I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 231: 209: Reliable Professor Lockhart

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   "The beating willow is indeed rare and difficult to repair. After all, this magical plant is very old. I remember the only one in Hogwarts in the UK."

   "Yes, Lockhart, so do you have any good ideas?"

By the Black Lake in the morning of the first day of school, Professor Sprout was preparing to repair the beating willow that was smashed by Harry and Ron last night, and Lynn happened to pass by here just after breakfast in the auditorium. .

"I have some living powder here." He took out a small bottle from his pocket with some green powder in it. "This kind of thing can make plants grow better. I don't know that it will affect the injured beating willow. Does it work."

Seeing the bottle in Lynn’s hand, Professor Sprout’s eyes suddenly brightened: "Life powder! This is indeed the best healing medicine for plants, but isn’t its main material extinct decades ago? Where did you get it?"

"A few friends gave it to me." Lynn put the bottle of life powder into Professor Sprout's hand. "If you need it, this potion will be given to you. I don't usually use it anyway. "

   "This is too expensive, Lockhart, I just need a little bit..." The gracious Dean of Hufflepuff wanted to stuff things back and refused, but Lynn had turned around and was about to leave.

   "Take it, Professor Sprout, it is a waste if I keep it, and it will work better in your hands."

The life powder is one of the bunch of potions Rozier sent him last year. This thing only has an effect on plants. Lynn holding it is purely taking up space, so it’s better to give it to Professor Sprout and her. Make a good relationship.

  Even the potion materials that Snape needs to use usually come from Professor Sprout. This is the top herbal cultivator in the magical world, and there is no harm in having a good relationship with her.

  At this time, Harry Ron and Hermione had just walked out of the castle. Their first class this semester was herbal medicine, and they were going to greenhouse three.

Harry and Ron’s faces were very bad. They received a roaring letter from Mrs. Weasley during their breakfast. She scolded Ron in front of so many little wizards in the school and made Harry ashamed. , Which makes them feel not so good.

   It's that Hermione is not very angry with them now. She thinks this is the punishment they deserve. Now that it has been punished, she naturally doesn't need to blame them.

   "Professor Sprout, why are you here? Shouldn't we go to class now?" Hermione asked, looking up.

  Professor Sprout can be said to be the best tempered professor at Hogwarts, and every college student likes her.

"I'm repairing the two children who crashed and beaten Willow yesterday." No matter how good his temper, Professor Sprout gave Harry and the others angrily. Harry and Ron suddenly bowed their heads in shame and dared not talk. She looked at each other.

   "This kind of magic plant is very difficult to repair once it is damaged, but fortunately your new Professor Lockhart from the Defense Against the Dark Arts class just helped me a lot."

"Professor Lockhart?" Harry and Ron glanced at each other, and the two shrugged their hands together. Obviously, after the first contact in Diagon Alley, they didn't have a good impression of Lockhart's hypocritical guy. .

  Hermione saw "Lockhart" leaving from a distance. She frowned, always feeling that his steps and walking habits were a bit familiar.

After Lynn taught her to see the essence through appearance in the first grade, she saw Lockhart himself from Diagon Alley for the first time, using his performance and the self described in the book. A comparison.

In the end, Hermione was disappointed to discover that Lockhart in the book was obviously different from Lockhart in reality, and he didn't seem to be a person at all. Although she didn't know that Lockhart was actually a liar, he was That kind of worship also faded.

   To put it simply, now there is nothing else, pure passersby.

   Putting aside those perceptions that influence judgment, and then look at Lockhart, Hermione always finds his behavior a bit strange and familiar.

But she didn’t think too much. After all, she had only seen Lynn at Ravenclaw’s long table when she was in the auditorium. He was eating with his two friends, as if talking about magic knowledge. fiery.

   Cedric and Ian think they did have a hot conversation this morning.

   It's just that Lynn is talking hotly, they are very confused.

   "It turns out that the floating spell is like this, it sounds simple, let me try it."

   Xiao buried the magic wand Lynn gave her, ready to try his hand with the plate in front of him.

   "Yugadim Leviosa!"

   She follows Lynn every day and has seen him use many spells, plus this spell is really not difficult, it is an entry-level spell, as long as a little wizard with a little talent can usually succeed the first time.

   Following the spell, the wand waved, and the dinner plate in front of her floated.

Suddenly, Xiao Mai's excited hands on hips wanted to laugh wildly, and suddenly remembered that she was not acting as herself, nor was she at home, so she hurriedly suppressed the wild smile, put away her smug hands on hips, and coughed a clear cough. , And then pretended to inadvertently ask Cedric and Ian.

   "How about? Is there a first-year level for my spell?"

   Cedric and Ian both shook their heads.

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   "It's far, far worse."

   "What's wrong with you today? The use of the spell has regressed so much?"

   The expression on Xiaomai's face suddenly stiffened, and his whole body collapsed again.

   "It's a bit hot today and I'm not in good shape. That's why I didn't perform well." She made up a lame excuse to cover up.

Cedric and Ian really didn’t lie. Compared with Lynn’s first grade performance, the level of Xiao Bui’s floating spell is too low, just like an ordinary one-year little wizard taking the final exam, although it was used. , But it is not smooth and looks very lame in their eyes.

   It’s just that Xiao Qian didn’t know what they meant. She thought that the floating spell she used was far worse than the freshman in the first grade.

   The disillusionment of thinking that he is a genius has been disillusioned. Xiao Bui can only think about learning magic honestly and down-to-earth in order to reach Lynn's standard by the end of the semester.

   At the same time, on the afternoon of the first day of school, Lynn also ushered in his first defense against the Dark Arts class this semester.

   Coincidentally, this class was closed by Gryffindor and Ravenclaw's second-year students, which means that he will meet Harry and the three of them in the first class.

   Lynn came to the classroom early.

   Standing in front of the podium looking at the empty desks and chairs below, he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

   In his previous life, he had only been an official teacher for one year, but he did not expect to walk to the podium again. He actually taught the defense against the dark magic in a magic school.

   Lynn couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth.

   He actually likes the profession of teacher very much. In his previous life, he could go to test civil servants and enter the system, but because of his personal hobbies, he finally chose the profession of teacher.

   When Dumbledore mentioned it to him that day, if it wasn't for the defense against the Dark Arts class he taught, Lynn didn't have so many conditions at all, so he just agreed.

His current plan for his future is to go to Professor Fox to help him conduct a few years of dark magic research after graduating from Hogwarts, and then return to Hogwarts to be a professor. If everything goes well, Hogwarts would have fallen into his hands long ago. Isn't being a professor here as comfortable as being the emperor?

   Old head Deng has to look at his winks to do things.

   When he waved his big hand, Dumbledore dared not go east to make Dumbledore go west, and a Dumbledore flew in. Even if he couldn't fly, he would have to ride a flying broom to come by himself.

   Such a beautiful scene, Lynn is looking forward to it in his lifetime.

   Someone has come in one after another in the classroom. They are all there before the class, at least they are second-year students. Of course, they won't make the low-level mistake of being late in the first grade.

   After class, Lin first introduced himself.

"Good afternoon everyone, Professor Dumbledore has already introduced me once at the entrance dinner, but I feel that out of politeness I still need to introduce myself to you~www.novel35.com~Lynn smiled and watched The students below.

  Under the stage, Ron quietly reached Harry's ear.

   "Listen, he is about to start, I bet he will say all his prefixes again, if not, then I will eat my box of wizard chess!"

"My name is Guidro Lockhart. I graduated from Hogwarts Ravenclaw College. I used to be an unemployed vagrant, but I will be your professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts from this year." He walked. After getting off the podium, he walked between the desks in the classroom.

   Harry and Hermione both looked at Ron with weird faces, as if they were asking him with their eyes whether he would fulfill his promise.

   Ron flushed, and said, "Wait, he hasn't finished yet."

At this time, a little Ravenclaw witch raised her hand and said with a look of admiration: "Professor, you were not a loafing vagrant before. You are a great adventurer and writer. The textbooks we use now The book you wrote!"

   good assist!

   Ron glanced at the Ravenclaw girl with gratitude. This time Lockhart's opportunity to show off was placed in front of him. The unique skill of eating wizard chess seemed to be impossible for him to perform.

Lynn waved his hand: "If you want to say something in my class in the future, after raising your hand, you have to wait until I see it and let you say it, so that you can say what you want to say. This is the first time, so the following will not be an example. My other identities..."

   "I don't need to mention it again. At Hogwarts, I am just your professor, not any other mess. You will call me only one name in the future, and that is Professor Lockhart."

   Ron's face suddenly turned into pig liver color.

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