I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 233: 211: Lynn’s Dark Arts Defense Class (2 in 1)

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   "Your learning situation is really terrible."

   Lynn flipped through their test papers on the podium and said bluntly.

Most of the little wizards are still ashamed, and no professor at Hogwarts has ever said to students—you are the worst I have ever brought. Such relentless criticism of Lynn has already made the podium. Many people below bowed their heads in shame.

"Of course, I can't blame you all on this. I also learned a little about the situation last year. The Professor Quirrell who was caught in Azkaban really didn't teach you anything." Lynn knew that he could put pressure on the students. , But it shouldn’t be over-stressed. Students can relax, but they should also maintain the pressure when they relax.

   "But it is precisely because of this that our study this year will be more tense, and we will strive to complete your study tasks this year while also replenishing what you left behind last year."

   He knocked on the blackboard with his wand, motioning for the little wizards below to look at him.

"We have a defense class a week, we intersperse it, teach theory in one class, and practice in the next. Our current class is theory class. First of all, let’s put all the books on your desk. Put it away and take out the parchment paper and quill pen. We don’t use textbooks in class, but we need to take notes.”

   Lynn used a magic wand instead of chalk and wrote a question on the blackboard.

   "Then, last year's defense course textbook "The Dark Arts: Self-Defense Guide" should have been read by you. Can anyone explain to me, what will we learn in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

   Just as his question was asked, one of the arms in the classroom was raised like a conditioned reflex, and Lynn smiled and said to the owner of the arm.

   "Miss Granger, come to talk about your opinions."

   "In the course of Defence Against the Dark Arts, we will learn how to use magic to protect ourselves from dark creatures and dark magic, and learn some offensive magic." Hermione said without thinking.

   Lynn did not hesitate to admire: "The textbook answer, I think you may have memorized the self-defense guide throughout, and Gryffindor will add five points."

Lynn did not stingy to give points to other colleges. The most important thing about being a teacher is fairness. Slytherin has Snape’s favoritism enough. He doesn’t need to deliberately suppress other colleges. The body is a graduate of Ravenclaw. If you suppress the Eagle Academy to help the Snake Academy, it really looks like a disgraceful hawk.

   "But this is what someone else summarized in the book. If you haven't read this sentence, what is your own understanding of the course of Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

   After Lynn asked this question, Hermione didn't raise her hand anymore, or the little wizard below all looked blank and didn't have any thoughts about Lynn's question.

This is actually quite normal. Although they have been on Defense Against the Dark Arts for a year, Quirrell’s teaching method, Lynn, has also experienced it. It is completely reading a lesson from the textbook, without interacting with the students, and without any practice. , These little wizards learned nothing for a year but didn't understand anything.

   "Since you don't have a cognition of it, then I will share my own cognition with you." He wrote two words on the blackboard.


"At Hogwarts, you can learn transfiguration, you can learn spells, you can learn how to configure potions, you can also learn how to cultivate plants and understand their effects, but all these teach you skills and knowledge. , And what our Defense Against the Dark Arts class teaches is actual combat.

This is a very practical course. You will not only learn the offensive magic in the class, but also integrate the knowledge you have learned in other classes and use it flexibly in order to defeat your enemies. , This enemy may be a dark wizard, or other dark magic creatures.

   To put it simply, other subjects teach you how to make your hand into a fist, while our defense class teaches you how to swing your fist out and hit the enemy in the face. "

   Lynn explained very straightforwardly, and the little wizards below could understand it.

"Actual combat returns to actual combat. I also agree with the saying that practice brings true knowledge, but since the development of magic, most of the knowledge has been summed up by predecessors through practice, so the theory is also indispensable. Thorough study of the theory is indispensable, and then practice. Reasonable use of time, this is the purpose of our theoretical and practical courses."

   After explaining the Defense Against the Dark Arts class clearly, Lynn didn't have too much nonsense, and started directly with the first dark magic creature.

   "Cornish elves, not very dangerous to adult wizards, but a more difficult creature..."

The time for the two classes passed quickly. After the bell rang, Lynn ended the get out of class that had not yet been taught, and reminded the little wizards who were about to leave that they would have a practical class in the next class. Change to a larger classroom.

"Not bad, isn't it?" Harry, who had just walked out of the classroom, said to Ron and Hermione with a look of excitement. I’m already looking forward to the next practical lesson!"

   "Yes, it's not bad. It would be better if he didn't give us so many homework assignments." Ron complained listlessly.

   Hermione was very dissatisfied with what he said, and taught: "Professor Lockhart was not wrong in what he said in class. We had too much knowledge left in the last semester. If you want to make up for it, you need to work harder this year."

   Ron didn't reply this time, because there were a lot of notes that he needed to write in the class just now, neither he nor Harry had finished copying them, and in the end he would definitely have to borrow Hermione's, so it's better not to make her angry before this.

   Lynn did not stop after finishing the second grade course, but went straight into another classroom.

   He has a total of two classes this afternoon, in addition to the second grade, there is also a first grade.

   The teaching in the lower grades is very simple for Lynn, and it is not difficult, and he is particularly good at the classes above the fourth grade.

By the fourth grade, you have already started to get in touch with the most esoteric curse part of dark magic. The three unforgivable curses belong to them. Lynn's learning progress in the second grade is just like this, relying on the magic sent to him by Rozier. The book and the study left by Professor Fox, coupled with the full practice in Su Guo, this knowledge can be said to be the most proficient in Linn's grasp.

   So Lynn did not encounter any difficulties in teaching at Hogwarts, and has been proceeding in an orderly manner.

   A week after school started, Harry was in their second Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

   There is a cage covered with cloth in front of the podium, and many excited Gryffindors are stretching their heads to look over here.

   "Do you guess what kind of dark magical creatures Professor Lockhart will let us deal with in this practical lesson?" Harry's eyes flashed with excitement. It was his first combat practice lesson, and he was very excited.

Ron was nervously checking the wand in his hand. Lynn promised that the money they returned had been sent to everyone, but it took time to buy the wand. His new wand has not arrived yet, so he can only use it first. The old wand was okay, but since this wand was broken, the magic it used was not very reliable.

   "A werewolf? Or a vampire? Or a resurrected zombie?"

   Hermione rolled her eyes: "Unless Professor Lockhart is crazy, otherwise the things you said will never appear in Hogwarts."

   Their doubts did not last long, because after the class, Lynn directly lifted the red cloth covering the cage and revealed to them what they were going to deal with today.

   is the Cornish elf they learned last class.

   These little elves are iron-cyan, about eight inches tall, with small pointed faces, and very piercing throats, just like many budgerigars are arguing.

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   As soon as Lynn removed the red cloth, they began to chirp, jump up and down, sway the cage, and make all kinds of weird faces at people nearby.

   There was a burst of laughter from below the podium, and the little wizards obviously didn't care about these little guys.

   "I know what you are thinking about right now." Lynn tapped the cage that held the elves with his magic wand. Suddenly the elves opened their mouths as if silenced, but couldn't make any sound.

"You are thinking, these little guys don’t know how to do magic, they are short and weak. What can be dangerous?" He said with a smile, "It seems that some people have forgotten the knowledge we talked about in the last class. , Even though you have written all my homework on a few feet of parchment, you don’t remember them in your mind."

   "Simo Finnigan." Lynn called out the name of the little wizard who had just laughed the loudest.

   "They are really not dangerous, Professor."

  Simo got up from his seat and looked at Lynn innocently.

   "These elves are indeed not difficult to deal with, and I have taught you how to deal with them in the last class, so today's practical class will start with you, let us see how you perform."

  Simo didn't have the slightest timidity, holding the wand and walking to the podium.

   There is a large open space there, enough space for him to display his skills.

   Lynn used a petrification spell on the other elves in the cage, leaving only one still lying in the cage and making faces to the little wizard.

   "Are you ready?" he asked.

  Simo stood five meters away from the cage. He held his wand to the cage. The little wizards below all looked at him, making him a little excited and a little nervous.

"I'm ready."

   After getting his confirmation, Lynn opened the cage, and the little elf with its teeth and claws that had not been petrified immediately sprang out from it.

   "Knock back at full speed!"

  Simo is not stupid, he saw the timing, and when Lynn opened the cage, he used a knockback spell.

   However, the elf was much more flexible than he thought. Before he could pronounce his spell, the elf rushed to his side like a rhino from the cage.

  Simo's repelling spell was of course empty, the elf directly hit his leg with his head and knocked him to the ground, then laughed and squatted on his face and pulled his ears.

  Simo screamed for help while waving his magic wand, and the little wizards under the podium were staggering with laughter.

   Lynn didn't let him suffer for too long, but used a silent petrification spell to save him from the elf's crotch.

   "I hope you didn't take this lesson for nothing. Underestimating the enemy is a taboo at all times. If you don't face your enemy squarely from the beginning, it means you have failed halfway."

   Lynn helped him clean up the dust on his body and warned seriously.

   "I see, Professor." Seamus pretended to be a joke, and said with his head drooping.

   "Go back and copy the last homework to me again, and then sit down honestly and see how others deal with it."

  Simo returned to his seat griefly, watching Lynn point to the next person.

   "Harry Potter."

   Harry stood up immediately when he heard his name, and walked to the podium eagerly.

   "Mr. Potter, do you remember what I said in the last lesson how to deal with this kind of flexible, short stature thing?"

   Harry nodded: "Remember the professor, in the homework also let us describe how to deal with this type of dark magic creature."

   "Then I think you should be ready."

   Harry took a deep breath: "Yes, Professor."

As soon as his voice fell, Lynn lifted the petrification curse on the little elf, and seeing that he had a new joke target~www.novel35.com~, it immediately walked towards Harry with short legs and moved abnormally. Rushed over quickly.

   Harry didn't hesitate, waved the magic wand in his hand and said a spell.

   It's just that the target his wand is aiming at is not the elf itself, but a long plank placed by Lynn next to it in advance.

Without light and any signs, the magic had an effect directly on the board. It became a flexible vineman, which lay straight in front of the elf. The elf did not dodge in a hurry, and was tripped to the ground by the vineman. Then Harry took advantage of this gap to cast a Freezing Charm on him.

   Lynn clapped softly, and under his lead, the other little wizards in the classroom also clapped.

   "Perfect performance, very good Potter, it seems that you have taken the things I said in the last class in your heart, and Gryffindor will add five points."

Harry's face flushed, because of the scar on the top of his head. At Hogwarts, he won the admiration of others. When school started this year, even a freshman named Colin Crevy was his iron fan. They were bothering to take pictures of him and to autograph.

   But the attention he has received is far less than now that he is relying on his own performance, and getting everyone's recognition makes him happy.

   Harry bowed to Lynn, then trot off the stage.

   "That's great, Harry." Ron stared at the frozen elf again, imagining how he would show up on it.

   "Good job." Hermione also praised.

   Harry looked at "Lockhart" on the podium who was about to call the next student to come up for combat. He thought that such a Defense Against the Dark Arts class was the most interesting class he had ever had in Hogwarts.

  En, it would be better if there were less things to write in the usual homework and class notes.

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