

   They are all very respectful to Lynn, as if they have transferred their attitude towards Grindelwald to him.

   Lynn did not get overwhelmed because of this. He knew that these people were never really in awe of himself, but his uncle who was far away in Austria.

   "I'm here to thank you for the things you gave me before."

   "Ah, those things, those that should be you in the first place, we just kept them for them before."

  Although they acted very cramped, they could see that Lynn’s arrival made each of them very happy.

   After chatting with them in the living room for a while, Lynn suddenly discovered that besides Simon who was cooking in the kitchen, there was a fifth person in the living room besides the four of them.

   And this person is very familiar!

   It was Lockhart who Dumbledore hadn't contacted some time ago!

   Lynn has never seen Lockhart himself, but pictures of the star wizard appear in the magic world from time to time, and he will naturally know him if he sees more.

   In order to make sure that he didn't recognize the wrong person, Lynn walked up to the man who was in a daze on the chair and watched him carefully.

  Blonde, handsome face, it looks like he is right, but his temperament is too bad.

   Without his signature smile, his face became very confused, like a fool.

   "Are you Guidro Lockhart?" Because he could not determine his identity, Lynn asked directly.

   However, the blond man still looked at him with a confused expression.

   "Gidro Lockhart? Who is he? Who am I? Who are you?"

   Lynn frowned as he listened to the man sending out a series of seemingly philosophical, but in fact, two missing questions. He didn't know if this person was Lockhart. There must be something wrong with his brain.

   He turned his eyes to Rozier and them.

   "What is going on?" 厺厽's literature bxwx.co 厺厽

   Rozier and Smith did not speak, but both looked at Leon together.

   Under the spotlight-like eyes, the skinny old man couldn't help scratching his head with few hairs left, and said embarrassingly.

   "You can't blame me, this man is a liar."

   Although the saints have stayed in Abroath for a long time and haven't gone out, they have also subscribed to the Daily Prophet, and they generally know some famous wizards and events.

   Lockhart's fame in the magical world is also known to them.

   So Leon told Lynn about his encounter with Lockhart.

   Since Abros was completely unblocked last year, many wizards have visited here, most of them have come to trade with the saints, after all, they still have a lot of good things in their hands.

   There are also some good people who come to see what the dark wizard who almost ruled the entire magic world is like, among them Lockhart is such a good person.

   He came to Abroath Travel~www.novel35.com~ when he was just over the summer vacation at Hogwarts, he happened to ran into Leon, and the two of them were talking about it in a Muggle tavern.

   Leon looks like a wretched old man now, but he was once a veritable master among the saints, the trump card among the black wizards, following Grindelwald to the north and south for so many years, and he has never seen him in the world.

After chatting with Lockhart a few words, this liar fell in love with the story of this looking old and bullying old man, and wanted to repeat the same tricks as the people he had dealt with before, and cast an oblivion spell on Leon. Changed his memory so that all his bragging rights will belong to him in the future.

  As a result, Leon had long been prepared for him.

   directly controlled him on the spot, and then he had to retaliate, and also cast an oblivion spell on Lockhart.

   But because every time I used this spell for a long time, the strength was not well controlled, and Lockhart's memory was directly erased, making him a fool.

After that, it was difficult for Leon. Lockhart is also a star wizard in the magic world. Now he has made him like this. If the Ministry of Magic sends someone to investigate, he, a former saint, said Lockhart Is it a liar, would anyone believe it?

   The memories are all emptied, and Veritaserum and Dementia are useless.

Just kill it... Let’s not talk about whether Leon, who has lived in Muggle society for more than 40 years, can do it. It's okay. What you get in exchange for doing this is to squat to death in Azkaban.

   Leon, who had no choice but to throw Lockhart at Simon first, his farm was big enough that no one would notice it.

   That's it, until today Lynn came here and found Lockhart.

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