I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 24: 24: Defense against the Dark Arts

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Cedric is no ordinary person.

He is a genuine Hogwarts warrior. In the Triwizard Tournament, the Goblet of Fire will select him among many Hogwarts seniors, which means that he was the most talented and strongest junior in the 6th and 7th grades at the time. wizard.

According to Lynn's speculation, Cedric's mainstream magic talents should all be around 5 points, of which polymorphism is the most, almost similar to his dark magic talents, with 6 points.

In the morning, Cedric gave Lynn a performance of his current level of polymorphism.

He turned a small rock by the black lake into a crab walking sideways.

Turning a dead thing into a living thing, this kind of transformation art has far exceeded the normal level of a second-year little wizard, and it is absolutely worthy of the title of genius.

Moreover, they are not only talented, but also working hard enough. If it weren't for the wall hanging in Harry Potter later, his future achievements would never be low.

Wednesday, morning.

The defense against the Dark Arts class that Lynn had most anticipated in his heart arrived as scheduled.

He arrived in the classroom early as usual, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Professor Fox cleaning up his lesson plans on the podium.

Seeing Lynn, he said hello with a smile on his face: "Good morning, Lynn."

"Good morning, professor, you came early enough, and there are still twenty minutes before class." Lynn and Professor Fox get along with each other far from being as cautious as other professors.

Fox didn't treat Lynn as a normal kid either. He yawned and waved his hand.

"After all, it was my first class. I didn't sleep well last night." He said, he looked at Lynn with interest: "It's you, but I heard from other professors that you recently But he was so popular that he earned Slytherin 20 points in just two days after the start of school. Several professors were full of praise for you when they were talking."

Lynn raised his eyebrows, and he did not express humility in front of Professor Fox.

"Anyway, as an investee, you have to show the value corresponding to the investment, right?"

Hearing what Lynn said, Fox smiled happily: "Yes, Lynn, so far, I have never regretted my investment."

"Do you have time in the afternoon, Professor?" Lynn asked without smiling, but looking directly at him calmly.

Fox's smile narrowed, as if he understood what Lynn meant.

"I think you should have heard something. You can come to my office to find me at any time. I am always there. It just so happens that I have something similar to find you."

Little wizards have gradually come to the classroom. After Lynn and Professor Fox get better, he sits quietly and waits for the class to start.

"I believe that after two days of study, especially in the classes of Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall, you generally have a clear impression of magic."

Professor Fox’s opening remarks did not directly address the subject of his class.

"No matter how bizarre, rare, and weird the wizard’s magic is, it can’t escape two major categories: spells and metamorphoses. So these two courses can be said to be Hogwarts’ basic courses, except for other courses. It's just teaching you how to recognize, control and make non-witcher magical items and creatures, such as potions, herbal medicine, astronomy, etc. What about the defense against the dark arts class we are taking now?"

Professor Fox didn't look as serious as Professor McGonagall in class. He smiled and answered his own questions.

"In fact, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class does not have its own class category in essence. The things it teaches can be completely dispersed and distributed to various subjects. Defense against the Dark Arts, just like the name of the course, as long as it can defend against the Dark Arts, including the curse , Transfiguration spells, but not limited to these two types of potions, herbs, magical animals, etc., are all within the scope of our course.

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Therefore, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class requires a very high level of the professor's own abilities. Even if he is not an all-rounder who is proficient in all kinds of magic, he must have a very high level of research on spells and polymorphism. "

The little wizard in the classroom laughed, and Professor Fox's remarks were suspected of boasting.

Lynn’s old profession is a teacher, and he can see that Professor Fox intends to do this, because many students have opinions on him, so he must enliven the classroom atmosphere.

And obviously, the effect he wanted was achieved.

"At the same time, it is the same for you. To get a better evaluation in the final exam, you need a lot of work for this course."

He clapped his hands and straightened his waist.

"Well, we are about to start the formal class now. First of all, the first thing you need to do is...close your textbooks."

Professor Fox was obviously a little unusual. He walked down from the podium and folded his hands in front of him.

"Before the specific teaching, I want to ask you a question. If one day, someone of you suddenly encounters a dark wizard, or some kind of dangerous magic creature, at this time, the first thing you need to do What is it?"

Lynn and the others took this class together with Gryffindor. As far as the relationship between the two colleges is concerned, it can be said to be the worst among the four colleges. Many young lions are fighting secretly and want to Suppress Lynn's limelight in this class.

Therefore, as soon as Professor Fox's words fell, several Gryffindors raised their hands.

Professor Fox called out a Gryffindor. The Gryffindor from UU reading www.uukanshu.com looked very proud after he stood up, and he glanced at Linn intentionally or unintentionally.

Linn suddenly became speechless. Even if he was not treated by his roommates in his college, a bunch of freshmen in Gryffindor actually had opinions on him.

"Fight him head-on!" The Gryffindor boy said loudly, as if showing his bravery, "Knock him down with a spell!"

A smile appeared on Fox's face, and instead of immediately commenting on his answer, he asked.

"Then what kind of spell are you going to use to defeat him?"

The boys blushed. They had just learned magic for two days, and they hadn't even mastered the simplest floating spell. How could there be any attack magic.

Professor Fox saw that he was speechless for a long time, so he waved his hand to sit down.

No one in the classroom was raising their hands, and even Lynn was listening quietly.

"You may learn a lot of powerful magic in the future, and have a great future, but now you are just a little wizard who has just learned magic for a few days. If you encounter danger, you must not think about going to the enemy at the first time. In a head-on duel, you have to issue a warning to ask the adult wizards around you for help, and then delay as much as possible to wait for rescue."

"So our first defense against the Dark Arts class is to learn how to use warning magic, and the prerequisite for learning this magic is to require you to use the wand lighting spell first."

Professor Fox returned to the podium and raised his wand.

"I'll give you a demonstration first. Its spell is: Lumos (fluorescent blinking)."

"The magic wand lighting spell is simple, but it also requires concentration. Be careful not to accidentally ignite the wand, as this may cause permanent damage..."

Sea boat said

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